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Please complete all fields and return application by email between May 1st and July 1st to the attention
of Grant Applications to

Contact Information

Name of Organization: Calhoun City Schools

Address: 399 South River Street
City, State, Zip Code: Calhoun, GA, 30701
Contact Name: Sara Farriba
Contact Phone Number: 912-224-8213
Contact Email Address:
Tax ID Number:

Organization’s Mission Statement:

The mission of Calhoun City Schools is to inspire all students to become lifelong
learners in the pursuit of excellence.

Purpose for which grant is requested (Be specific):

The purpose of this grant is to ensure that students from economically disadvantaged families have
reading materials in their homes. As a Title I school, many of our students live in homes where there is
not a single book for them to practice reading and we would like to remedy this situation by providing
them with their own take-home books.

What area is targeted? (Please check all that apply.)

Education and literacy ☐ Cross-cultural understanding
☐ Social welfare ☐ Environmental conservation
☐ Scientific research

What area is targeted? (Please check all that apply.)

Pre-K ☐ High School ☐ Elderly

Elementary ☐ College
☐ Middle School ☐ Adult

Does your organization target minority populations? If so, what ethnicity is served? (Please
While CCS does not target minority populations specifically, we are a diverse school system and the
majority of our student population comes from low income backgrounds. It is these low income students
that we specifically wish to target, regardless of their ethnic background.

What population is served?

☐ Women/Girls ☐ HIV/AIDS

Rural ☐ Disabled
☐ Urban ☐ Other _____________________________

Anticipated Outcome of Project:

The purpose of this project is to foster a love for reading in the population of students who do not historically have
access to reading materials within their own homes. While we try to make up for this gap in their access to
educational materials whenever we have them on our campus, COVID-19 made it absundently clear that we cannot
always count on them being present to receive direct services. We hope that by placing books in the homes of
these children, it will encourage them to practice their literacy skills and develop a true love for reading and

Plans to Measure and Communicate Project Results:

The population we are targetting scores historically low on all benchmarks provided.
These include MAP benchmark digital tests, the ELA portions of the GA Milestone
exam, and other in class checkpoints. We plan to measure the success of this project
by continuing to examine these students' scores on these tests to see if literature in
the household has a positive effect on their scores. We believe it will have a
tremendous impact on their ability to perform on these reading based tests.

Amount of Funding Requested: $ ____________ 2021-2022
Fiscal year: ____________

List sources and amounts of other funding obtained, pledged or requested for this purpose.
(Please specify.)

Source Amount

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