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Adjectives are used to describe nouns. They give more details or information about the nouns
they are associated with.
A: Tell me about your boyfriend
B: Well, he is tall, dark, and handsome.
A: Sounds like mine.
Adjectives can be used to answer the questions What kind (of) or Which one?
A: Hi. I'm calling about the car you're selling?
B: It's a great car. (It's) in excellent condition.
A: What kind of seats does it have?
B: They're very comfortable seats, (soft, plush, just like a sofa.)
A: Uh. I think I'll sleep on it.
A: Hand me a book.
B: Which one do you want?
A: The red book. The red one.

Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1. My house is bigger than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.

3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.

10.He was the (clever) thief of all.

Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - I bought a pair of _____ shoes.

black leather
leather black

Q2 - It was a ____ car.

red fast
fast red

Q3 - It's a ____ building.

big round
round big

Q4 - I bought ____ knife.

a Swiss army
an army Swiss

Q5 - It's ____ film.

a beautiful old
an old beautiful

Q6 - He's ____ man.

an unfriendly rich
a rich unfriendly

Q7 - It's ____ phone.

a mobile expensive
an expensive mobile

Q8 - It's ____ village.

an old lovely
a lovely old

Q9 - The ____ visitors were Japanese.

two last
last two

Q10 - He's got ____ eyes.

blue big
big blue

Q11 - It's a ____ house.

nice new
new nice

Q12 - It's ____ airline.

a popular American
an American popular
Q13 - It's ____ company
a family old
an old family

Q14 - It's a ____ restaurant.

cheap good
good cheap

Q1 - I bought a pair of _____ shoes.

black leather
leather black
Q2 - It was a ____ car.
red fast
fast red
Q3 - It's a ____ building.
big round
round big
Q4 - I bought ____ knife.
a Swiss army
an army Swiss
Q5 - It's ____ film.
a beautiful old
an old beautiful
Q6 - He's ____ man.
an unfriendly rich
a rich unfriendly
Q7 - It's ____ phone.
a mobile expensive
an expensive mobile
Q8 - It's ____ village.
an old lovely
a lovely old
Q9 - The ____ visitors were Japanese.
two last
last two
Q10 - He's got ____ eyes.
blue big
big blue
Q11 - It's a ____ house.
nice new
new nice
Q12 - It's ____ airline.
a popular American
an American popular
Q13 - It's ____ company
a family old
an old family
Q14 - It's a ____ restaurant.
cheap good
good cheap

Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - I bought a pair of _____ shoes.
black leather
leather black

Q2 - It was a ____ car.

red fast
fast red

Q3 - It's a ____ building.

big round
round big

Q4 - I bought ____ knife.

a Swiss army
an army Swiss

Q5 - It's ____ film.

a beautiful old
an old beautiful

Q6 - He's ____ man.

an unfriendly rich
a rich unfriendly

Q7 - It's ____ phone.

a mobile expensive
an expensive mobile

Q8 - It's ____ village.

an old lovely
a lovely old

Q9 - The ____ visitors were Japanese.

two last
last two

Q10 - He's got ____ eyes.

blue big
big blue

Q11 - It's a ____ house.

nice new

new nice
Q1 - I bought a pair of _____ shoes.
black leather
leather black
Q2 - It was a ____ car.
red fast
fast red
Q3 - It's a ____ building.
big round
round big
Q4 - I bought ____ knife.
a Swiss army
an army Swiss
Q5 - It's ____ film.
a beautiful old
an old beautiful
Q6 - He's ____ man.
an unfriendly rich
a rich unfriendly
Q7 - It's ____ phone.
a mobile expensive
an expensive mobile
Q8 - It's ____ village.
an old lovely
a lovely old
Q9 - The ____ visitors were Japanese.
two last
last two
Q10 - He's got ____ eyes.
blue big
big blue
Q11 - It's a ____ house.
nice new
new nice
Q12 - It's ____ airline.
a popular American
an American popular

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