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The Open-Systems View

└ The performance gains that result from the
combined actions of individuals and departments
└ Possible only in
an organized system

Contingency Theory

Contingency Theory ‫תיאורית התלות‬

└ The idea that the organizational structures and
control systems manager choose are contingent
on characteristics of the external environment in
which the organization operates.
└ “There is no one best way to organize”

Contingency Theory

Figure 2.5
)‫טיפוס המבנה (הארגוני‬
Type of Structure

Mechanistic Structure
└ An organizational structure in which authority is
centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified,
and employees are closely supervised.

Type of Structure

Organic Structure
└ An organizational structure in which authority is
decentralized to middle and first-line managers and
tasks and roles are left ambiguous to encourage
employees to cooperate and respond quickly to the

?‫ איך זה מתייחס לתיאוריות שתוארו עד כה‬.1
?Y ‫ ותיאורית‬X ‫ איך התיאוריה הזו מתייחסת לתיאוריה‬.2
Behavioral Management Theory

 Behavioral Management
└ The study of how managers should personally behave to
motivate employees and encourage them to perform at
high levels and be committed to the achievement of
organizational goals.
Behavioral Management

Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933)

└ Concerned that Taylor ignored the human side of
the organization
• Suggested workers help in analyzing their jobs
• If workers have relevant knowledge of the task, then
they should control the task

The Hawthorne Studies
and Human Relations

Studies of how characteristics of the work

setting affected worker fatigue and
performance at the Hawthorne Works of the
Western Electric Company from 1924-1932.
 Worker productivity was measured at various
levels of light illumination.

The Hawthorne Studies
and Human Relations

Human Relations Implications

└ Hawthorne effect — workers’ attitudes towards
their managers affect the level of workers’

The Hawthorne Studies
and Human Relations

Human relations movement

└ advocates that supervisors be behaviorally trained
to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their
cooperation and increase their productivity

The Hawthorne Studies
and Human Relations

Behavior of managers and workers in the work

setting is as important in explaining the level
of performance as the technical aspects of the
 Demonstrated the importance of understanding how
the feelings, thoughts, and behavior of work-group
members and managers affect performance

The Hawthorne Studies
and Human Relations

 Informal organization  Organizational

└ The system of behavior
behavioral rules and └ The study of the
norms that emerge in factors that have an
a group impact on how
individuals and groups
respond to and act in

The Manager Aspects
The Manager as a Person
The Big 5 Personality Traits  Values
 Personality Traits └ Terminal
└ Extraversion - ‫מוחצן‬ └ Instrumental
└ Negative affectivity - ‫רגשיות שלילית‬  Attitudes
└ Agreeableness ‫נעים הליכות‬/‫חברותי‬  Emotions
└ Conscientiousness -‫מודע‬/‫מצפוני‬  Culture
└ Openness to experience - ‫פתוח‬

‫ערכים – ‪Values‬‬

‫יעדים ומטרות שאדם (מנהל) שואף להשיג ולהגיע‬
‫אליהם במהלך חייו – מה‬

‫ערכים אשר מגדירים את אופן הפעולה וההתנהלות‬
‫שאדם (מנהל) שואף אליהם בדרך להשגת היעדים‬
‫הטרמינליים – איך‬

‫מערכת ערכים – הערכים הטרמינליים והאינסטרומנטליים‬

‫אשר משמשים עקרונות מנחים בחייו של אדם (מנהל)‬

 Job Satisfaction ‫שביעות רצון מעבודה‬

└ A collection of feelings and beliefs that managers
have about their current jobs.
⧫ Managers high on job satisfaction have a positive view
of their jobs.
⧫ Levels of job satisfaction tend to increase as managers
move up in the hierarchy in an organization.


Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

└ Behaviors that are not required of organizational
members but that contribute to and are
necessary for organizational efficiency,
effectiveness, and competitive advantage


Organizational Commitment ‫מחויבות ארגונית‬

└ The collection of feelings and beliefs that managers
have about their organization as a whole

Organizational Commitment

Believe in what their organizations are doing

Proud of what their organizations stand for

More likely to go above and beyond the call of


Less likely to quit

‫ מצבי רוח ורגשות‬Moods and Emotions

└ A feeling or state of mind
⧫ Positive moods provide excitement, elation )‫(חדווה‬, and
⧫ Negative moods lead to fear, distress )‫(מצוקה‬, and

‫ אינטליגנציה רגשית‬Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence
└ The ability to understand and manage one’s own
moods and emotions and the moods and
emotions of other people.
⧫ Helps managers carry out their interpersonal roles of
figurehead, leader, and liaison.

Emotional Intelligence

Managers with a high level of emotional

intelligence are more likely to understand how
they are feeling and why
More able to effectively manage their feelings
so that they do not get in the way of effective

Values, Attitudes Moods & Emotions

Influence on the way managers perform their

4 major tasks:
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Leading
4. Controlling

‫תרבות ארגונית‬
Organizational Culture
Organizational Culture
└ The shared set of
⧫ Beliefs,
⧫ Expectations,
⧫ Values,
⧫ Norms, and
⧫ Work routines

That influence how individuals, groups, and

teams interact with one another and cooperate
to achieve organizational goals.
Organizational Culture

A strong organizational culture exists when

organizational members share an intense
commitment to cultural values, beliefs, and
 A weak organizational culture exists when
members are not committed to a shared set of
values, beliefs, and routines
Organizational Culture

Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) Framework

└ A model that explains the role that founders’
personal characteristics play in determining
organizational culture.
⧫ Founders of firms tend to hire employees whose
personalities are similar to their own, which may or may
not benefit the organization over the long-term.

Role of Values and Norms ‫תפקידם של ערכים ונורמות‬

Terminal values Instrumental values

└ signify what an └ guide the ways in which
organization and its (how) the organization
employees are trying to and its members
accomplish achieve organizational
└ (Vision) └ (Mission Statement)

Role of Values and Norms

Managers determine and shape

organizational culture through
the kinds of values and norms
they promote in an organization
Factors That Maintain and Transmit
Organizational Culture
‫גורמי תחזוקה והעברה של תרבות ארגונית‬

Organizational socialization
└ process by which newcomers learn an
organization's values and norms and acquire the
work behaviors necessary to perform jobs

Ceremonies and Rites
‫טקסים וטקסים פולחניים בארגון‬

Ceremonies and Rites

└ Formal events that recognize incidents of
importance to the organization as a
whole and to specific employees
Ceremonies and Rites

Rites of passage ‫טקסי מעבר‬

└ determine how individuals enter, advance within, or leave
the organization
Rites of integration ‫טקסי שילוב‬
└ shared announcements of organization successes, build and
reinforce common bonds among organizational members
Rites of enhancement ‫טקסי חיזוק‬
└let organizations publicly recognize and reward employees’
contributions and thus strengthen their commitment to
organizational values
Stories and Language
‫סיפורים ושפה‬

 Communicate organizational culture

 Stories reveal behaviors that are valued by the
 Includes how people dress, the offices they
occupy, the cars they drive, and the degree of
formality they use when they address one another
Itay Talgam in TED:


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