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Optimizing a Preventative Maintenance

Program for Construction Equipment
By: Stacy Heston, Noria Corporation

It seems that the emphasis in the oil analysis industry is on non-

mobile manufacturing equipment. However, oil analysis can play a
key role in maintaining heavy construction and other fleet type
equipment. In fact, oil analysis can play a key role in how you handle
the preventive maintenance of your equipment fleet.

With the high cost of petroleum products on the rise, the ability to
extend oil drains is ever increasing. But how does one know how maintenance schedules are generated at each individual location.
long to extend the interval? Or is the question should there be a set This type of fleet is the most complicated type of fleet to manage.
interval for oil changes? Oil analysis can allow you to modify the set This is due to the fact that the equipment changes location and
interval into an “as needed,” or condition based, oil change. All it maintenance personnel. These changes increase the probability of
requires is a flexible scheduling system, and creativity when double work as equipment changes location without maintenance
establishing an activity to be scheduled. history following it.

Whether you have a large or small fleet, having a preventive

maintenance program can increase uptime, decrease lubricant cost,
and decrease labor cost. Mobile equipment is not limited to only a
construction setting, and has several unique challenges that do not
apply to the fixed equipment of the manufacturing industry.

The first step to optimizing you fleet preventive maintenance is to Before oil analysis can be utilized to optimize your preventive
determine the type of fleet that your company has. There are three maintenance program, a proper scheduling system is required. This
basic types of fleets: one person-one location, one person-multiple system does not necessarily need to be computer based, but with
locations, and multiple people-multiple locations. larger fleets it does become a necessity otherwise a scheduling
nightmare could ensue. Generally, the system should allow for the
The “one person-one location” type of mobile equipment fleet has a following fields of information: Equipment identification, Make,
minimum of one person responsible for the maintenance and the Model, Equipment Type, Component, Hour Meter Reading, Date, and
equipment stays in one location. It is probably the easiest type of Maintenance Task.
fleet to maintain since equipment will not be moved to a new
location, and one person knows where the equipment stands Equipment identification should be a number that is unique to each
maintenance-wise. piece of equipment. This provides a method for tracking the
maintenance that is performed on each piece of equipment, and for
tracking the equipment itself. The Make and Model provides specific
descriptive information on the piece of equipment pertaining to the
machine size and engine horsepower. Equipment Type clarifies the
how the equipment is utilized, and can aid in identifying the equipment
when in the field. For example, a Caterpillar 631E may start out as a
scraper and eventually may be converted to a water wagon. This is
important information because a scraper typically experiences a
The “one person-multiple locations” type of mobile equipment fleet heavier workload and therefore more wear and tear, where as the
has a minimum of one person responsible for the maintenance who is water wagon has essentially been put out to pasture and is utilized
dispatched from one central location to equipment that is located at when the dust starts to fly on a work site. Hour meter reading and
various locations. This type of fleet encounters the logistics Date information are used to create a historic timeline of maintenance,
challenge since equipment may move from site to site; however, with and dictate when the next maintenance Task should be performed.
centralized scheduling the risk of double work is minimized.
The “multiple people-multiple locations” type of mobile equipment Each type of fleet requires the same standard information for
fleet has equipment at various locations that moves from location to tracking and scheduling purposes in order to extend intervals. The
location and has personnel assigned to each location. Maintenance Multiple people-multiple location fleet requires one additional field of
schedules are generated from one central location, or separate

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/ Oil Analysis

information, location. The location field aids in directing the maintenance scheduling. These intervals offer a very conservative
preventive maintenance schedule to where the equipment is at, and view of when fluid changes should be performed, and assume no
should have the flexibility to change as the equipment is moved from problems are found using oil analysis.
location to location. This will help maintain an accurate history and
reduce doubled fluid changes. The oil sample label captures a good deal on information and
should be utilized for collecting completion information for
The component refers to the equipment system that needs to be Maintenance tasks. Since an oil sample is required when all other
scheduled; engine, transmission, hydraulics, gearboxes, differentials, tasks are required, it can be a safe assumption that if the oil sample
final drives, etc. Scheduling maintenance tasks by component is not complete then the filter or oil change is not complete. In most
increases the flexibility of scheduling, adds the ability to extend drain cases, the oil sample label will ask for information pertaining to
intervals independently of the other components, and increases the whether or not a filter change or oil change has occurred. If it does
legitimacy of collected data. Flexible scheduling means that only not, it is a simple matter of discussing the addition of this information
compartments that are due for a maintenance task are listed. And to the label with your oil analysis provider.
each compartment is scheduled independently from the other
equipment compartments. To begin extending drain intervals, it is important to ensure that the
proper tests are being performed by the oil analysis laboratory. Oil
The Maintenance Task refers to the specific maintenance being Analysis testing requirements vary by component, fluid type, and
performed. There are three general tasks that must be performed for desired goals. Engine oil analysis does not require particle count;
each lubricated compartment: oil sample, filter change (if applicable), however, a hydraulic system would because of the close tolerances
and oil change. Oil sampling is the driving task for filter and oil of moving parts within the system, particularly the cylinders. Engine
changes. oil requires fuel dilution and soot testing because of the nature of its
system, where as hydraulics do not. However, if drain interval
MAINTENANCE TASK SCHEDULING extension is the goal, oxidation testing should be performed for all
As stated above, there are three general Maintenance Tasks that compartments where that goal is desired.
must be performed for each lubricated compartment. The oil sample
is the key task because the oil sample label is where the Task The oxidation number represents the amount of life left of the
information is recorded. This is because when a filter is changed, a antioxidant additive. When this number begins to decrease, the
sample should be pulled, when the oil is changed an oil sample additive has begun to breakdown. Water, heat, air, and contaminants
should be pulled, and when the proper interval has lapsed between can accelerate the speed at which the antioxidant additive is
samples an oil sample must be pulled. Below is a typical depleted. Once additive depletion is complete the lubricant itself
Maintenance Task intervals and schedule that one may see on a begins to oxidize.
Hydraulic System:
INTERVALS: There are additional analysis tests that should be performed in
Task 1 Oil Sample Pulled every 250 hours order to determine if a fluid is fit to stay in service. Tests common to
all fluid types is: elemental analysis, water, and viscosity. These
Task 2 Filter Change every 500 hours
tests will not necessarily call for a fluid change, but they can be
Task 3 Oil Change every 2,000 hours indicative of fluid problems or even failure problems to come.

