Final Internship Report of Liony Citra & Soraya Farantika Fix

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In partial to fulfill of the Internship Subject for Diploma Three (D .III) Programme

Written by:

Liony Citra Agustin 31180008

Soraya Farantika Arifin 31180116

Program Studi Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bahasa Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika



Praktik Kerja Lapangan ini telah disetujui untuk dinilai pada periode: Tahun
Akademik 2020/2021 Semester 5 di Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Fakultas
Komunikasi dan Bahasa Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika.


Kelas: 31.5A.11



At the very beginning, we would like to exprress our depeest gratitude to

almighty Allah for giving us the strength and the compsure to complete our internship

program and prepare this report within the scheduled time.

During the period of our internship program, we have received generous help

from many quarters, which I like to put on record here with deep gratitude and great


Firstly, the writers are grateful to the honorable :

1. Dr. Mochamad Wahyudi, MM, M. Kom, M.Pd as Rector of Bina

Sarana Informatika University

2. Dr. Baiatun Nisa, M.Pd as Dean of Faculty of Communication and


3. Mr. Agus Priadi, M.Pd. as Head of English Department.

Their guidance, encouragement, and suggestions provided us the necessary insight into

the research problem and paved the way for the meaningful ending of the work in a

short duration.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our Academic Counselor, Mrs.

Nurmala Dewi, M.Pd. Her constant guidance and advice played a vital role in making

the execution of the report. She always gave us her suggestions that were crucial in

making this report as fawless as possible.

Lastly, we would like to express our indebtedness appreciation to our

supervisor and mentor, Mr. Robba Akhyadha, S.Pd., for his since co-operation and

support for giving me the opportunity and always help and support us for making a

standart report.

End of word, we seek for kind consideration as we are in the process of


Jakarta, 23 November 2020


Liony Citra Agustin Soraya Farantika Arifin

Title Sheet .................................................................................................... i
Approval Sheet ............................................................................................ ii
Acknowledgement Sheet ............................................................................... iii
Table of Contents .......................................................................................... v
List of Figures .............................................................................................. vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................... vii
List of Appendices ....................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.1. Background and Reason Choosing the Title ........................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ....................................................................... 3
1.3. Scope of the Problem ............................................................................. 3
1.4. Method and Procedures of the Analyzis.................................................. 4

CHAPTER II GENERAL REVIEW.......................................................... 5

2.1. Company Profile .................................................................................... 5
2.2. Structure of Organization ....................................................................... 6
2.3. Theoritical Review ................................................................................. 7
2.3.1. Definition of Business Correspondenc ........................................... 7
2.3.2. Format and Language Style in Business Letter............................... 9
2.3.3. The Purpose of Business Letter...................................................... 12

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION .................................................................... 18

3.1. Brokers Insurance and Consultan Workflow........................................... 18
3.2. Business Correspondence in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras ............................ 20
3.3. Document Analysis ................................................................................ 22
3.3.1. Format and Language Style in Business Letter ................................ 23
3.3.2. Purpose of Business Letter .............................................................. 25

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION ................................................................. 29

4.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................... 29
4.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................. 30




Structure organization of PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras. ..................................... 6

Example of Business Letter in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Insurance & Brokers.... 22
Source Article .................................................................................................... 47
Working from home documentation ................................................................... 49
Zoom Meeting with Mentor ............................................................................... 49
Example of Letter Written.................................................................................. 50



Table III.1 (Table of Analysis Data)....................................................................... 25

Daily Activities of Internship ................................................................................. 43



Letter of Acceptance .............................................................................................. 41

Identity of Head Compan ....................................................................................... 42
Daily Activities of Internship ................................................................................. 43
Letter of Mentorship .............................................................................................. 46
Source Article ........................................................................................................ 47
Documentation....................................................................................................... 49



1.1 Background and Reason of Choosing the Title

Nowadays, there are many freshgraduates who enter carreer world but are

inexperienced in any field. Of course, it will hinder the development of their carreer

whether it is in the present or the future. In reality, most companies prefer to hire

employees who already have experiences than those who are inexperienced. This will

be a disadvantage for freshgraduates because it will lessen their opportunity in getting

a job. For this reason, whether they like it or not, they have to find a way to gain more

experience that are absolutely needed in the carreer world.

