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These terms and conditions are based on the 2008 Rules and Regulations Governing

Residence Halls in UP Diliman as approved by Chancellor Sergio S. Cao on April 2, 2008.

The University can accommodate only so many students in the residence halls. Accommodation
in these halls is clearly a privilege and not a right.

1. Residence hall accommodations are exclusively for bona fide students of the University
during the time there are classes in a given semester, trimester and/or summer.
2. An undergraduate student resident may be allowed to stay in residence hall/s for not
more than the number of years required to finish his/her degree according to his/her
program's curriculum.
3. A graduate student resident may be allowed to stay in residence hall/s for a maximum
period of two (2) years for M/MA/MS students and four (4) years for PhD students. For
the purpose of these rules and regulations, Law and second baccalaureate degree
students will be classified as M/MA/MS students.
4. Instructors and Assistant Professors of UP Diliman may be allowed to stay in residence
halls for a maximum period of five (5) years if enrolled in a master's degree program and
for a maximum period of eight (8) years if enrolled in a doctoral program.
5. Admission is for one (1) academic year unless otherwise specified by the Office of
Student Housing (OSH) and/or the Dormitory Admissions Committee (DAC). Every
semester and summer term (if applicable), students are required to submit a certified
true copy of their duly paid Form 5 of the current term to confirm their admission in the
residence hall.
6. As the need arises, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, upon recommendation of the
Office of Student Housing (OSH), may designate certain residence halls as exclusively
for freshmen, for females, for males, for graduate students, for faculty members or for
foreign students.
7. The resident shall pay the monthly residence hall fee on or before the 7th of each month
during which the Residence Hall Agreement is in force. Failure to pay the residence hall
fee for two successive months shall be a basis for cancellation of residence hall
8. A student who has been awarded a residence hall slot but does not confirm it within 24
hours after posting of results may forfeit his/her slot.
9. Termination of the agreement is allowed if the resident applies for it or if s/he can show
proof of any of the following just causes.
a. Official leave of absence from the University;
b. Honorable dismissal from the University; or
c. Other just causes considered meritorious by the Office of Student Housing.
10. If the cause of the termination does not fall under the aforementioned just causes, the
resident shall be charged a departing fee of 50% of the rental due for the remaining
period of the agreement.
11. In case a resident moves out without written permission from the residence hall
manager, s/he shall be liable for the full payment of his/her room rent for the remainder
of the period expressed in the agreement. S/he may also be permanently disqualified
from accommodation in any of the residence halls.
12. Residents intending to use appliances in the dormitory shall be required to sign an
Appliance Declaration Form (ADF) which will be used as a basis for the computation of
the required fee. The resident will be required to label these appliances.
13. Presence of undeclared or prohibited appliances inside a resident's room should be
sufficient cause for cancellation of residence hall privileges and/or denial of future
14. The resident shall abide by the University rules governing student conduct and
15. The resident shall observe proper decorum and shall respect the peace and privacy of
his/her co-residents.
16. The resident shall respect the residence hall staff and shall cooperate with the residence
hall management in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the hall.
17. The resident shall observe proper use of toilets and bathrooms.
18. The resident shall be held liable for any damage to the furnishings issued to him/her and
to the facilities of the hall in his/her use.
19. The resident shall cooperate with the residence hall management in the adoption of
measures to prevent fire, accidents and theft. The residence hall management will not
assume responsibility for the loss of any personal items.
20. Possession of firearms, deadly weapons or pyrotechnic devices is strictly prohibited in
the residence hall and its premises.
21. Possession of prohibited drugs is strictly prohibited in the residence hall and its
22. Any form of gambling is strictly prohibited in the residence hall and its premises.
23. Drinking intoxicating liquor and drunken behavior are strictly prohibited in the residence
hall and its premises.
24. The volume of musical instruments, radios and other devices should not disturb or
inconvenience other residents.
25. Guests are only allowed in the receiving areas and during visiting hours.
26. The resident is not allowed to cook within the residence hall premises.
27. The resident is not allowed to transfer occupancy from one room to another without
permission from the dormitory manager.
28. Laundering is prohibited except for undergarments, which may be done only in the
bathroom or laundry room.
29. Keeping pets in the residence hall is prohibited.
30. Memoranda, circulars and/or orders emanating from the Office of the Chancellor and/or
the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and/or Office of Student Housing,
shall become part of these operating guidelines, provided that such memoranda,
circulars, or orders are in consonance with the 2008 Rules and Regulations Governing
Residence Hall in UP Diliman.

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