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Kara Marx
Student Employment and Supervision
Connection to Student Affairs
Why I chose this topic
Integration into my educational journey
Using this at Bryant University
Influencing my work
Conversation Questions
Student Employment
Students work while enrolled in higher education not only
to offset college costs, but to build professional networks,
acquire work experiences and skills, foster a community or
reinforce their classroom learning.

Students employed on their college campuses benefit from

the convenience of working near their housing, academic
resources and cocurricular activities.
Supervisors are the primary facilitators of
professional development and learning
opportunities for student employees

In addition to a professional role,

supervisors often serve as mentors and
advisors to students
Supervising Students
Establishing requirements to ensure preparedness and clarity
about expectations, both on student and supervisor levels
A supportive supervisory relationship with guidance and
constructive feedback
Opportunities for students to reflect on their experiences and
connections between their work and academics and/ or life
Applications of classroom learning, exploration of professional
skills and the development of learning outcomes
Remembering to utilize your own supervisor/ mentor for help
and advice if needed
Connection to Student Affairs
On- campus employment opportunities should be
intentionally designed around learning and
engagement that can enhance the student experience.
Building a student's sense of identity, connection and
Provides students with opportunities to build career-
readiness skills.
Acknowledgement and documentation of student
Why this topic?

Saliency in Saliency in
My own
our courses my future
Integration into my
Educational Journey
More conversation around supervising students,
potentially within a course like Helping Skills,
where the focus is on creating that rapport with
clients (in this case, students)
In addition to having the opportunity to advise
students at fieldwork sites, being given a
supervisory role to student employees
In Practice at
Bryant University
With a little additional training in the specifics of
the Resource Center within CSLI, I could have
supervised the Student Resource and Engagement
Peers in any absence from Kelly and while Nicole
was onboarding to her new role
I also could have taken on a more supervisory role
with the VP of Student Organizations and VP of
Organizational Development in their work within
the office and with the Student President Advisory
Influencing My
Relevancy in my areas of
Student Life is the number one area of student
employee hiring at higher education

Meaningful Experience
This made me realize that these student
employee roles should be deeper than just
filling a chair at a desk and getting the work
Conversation Questions
Have you ever supervised student
employees and if you have, what
worked for you?
If you were ever a student employee
(think undergrad), what did your
supervisor(s) do that you liked and
didn't like?

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