There is one way for freshgraduates to gain more experience, and that is

internship program. According to Cambridge Dictionary, internship program is a

period of time during which someone works for a company or organization in order to

get experience of a particular type of work. Internship can help freshgraduates to

pursue a career by making them be more aware with the most valued skill in business

world. Internship programs can also provide the students with experiences about how

business world operates that they cannot get by just learning in the classroom .

Schambach, Thomas, Dirks, (2002:2) said that Internships (Co-operative Education)

further the social and economic development of society using education programs that

expand the learning experience of students by combining academic studies with work


experience. The other benefit they can get from internship program is the opportunity

to be hired as an employee after they graduate.

For English students in University of Bina Sarana Informatika, there are four

fields that can be chosen by students before they start the internship program. There

are teaching, hospitality, tourism, and business. In teaching field, students will do the

internship program as a teacher. In hospitality fields, students will work in a hotel as

the office staff. In tourism fields, students usually work as a tour guide to help tourists

to places they want to visit. In business field, students usually work in a company on

the given position from the supervisor assigned to guide them.

PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras is the company which the writers choosed to be our

internship program company. PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras is one of a big insurance

company placed in Cikini, Jakarta and they also have a branch office that located in

Bandung, where we used to work. The writers had worked for the company as an intern

for two months since 9th September until 7th November 2020. From there, the writers

have learned many experiences and skills such as how to work in team, how to prepare

for a meeting, how to talk in front of people, how to make or translate a letter, and

many more. As an english student, having an experience as an intern employee is a

huge advantage because we have a picture of how it is to work in a company. So when

we graduate soon, we can prepare ourself more for seeking a job.

This report will focus on analyzing business corresponden used in PT. Bintang

Jasa Selaras Insurance & Brokers. The example letter that will be the material of the

analyzing itself will be obtained from the letter made from the writers desk job in the

company. The job desk of the writers in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Broker & Isurance

are mostly making letters and inputing data.

The writers will analyze the use of business correspondence in the letter

“Request for Return of Transfer Error” from PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Brokers &

Isurance to PT. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Pembiayaan Syari’ah Pegawai dan

Pensiunan Indonesia. The analyzing will not only beneficial for the reader to know the

arrangement in making a business letter, but the readers can also understand that

business correspondence is not as simply as exchanging business information between

two people/company/intitusion/organization.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Through this report, the writers finds some problems according to the business

correspondence in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras. Because of this, the writers mention

problems with some question:

1. What kind of format and language style does the company use for business letters?

2. What purpose does the company use for business letters ?

1.3 Scope of the Problem

This report limits its discussion on anlyzing the business correspondence in

PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras as a way to find out what format, language style, and purpose

the company uses in business letters using the example letter titled “Request for Return

of Transfer Error” letter from PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Brokers & Isurance to PT.

Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Pembiayaan Syari’ah Pegawai dan Pensiunan Indonesia.

1.4 Method and Procedures of the Analysis

This report uses descriptive qualitative method. The technique of collecting the

ground theory and necessary data are through e-book and journal research. The

analysis starts from doing a research about business correspondence and finding

theories related to business correspondence. After that, writers analyse the business

letters of PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras. The last procedure is drawing the conclusion from

collected data and listing the letter format, language style, and purpose of the business

letters using the example letter titled “Request for Return of Transfer Error” letter from

PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Brokers & Isurance to PT . Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan

Pembiayaan Syari’ah Pegawai dan Pensiunan Indonesia.



