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Underground Utility Integrity Check (Concrete Pipe)

1. Crane Properties

a  8  ft Plate bearing length

b  16 ft Plate bearing width

p  114.156 kip Max. load

2. Pipe Properties (Class II [apparent] concrete pipe with Wall C, ASTM C76)

Di  60 in Pipe inside diameter

t  6.75 in Pipe wall thickness

D-load is assumed to produce a 0.01-in crack = 2,000 lbf/ft per ft of diameter Dload  2000  plf

H  3  ft  8  in Cover

D  Di  2  t  73.5 in Pipe outside diameter

3. Soil Properties

γ  110  pcf Soil density

Bf  3.87 B'fLL  2.0 Details not known reliably. From Concrete Pipe Design Manual Illustration
4.22 & 4.25, for Type II by interpolation use 3.87

BfLL  min Bf B'fLL  2  Minimum bedding live load factor, from section 4

Water table is below pipe

Wf  0 Pipe assumed empty

4. Calculate Soil Pressure

DLL  1.45 γ H 

D ( 4  π)  3
  D  4.224  10  plf Dead load soil pressure
 8 
α  60 deg

A  a  2   12.234 ft Assumed slope distribution
tan( α)

B  b  2   20.234 ft
tan( α)

CLp   461.163  psf Crane load pressure
A B

CLL  CLp  D  2.825  10  plf Total load per unit length

4. Effective Supporting Length of the Pipe

L  A  12.234 ft Ro  D  6.125 ft

 
Le  L  1.75 0.75 Ro  20.273 ft

L 3
WL  CL L  1.705  10  plf
Required pipe D-load

FS  1.0 Using D-values from ASTM standards

In lbf per linear foot per foot,

 DLL  Wf WL  FS 1 31
D0.01       388.757  plf  Dload  2  10  plf
Bf BfLL Di ft ft
 

Utilization Ratio  0.194 OK, less than 20% of the pipe's load capacity

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