100k Factory Revolution

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The “Next Generation”

of Online Wealth Creation
How to Build a $2k-Per-Day Business in Under
60 Days w/ a Simple Image-Based Website

Presented by: Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton

Hosted by: Jay Boyer & James Jones

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© Copyright 2017 J.J. Fast Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every
effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the
author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every
effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or
omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with
all laws and regulations.

Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However,
there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on
online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should
be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the
information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors
or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or
indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate
income by using any of this information.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5

3 Steps to Generating $1k in Daily Online Sales ..................................................... 8

Step 1: Choose a Proven Product ...................................................................... 10

Step 2: Create Your Platform ............................................................................ 11

Step 3: Drive Targeted Traffic ........................................................................... 13

In Conclusion .................................................................................................... 16

Why You Need to Be in Ecommerce in 2017 ........................................................ 18

Introducing: The $100k Factory Revolution ......................................................... 23

Real People, Real Results ..................................................................................... 41

How to Access James & Jay’s $3,459 Bonus Package ........................................... 47

What People are Saying About The $100K Factory System .................................. 53

Questions & Answers ........................................................................................... 67

Are there any extra monthly fees to pay when you start? ................................ 67

How much time does it take to get through Phase #1 of the program? ............ 67

How long does it take to start making money with this model? ....................... 67

What about saturation and competition? ......................................................... 68

Will I need an auto-responder to get started, or can I hold off a while on this? 68

What makes this different from other ecommerce programs out there? ......... 68

What kind of profit margins can you expect? ................................................... 68

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Can I start the training right away, even if I’m using the payment plan to
purchase it? ...................................................................................................... 69

How many hours of my time will I need to invest to make this work? .............. 69

Is this business model newbie-friendly? ........................................................... 69

Are there any upsells or other costs once I’m inside the system? ..................... 69

Will the training cover how to go about finding the “right” products? ............. 70

What advertising costs should I expect? ........................................................... 70

Is this FTC compliant? ....................................................................................... 70

Can I work this business from anywhere? ......................................................... 70

Do I have to worry about information overload with this program? ................. 70

When will I receive Jay and James’s Bonus Package?........................................ 71

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Welcome to today’s presentation! You are about to be given a recipe that will allow you to
start building your own online empire. By reviewing this material, you will learn about each of
the following:

 A brand new 1-day old website that’s ALREADY making $143/day profit!

 7 steps to earn as much as $30,000/month or more PER website

 How to create a high converting website in just 60 seconds!

 How to scale your first website from $10/day to $100/day to $1,000+/day (it’s easier
than you think)

Additionally, each of the following will be revealed:

 How one of our students went from $0 to ONE MILLION Dollars in sales in 6 months

 The exact method we used to send 165,586 targeted website visitors in 30 Days!

 How we’re going to DO THE WORK FOR YOU (you don’t need any experience to get

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 And MUCH more…

The gentlemen sharing their knowledge are shown in the picture below. These experts are
online marketers with over 27 years of combined experience. The man on the left is Aidan
Booth. He lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina now, but he originally is from New Zealand. In fact,
he grew up on a sheep and beef farm in rural New Zealand. He says that the reason he’s in
Argentina is because his wife is from that area. Aidan met her about 14 years ago on a ski trip.

After meeting his wife-to-be, he visited Argentina, and that’s when he decided that he wanted
geographic freedom. In other words, he didn’t want to be stuck working in an office at one
location. He wanted to be able to travel and be able to go wherever he wanted to go. That’s a
large part of what drove him to get started with internet marketing. He never really desired to
make an enormous amount of money; he just wanted enough to live comfortably and have
geographic freedom. He has achieved this goal, and he also now has a wife and child.

Steven Clayton is the man pictured on the left of the screenshot, and his background is quite
different. Before making his start in internet marketing, he had a very successful career in
corporate America. He was the Vice President of a Fortune 500 company, and he was the chief
information officer of a publicly traded company. So, he had a lot of experience in that world,
but he wasn’t very happy in his career, even though he was quite successful.

Steven was well-paid when he was working in the corporate world, but he didn’t have much
time to spend the money. He had no time freedom or geographic freedom. He’s always sought

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to be an entrepreneur, and he played around with internet marketing for around 15 years prior
to getting his start.

About 12 years ago, he finally woke up and said, “I just can’t do this anymore. I’m miserable,
and I’ve got to give this a try.” At that point, he quit his job and never looked back. He’s never
worked for anyone else since then. Steven started out as an affiliate marketer, and eventually
he began branching out into eCommerce and several other areas within the internet marketing
space. The slide above says that he lives in Key West, but he actually just moved to Chicago.

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3 Steps to Generating $1k in Daily Online Sales

Above, you’ll find a screenshot of some of the results Steven and Aidan have gotten by selling
fun little ecommerce products online. Within 7 months, they were able to generate $756,557.
The website was brand new when they first began generating the money, back in June. In
December of 2016 it reached its peak thus far, making them $171,718.68, but as you can see,
they’ve been able to make substantial amounts of income over and over.

This also isn’t the only website that they’ve been able to generate large amounts of revenue
from. Look at the screenshot below and you will find the results they’ve gotten from another
website, which made $47,240.29 worth of revenue during the month of June. This was another
brand new website, and it generated this much within the first month. Most people would be
incredibly happy if they could just make 10% of this amount off of a website, especially the first
month. What would this kind of opportunity do for you?

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One of their students were also able to make over $1 million in 6 months with this system. This
is shown in the screenshot above. These results aren’t being shared to intimidate you. Steven
and Aidan just want you to know what’s possible. Everyone starts at zero, and some are able to
grow to where they are making $10 a day, and from there, they may be able to scale that to

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$100 or more. Once you are able to make at least $10 a day using this method, there’s
absolutely no reason at all why you shouldn’t be able to make $100 a day or even $1,000 a day.

PayPal is one of the platforms that Aidan and Steven use to collect their payments. There are
other services that you could use if you aren’t fond of PayPal for any reason. However, if you
have a PayPal account, you’re already a step ahead in the process. Now, there are three things
that you do need to make a business model work, and they are:

1. The Right Product

2. A Platform that Converts

3. Reliable Targeted Traffic

Steven says that one of the reasons why he gets so excited about this method, and why he
thinks that so many students are successful with it, is that it enables you to nail down the three
requirements above. Another great thing about this particular model is that you can do this
from anywhere. You don’t need to live in the US to make this work for you, and you don’t need
any special US business setup or bank accounts to do this. So, what does it take to make this
method work for you? Please review the following:

Step 1: Choose a Proven Product

This training will focus on selling physical products, but you could definitely use this method to
sell digital products, to generate leads, etc. You’ve probably heard a lot about selling physical

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products online over the last five or six years, and for good reason. It’s a fantastic business
model. This specific model, however, carries less risk because you don’t have to invest in any
inventory up front.