2.1 Company Profile

PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Insurance Brokers is a big company that have a lot f

experience in credit life insurance and credit insurance, either for claims closure or

claims handling. This company is located in Jakarta, but they also have a branch office

in Bandung. In their legality bundle, people can see that PT . Bintang Jasa Selaras

Insurance Brokers has already sertificated from APPARINDO (Asosiasi Perusahaan

Pialang Asuransi & Reasuransi Indonesia) and all their experts employee are

qualificated with sertificates. This company’s Board of Directors and Commissioner

has also assessed by OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) for their capability. More than that,

PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras has ensured with a statement letter that this company is not

in a restrictions on business activities and revocation of business licence from the

competent authority and not currently in a dispute from any party.

In managing the insurance participant database, PT . Bintang Jasa Selaras

Insurance Brokers uses an integrated web-based application, which is easily accesible

for online and real-time. This can simplify both the insurance closing process and the

claim process. Some application used by PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Insurance Brokers

are Askred Online and Kredit Online. With this facilities, customers can process their

transaction easier and more secure since it can be done online. This can also verify


that PT Bintang Jasa Selaras always attach importance to customer needs and comfort,

in accordance with one of their mission which is to provide the best service and

proffeional advice to customers on the needs of insurance and risk management

products as needed.

2.2 Structure of Organization


President Commisioner




President Director


Director Director

Figure 1. Structure organization of PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras.


2.3 Theoritical Review

2.3.1 Definition of Business Correspondence

According to Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo (2019:1), business

corespondence consist mainly on letters whether written or printed matter. The

meaning of correspondence itself is a communication by exchanging letters with

someone. So business correspondence can be defined as an activities of exchanging

information related to business using letter as the intermediary. Investment, large-scale

transaction, retail shop, and bank services are the kinds of activities included in

business correspondence. Through business letters, people can introduce their business

field to their perspective clients. Since business letters are often used in business field,

people use them to propose business cooperation that can give advantages to both

sides. Because through business letters, they can offer the convenience and

inexpensiveness in communication without including personal matters.

In business letters, it is a must to use formal language and writing style rather

than informal language and writing style. On the contrary of using slang, jargons, or

contruction, using a common and simple words are necessary to make a clear letter.

Oftentimes, some shiftings in the form and style are created to make a valuable and

effective business letters. Because unlike face to face communication where people

can see how we talk, in a letter, they will need to understand if the words in the letter

are what the sender means to say. So using a clear formal language and writing style

can be a tool to help the receiver understand the letter.


Being able to write business correspondence with proper format and rules

could create a huge impact to our skill and the whole cycle of business. In business

correspondence, letters are not written just as an information exchange. In business

letters, we could see the attitude, tone, and professionality through our way to write

business letter. The result of our hardwork can be defined on how well prepared we

write a business letter. By creating a great business letter, we could win a lot of things

in business and vice verca, we could lose everything.

According to Pantcheva in English Language Help Desk, there are several

point that we should pay attention in making a business letters:

1. Choosing the Salutation

By knowing the person who will be the recipient and realizing the

relationship between the writer and the reader, we could choose the right

salutation. In conclusion, salutation is a simple and short part of letter, but is

very important. Choosing the right salutation can create a proffesional image

of the letter’s writer as the reader could see how the writer greet them in the

beginning of the letter.

2. Starting the Letter

In the first sentence of the letter, we could use two ways to open the

content of the letter. The first way is we could make a reference to previous


3. Writing the Content of the Letter

The contents of the letter itself are depend on the purpose of the letter .

So knowing the reason and the important letter could make a simple and

compact letter. Commonly, a business letter contains a request, complain, or

exchanging a good or bad news.

4. Close the Letter

Complimentary closing are used to close the letter. We need to pay

attention that the closing of the letter must match the opening salutation and

the letter’s overall tone, depending on the formality.

However, creating a business letter is not as simple as exchaning an

information. We must pay attention to the choice of the words and the letter’s tone

because the recipient could see our profesionality through our business letter . We

should also organize our information logically, because writing a long-heacy paragraf

as an information point is not efficient.

