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Experiment # 09


To experiment with conditional structures in C++

a) To be familiar with if statement.

b) To be familiar with if else statement.
c) To be familiar with Multiple if –else-if structure.


If statement:

If is a keyword in C++ programming language. If statement is a decision making statement. It is

the simplest form of selection constructs. It is used to execute or skip a statement or set of
statements by checking a condition.

The condition is given as a relational expression. If the condition is true, the statement or set of
statements after if statement is executed. If the condition is false, the statement or set of
statements after if statement is not executed.


If (condition)


Write a program that inputs marks and displays”congratulations! You have passed.” if the
marks are 40 or more.

void main( )
Int marks;
Cout<<”enter your marks:”;
Cout<<”congratulation! You have passed.”;
The … if else statement:

The if … else statement is used to carry out a logical test and then take one of two possible
actions, depending on the outcome of the test (i.e., whether the outcome is true or false).

The else portion of the if else statement is optional. Thus in its simplest general form, the
statement can be written as

If (expression) statement

The expression must be placed in the parenthesis, as shown above. In this form, the statement
will be executed only if the expression has a nonzero value (i.e. if expression is true. If the
expression has a value zero (i.e. if the expression is false then the statement will be ignored.

The general form of an if statement which include the else clause is:

if (expression) statement1 else statement2

If the expression has a nonzero value (i.e. if expression is true), then statement1 will be execute,
otherwise statement2 will be execute.



// A program for finding the smallest number
void main()
int a=2,b=3,small;
Multiple if … else … if structure
This statement can be used to choose one block of statements from many blocks of statements. It
is used when there are many options and only one block of statements should be executed on the
basis of a condition.

Block 1;
Else if(condition)
Block 2;
Else if(condition)
Block 3;
Block N;

A program that inputs test score of a student and display his grade according to the following
Test score Grade
>= 90 A
80 - 90 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
Below 60 F


int main( )
int score;
Cout<<”enter your test score:”;
Cout<<”your grade is A.”;
Else if(score>=80)
Cout<<”your garde is B.”;
Else if(score>=70)
Cout<<”your grade is C.”;
Else if(score>=60)
Cout<<”your grade is D.”;
Cout<<”your grade is F.”;
Return 0;


Q1. Write a program that determines whether an integer is even or odd and negative or positive.
Make use of modulo operator.

Q2. Write a Mark Sheet program that accepts the marks of the different subjects from the user.
Calculate total marks, percentage and grade.
If per<60 and per >50 then Grade is “C”
If per<70 and per >60 then Grade is “B”
If per<80 and per >70 then Grade is “A”
If per >80 then Grade is “A-1”
If per<50 then prints FAIL.

Q3. Write a program that finds the maximum number from three input numbers?

Q4. Create a program in which the user selects name of the figure and program presents the
formula that is used for calculating its area. Use a rectangle, triangle, circle, and parallelogram as
the figure choice?

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