There are a lot of other methods for selling physical products, but having to buy and store
inventory is a big problem that people face when they use them. A lot of times, people are just
starting out, and they have to continuously make enough money to buy inventory and keep
their product stocked. This can cause serious cash flow problems, which often make businesses
go under before any real money can be made.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to be successful and make money as quickly as
possible, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Aidan and Steven recommend going after
products that are already selling. They already know what products move fast and there are
hungry markets for, and they know which ones have some of the best margins. It’s easy to find
these products once you know what to look for. Again, you can find products that aren’t hard
to sell, and you can set up shop without buying inventory up front.

Step 2: Create Your Platform

Obviously, you need a platform to sell your product upon. This is another aspect of selling
products which causes many businesses to fail. That’s because it can be hard to build a website
that’s likely to convert, especially if you are just starting out and feel like you have to build it
yourself to save money. You have to have a certain amount of skills to do this yourself, and it
requires you not only to have technical expertise, but be knowledgeable about design as well.
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On top of that, you have to produce content for your site, such as tons of articles that you write
or have written. Just any content won’t work either. It has to be compelling and interesting
content because you’ll need people to stay on your site for as long as possible, or to convince
them to do something. So, there are lots of barriers that get thrown up in your face sometimes,
when it comes to different business models online, but again, it’s not the same with this
business model.

Think about Amazon for a moment. It is probably one of the ugliest websites that has ever
been put up on the Internet. It has gotten a little better over the years, but it’s still not that
great looking. Yet, it’s one of the most commercially successful websites. Why is that? It’s
because people don’t need a lot of extra fluff.

All they need is a simple website that’s eCommerce-driven. They see the product, they see the
description, and they see the specifications. They see a price, they see a “buy button,” they see
a cart, and they know what to do. There’s billions of dollars worth of products being sold online
every day. You can see that the home page shown in the screenshot below contains a total of 5
images, 26 words, and 8 prices.

If you were to go to the product detail page of one of these products, you’d find 1 image,
around 7 words, and 2 prices. This would include a better headline, probably, and then some
specs that were just copied and pasted from the manufacturer’s description. So, something like
this is pretty easy to put together. Aidan and Steven don’t spend a lot of time trying to spin
new websites. It’s pretty much push-button simple.

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These men simply install the skeleton of a website that they know converts, and then they use
software that allows them to pick the products, upload everything to the website, and it all
comes together very easily. In total, it takes about 5 or 10 minutes to put this all together.
That’s it! They can concentrate on building lasting businesses because they don’t have to worry
about building all of these detailed websites from scratch.

Step 3: Drive Targeted Traffic

Traffic is the biggest hurdle that most businesses have to contend with. When you think about
evaluating business models and implementing them, this is normally the hardest part for
people to nail down. The business model that Aidan and Steven use, however, comes through
with shiny colors when it comes to this. That’s because they use Facebook traffic. There has
never been a time when it is easier to get online traffic for eCommerce. When you use
Facebook properly, you can get a lot of traffic quite inexpensively, and it’s traffic that converts

Facebook has been one of the best sources of traffic for several years now, and there’s no
reason to think that it’s going to change anytime soon. Google Adwords traffic was very similar
to this about 10 years back, but Google’s traffic came from people searching for specific things
online. These people don’t want to be bothered by commercial-intent advertising. Facebook is
very different.

People don’t generally like being bothered with ads on this platform either, but it’s pretty well
expected now, and people are going to continue using the service in spite of that. In fact,
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people spend a lot of their time there. It has been concluded that the average person spends
about 20 minutes at a time on Facebook. In the Internet world, that’s a ton of time. Facebook
is the answer to your traffic problems, as long as you’re using it correctly.

There are two things that Steven wants you to take away from all of this. One is that if you are
using the platform efficiently, you can give $1 to Facebook and get back multiple dollars. Look
at the screenshot above. Steven, Aidan, and their team spent $135.49 on Facebook ads, and
for that money, they were able to get traffic to their website. When people landed on that
website, they ended up buying stuff from the site, and a total of $1,018.76 in sales was
generated in this way. Basically, for every $1 the team gave Facebook, they got about $8 in

Think about this for a second. If there was a guy around the corner that could give you $8 for
every dollar you gave him, how much money would you give him? Probably a lot, right? You’d
try and gather as many dollars as you could, and even start diving into the couch for spare
change, because the return on your investment is so good. That’s what you can achieve with
Facebook. It’s not rocket science. It’s a repeatable, step-by-step process. You find these little
chunks of audiences to advertise to, and in doing so, you can give Facebook $1, and in many
cases Facebook will give you $4 or $5 back, if not more.

The second thing that Steven wants you to take away from all of this is that you get better at
chunking different audiences. You can see, in the screenshot above, that in this example, they
are targeting people by age. In the second line of results, you can see that they spent $136.22
and only got $693.17 back in this case. So, that’s more like $4 or $5 in return for every $1
spent. That’s still a pretty great deal.

The last result is even better. The team spent $136.43 and made $1,250.42 that time. That’s
like $9 for every dollar. You can keep all three of these. They are all fantastic. They are all
profitable. They are all great. You have the ability to use Facebook to laser target and break up
potential audiences. You can always find these chunks. You can look at it by age, you can look
at it by gender, and you can look at it by overlapping different audiences.

Facebook’s advertising has really developed over the years, and now they have the ability to
target audiences with pinpoint accuracy. Look at the screenshot below. It represents a market
that is pretty long-tailed. It’s an enormous audience, and what this means is that we can always
find chunks that would allow you to retrieve $4, $5, $9 for every dollar. If you can do that, you
can always make insane profits.

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The good news is that it does not stop there because we only have to do a little bit of the work
and Facebook takes it from there. It’s amazing what they are able to do now. Facebook wants
you to be successful. They want you to get $8 back for every $1 you spend. Why? That’s
because Facebook knows then you would give them all of your dollars. That’s the way it works.
That’s what their job is.

To them, it is rocket science. Man, are they good at it! They deploy these systems to help us.
We can put their tracking code on our site, which is called a pixel, and now Facebook knows
everything that goes on with our traffic. They know who visits, they know who looks around,
they know who puts something in their cart, they know who buys, they know who doesn’t buy.
They know everything. They learn, and they build algorithms. The more sales you make, and
the more traffic you get, the more Facebook learns.

You might spend an hour and a half finding the right audience. With Facebook’s technology, it
doesn’t take that long. Let’s say that you start getting $5 back for every dollar you earn, but
now you want to go to the beach, so you would like Facebook just to do the work for me.
Facebook says, “Sure. Let me handle that for you.” All they ask you to do is create these look
alike audiences.

These are the most powerful things that Facebook has to offer right now. Basically, you tell
Facebook. You’ve learned all of these things about my website, my audience, and the people
who buy from me. I want you to use that to keep finding me people that are similar to the
people that we know are buying. “Keep finding me all of these people, so that I can give you

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more dollars, and you can then give me more dollars back.” They absolutely just do this for
you. You simply flip the switch and Facebook takes over from there.