2.3.2 Format and Language Style in Business Letter

In business letter, there are three formats that are commonly used in the

International business world. But both in three business letter format, there are six

parts of business letters. According to According to Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo

(2019:10), six parts of a business letter are The heading, The inside address, The

greeting, The body, The complimentary close, and The signature line. Those six parts

of business letter can be explained below:

- The Heading contains with letters number, date, and sometimes contain return


- The Inside Address is the recipient address

- The Greeting usually used “dear” to greet the recipient formally

- The Body is the main containt of the letter

- The Complimentary Close is a closing of the letters written in short and polite


- The Signature Line contains the signature and the name or middle initial of the


As mentioned before, these six parts of business letter will be included in each

format of three business letter styles. Those three business letter styles are block-style

format, modified block-style format, and semiblock-style format. The differences

between these three formats can be seen in the indentations, the margins, the dateline

position, and the complimentary position. In block-style format, we use a left-hand

margin without indentations to reflects efficiency. While in modified block-style

format, we use the same form as block style format but with the dateline and

complimentary closing typed slightly to the right of the page. For semiblock-style

format, we use a margin with five spaces from the left in the paragraph with the

dateline and the complimentary closing typed on the right of the page.

A business letter has a different language from personal letter because

improvement and conversion are usually made in business letter’s form and style.

According to Lougheed (2003:8), Formal English is used when writing to someone

you don’t know or don’t know very well.” A formal language and writing style is

highly recommended so the message that is written in the business letters are obvious

and doubt-free. It is important to avoid informal language and writing style, such as

contraction, slang, jargon, etc, to overcome a language barrier and create an

understandable business letter. According to Sviatuk (2015:84), simple but polite style

is preferable without unnecessary wordiness, familiarity or slang. With formal

language, the reader can also judge our attitude through the language preference, tone

and the attention center we use in the business letter.

One thing that readers also need to pay attention while writing a business letter

is choosing a language that is positive to create an optimistic image for the writer. In

communication, wether oral or written, a positive and optimistic people can make the

interlocutor feels like the sender are better in creating a new ideas rather than an

unenthusiastic people. Even if the letter contains a bad news, avoiding to write the bad

news and avoiding a negative words such as forbid, impossible, refuse, etc in the

opening could reduce the negative aura of the letters. Thus, we should not only take

notice on the using of formal language in the letter, but we also pay attention to the

other aspects such as tone and aura which influence the emotional of the recipient .

2. 3.3 The Purpose of Business Letter

According to Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo (2019:21), the purpose of

business letter can be devided into 5 types, namely routine business correspondence,

goodwill messages, banking letter, international trade, and personnel letter .

1. Routine Business Correspondence

In routine business correspondence, there are 5 types of letter:

• Inquiry Letter and Replies

Jains in Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo (2019) stated, “The business

letter which collects valuable information of the business and therefor

provides price reduction and proit earning facilities is defined as inquiry

letter.” Inquiry letter can be defined as a letter to ask information, advice,

names, or direction to the recipient. Inquiri letter can be devided into two

types such as solicited and unsolicited. Solicited inquiry is a letter that sent

because of an advertised products or services from a company or agency.

Unsolicited inquiry is a letter that sent because of the writer’s desire, not

because an advertisement created by the recipient. Some factors that

influence of creating an inquiry letter are usualy asking the price, quality,

quantity, and the availability of the company’s products, or as a business

matter related to an information.

Replies letter is a response towards inquiry letters. The function of

replying inquiry letter is to fill the request of inquiry letter’s sender.


• Sales and Order Letters

Sales letter is a letter that is used to persuade the readers to buy our

products. It should be convincing people to buy our products or service by

making an effective letter. Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo (2019:29)

said that the sales letter would be effective if it has:

▪ The ability to get consumer’s attention

▪ The ability to sustain cunsomer’s attention

▪ The ability to transmit the message

Order letter is used by clients to purchase our products, also known as a

purchase order (PO) letter. The function of this letter is to give the

company/agency/vendor about a detail information to fulfill sender’s

order. It is usually sent by the buyer to place an order after they received

an inquiry leter of the seller products or services.

