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Plate Girder 627

Example 12.2
welded plate girder
24 m in span and ally
throughout. It has to support a uniform load of 100 kN/m 1ate out
exclusive ot
self-weight. Design the girder without

t h e s p a n

The steel
for the flange and web plates
is of grade
Yield stress oof steel
may be assumed to be 250 MPa pective of the
cs of plates used. Design the eross section, the end loadirrespe
Ee 410.
bearing& stiffener
a n d c o n n e c t i o n s .

tion For Fe 4 grade of steel:f,= 410 MPa.f =/= f 250 MPa

E 2 x 10' MPa
Partialsafetyfactors mw 1.50 (for site welding)
= 1.25
(for shop welding)

EEE 2502501.0
Total superimposed load
100 kN/m =

Factored superimposed load = 1.5 x 100 = 150 kN/m

24) x 24
Let, self-weight of plate girder = WL -100 x
400 400
= 144 kN

Self-weight of plate girder per metre length = =6 kN/m

Factored self weight = 1.5 x 6 9 kN/m
Total uniform factored load = 150 +9 = 159 kN/m

Maximum bending moment = 159x24-11.448 kNm

159 x 24
Maximum shear force 1908 kKN
Design of e b
Optimum depth of plate girder, d =

When intermediate transverse stiffeners are not to be provided;

200 eie., 200 (from serviceability critria)

and 345 i.e., 345 (from flange buckling eriteria)
Let us assume k = dlt, = 180.

d= 1 4 4 8 x 10"x I80 = 1871.9 mm T800 mmm

M . \033 T1448 x 101
Optimum web thickness, 250 x 180

Thi Kness provide is i e ediit trin CTe sullener :n no to be
Y ided
628 Limit State Design of Steel Structures

Let us try web plate 1800 x 12 in size.

Design of flanges
Let us assume that bending moment will be resisted by the tlanges and shear bu
the web.

Required area of flange. M,Ymd I1448 x 10 x1.I0-27984

A, mm
dd 250 x 1800
Assuming width of flange equal to 0.3 times depth of girder,
b, = 0.3 x 1800 = 540 mm 560 mm

Thickness of flange, 27984

49.97 50 mm
Let us try 560 50
x mm flange plate.
Classification of flanges
For the flanges to be classifiable as plastic blt,< 8.4 e
The outstand of
flange. b 560- 12-

2 274 mm
b 2145.48

<8.4 (8.4 g= 8.4 xI =8.4) (Table

Hence. the
flanges are plastic. (6,= 1.0) 1.4)
Check for bending
The trial section of the
section modulus of the
plate girder is shown in
Fig. Ex. 12.2 (i). The plastic

Z2b,1, =2x 560 x 50 x = 51.80 x 10° mm

Moment capacity.

M= B,Zp:=1.0x 51.80 x 10° x x10=

1.10 11772.7 kNm

which is safe. >11448 kNm

Shear capacity of web 560
Let us use
simple post-critical method.
1800 150 mm
12 fillet weld
<200 925
(200 e =200x I =
200) 1800
and also <345 (345 =345x1 =345) 1900
which is all right. 12

Elastic critical shear stress, 274

k,TE S0
Fig. Ex. 12.2
Plate Girder 629

effeners will be provided at supports only. Hence. k - 5 5


5.35 x Tx 2x 10
= 42 98 N/mm

n o n - d i
slendernessratio for shear buckling stress.

= I.83 1.80
x 42.98

stresS corresponding to buckling (For , > 1.20.
= 44.55 N/mm
force corresponding to web buckling.
V= dt, T,= 1800 x 12 x 44.55 x 10 =962.28 kN

<1908 KN
which is unsafe
1ot Hs fevise the web thickness from 12 mm to l6 mm

New values
Ter,e yt and Ve,will be as follows.
d =112.5
5.35 x Tx2x10 76.41 N/mm
12x(1 -0.3) x 1125
Jy 250 - = 1.374 = I.37

3 eV3x76.41
= 76.0 N/mm
, 3 13 1.37 x

= 22147 AN
VdiT, =1800 x l6 x76.90 x10
908 AN

which is safe.
Check for lateral-torsional buckling
Iestuaned throughout,. the
ince the compression flange of the guder Is
and this check not required
pOssibility of lateral-torsional buckling is not there

Flunge to web connecion

here will be two weld lengths along the san lor eaeh tlnge to ueb comection

Fig. Ex. 12.2 (il

4 21
S60 x 1900 (560 - 16) 1800
b,1 h,-1,)d
12 2
12 12
630 Limit State Design of Steel Structues