It doesn’t even end there. You’ve heard of re-targeting, right? If you haven’t, you probably at
least know that ads follow you around on the Internet, according to what you are interested in.
Let’s say that you go to a website to look at a backpack, and you decide you might want it. So,
you add it to your shopping cart, but you don’t actually buy it. Maybe you changed your mind,
or maybe you got distracted. You may have gone off in search of another one at a better price.

Facebook keeps track of these people that show interest, but don’t buy. Why is that? It’s
because they’ve shown interest, and that means it’s a potential sale. In fact, it’s pretty likely
that they will buy after they’ve looked at the item a couple of times. It’s no wonder that simply
turning this on increases your profits by 20%. There’s so much more too. There are tons of
other things that you can do with Facebook, but there’s no reason to overwhelm you.

In Conclusion
It’s very straightforward. You just have to follow the process. Facebook is incentivized to make
it as easy as possible. You want to sit back and let Facebook do the work for you. Hopefully,
you can see that this is a special business model, and that’s because it tackles the three things
that you need to run a successful business. To reiterate, these are:

 The Right Product

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 A Platform that Converts

 Reliable Targeted Traffic

Retail eCommerce is a phenomenal place to go. It is a market sector that grows every single
day. It’s not likely that it’s going to stop. There’s just an unlimited amount of opportunity. The
slope of the graph above should speak for itself.

Now, this is about Facebook’s growth, but as you can see, it’s not going to stop growing
anytime soon. In addition to that, you’ve got this online shopping trend, the Facebook
machine, and all of these different things that are transpiring, which creates a perfect storm.
Plus, this is the easiest business model to implement. These three things, in combination, get
rid of your roadblocks.

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Why You Need to Be in Ecommerce in 2017

Traditional eCommerce has always done well. The screenshot above shows how the traditional
business model used to run though. Obviously, it’s much more complex, and since it is much
more difficult and costly, businesses that relied on this model often failed, unless they were
very, very good at it and lots to spend.

The first thing that one would have to do to use this business model is to spend money upfront
on inventory. In many cases, people spend thousands of dollars just to stock their eCommerce
store. Then, you would place an order, and it takes 30-60 days for the manufacturer to produce
it. If the supplier is overseas, it can take as much as 90 days to get the product made and
imported to the US. It may take weeks for you to start seeing a return on the product once it’s
stocked, and then you have to wait for the check to come through.

If you are lucky enough to turn a profit, you usually have to invest in more inventory before you
can actually see any return on your investment. So, even if you were doing well, it would likely
be a while before you were happy with your business. The business model takes a lot of the
steps and complexities out of this model, which makes it much easier to use, and it makes you
much more likely to become successful.

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Look at the screenshot above. The business owner in this screenshot is happy. That’s because
he gets paid instantly, as soon as a sale is made. People see an ad on Facebook, they visit the
site, and you get paid instantly because you get the money that came in through the sale. You
don’t need to invest loads of money into buying your inventory up front. As soon as a sale is
made, you can take a portion of that and order the product to be manufactured and shipped.

Probably the coolest part about this system is that you don’t have to deal with inventory at all.
Your supplier will ship the products ordered directly to your customers as soon as you place an
order with them. Not only do you not have to ship it, you don’t have to store it or worried
about having it fulfilled. You just allow your supplier to handle all of that.

Of course, you do have to pay for these services, but you just work them into the price of the
product. You can set your own price, and take out a small percentage with each sale. This is
steady, this is manageable, and it allows for real growth.

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A graph from a case study example is shown above. As you can see, this product got to where it
was earning over $200 a day, and this result was hit within seven days. The website that this
product sells on is shown below. As you can see, this is a super-simple design. There’s nothing
much to it, and there’s a broad range of prices. Again, these are sold by running an ad on
Facebook. Specifically, the steps are:

1. Run a simple Facebook ad

2. Visitor lands on a website

3. Some people buy

4. When an order is placed, you instantly get money in your PayPal account

5. Once you have the money, you tell the supplier to send the product directly to the

*You never touch the product, and you don’t pay in advance!

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The screenshot below shows pocket watches that are being targeted to nurses. If a person
thinks these are awesome and clicks on the website link, they can explore the offer further, and
some of the people are, of course, going to buy.

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Some of the products that you have in your store will bring in more money than others, but in
combination, you could potentially have sales rolling in hour by hour. This isn’t something
that’s going to turn you into a millionaire right away, but it definitely is a very, very good start.
This can absolutely be scaled as well.

The earning potential for each website that you have is enormous. It’s not uncommon for
websites that use this method, the $100K Factory method, to make tens of thousands of dollars
per day. Some student results are shown below. You can see, in the results that this person
was able to generate $40.5k in total sales. That’s just one example. As you can see in the
screenshot above, one woman was able to bring in over $60,000 in one month.

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Introducing: The $100k Factory Revolution

As you can see, ecommerce is the biggest opportunity to generate life-changing income online
right now. You have a chance to piggyback on a major trend that has begun with a system that
works. If you have ever dreamed about building a long-term, sustainable business, now it the

There really is no limit to what you can do with this business model. One person made
$219,654.04 in just one month. Most of Aidan and Steve’s successful students are doing it on
their own, meaning that they don’t have a team of people to handle the business for them, and
many of them have been able to see great results by investing just a few hours a day. The
person making $219,654.04 a day has a team now, but he didn’t start out like that.

So, in essence, you have two choices:

Path #1: Go it alone.

This is doable. You’ll have some bumps in the road, and you’ll need to do a lot of trial and
error… It may take you longer (probably much longer).

This is the path that Aidan and Steven first took. Aidan says that when he first got started
online, it took him 24 months to earn his first $100,000, and he had to learn to do this while he

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was working 9 hours a day at a job that he hated. He had to wake up at 4 am every morning to
accomplish this, and the whole time he was piecing it all together through trial and error. He
would take two steps forward and one step back. He felt like he wasn’t really progressing this
whole time, and he even admits that he started to become a little bitter about it.

By the way, when Aidan made his first $100,000, that was just his run rate. It wasn’t the
amount of money he was able to take home. It took way too long, and that’s because he didn’t
have a good road map.

As you can see these people are located all over the globe. One man, named Ricardo, which is
a $100k student who is from Portugal, and speaks English as a second language, made over
$5,000 in his first 55 days. He works on this about 2 hours a day, or approximately 10 hours a
week. Now he is cruising along, making around $1,000 a day. When the screenshot above was
taken, he was making $405 a day, which wasn’t anything to cry about. That would add up to
around $150,000 a year.

Ruaidhri, a $400k student from Ireland, got to the point where he made $1,467 in a single day.
This was by using the same exact method that you’re learning to use right now. Another
student, named Nikos, was able to clear over $1,000,000 between the months of June 1 st and
December 31st using this program. That’s phenomenal. Again, there is no limit to what you can
do with this system.