• Complaint and Adjusment Letter

Complaint letter is used by the clients to claim a compensation of broken

products or bad services. Sometimes a complaint is too complicated to be

solved by phone, so in some case people prefer to use business letter to

complaint some problem.

Adjustment letter is the reply of complaint letter. The sellers sent the

adjustment letter to carefully handle the problem because it is prone to

misunderstanding between seller and buyer. So acknowledging,

correcting, and apologizing should be done carefully and profesionally.


• Appointment Letter, Invitation and Announcement

Appoinment letter is a letter of agreement to meet in a formal meeting to

discuss something. According to Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo

(2019:34), an appointment letter can be used as proof of upcoming

employment and is considered a formal copy of the contract the candidate

agreed to be accepting the job offer.

Invitation lettter is used to request someone’s presence in an event. Some

example of occasion in using invitation letters are new branch office

opening, new products or services introduction, birthday or anniversary

party, and so on.

Announcement letter is used to inform people some urgency or news. This

letter will included the reason and the intention towards the legal concerns

terms and condition that is relateed to it.

• Memos and E-Mails

Memo is a note to send information to other empolyees in the same

company, while e-mail is used to send and receive messages electronically.

2. Goodwill Messages

In goodwill messages, there are 4 types of letter:

• Letters of Apology

Apology letter is sometimes used when the company wants to inform a

refused request, canceled appointment, apology or regret for mistakes, etc.

It always contains an apology followed with a responsibilitty and offer.


• Letters of Sympathy

Sympathy letter is a short message that is used to show a simpathy to an

unpleasant incident. It can be used both for personal and business matter

to express sympathy in simple words.

• Letters of Congratulations

Congratulation letter is a formal way a company use to congratulate

someone or a company for their achievement.

• Letter of Thanks

Thanks letter is a page of appreciation a company use to build a network

with other company or corporate.

3. Banking Letter

In banking letter, there are 2 types of letter that usually issued by the

department of finance:

• Credit Letter

Credit letter have two forms (exchange bill and draft) for seller to give a

credit in specify period to the buyer.

• Collection Letter

Collection letter is used to collect the full payment money that owed by

the buyer while maintaining the relation between the seller and the


4. International Trade

In international trade, there are 3 types of letter that is important for company

as an importers or exporters:

• Bill of Lading

This is one of the most important letter in international trading because

bill of lading is a letter that is used as a delivery contract and merchandise


• International Commercial Invoice

This letter is an administrative document that is used as a transaction

recorder between the seller and the buyer, which usually include the

information about the international sale such as the item, the product

price, the product quantity, and any other detail that is required in the


• Airway Bill

AWB or airway bill, a document that is used to cover the cargo transport,

can be devided into two types; House Airway Bill and Master Airway

Bill. Both of airway bill can be used by the seller depends on the need.

5. Personnel Letter

In personnel letter, there are 2 types of letter:

• Letter of Application

Letter of application can be interpreted as a letter that a person sent to a

company when applying a job. In general, application letter contains an


information, such as work history, about the person as an introduction to

the company.

• Curriculum Vitae

CV is a long document that is used for a person when applying a job, while resume is

a document that contains an overview information about the job seeker. According to

Nuraeni, Rosalinah, and Wibowo (2019:79), Curriculum Vitae or CV is a long

application document and may be even 5 pages long. From this statement, the writers

can conclude the difference between CV and Resume is the content detail of the



3.1 Brokers Insurance and Consultant Workflow

As a brokers insurance and consultant workflow at PT . Bintang Jasa Selaras,

the employee should follow the worklow in doing their deskjob. Generally, an

insurance broker company is an agency that is founded to help the insurance customer

for them to have their full authorization as an insurance holder . The main deskjob of

brokers insurance and consultant itself is analyzing the closing and claiming of

insurance. In Indonesia, there is a law that control the deskjob of Insurance Brokers

such as:

1. Identify all forms of efforts to eliminate, reduce and aoid the possibility of

this risk.