55702.6 x 10"mm
1908 x 560 50 x (900+
x 0/2)
=0.4436 kN/mm
2x 55702.6 x 10°
Let us provide weld of size. S = 6 mm
KS = 0.7 x6 = 4.2 mm
Strength of shop weld per unit length.
w 4.2 250 x 10 = 0.485 kN/mm

s 0.4436 kN/mm
which is all right.
End bearing stiffener
Local capacity of the web, 16

F b+n,) yw
Ym 224
b= 125 mm 16
n= 50 x 2.5 = 125 mm

F= (125+ 125) x16xx10

I . 0 * 103

= 909.09 kN 20 t 20 t
< 1908 kN ()
Hence. stiffener will be Fig. Ex. 12.2
Maximum reaction = 1908 kN
Let us try two flat sections, as stiffener, one on each side of web. Maximum width
of flat that can be accommodated = 560 =272 mm
Let us
provide 16
thick flat section.

Maximum permissible outstand

20 1, E 20 = x 16 x l =
320 mm
Maximum effective outstand
14 1,E 14 x 16xl 224 =
Let us try flat section 224 x 16 mm in size |Fig. Ex.
Check for buckling of the stiffener
Effective area of stüffener
= 2x 224 x 16 (2
+ x 20 x 16) x 16
= 17408 mm
Moment of inertia of the stiffener,

2x 6 x 224
2 12 + 16x 224 x 13319.1 x 10' mn
13319.1 x 10'
Radius of gyration, = 87.47 mm
Plate Girder 631

slendernesS ratio, 20.7x 80087.47 = 14.41

14.41.f,= 250 N/mm, and buckling curvee C, the design compressive

For =
from Table 8.7,

Se 225.67 N/mm
Ruckling resistance. Pa =Asea= 17408 x 225.67 x 10'= 3928.46 kN
hichis safe. >1908 kN
stiffener is afe in compression.
for bearing capacily of the stiffener
, the stiffener will be coped to accommodate the fillet weld of flange plate to
heweb,the available effective width of stiffener flat for bearing will be lesser than
actal width. Let the stiffener plate be coped by 15 mm [Fig. Ex. 12.2 (i11)).

Width available for bearing = 224 15 = 209 mm

Bearing strength of the stiffener,

AgJv 2Fe-Fw Stiffener
0.8 Ymo
Area of stiffener in contact with flange,

A2x 209 x 16
= 6688 mm
F-F= 1908 909.09 =998.91 kN
6688 x250 x 1103
Fd 0.8 x 1.10
= 1900 kN

998.91 kN (ii)
which is safe. Fig. Ex. 12.2

Check for torsional resistance provided by end bearing stiffener

Ihe ends of the plate girder must have sufficient torsional resistance from

Tansportation and erection view point.

Ihe moment of inertia of the end bearing stiffener at support,

20.34 a, D°T
d_2x50x x 50 x
560 1800
x 16
12 12
= 464.08 x'10° mm*
A = 2 x 560 x 50 + 1800 x 16 = 84,800 mms

1464.08x10- 131.40 mm
AL 24x10 182.65
Slenderness ratio, 131.40
>100 (Section l2.17)
632 Limit State Design of Steel Structures

For L> 100, a, = *30 30

8.99 x 10
provided 20.34 x 8.99 x 10x (1800+ 2 x50)'x 50 = 104.82 x 10 mm

16x (2x 224) 119.89 x 10° mm

s.provided 12

> 104.82 x 10 mm*

which is sate.
End-stifener connection
There will be two weld lengths along the
depth of web on each side of stiffener plates.
b= 224 15=209 mm (iv)
Tension capacity of one flat, Fig. Ex. 12.2
0.9 A,f0.9x (209 x 16) x 410
Tan 1.25
x 10-3

987.15 kN

Shear per unit 987.15

length kN/mm
"2x(1800-2x 15)0.278
Let us provide weld of size, S 5 mm
KS =0.7 x5 = 3.5 mm
Strength of shop weld per unit length,

Jwdl 3.5x250x 103= 0.404 kN/mm

3x 1.25
>0.278 kN/mm
Hence, provide 5 mm fillet weld to connect the end
plate [Fig. Ex. 12.2 (iv)].
bearing stiffener with the web

Example 12.3 Redesign the plate girder of Ex. 12.2 using intermedi-
ate transverse stiffeners. Connections need not be
method for designed. Use post-critical
the design.
Solution From Ex. 12.2 following data will be taken.
Maximum bending moment
1 1448 kNm =

Maximum shear force = 1908 kN

Flange design will be same. Provide 560 x 50
Optimum depth of web = 1871.9 mm
mm flange plates.
Optimum thickness of web = 10.95 mm
E= 1.0
Since intermediate transverse stifleners will be provided, the web may be made
web size of 2000 x 10 mm.
Let us try IFig. Ex. 12.3 i)]

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