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Path #2: Get Help, Resources, and Tools to Help Ensure Your Success

Being able to follow in the footsteps of people who have already done what you want to do is
one of the fastest paths to success. It doesn’t take a genius to know that the best ways to
become good at something is to copy someone else that’s already good at it. Also, one of the
greatest things about this business model is that it doesn’t matter what you are currently doing
or what your background is in, you can do this as well.

It doesn’t even matter if you’re working at a 9-5 job. You can learn to do this, little by little if
need be, until you are making enough money to be able to concentrate on it more. If you
aren’t that technology savvy, you can still do this. If you have some online marketing
experience, you are going to be a bit ahead of the game, but the reality is that this business
model could work for just about anyone.

What really drives Aidan and Steven forward in their business is the fact that, in doing so, they
can help amazing people, such as yourself, get life-changing results. There’s no real way to
express how it feels when people come up to you and say, “Oh my God! You changed my life.”
That’s exactly what many, many people in the program have said to them, just like the people
pictured in the screenshot below.

This is life changing. Anyone can do it. There’s no barriers to entry, and there’s no experience
required. There are no ongoing costs or costs for content. There’s no ongoing SEO or technical
issues. There are no up-front costs and no glass ceilings. All you have to do is follow the proven

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

formula. If you can just learn how to earn $10 a day, you can just rinse and repeat the process
to scale it up, and you can start making $100 a day or even over $1,000 a day in profits. The
$100k Factory team wants you to be their next success story, and they are absolutely sure that
you can do it!

People from all walks of life have gone through this program and succeed. You’ll be provided
with a complete package of training, tools, and hand-holding support. You’re actually going to
be better off than the people who’ve been through the program before because the team has
decided to do everything for their newest members.

That’s right. They will actually do it for you. This is something that’s being offered for the first
time ever. The team is going to take over the most challenging parts of the process for you.
That way, you’ll have everything that you need to change your life with this business model,
starting today. Everything that you need to build this business for yourself is included in 100K
Factory Revolution. Here’s what this program can potentially do for you:

 Unlimited family time (to do whatever you want)

 A secure retirement (how much money do you need?)

 Be your own boss & work from home (without an alarm clock)… Or, maybe you want
your wife/husband to be able to quit their job…

 Give your kids the opportunities you never had…

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

You can finally get the financial freedom you’ve always wanted. You can also get the location
freedom to be where you want to be. Most importantly, you can get the time freedom to start
living your life on your terms. This program is split into three phases. They are:

1. Initiate – Zero to $274/day Income Injection

2. Automate – Work Less While Earning More

3. Replicate – Expand Your Empire & Increase Your Profits

Everything that you’ve learned about so far has to do with Phase #1, and for your first eight
weeks, you’ll be completely focused on this phase. That’s when the team will show you exactly
how the system works. They’ve got the process down to a science, and that’s why they are able
to replicate the type of results you’ve seen time and again. They know exactly what works, and
they are going to show you what steps you need to take to make this work for you!

A breakdown of the overall process is shown above. As you can see, there are only seven steps
that you have to take in order to achieve the freedom that you deserve. The steps are:

1. Hand-pick a Product – from our profitable product database

2. Install Your Store – using our one-click system

3. Identify Your Buyers – using our advanced audience tool

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

4. Optimize Conversions – and boost your ROI

5. Initiate Traffic Machine – with our ad guru software

6. Launch Your Super-funnel – to scale up your profits

7. Rinse and Repeat – earn $100k… then keep on scaling

It’s easier than it has ever been to use this system. That’s because every portion of the
program is designed to help you make money as quickly as possible. The $100k Factory
program was first launched to the public in 2015, and since then, the team has continued to
optimize the system. At this point, they’ve developed a highly-lucrative recipe that shows you
how to build an insanely lucrative business in under 60 days.

The program provides you with step-by-step instructions for each of the three phases, and the
training alone carries a value of $2,997.00. The next game changer is what the team refers to
as “The Command Center”. This is how you will command and control your business. There are
a bunch of tools included in your command center that will help you with everything from
populating your website to coming up with captivating images in seconds. More specifically,
this includes:

 Module 1: Build, install, and populate in seconds. Eliminate errors. This is 100%
foolproof, and you have zero chance of “setting it up wrong”.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

 Module 2: Scans & identifies your best product opportunities. Once you’ve found them,
“suck them in” to your website.

 Module 3: Track vital metrics & fulfillment. Push button order fulfillment, plus a “bird's
eye view” of your key metrics.

 Module 4: Captivating images in seconds. Cloud-based, easy to use graphic design suite.

Next, you have the “Ignition Packs”. There are over 500 “Done-For-You” ignition packs which
will give you exactly what you need to shortcut your path to success. The need to choose the
right niche, and you need to choose the right products. Have you ever struggled because you
may have made a bad decision, perhaps with a product or a niche? Unfortunately, this destroys
many online businesses. People simply get it wrong sometimes. You do not have to worry
about that with this system though.

The team has put together these ignition packs for you, and what these include are a niche, a
couple of products, and detailed demographic data. They even detail the exact targeting you
should use for each. These are going to be a lifesaver for you, and you will definitely see the
value of them if you’ve ever struggled in the past.

Again, the team has done a lot of the heavy lifting for you. In fact, they have invested $75,000
in creating these ignition packs for you. Overall, you get over 1,000 pre-selected products. This
way, you can hit the ground running with products that work. This is in addition to “The

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Accelerators” that you’re getting, which are comprehensive tools that you’ll have access to.
This includes:

 Store Builder – Install a perfect store in seconds

 Audience Explorer – Identify laser targeted audiences

 Ad Wizard – Click-to-create ad building engine

 Fulfillment Robot – Fulfill orders in seconds

 Super-Funnel Builder – Point-and-click funnel deployment suite

 “Fill-in-the-blanks” Funnel Scripts – Replicas of our best performing funnels

This portion of the program is worth $2,997 by itself. Next, you’re going to get Vulcan, which is
valued to be worth $4,997. It includes:

1. A Marketing Supercomputer that controls your campaigns with machinelike precision

for you.

2. An Ad Guru that automatically crunches all the important metrics and TELLS you what to

3. Leverages a Proprietary Advertising Algorithm to tell you when to kill ads, scale ads,
change ads, etc.

As previously stated, a couple of the things that you have to get right are your niche and
product. You also have to make the right marketing decisions inside of Facebook. You have
probably run an ad on Facebook at some point in the past. If you have, then you know that you
get all kinds of data back from the platform, and you need to be able to decipher this

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

What Vulcan does is it works in the background and leverages a proprietary advertising
algorithm, and it tells you exactly what you need to do with your advertising campaign. Should
you kill the ad? Should you stall the ad? Should you change the ad? You can start using this
immediately. Even if you start out with a micro budget of a couple of dollars per day, you need
to know how to market your ad efficiently. Vulcan does this for you. It eliminates costly errors,
and it makes you money.