2. According to the insured’s needs, the insurance broker must prepare and

design the most suitable and competitive insurance contract.

3. Help choose an insurer for the insured (insurance client), which is safe.

4. Bridging the selection and negotiation of premium levels between the

insurance company (the insurer) and the insurance client (the insurer).

5. As long as polish is running, the insurance broker is responsible for carrying

out risk inspection and prgram administration, including making a claim

management service.


6. At a certain time, the insurance broker can also carry out a claim negotiation

on behalf otf the insured.

7. Carry out administration and insurance research.

Those seven deskjob of insurance broker must be followed by responsibility and

authority from the brokers. There are several responsibility which must be held by

insurance brokers:

- Insurance brokers are responsible for introducing prospective clients to risk

management strategies, so that the insurance plan that will be chosen can be in

accordance with the client’s condition, including the client’s business and

financial conditions.

- As an insurance broker, matters relating to effective marketing strategies,

including up selling for old clients, updating of bookkeeping systems,

databases and records, even monitoring claims and fair dealling of insurance

between the insured and the underwriters are already in the slot of


- The insurance broker is responsible for submitting regular progress reviews to

each interested party.

All of those responsibility followed by the authority of insurance brokers, which can

be point out below:

- Insurance Brokers have the right to collect premiums on behalf of the


- The advice given by an insurance broker is absolute, meaning that whether

or not an insurance broker is asked, it is the responsibility of providing

advice to both the insured and the insurer.

- Accompanying the insured's lawyer, if there is a problem that must be

resolved through legal channels.

- Make demands on a third party, based on a letter of appointment or power

of attorney with and or on behalf of the insured party.

- In the event of a large claim or General Average, the insurance broker is

authorized to recommend the use of a Loss or Average Adjuster .

- If the insurer agrees to the insurance broker, it can first pay claims against

the insured. Of course, for the process there must first be an agreement

between the parties involved in an insurance chain.

Siti Hadijah (2007) in said, “Insurance broker is a professional

institution that provides assistance and bridges between the insured or insurance client

and the insurer or insurance company.

3.2 Business Correspondence in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras

Since the writers had already worked in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Insurance &

Brokers, we are familiar with the using of business correspondence in the company.

One of the job desk for the writers as an internship is making and sending business

letters. There are differences in each letter that sent from PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras

which will be explained in some point below:


• The procedures to make a business letter in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras is usually

resemblant. The information of the content and the recipient will be given by

the department who request the letter, which could create some differences in

the letter.After receiving enough information, the letter’s writer will compose

and edit the letter in such a way. The letter will be sent through e-mail which

is also provided along with the previous information.

• Formats of letter that usually used by PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras are Semiblock-

style format and Modified Block-style Format.

• Language style that usually used by PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras in writing a

business letters is formal language, except when sending a casual letter for

internal occasion.

• The purposes of the letter sent by PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras are commonly as a

claiming letter, requesting letter, or announcement letter. Each of these

purposes are usually sent to client or colleague to claim an insurance premi,

request for some spesific issues, or announce an urgency.

With 2 months experience in working with PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras, the writers

could discover that the company produce lots of business letters. Each letter will be

used to fulfill the necessity of each department in the company. Those fact shows that

being expert in composing business letter is a valuable skill that could upgrade our

value in professional work field.


3.3 Document Analysis

Example of Business Letter in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Insurance & Brokers.

3.2.1. Format and Language style in Business Letter

In every business letter, a company usually use one format of business letter .

This is so the letter will be taken seriously by the clients or the letter's receiver .

This format of business letter is also to show a company's professionalism to

their clients. No company wants to be seen as unprofessional as it can affect their

businesses and future clients. That is why a format needs to be used in a business

letter to create a good impression to the clients or the letter's receiver .

