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By: Deepti Mehta – M.Ed

[Dept. of Education, Mumbai For school purposes, the Individuals

University] with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) define learning disability in
Guided by: Ms.Sudha Pingle – these ways:
Lecturer[Dept. of Education,
Mumbai University] (i) General. The term means a disorder
in one or more of the basic
The movement towards more inclusive psychological processes involved in
settings for children with disabilities is understanding or in using language,
now gaining strength and it has become spoken or written, that may manifest
increasingly important to understand itself in an imperfect ability to listen,
how general education teachers perceive think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do
the academic outcomes of these children. mathematical calculations, including
The largest groups of children with conditions such as perceptual
disabilities in special education disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain
programs are those with learning dysfunction, dyslexia, and
disabilities. developmental aphasia.
Learning disability is a complex
phenomenon to understand. There are (ii) Disorders not included. The term
many connotations of learning does not include learning problems that
disabilities thus even today it creates are primarily the result of visual,
confusion in the mind of the general hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental
public and the professionals. retardation, of emotional disturbance, or
Learning disability is a disorder in one of environmental, cultural, or economic
or more of the basic psychological disadvantage.
processes involved in understanding or
using spoken or written language. These Generally speaking, people with learning
may be manifested in disorders of disabilities are of average or above
listening, thinking, talking, reading, average intelligence. There often appears
writing, spelling or arithmetic. They to be gap between the individual’s
include conditions which have been potential and actual achievement. This is
referred to as perceptual handicap, brain why learning disabilities are referred to
injury, minimal brain dysfunction, as “hidden disabilities”.
dyslexia, developmental aphasia, etc…
they do not include learning problems Mainly there are three distinct types of
which are due to primarily to visual, learning disabilities which can be
hearing, motor handicaps or mental identified. They are:
retardation, emotional disturbances or to
environmental disadvantage. Dyslexia: is a disorder manifested by
difficulty in learning to read despite
conventional instructional, adequate AIMS OF THE STUDY
intelligence and socio-cultural
opportunity it is dependant upon 1. To study the awareness among
fundamental cognitive disabilities teachers of learning disabilities in
which are frequently of students of different board levels.
constitutional origin. 2. To compare the awareness among
Dysgraphia: acquired loss of teachers of learning disabilities in
previous ability to write resulting students of different board levels.
from brain injury or brain disease. It
is usually difficulty in learning to OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
write which is out of harmony with
the other intellectual 1. To study the awareness among
accomplishments and manual skills teachers of learning disabilities in
of the individual. students of different board levels.
Dyscalculia: is a structural disorder 2. To compare the awareness among
of mathematics which has its origins teachers of learning disabilities in
at a genetic or constitutional students of different board levels.
disorder…without simultaneous 3. To study the awareness among
disorder of general mental functions. teachers of learning disabilities in
students at primary level and
The number of children identified as secondary level of different board
learning disabled [pertaining to the levels
above mentioned type] has increased 4. To compare the awareness among
greatly in recent years. Thus to find out teachers of learning disabilities in
the awareness about learning disabilities students at primary level and
among teachers becomes imperative. secondary level of different board
As this field of learning disabilities is levels.
gaining a lot of importance the 5. To study the awareness among
researcher conducted a study to know teachers of the
the level of awareness about learning a. concept of learning
disabilities among teachers of different disabilities
boards in Mumbai city. b. dyslexia
c. dysgraphia
The research study was based on d. dyscalculia in students at
finding the awareness level about the primary level and secondary
following: level of different board
Concept of learning disabilities levels.
Dyslexia 6. To compare the awareness among
Dysgraphia teachers of the
Dyscalculia a. concept of learning
The study was conducted in the b. dyslexia
following boards: c. dysgraphia
SSC d. dyscalculia in students at
CBSE primary level and secondary
ICSE level of different board levels
FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH: reason for their lack of awareness. Also
on asking the teachers it was noticed that
The major findings of the present most of these schools have not had any
investigation are as follows: special workshops for awareness about
learning disabilities.
1. The study has revealed that there is a
significant difference in the awareness The least aware of all the boards is