The Operations Hub is the next tool you’re going to receive. This is like having your own
warehouse, which you can use to run your operation in the United States. This is where you
can process refunds and returns. You probably won’t get many returns. Aidan and Steven only
get around one return for every 300 sales that they make. So, this isn’t something that you
need to worry much about, but when you do get them, you’ll be able to use the Operations
Hub, free of charge. You can put the address on your website, have your returns sent there,
and the team will take care of this for you.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

This can be very beneficial to those who don’t live in the US. As previously stated, Aidan
doesn’t live in the United States, so this warehouse is an enourmous help to him and his
business. You can also use the Operations Hub to fulfill your orders and to store any bulk stock
purchases you may have. For example, let’s say that you’re expecting to get in a ton of orders
because you are coming into a busy time in your business. If you would like to fulfill your
orders out of Operations Hub, you have this option available.

The Alliance is a member-only Facebook community. This is locked down and strictly private. It
only includes 100k Factory Revolution members. This is provided so that you can connect with
fellow members, ask questions, and keep your finger on the pulse of advanced and new tactics.
This is going to help you to stay motivated as you move along with your business, you’re going
to be able to connect with like-minded people, and you’re going to receive support this way as

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

You’re also going to gain access to coaching when you join the program. Aidan and Steven have
a team of expert coaches that know this system inside and out. They are the people who are
earning thousands of dollars per day. Steven and Aidan will also be in the trenches, helping to
answer all of your questions.

If you are worried about anything at all, they’ve got you covered. This team has helped
thousands of people to build successful online businesses for many years, and they are
confident that they can help you to overcome any problem that you may have. This requires a
huge investment of time, and that’s why this portion of the program is valued to be worth

Think about this. Steven and Aidan charge $12,000 per year for 1 on 1 coaching, and you aren’t
just getting access to them. You’re also going to be able to learn from the team’s panel of
expert coaches, in addition to their technical team. So, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t
have everything that you need.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Understand that right now this program is not open to the public. This is a very special, limited-
time offer. Plus, for those that jump in right away, there are three special bonuses available.
They are:

 Bonus #1: The “100k Braintrust” Recordings (Value: $2,000). Access the private “100K
Factory Super Seller” meeting that was held in Las Vegas back in February. Get the
complete behind-the-scenes access and hear first hand from the people who are
earning $1,000/day or more from the system.

 Bonus #2: Crowd Force (Value: $1,164). Crowd Force is our breakthrough traffic
software that identifies highly targeted pockets of traffic AND allows you to mine
competitors Facebook pages to identify their most successful posts and ads. It provides
a unique and EXTREMELY effective way to identify already-proven products to sell &
new marketing angles.

 Bonus #3: Super Seller Secrets (Value: $997). We convinced one of our “Super Sellers”
from the 2016 100K Factory class to present his best secrets to our $12,000/year
mastermind group. He shared how he built his store at lightning fast speed, how he
saw sales roll in within 72 hours and all the little tricks he used along the way. You’ll
get access to TWO extremely valuable “never-before-seen” presentation videos!

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Here’s a recap of everything that you’re going to get when you join today:

 100K Blueprint: $2,997

 100K Command Center: $2,997

 100K Ignition Packs: $2,497

 100K Accelerators: $2,997

 Vulcan: $4,997

 100K Operations Hub: $1,497

 100K Alliance: $1,397

 100K Coaching: $9,997

o Bonus: 100K Braintrust Recordings: $2,000

o Bonus: Crowd Force: $1,164

o Bonus: Super Seller Secrets: $997

Total Value: $33,611

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

The total value of this sounds like a lot, and in fact, this package is incredibly valuable.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been poured into the development of this amazing
system and the tools that come along with it, including but not limited to:

 100K Command Center: $200,000

 100K Ignition Packs: $75,000

 100K Accelerators: $57,000

 Vulcan: $85,000

Just the cost of these tools totaled up to $417,000, and this doesn’t even include the hundreds
of thousands of dollars that were spent on testing, or the hundreds of hours that were spent in
development. Again, this offer is extremely limited when it comes to the amount of people
that will be allowed into the program.

There were 13,975 people who signed up for the waiting list last year. The personal time of
Aidan and Steven’s team is being invested into supporting members. Of course, there is an
amazing team of coaches too, but their time is very limited as well. Also, there are a limited
number of ignition packs. So, they simply can’t bring in thousands of members, and the spaces
that are available will fill up fast. When they do hit capacity, entry into the program will be shut
down, just like it did last year.

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

There are currently no plans to re-open this offer, and it will not be available for long. Again,
when the doors are closed to this offer, they are closed. This has the potential to change your
life, and you don’t want to miss out, so you’ll need to act fast. It’s pretty obvious that this very
valuable offer is well worth the total of $33,611 in real world terms when you consider what
the team could charge for each element, but you won’t have to pay near that much to join

These men know that they could easily charge $9,997 for access to this program. Honestly, if all
this did was allow you to clear your debts and pay the rent/mortgage every month, don’t you
think it would be well-worth that much? If all this did was set you up for a comfortable
retirement, don’t you think it would be worth $9,997? What if all it did was give you an extra
$5,000 per month for the foreseeable future? Would it be worth investing $9,997 to you? You
won’t even have to pay that much, however.

Aidan and Steven want to make entrance into the program as affordable as possible. That way,
serious individuals can get in, even if they don’t have a ton of money to invest, but again, you
have to act fast. Right now, you can get complete access for 3 x $997. In fact, you can get
started for even less. There is a one-time payment option set up as well, and if you pay for the
program this way, you’ll receive a $494 discount, and you’ll be able to get in today for just
$2,497. Simply follow these steps to begin:

 Step 1: Go to http://www.100kfactory.com/jj

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

 Step 2: Make Your Investment

o The $494 discount option is available

 Step 3: Get Started

The team is 100% COMMITTED to your success, and they will do whatever it takes for as long as
it takes to ensure you succeed. This offer does come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. You
can try this out for a full 60 days, and if you are not satisfied for any reason, just inform the
team that you want your money back within that timeframe for a full refund. You can visit the
sales page for more details about this.

At this point, you might be thinking, “OK, great. I’m 100% covered for the investment in 100k
Factory Revolution, but what happens if I follow the training and I just can’t get it to work?”
The team is excited to announce their “100% Refund + $500 Cash ‘Nothing to Lose’ Guarantee”.
The guarantee states:

“As long as you follow every step of the training curriculum without deviation, and actively use
our support system and our tools and resource, we guarantee to ‘buy back’ your business for
$500 if for some weird reason you’re unable to make sales.”

Not only are Aidan and Steven promising to give you 100% of your money back, but they will
give you $500 on top of that, just for good measure. That’s how confident they are in their
program. They want to change your life, and they don’t want ANYTHING to prevent you from
giving this a try. You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Spaces are filling up FAST and are only available on a first come, first served basis. We are very
limited in the number of people we can help, so you need to move fast or you will miss out.
Again, you can get started right nowhttp://www.100kfactory.com/jj. If you wait and visit
this link later, you could very well see that the offer has sold out. If you do find that it’s closed,
then it is really closed for good.