SCHEDULE (Based on one oil cycle): Once a suitable test slate has been established, oil analysis results
can be utilized to extend oil change intervals to an as needed or
condition based basis. In terms of filter changes and sample
intervals, the schedule will remain the same with the exception of the
actual oil change. The following schedule outlines a condition based
oil change for a hydraulic system that has a recommended oil change
at 2,000 hours:

Once an oxidation result comes back as Severe, an oil change is

immediately ordered. In this case, the hour meter has a 30 hour
lapse between pulling the sample and the results being available.
This also means that the next oil sample is due at 3,030 hours. The
overall result is an oil drain that has been extended 780 hours. With
As you probably noticed, every time you perform a Maintenance a hydraulic system it is also important to look at particle count, high
Task an oil sample is involved. This simple schedule and its intervals particle counts can be rectified using offline filtration if the oxidation
are the typical time based schedules that are provided by the number is still within a normal range.
manufacturer, and represent a time based method for preventive

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SCHEDULE (Based on one oil cycle): By extending the drain interval on each compartment by 20%, a
cost savings of 17% can be achieved on the cost of lubricants.
Increasing the drain interval 40%, would be equivalent to a cost
savings of approximately 30%.


Once a machine is well into a life of component scheduling, it is
important to note that eventually components will not be due for
servicing at the same time. With manufacturer schedules, all
components are due for service at an interval that is a factor of 250
hours, whether it is 250 hours, 500 hours, 1,000 hours, etc. When a
piece of equipment has each component scheduled independently,
the components will take on a life of their own. This is a good thing
because eventually items break and components spring a leak
therefore each component can be scheduled based on the merits of
Let’s say you have a backhoe. A backhoe consists of an engine, SUMMING IT UP
transmission, hydraulics, axles, and cooling system. Each one of Preventive Maintenance scheduling can be optimized by utilizing oil
these compartments contains a considerable amount of lubricant, analysis. By following he key steps for pursuing a condition based
lubricant that has not necessarily met the end of its useful life at the scheduling oil drains can be extended and costs reduced. First,
scheduled change interval. Scheduling multiple compartment oil determine the type of fleet setup that your company has: one
changes based on the date and time of one compartment only person-one location, one person-multiple locations, or multiple
increases the cost of maintenance and labor. The following example people-multiple locations. Second, setup profiles for each piece of
demonstrates the cost savings that is attainable when compartments equipment that includes: Equipment Identification, Make, Model,
are scheduled independently and interval extended. Type, Components, Hour Meter Reading, Date, and Maintenance
Tasks. Third, determine which components are applicable to each
Using manufacturer suggested intervals for oil changes based on piece of equipment and the Tasks necessary to maintain that
80% utilization for a standard backhoe is equal to approximately $119 component. Next, develop an oil analysis test slate for each
per year for the engine. By extending the drain interval 50 hours, a component with an extended drain interval in mind. Finally, use the
cost savings of $20 per year can be realized. During the course of an oil analysis data. It is not enough just to pull the samples and send
entire year, if fluid drains for the transmission, hydraulics, and engine them in; the data must be reviewed and used for oil change
are extended 20%, a cost savings of $50 per machine per year can be decisions.
achieved. However, do not think you have to stop at a 20% life
extension on all components.

The following table lays out possible cost savings by compartment,

and drain interval.
Based on the following cost assumptions:
Engine oil = $8.00 per gallon
Hydraulic fluid = $7.00 per gallon
Transmission fluid = $10.00 per gallon
Gear Oil = $11.00 per gallon

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