level of learning disabilities in student’s CBSE board. The researcher observed
among teachers of different boards. that none of the CBSE schools from
Amongst the boards ICSE board which the sample was collected have had
teachers are more aware about learning a workshop on learning disabilities. For
disabilities as compared to the CBSE many teachers the whole concept of
and SSC board. This was seen by a learning disabilities was new. Many
significant difference in their mean teachers of this board were confused
scores. with the types of learning disabilities and
also with the identification. It was also
During data collection the researcher found that this particular board had no
observed that more ICSE schools had special educator as such in their school.
special educators and also the school had This could also be the prime reason why
organized workshops for their teachers. the teachers of this board were so
This could be one of the prime reasons reluctant to answer the questionnaire
for more awareness among teachers of initially. Thus it shows why the
ICSE board. Also the researcher noticed awareness level in the CBSE board is
that the teachers of the ICSE board were less as compared to the SSC board and
able to identify a few cases of learning ICSE board of education.
disabled students in their school. Due to
the presence of the special educator in There is a significant difference in the
most of the ICSE schools the teachers awareness about learning disabilities
have been having sessions with them, among teachers of different boards i.e.
thus making them more aware. Also SSC, CBSE and ICSE since F value is
these special educators were found to be found to be significant at 0.01 level of
present all the working days of the significance.
2. It is seen that the awareness level of
It is also seen that the SSC board is more learning disabilities among primary
aware as compared to the CBSE board teachers differs in different boards of
of education. In the SSC schools it was education. Amongst the boards ICSE
observed that few teachers were aware board teachers are more aware about
about certain aspects of learning learning disabilities as compared to the
disabilities only. Few SSC schools were CBSE and SSC board. This is seen by a
totally unaware about the term of significant difference in their mean
learning disabilities. As there was a scores.
varying response the overall awareness
was found less in the SSC boards. Very It is also seen that there is a minor
few SSC schools have a special difference among the primary teacher’s
educator. Maybe this could also be a of SSC board and CBSE boards. There is
no significant difference in the mean disabilities. This is because the teachers
scores of these two boards. are exposed to workshops of learning
disabilities. The teachers here are more
There is a significant difference in the alert as they have the basic knowledge
awareness about learning disabilities which helps them in identifying children
among primary teachers of different in regular classrooms incase they see any
boards i.e. SSC, CBSE and ICSE since F deviation in the academic performance
value is found to be significant at 0.01 of the child in class.
level of significance.
It is also seen that there is no difference
3. It is seen that the awareness level of among the primary teacher’s of SSC
learning disabilities among secondary board and CBSE boards. There is no
teachers differs in different boards of significant difference in the mean scores
education. Amongst the boards ICSE of these two boards. The reason could be
board teachers are more aware about due to the absence of a special educator
learning disabilities as compared to the and also non exposure to workshops
CBSE and SSC board. This is seen by a about learning disabilities.
significant difference in their mean
scores. It is also seen that there is a difference of
scores among the secondary teacher’s of
It is also seen that there is a minor SSC board and CBSE boards. The SSC
difference among the secondary board is more aware than the CBSE
teacher’s of SSC board and CBSE board. This shows that the SSC and
boards. The SSC board is more aware CBSE boards have less knowledge about
than the CBSE board. the concept of learning disabilities as
compared to the ICSE board. This could
There is a significant difference in the be because of lack of exposure to these
awareness about learning disabilities boards.
among secondary teachers of different
boards i.e. SSC, CBSE and ICSE since F 5. There is a minor difference in the
value is found to be significant at 0.01 scores of SSC and CBSE. It is seen that
level of significance. there is a minor difference in the values
of mean, median and mode. The
4. It is seen that the awareness level of researcher observed that the teachers
the concept of learning disabilities showed the same level of awareness
among primary and secondary teachers concerning dyslexia. There are a number
differs in different boards of education. of articles which have been published in
Amongst the boards ICSE board reputed newspapers like the Times of
teachers are more aware about the India, Midday, etc... especially
concept of learning disabilities as concerning the dyslexic students. This
compared to the CBSE and SSC board. could be one of the reasons for the
This is seen by a significant difference in similar awareness levels amongst the
their mean scores. teachers of SSC and CBSE boards.