Once the registration period ends, that’s it. Zero extra people will be allowed in. Please heed
this warning. If you know that you want to be a member of this program, you need to visit the
sales page right away. As soon as you sign up, you’ll be able to login to the private member’s
area. At that point, you’ll want to watch the welcome video that you’ll see when you first log
in. Watch that video for your initial instructions, and then you’ll want to start accessing the
pre-class materials. That way, you’ll be ready for the kick-off call.

Additionally, Aidan and Steven want to reward those who take action first. So, the first 20
people to sign up are going to receive the following bonuses:

 Fast Action Bonus #1: Bounce Breaker (Value: $97/Month) – Our state-of-the-art
conversion suite. Bounce Breaker allows you to build dynamic popups, “attention
grabbers,” ribbon-style announcement bars, page-takeover popups, countdown timers
and MUCH more. It works with any kind of website at all, and you’ll get unrestricted
lifetime access.

 Fast Action Bonus #2: 100 EXTRA Ignition Packs (Value: $500) – These give you exactly
what you need to shortcut your path to success. You’ll get an extra 200 pre-selected

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

products, so you can hit the ground running with a product that WORKS. These extra
100 packs will be locked down, and ONLY available to the special group of action takers.

 Fast Action Bonus #3: Success Panel Q&A (Value: $500) – You’ll be invited to get on a
call with a panel of successful 100k Factory members and get ALL your questions
answered by them! Get tips from the people who were just getting started in 2016 and
now have $1,000+ per day businesses. Learn from their success AND from their

If you’re ready to get started with this proven system, you must take action now because Aidan
and Steve will be closing the doors to $100k Factory this week so they can focus on helping
their new members get off to a fast start with this program.

Click here to lock in your spot while you still can (and access all of the bonuses mentioned in
this document): http://www.100kfactory.com/jj.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Real People, Real Results

As Aidan mentioned in his presentation, he currently has over 20 students earning at least
$1,000 every day with this proven system. One of the reasons that this program has been so
successful is because you’re simply piggyback on a major trend that’s happening right now, and
that’s more and more people buying their goods online. A lot of people are also starting to use
Facebook because of the incredible targeting capabilities that it has. That being said, most
online sellers have no idea what they are doing when they try to take advantage of this. That
opens up a huge door of opportunity for you because you can swoop in and clean up in ways
that other sellers never even dreamed of. Right now, you have the chance to build a life-
changing, real business for yourself.

The $100k Factory program’s most dedicated students have been able to achieve $100,000 per
year run rates in 8-12 weeks with this system. Some of these students are shown in the
screenshot below.

Think about it. Facebook is in its golden era, and eCommerce has never been easier. Even
more importantly, you are learning about a risk-free model that you can start using today
without having to make a huge investment upfront.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Aidan states, “We never get tired of hearing these heart-warming messages from our students.
That just never gets old.” A picture of one of their most successful students is shown above. As
you can see, he was able to make over $125,000 within his first 30 days.

It takes about 8-12 weeks for Aidan and Steven’s most dedicated students to hit $100,000 a
year run rates. They did have a student, named Brent, who was able to earn $74,653.27 within
just 53 days, however. That’s because he followed the system he was taught carefully. He was
using the same tried and tested method that you’re learning about right now. Another student
of theirs, named Jon, was able to pull in $125,743.25 using this very same method as well.
These are the kinds of numbers that are possible with this system.

Being able to follow in the footsteps of people who have already done what you want to do is
one of the fastest paths to success. It’s not rocket science. If you want to do something, the
best thing to do is find someone who has already done it and follow in their footsteps. Don’t
reinvent the wheel. You can start building a real online business today, and it doesn’t even
matter what it is that you are currently doing. This system will work for you, whether you are
brand new or not. It will work for you if you are currently working a 9-5 job. Aidan and Steven
believe that this system will work for anyone, no matter what their circumstances are.

Over the past decade, these men have sold millions of dollars worth of products online. They
have been able to build a very successful online marketing business, and they took a lot of
different routes as they did so. They say what really inspires them to keep driving forward,
however, is helping amazing people, such as yourself, get life-changing results.

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These are the kinds of success stories that Aidan and Steve see over and over again. Here are a
few more examples:

“I’ve managed to grow a business from virtually nothing, to about $10,000 per

- Robe Cole, UK

“Before the 100k Factory Revolution Edition training, I had never done
eCommerce before. I didn’t know where to start but Aidan & Steve’s training
showed me step by step how to do it. I earned $18,000 in my first month and
quickly learned that I could spend $1 and make $2 or $3, so I began scaling my
business. After 6 months, I’ve now earned over $160,000 and my goal is
$300,000 in sales in my first year!”

- Mark, USA

“We went from 0 - $20,000 per month, all because of Aidan and Steve’s Training!
We highly recommend joining up!”

- Patrick & Kelly, Queensland, Australia

“With the help of training and strategic planning from Aidan and Steve, in the
past 6 months I’ve built a $10,000 USD per WEEK business. I’m grateful that I
trusted these guys. I’m now totally debt free!!”

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- James, Norfolk, UK

These stories just go on and on, and Aidan and Steve want to see you become their next
success story. Below you’ll find a few more students that have found success with Steven and
Aidan’s system:

“Aidan and Steve have been instrumental in our success in internet marketing.
Even though we’re newbies, we’ve been able to build a $20,000/m income
(profit) in 9 months and soon my husband will be able to quit his day job!”

- Karen and Joe, USA

“Thanks to Aidan and Steve’s teachings and personal help, I turned my affiliate
business from a low point of $200/month in early 2013 to over $3,000/month

- Chris, Winnipeg, Canada

These are normal people who are getting amazing results. Take Joe and Karen, for example.
Joe used to be a LAPD police officer. He decided to quit his job, and he was able to do that
because he built up a $20,000 per month income within 9 months. At this point, you may be
wondering why Aidan and Steven’s student success rate is so high. According to Aidan, there
are a lot of reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is because of their unique “test beds”.
You see, unlike most online systems, they use a method that allows them to test profitability at

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

the very beginning of the process. This is a game-changer because it gives you the ability to see
what works and what doesn’t very quickly, which means you can turbo-charge your results!

Have you ever built a website and then realized after the first couple of months that it wasn’t
going to work? Maybe, instead, you launched a Kindle book, but after a couple of months, you
realized that it wasn’t going to get any sales? These are just a couple of examples of typical falls
that people take with different online marketing models. You don’t have these kinds of
problems when you follow Aidan and Steven’s system because they can help you to know from
the beginning whether something is going to work or not.

