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Pada suatu waktu, saya bertemu sasa di pasar malioboro, dia berasal dar canada.

Di jogja, dia
sedang liburan, dia ingin mengunjungi salah satu tempat wisata, namun dia belum tau tempat
wisata yang bagus di jogja.
Sabili: HI! Excuse me,I'm sorry to bother you. My name is sabili. I’m from Yogyakarta. What is
your name?
Sasa: I’m sasa.
Sabili: Where are you from, sasa?
Sasa: I’m from Canada
Sabili: Oh really? It’s good country.
Sasa: Yeah, I know it.
Sabili: By the way, nice to meet you, sasa.
Sasa: Nice to meet you, too, sabili.
Sabili: Are you studying here, Sasa?
Sasa: No, I’m not. I am just having holiday here.
Sabili: Oh, i have one advice for you, have you ever visited Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta?
It’s good holiday destination. You can see the beauty of the temple’s engravings and watch the
ramayana dance performance.
Sasa: Well, it’s my plan. I am going to visit Prambanan Temple tomorrow. Many friends of
mine suggested Prambanan Temple as a good holiday destination and it’s a wonderful place. So,
I decided to visit this place to spend my holiday.
Sabili: Yeah, it’s true. Prambanan temple is wonderful place. Okay, I hope your holiday fun.
Nice to talk to you. See you, sasa
Sasa: Okay, See you again sabili.

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