There are three formats of business letter that are commonly used by a

company in sending business letter:

• Block-style Format

In block-style format, indentations are not used and all lines are typed on

the left-hand margin. This style is commonly used by companies because

this format is simple and reflects efficiency.

• Semiblock-style Format

This format also known as indented letter format because the paragraphs

are typed indented five spaces from the left of the margin, while the

dateline and the complimentary closing are typed on the right of the page.

• Modified Block-style Format

In modified block-style format, the dateline and the complimentary closing are

typed on the right of the page. This format is also not using indentations.

According to the business letter from PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras above, the

writers can analyse that:

• The letter number was typed on the left of the page

• The date was typed parallel with the letter number on the right of the page

• The recipient address was typed on the left of the letter

• The subject of the letter typed on the left of the letter, before the

paragraphs begin

• The contents of the letter did not use indentation on the beginning of the


• The complimentary closing was typed on the left of the page

Therefore, based on the writers’ analysis, it can be concluded that the

company used Modified Block-style Format for their business letters.

In writing a business letters, it would be better if a company use a

formal language and a writing style, in order to make a more impressive and

meaningful letters. Here are some analysis of language and writing style used in

business letter of PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras:

• There are letter number in the letter

• Using a subject and great the recipient in the letter

• Using an active voice (“We request for a cooperation....”, “Thus, we send

this letter....”)

• The letter was arranged with a compact and clear communication


• According to the writers’ analyzis, this letter use American-English due

to the date format written on the letter (Jakarta, September 18, 2020) and

the using of words “Apologize” in the complimentary closing which is

the charasteristic of American-English.

3.2.2. The Purpose of Business Letter

In Prasad quoted, “The primary

purposes of business letters are to inform, instruct, request, inquire, remit, order,

advice correct and to question.” The purpose of business correspondence can be

distinguished by the subject and the content of the letter. Based on the writers’

analysis, the purpose of this business letter is as an Announcement letter .

Announcement letter is a type of letter which are written to people or institution

to inform some news or important thing. PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras as the sender

of the letter used it to inform the recipient about a transfer error that happened

on 30th August 2020 with the nominal of Rp32,783,703,- and a request to send

the nominal back to the sender’s bank account.

Table III.1

Table of Analysis Data

No Analysis Analysis Point Reason

1. Format of The letter above use a. The letter number was typed n
Business Letter Modified Block- the left of the page
style Format

b. The date was typed parallel with

the letter number on the right of the


c. The recipient address was typed

on the left of the letter

d. The subject of the letter typed on

the left of the letter, before the

paragraphs begin

e. The contents of the letter did not

use indentation on the beginning of

the paraghraps

f. The complimentary closing was

typed on the left of the page

2. Language Style The letter above use a. There are letter number in the
in Business Formal American-
Letter English Language
Style b. Using a subject and great the

recipient in the letter

c. Using an active voice (“We

request for a cooperation....”,

“Thus, we send this letter....”)


d. The letter was arranged with a

compact and clear communication

e. According to the writers’

analysis, this letter use American-

English due to the date format

written on the letter (Jakarta,

September 18, 2020) and the using

of words “Apologize” in the

complimentary closing which is the

charasteristic of American-English.

3. The Purpose of The purpose of the a. PT Bintang Jasa Selaras

Business Letter letter above is as an Insurance & Brokers inform PT.
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan
pembiayaan Syari’ah Pegawai dan
Pensiunan Indonesia that there are a
transfer error on 30th August 2020
with a nominal of Rp32,783,703,-
b. Transfer error is an urgency for

PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras Insurance

& Brokers.

c. The purpose of this letter as an

announcement is for PT. Koperasi

Simpan Pinjam dan pembiayaan
Syari’ah Pegawai dan Pensiunan to
transfer back to PT. Bintang Jasa

Selaras Insurance & Brokers’ Bank


d. PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras

Insurance & Brokers wrote the
information needed and also terms
and conditions related to it such as
the account number and the bank
name of PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras

Insurance & Brokers’ Bank account.