Anyone can do this! The screenshot above shows a comment from a member of the training,
who has been able to gain $1 million in sales since December, 2014. The success stories come
in every single week, and you could be involved in these trainings and achieve great results
yourself. This would work for you regardless of your situation because you don’t have to worry
about the limitation with this system that most other systems have. With this system, you

- No barriers to entry

- No experience required

- No ongoing costs

- No content costs

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

- No ongoing SEO

- No technical issues (remember, it’s simple)

- No up-front costs

- No ‘glass ceilings’

- 60 days to reach $100,000/year ($274/day)

***All you have to do is follow the proven formula!

Click on this link to reserve your spot: http://www.100kfactory.com/jj

Remember, you have the choice to get started today for an initial investment of just $997, with
the 3-pay option, or to pay the membership entry fee all upfront and save $497. Once you sign
up and get registered, you’re going to receive private access details via email. From there,
you’ll be able to log into your private member’s area and watch the welcome video. After
you’re well-oriented from watching that video, you can simply move forward by continuing to
access the rest o the pre-class materials until the live kick-off is ready to begin. If you want this,
you have to get started right away! Don’t hesitate any longer! This can change your life, but
you’ve got to take action and reserve your spot right now.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

How to Access James & Jay’s $3,459 Bonus Package

Jay Boyer and James Jones have put a very special bonus package together to help you get off
to the fastest start possible. They tried very hard to make this something that complimented
Aidan & Steven’s program well without having a lot of overlap. The screenshot above shows
Bonus #1, which is titled “Physical Products That Sell Like Crazy: Eight Weeks of Done For You
Product Research”.

Jay and James have been inside this system for about three weeks now, and they even
launched their website about three weeks ago. Already, they have generated thousands of
dollars worth of sales with a single product. They are very busy people themselves; probably
just as busy as you are, if not busier. Still, they have been able to generate thousands of dollars
over just a span of a few weeks with one, single product.

These now know exactly what you’re going to need to do to research your products. You may
not have very much time, however, and they know that. They know that you may be scratching
your head and trying to figure out what products to pick. That’s what this bonus is. Over the
next eight weeks, they are going to deliver 25 possible product ideas to you, all of which have
been vetted by the 100K Factory team. You can use these to figure out what to promote, if you
are still having trouble with that, once you start your training.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

James and Jay are going to do the research for you so that all you have to do is pick a product
that appeals to you and that makes sense. That way, you can just start implementing what
you’re being taught. This bonus, by itself, has been valued to be worth $1,375. It doesn’t end
there, though. Bonus #2 is now shown below. It is titled, “Exclusive Live Workshop: ‘Facebook
AdWeeks Physical Products’: with Jay and James’ own Facebook Advertising Expert”.

Jay and James have been advertising on Facebook with the help of one of the premier Facebook
advertising experts in the world, David Schloss. He has helped Jay to generate six or maybe
even seven-figures in income. David’s expertise is in advertising physical products, by the way,
and Jay has arranged a very special training for you so that you can log in and ask questions to
David. In his presentation, David is basically going to share everything he knows about
advertising physical products via Facebook.

Jay just cut David a check for $750 for doing this for you, but he says that he will be tuning in
himself because he knows that he will be able to learn a lot from David as well. He’s just as
excited to be able to provide you the opportunity to ask any questions you want to from this
expert. This is information that you’re not going to be able to find anywhere else, even inside
of 100K Factory. This bonus is valued to be worth $750 at minimum.

Special Bonus #3 is now shown below. As you can see, it is titled, “How to Get Glowing Video
Reviews for Your Product: Over-the-Shoulder Video Training”. This is sort of a ninja trick that
Jay and James have been experimenting with as they sell their own 100K Factory products.
They can now report to you that it works. These videos have actually doubled the sales of some

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

of their products since they began implementing them on their product website. This bonus is
valued at $150.

The 4th bonus that Jay and James have put together for you is really exciting. It’s a “Done-For-
You eCommerce Funnel: Cut-and-Past Product Funnel”. This is a package of proven and tested
funnels created by their friend Russell Brunson, which are made so that you can just plop in the
images and descriptions of your own products and then link out to your very own website.
They have been testing and optimizing this funnel, and they know that this is going to add
incredible value and generate even more sales for you. The value of Bonus #5 is $350.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

It still doesn’t end there, because Jay and James have put together another bonus that’s valued
to be worth $235. It is, “YouTube Niche Marketing”. You’re already going to learn about
Facebook advertising and about how to build your own list. You’ll be able to monetize all of
that moving forward. Now, what about YouTube? This platform generates billions and billions
of unique visitors every month. How would you like to tap into that? This over the shoulder
training that Jay created is going to show you how to do exactly that, without ever having to
create a video of yourself! Thanks right, you’ll be able to tap into the hottest viral videos on
YouTube, and ethically redirect all of those viewers to your cool product!

Another terrific bonus you’re going to receive is the “FB Image Pro Software”. Since you are
going to be working within Facebook, doing things like placing ads and maybe creating some
Facebook pages, Jay and James wanted to make sure that you had every single thing that you
needed. That’s why they are providing you with software that will make it easy for you to
create awesome Facebook graphics. Jay has been using this for the past couple of years, and it
has saved him tons of time and helped him to generate tons of revenue and other valuable
assets. It is web-based software, so you’ll be able to use it whether you are working on a Mac
or a PC. This software is currently valued at $99.

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

The last bonus that James and Jay have for you may be one of the sexiest bonuses of all. You
see, these gentlemen have a very valuable business associate. He wishes to remain nameless,
but he is one of the world’s premier website flipping experts. This is yet another way that you
can go about monetizing your websites. You’ll be generating traffic via Facebook and collecting
multiple streams of passive income with your products, but there may come a day where you
no longer want to work at it or you would like to have a big pay day.

Did you know that on Flippa.com there are websites selling for thousands of dollars every single
day? Sometimes they even sell for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. All

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

that’s needed to make your websites valuable is a little bit of proof that the website makes
money. What if you go through the 100K Factory training and end up putting 10 different
websites up? You could sell just a couple of these off and put a nice chunk of change in your
pocket. The training in Bonus #8 contains everything you need to know about selling websites
on Flippa.com.

Again, the information provided comes from one of the most lucrative website filppers in the
world. This training package has been valued to be worth $500, but of course, it could end up
being worth much, much more to you. Jay feels that this bonus alone is worth the price of
admission to this program, but just think of all the bonuses, all of the training, and all of the
tools you’re going to receive when you join in today! Jay and James’ special bonus package
carries a value of $4,209. And, this is just the icing on the cake when you consider all you are
receiving inside 100K Factory!

If you know you’re ready to change your life and your financial future with this proven $100k
Factory wealth creation system, do not wait. As mentioned, this special invitation is extremely
time-sensitive, and according to Aidan and Steve this exclusive opportunity will simply not be
available after Thursday (no exceptions I’m afraid).