The ICSE board seems to be more aware The ICSE board seems to be more aware
about the basic concept of learning about dyslexia as compared to the SSC
and CBSE board. One of the reasons is lacked knowledge about dysgraphia as
same as mentioned above. Secondly it compared to the ICSE board. This is
could be because the school has evident by the difference in their mean
identified students in the primary section scores.
with dyslexia.
7. It is seen that the awareness level
It is also seen that there is a minor among primary and secondary teachers
difference of scores among the about dyscalculia does not differ in SSC
secondary teacher’s of SSC board and and CBSE boards of education.
CBSE boards. The researcher observed
that the teachers showed the same level There is a slight difference in the scores
of awareness concerning dyslexia. of SSC and CBSE. It is seen that there is
a very minor difference in the values of
6. There is a slight difference in the mean, median and mode. The researcher
scores of SSC and CBSE. It is seen that observed that the teachers showed the
there is a slight difference in the values same level of awareness concerning
of mean, median and mode. The dyscalculia. But the teachers lacked
researcher observed that the teachers knowledge about dyscalculia as
showed nearly the same level of compared to the ICSE board. This is
awareness concerning dysgraphia. But evident by the significant difference in
the teachers lacked knowledge about their mean scores.
dysgraphia as compared to the ICSE
board. This is evident by the difference The ICSE board seems to be more aware
in their mean scores. about dyscalculia. The reason for more
awareness here could be because the
The ICSE board seems to be more aware teachers are aware about the different
about dysgraphia. The reason for more types of learning disabilities i.e. they
awareness here could be because the understand the three types of learning
teachers are aware about the different disabilities which are dyslexia,
types of learning disabilities i.e. they dysgraphia and dyscalculia. They are
understand that dysgraphia is not same able to differentiate between a dyslexic
as dyslexia. They are able to child and a dyscalculic child. Whereas in
differentiate between a dyslexic child the other two boards the teachers are not
and a dysgraphic child. Whereas in the so aware about the different types of
other two boards the teachers are not so disabilities. Therefore there is a
aware about the different types of difference in the awareness level.
disabilities. Therefore there is a
difference in the awareness level. CONCLUDING REMARKS:

There is no significant difference in the At the end of the research the most
scores of SSC and CBSE. It is seen that important thing which one must have
there is no significant difference in the and keep is a positive attitude. Well
values of mean, median and mode. The some may ask:
researcher observed that the teachers
showed the same level of awareness Will a positive attitude solve all your
concerning dysgraphia. But the teachers problems? My answer would be No, but
it can open your eyes to the valuable
opportunities within even the most
difficult situations.
Is a positive attitude a way to escape
from reality? My answer would again be
In fact a positive attitude is a very
powerful and effective way to
successfully deal with reality.

Thus the time has come now to make a

new break through in our education
system and this is only possible through
the collaborative efforts of the
Government, schools, teachers and
parents. As the famous saying goes:
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss,
you'll land among the stars."

~ Les Brown

This is just the beginning.

Onita Nakra, Children and
Learning Difficulties, New Delhi,
Allied Publishers Limited, 1996

Buch M.B. Fifth Survey of

Research in Education Vol.I.
(1988-1992) New Delhi NCERT.

Buch M.B. Fifth Survey of

Research in Education Vol.II.
(1992-2002) New Delhi NCERT.

Buch M.B. Fourth Survey of

Research in Education Vol.II.
(1983-1988) New Delhi NCERT.

Dr. Baral Sudarshan . Edutracks.

June 2005.

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