4.1 Conclusion

From the discussion above, business correspondence is used in the process of

buiness activities as a tool of information exchange. In writing business

correspondence, there are several process that must be prepared such as gaining

information about the purpose of the letter, the format used in the letter, the receiver

of the letter, and the contents of the letter. If the informations above have been

obtained, the business letter is ready to be written . After the letter has been written,

sending business correspondence can be done using e-mail with a short body letter.

Based on the document analysis above, the example of business

correspondence used in PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras is included into an announcement

letter, which is one of business letters that is often written by PT. Bintang Jasa Selaras.

As a desk job, the letter was written and translated by the writers to announce the

recipient about the urgency that happened at the time. As a part of the internship report,

the letter was also analyzed by the writers and every analysis contained data from the

letter and facts that refered to a journal, an article, and a book. In each type of analysis,

the writers point out the reason behind every statement mentioned to strengthen the

analysis. The writers also put some theories in the discussion to be a reference for the

analysis, such as the three letter formats, the language style, and the purpose of

business letter. Through the analysis above, the writers can conclude that the letter’s


format is Modified Block-style, the language style is a Formal American-English

Style, and the letter’s purpose is as an Announcement Letter.

4.2 Suggestion

According to the report, the letter’s writer should be prepared with the

information of the letter before writing a business letter. Having enough information

can help the writer to choose the format letter and language style that will be used in

the letter. Writing a compact and understandable letter will help the recipient

understand the purpose of the letter without wasting too much time to read just one

letter. Finally, the writers expect this report can give many benefits to the readers.


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I. Personal Data
SID : 31180008
Full Name : Liony Citra Agustin
Birth of Date : Jakarta, 1st August 1998
Address : Perumahan Griya Sena blok A/14, Jl.
Anugerah, Jatiasih, Kota Bekasi 17423
Phonee Number : 0821-2266-3962
Email :

II. Education
a. Formal
1. Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (2018-now)
English Department – Faculty of Communication & Language
2. SMA Metropolitan Bekasi (graduated in 2017)

b. Non-Formal
1. English Course in BBC (2018)

III. Skill
a. Basic Ms Word dan Ms Power Point
b. Bahasa Inggris Aktif (writing & speaking)

IV. Work/Organization Experience

• Volunteer as a Match Control:
- Victor Exist Jakarta Open International Badminton Tournament 2018
& 2019
- Sirkuit Nasional Premier Jakarta Open 2018 & 2019
- POPNAS XV Jakarta Cabor Bulutangkis 2019
- Jakarta Sister City Intertanional Invitation Tournament 2018
• Founder and Chairman of UKM Bulutangkis Universitas Bina Sarana
Informatika 2019

Jakarta, 15 August 2020

Liony Citra Agustin


I. Personal Data
SID : 31180116
Full name : Soraya Farantika Arifin
Birth of Date : Bantul, 17th July 1994
Address : Jl. Mabes AL no. 49, RT/RW: 04/03, Kel.
Cilangkap, Kec. Cipayung, Cilangkap, Jakarta
Timur, 13870
Phone Number : 0838 7862 1825
Email :

II. Education
A. Formal Education
• Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (2018 - Sekarang)
Jurusan: Bahasa Inggris
• Universitas Prof. Dr. Hamka (2012-2017)
Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (Tidak Selesai)
• SMA Negeri 64 Jakarta (2009-2012)
Jurusan: IPS
B. Informal Education
• Lembaga Pendidikan Indonesia-Amerika (LPIA) (2015-2016)
Conversation Class

III. Skill
• Ms. Word
• Internet
• English (Spoken and Written)

IV. Experience
• Juli 2016 – Desember 2016
Guru Bahasa Indonesia (PPL)

Jakarta, 15 August 2020

Soraya Farantika







A. Letter of Acceptance

B. Identity of Head Company


C. Daily Activities of Internship


D. Letter of Mentorship

E. Source Article

F. Documentation

• Working from Home

• Zoom Meeting with Mentor

• Example of Letter Written


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