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Miss Sarajevo – U2 and Luciano Pavarotti – Basic level

1- Which of the words below do you know?

Christmas trees - names - kiss - lipstick – shopping - colours - first communion - queen – crown
2- Listen to the song and use the words above and the expressions below to fill in the blanks:
keeping your distance
Heads turn around
turn your eyes away
keeping your head down
getting on with your day

Is there a time for ___________________ Here she comes

A time to ____________________ Beauty plays the clown
Is there a time for ______________________ Here she comes
For _____________________ Surreal in her crown
Is there a time for kohl and _________ Dici che il fiume
A time for curling hair Trova la via al mare
Is there a time for high street ___________ E come il fiume
To find the right dress to wear Giungerai a me
Oltre i confini
Here she comes E le terre assetate
________________________ Dici che come il fiume
Here she comes Come il fiume...
To take her _______ L'amore giungerà
Is there a time to run for cover L'amore...
A time for __________ and tell E non so più pregare
Is there a time for different _____________ E nell'amore non so più sperare
Different _________ you find it hard to spell E quell'amore non so più aspettare
Is there a time for ______________ Is there a time for tying ribbons
A time for East Seventeen A time for ____________
Is there a time to turn to Mecca Is there a time for laying tables
Is there time to be a beauty ___________ And the night is set to freeze

3- Check your anwers and the meaning of the expressions in number 2.

4- Underline new words. Song Facts:

"Miss Sarajevo" is a song by U2 and Brian Eno, The italian part roughly translated by Bono:
released on November 20th, 1995. Made for a
documentary about a beauty pageant that You say that like a river finds its way to the sea
happened in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia- You will find your way back to me
Herzegovina in 1993. The country was in war since You say that you will find a way
1992, and the capital city was surrounded by But love I'm not a praying man
military forces and being attacked. Bono said that And in love I can't wait any more.
he felt that these lyrics reflected what the people
of Sarajevo were feeling at the time. — Bono

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