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Death and the Maiden 

This play Death and the Maiden play 2 scene 2 contained three
characters GERARDO , a mid forties lawful counsel, head of examine
commission and companion of PAULINA , a lady of forty years and seems
like she is harmed by something from a long time prior. The third
character is ROBERTO, Roberto is the astounding and mysterious expert
who helps Gerardo and during his visit to coastline house to commend
Gerardo on his arrangement however unfortunately he is tied up
at gunpoint by Paulina. Paulina is convinced that he is the expert
who attacked and tortured her.


GERARDO: And your skin. She mentioned your skin. ROBERTO: My skin?
GERARDO: And your smell. ROBERTO: Fantasies of a diseased mind. She could
have latched onto any man who came through that door… GERARDO:
Unfortunately, you came through that door…………………………..


Paulina,Gerardo and Roberto.

This play that centers on Paulina, a woman attempting to manage having been
took/kidnapped, , tortured, and attacked under her country's previous tyrant
framework. Having persevered through unspeakable repugnance because of her
abductors, Paulina is constrained to confront her physical issue when her
husband, Gerardo, is visited by Roberto, a man whose voice and routine articulations
seem to organize with those of the expert who blindfolded and reliably attacked
her.Gerardo tells Roberto that he needs to concede, otherwise Paulina will execute
him. Roberto battles that he has nothing to concede, anyway he realizes that a couple
of experts were used by the secretive police as "specialists in torture gatherings."
Gerardo says he ought to concede, with the exception of on the off chance that he has
a strategy for denying it. Roberto whimpers that he'd need to change his voice, skin
and smell to deny Paulina's charge against him. Roberto endeavors to demolish
Paulina's ability to affirm whether he is who she says he relies upon the supposed
irregularity of her verification. It's charming that Gerardo's motivation here isn't to
develop or ruin Roberto's fault, yet to assist him free himself.

GERARDO: Roberto, I want to be honest with you. There is only one way to save
your live… ……I think we have to indulge her. ROBERTO:…… Indulge her?
GERARDO: Humor her, placate her, so she feels that we—that you, are willing to

Gerardo and Roberto

Gerardo and Roberto, who is at this point tied up, discover a spot at the table for
lunch. Roberto, meanwhile, advances to Gerardo for help, affirming that Paulina is
crazy and will slaughter him. Gerardo explains that Paulina is convinced that Roberto
is obligated for her torture, and that the solitary course for Roberto to save his own
life is to confess.Without Paulina present, Gerardo tries to intrigue Roberto's practical
side by convincing him that the most ideal approach to save his life is to concede,
whether or not he is truly at risk. In his dealings with both Roberto and Paulina,
Gerardo begins by introducing reason into the conversation. He endeavors to use
reasoning and verbal impact to decide the conflict without violence. An furious
Roberto rejects, keeping up that he is a guiltless man and has nothing to concede. He
angrily reprimands Gerardo for not having the alternative to control his loved one and
"power demand" on his own home.


ROBERTO: Playing roles, she’s bad, you’re good, to see if you can get me to confess
that way……… And once I’ve confessed, you’re the one, not her, you’re the one
who’s going to kill me, its what any man would do, any real man, if they’d raped his
wife, its what I would do if someone had raped my wife. Cut your balls off. So tell
me: You think I’m that fucking doctor, don’t you? (Gerardo stands up.) Where are
you going? ………………………….

Gerardo and Roberto

Regardless, Roberto is incensed, declining to admit to something he ensures is bogus,

and his interest frustrates Gerardo such a great deal of that he finally loses his temper.
As of now, Gerardo is "having a go at" the persona of bothered life partner who will
present all method of savage exhibitions against a man his better half has censured for
torturing and attacking her.


GERARDO: I’m tired of being in the middle, in between the two of you……………
You reach an understanding with her, you convince her. ROBERTO: Gerardo, I’m
scared. GERARDO: So am I…………………………….
Gerardo and Roberto

Gerardo yields that he's exhausted on being in the center of Paulina and Roberto, a
position he includes in this trio, yet in the new government, as well. He will serve on a
commission that should track down some sort of concordance between finding a type
of value for the slaughtered without over-aggravating the responsible, who really hold
critical parts in the public power and society. Unexpectedly, Gerardo has not started
his work with the commission, yet he is currently depleted of accepting his named
part in his home.


GERARDO: You’re asking me to deceive my wife? ROBERTO: I’m asking you to

save the life of an innocent man, Escobar. You do believe that I am innocent, don’t
you? GERARDO…………………………………….

Gerardo and Roberto

Gerardo drops the wild exhibit, surrendering that he, also, is frightened. Roberto
requests that Gerardo help him, explaining that since he is exemplary, he doesn't
know absolutely what he is supposed to concede to and Gerardo should help him find.
Subsequently, Roberto requests that Gerardo ought to boggle his life partner to save
the presence of an innocent man. Roberto asks Gerardo in case he truly believes in the
expert's innocence. Gerardo counters by asking Roberto for what valid justification
his appraisal on the matter is huge. Roberto explains that Gerardo's evaluation is
everything; as a person from the Investigating Commission, he is the voice of human
progression. Gerardo heartbreakingly agrees preceding leaving the room in

In the last snapshots of the scene, Roberto concedes that Gerardo's assessment of his
honesty or blame is critical to him. Though he believes Paulina's allegations to be the
ravings of a maniac, it is important that Gerardo, the public essence of the new
majority rules system and a possibly high-positioning future individual from
government, have faith in his honesty. Rather than complimenting Gerardo, Roberto's
regard just appears to dishearten him, as he unexpectedly comprehends that Paulina is
frail and inconsequential, both in their general public everywhere and inside the
develops of the new government.

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