Lock in your spot right now by visiting http://www.100kfactory.com/jj

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

What People are Saying About The $100K Factory System

Needless to say, people were thrilled not only by the simplicity and scalability of this powerful
$100K Factory System, but also by the idea of being able to create a part-time or full-time
income with a single image-based website. Here are just a few comments posted by new
members that can’t wait to get started with this proven system:

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Ready to get started building your own $100K physical products business in 2017…just like all of these
other brand new members? Great! You’ll have to move fast though, because Aidan and Steve are
closing the doors this week. Click here now: http://100kFactory.com/jj

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Questions & Answers

Are there any extra monthly fees to pay when you start?
This is a pretty common question. The team really tries hard to keep the costs on your end
down. There are no upsells or cross-sales to this program. However, there are some costs
involved in business, such as buying a domain name and hosting. Some people will want to use
Shopify, and there is an extra cost to that. Now, the team has a special deal worked out with
Shopify, and so you should be making money before you have to start paying the monthly fee
for that.

Then, also there will be some advertising costs, obviously, but again, you shouldn’t have to
spend much before you start making money. This kind of puts an end to the conversation
because if you’re using this model correctly, you’ll actually want to spend as much money as
you possibly can because you’ll be getting more money back for each dollar that you invest. So,
there are certainly going to be other costs, but in the grand scheme of things, there are no
hidden surprise costs.

How much time does it take to get through Phase #1 of the program?
You’ll have to spend a bit of time up front making this work for you. It may take you 10-20
hours a week to begin learning the system and implementing everything. After that, you can
probably scale it back to 10 hours a week or so and still be able to reach substantial amounts of
income, as long as you are following the system properly.

When you start making money, you might consider expanding your business. So, you may want
to start hiring virtual assistants, for example, to do some of the stuff that you don’t like to do so
much. You’ll constantly be adjusting your involvement in the system so that you can work as
little as possible and make as much as you can. There’s a lot of opportunity for growth with this

How long does it take to start making money with this model?
The team shoots to have people start making their first sale in Week 3 or 4. Plus, the ultimate
goal is to get you to hit that $100k a year run rate at the end of the 8-week mark. That’s the

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

“line in the sand” that’s drawn within the curriculum, at least. That’s what the program aims

What about saturation and competition?

Listen, people that are using this system are just a drop in the ocean when you consider how
much money is generated through eCommerce every year. For all intensive purposes, there are
unlimited opportunities for products, and the same can be said for traffic chunks. You should
not worry about this because it’s extremely unlikely that competition will ever be a problem.

Will I need an auto-responder to get started, or can I hold off a while on this?
You can absolutely wait. You will want to start looking into these types of services. In the
member’s area, you’ll find training on scaling up your business and some of the things that
you’ll want to think about as you do so. Most of the things involved in building up your
business, and most of the things recommended within the training for growing your business,
are not things that you have to do immediately to make this model start working for you.

What makes this different from other ecommerce programs out there?
This is something that’s been developed over a number of years. It’s actually the third iteration
of $100K Factory. Steven and Aidan have this dialed in, and they are just amazed by the
number of people that are having success with this.

What kind of profit margins can you expect?

Generally, the team gets a profit margin that’s between 40-50%. That’s net profit. That
includes your advertising. You start with a micro budget, just investing a couple of dollars per
day, and when you start making money, then you may start investing more. Remember, your
initial goal is just to begin making $10 per day. That’s not much, but if you can do that, then
you shouldn’t have any trouble scaling it up until you are making $20 a day, $30 a day, and so

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

Can I start the training right away, even if I’m using the payment plan to
purchase it?
The answer to this question is “absolutely”. There’s no difference in what you’re going to
receive, regardless of whether you use the payment plan or not.

How many hours of my time will I need to invest to make this work?
Probably about 5-10 hours a week. It will probably be around 10 hours a week as you go
through the training and more like 5 once you’re done.

Is this business model newbie-friendly?

Yes, this is incredibly newbie-friendly and for a bunch of different reasons. First and foremost,
this is the best time ever to get involved with internet marketing because right now you can
accomplish what you need to do without investing too much time or effort since there’s just a
perfect storm of events going on right now, with Facebook’s “golden age” and so on. Secondly,
you don’t have to invest a bunch of capital upfront and put yourself at risk in that manner.
Even the cost of the course is at no risk to you at all. Above that, there’s really no material
costs until after you get paid.

One of the biggest advantages to using this system is that it allows you to get results so quickly.
This is probably the #1 reason why people fail. They often just don’t wait long enough, and
they get discouraged. With this model, you don’t have that long to wait. So, you get that
positive reinforcement very quickly.

Are there any upsells or other costs once I’m inside the system?
Aidan and Steven never add cross-sells, downsells, upsells, etc, to their training programs
because they feel that these make people think they are getting “nickel and dimed” or like they
are missing out on something that they need to be successful. So no, there’s none of that going
on with this offer.

Steven says that he would like to say there are no other costs involved with using this system
but he doesn’t want to unclear. There are going to be costs such as registering your domain
and buying hosting. You’re also going to spend some money on Facebook advertising, but in
the training you are going to be shown to minimize this by test-advertising. So, these aren’t

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

large costs or material costs, but there will be some other investments you’ll have to make over
and beyond just paying for access into the program.

Will the training cover how to go about finding the “right” products?
Yes, and you’re going to receive an amazing tool that completely automates the process of
finding the hottest products to sell with this system.

What advertising costs should I expect?

The answer to this will depend highly on your particular circumstances. The real question
should be what this will cost you before you start making money because, again, once you are
giving away a dollar and getting eight back, then you’re going to want to give away all of your
dollars, right? So, you probably mean, “What’s my exposure before I start to get into that
scenario?” Now, Steven can’t give any exact numbers, but he does say that it’s in the “dollars
range”, not the “tens of dollars range” because you’re just going to be using little micro-
budgets to so tests at first. So, your upfront investment in advertising will be very, very small.

Is this FTC compliant?

Yes. Absolutely.

Can I work this business from anywhere?

There are no geographical boundaries for using this system, because you can work this business
model from anywhere in the world.

Do I have to worry about information overload with this program?

That’s a good question. Sometimes this does happen with training programs such as this.
Steven believes that the key to avoiding this is to be able to operate at your own pace. There’s
a certain pace that this training is set up to be taken at, but they have also made sure that they
set up the training to allow you to follow it at whatever pace you want. The materials are
recorded, all of your information is there, and then you’ll have the support team’s assistance

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NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

for a really long time. So, even if you have to start late, or if your take your time, you should
have plenty of time.

When will I receive Jay and James’s Bonus Package?

Great question! Jay and James will be delivering their valuable bonus package to new members
on Friday, March 9th (after Aidan and Steve close the doors to new $100k Factory students on
Thursday night).

OK, you now have all the information that you’ll need in order to make a decision about whether
the $100K Factory program is right for you or not. You can probably feel it in your gut right
now…and at this point, all that’s left for you is to take action -- because this offer will be
disappearing this week (after which this will NOT be available to new students…no exceptions).

Click here right now to reserve your spot in the $100K Factory program while it’s still available
(and lock in Jay and James’ exclusive $4,209 bonus package): http://100kFactory.com/jj

Click Here to Access $100k Factory (and Access Jay & James’ $3,459 Bonus Package)
NOTICE – $100k Factory Closes to New Students on Thursday, March 9th @ Midnight

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