Progress Test Units 1-8 Wzór

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Progress test III - units 1-8

student: ___ points: ___/50 ___% grade: ___


1​Recording 10 ​Listen and match speakers 1–6 with the type of person they describe
a)–g). There is ​one​extra answer you do not need.
1​Melissa a

a)​​someone who is set in his ways

b)​a busybody
c)​a chatterbox
d)​a wallflower
e)​a black sheep
f)​the life and soul of the party
g)​a dark horse

Recording 10​Listen again and write​true​(T) or ​false (​F).

1​Peter’s friends know he wouldn’t take kindly to having his tea interrupted. ​T
2​The idea of starting off a false rumour through her nosy neighbour to see how the message
gets distorted is something that appeals to Chloe.
3​Adrian has a tendency to monitor his phone calls so as to avoid Christine when he’s not in the
mood to deal with her.
4​Leah doesn’t understand why Fred’s so cagey about his musical abilities and only discovered
he was such a great pianist after hearing him play.
5​Matthew remarks that Maria’s brother has always been the blue-eyed boy as far as their
parents are concerned.
6​Jacqui enjoys Clare’s vivacity and is in awe of her boundless energy.

3 Complete the sentences using the correct form of a verb from the box and a suitable
preposition. There are ​two​words you do not need. (mid8)

appeal bear beat bring carry

figure give ​put​ specialise

1​I think Matthew regrets ​ putting ​his name ​forward ​for company representative.
2​We realise this is not an easy situation. However, we must ​ ​​ ​how best to manage it.
3​Betty’s not one for ​ ​​ ​the bush but at least you know where you stand with her.
4​There’s no point in ​ ​​ ​your sentence if there is damning evidence against you and the
witnesses place you at the scene of the crime.
5​The perpetrators were swiftly ​ ​​ ​justice when CCTV footage of the incident came to
6​If you really feel that you were unfairly dismissed, I suggest you consult with a lawyer who is
dealing with employment law.
7​Before deciding on your verdict, there are a couple of key points I’d like you to

4 Choose the correct answer, a), b), c) or d). (unit8-3)

1​Everyone was excited as the company’s new webpage was ​c ​to go live.
a)​back b)​over c)​​about d)​on
2​​ ​years to come, people will excavate ditches and find a deluge of discarded electronic
a)​On b)​In c)​By d)​From
3​Artefacts found at Sutton Hoo in the east of England have been found to date back
Anglo-Saxon times.
a)​from b)​by c)​in d)​to
4​Car owners should check their tyres and brakes ​regular intervals to ensure they are in
good working order.
a)​forb)​at c)​in d)​by
5​When our boss told us that no paid overtime would be authorised ​the foreseeable
future, everyone’s mood darkened.
a)​at b)​on c)​for d)​by
6​​ ​the outset, my instinct told me to trust my new colleague. Time proved me right.
a)​On b)​By c)​Over d)​From

5 Complete the second sentence with ​no more than​five words so that it means the same
as the first. Use the word in CAPITALS. (mid5)
1​I overslept because I went to bed late.
If I hadn’t gone​​to bed late, I wouldn’t have overslept.
2​It is expected that Charlene will call us when she has got through customs.
Charlene _________________________ when she has got through customs.
3​It’s annoying that you don’t tidy up after yourself.
_________________________ tidy up after yourself.
4​It’s a shame Selma isn’t here today.
_________________________ here today.
5​I lost my wallet. I don’t have my credit cards.
If I hadn’t lost my wallet, _________________________ my credit cards.
6​In some countries, tipping waiters is seen as rude. ​CONSIDERED
It _________________________ waiters in some countries.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (unit6-1)
1​What time did you say your train ​gets​(get) in tonight?
2​I’m sorry but I probably ​ ​(have) time to help you today. How about tomorrow?
3​I wonder what Christine ​ ​(do) this time next week.
4​It is certain that by the year 2020, the tropical disease known as ​yaws​​ ​(eliminate).
5​Where do you think the 2022 Winter Olympics
​(take) place?
6​Those clouds are really dark and foreboding! I’m sure it ​ ​(rain) very soon.
7​We ​ ​(meet) up later to celebrate Mike’s 50th birthday. It was arranged weeks ago.
8​There’s no way, given how little time we have left, that this report ​ ​(finish) by the end
of the day. It’s impossible!
9​I’m due ​ ​(see) Beatrice later so I can pass on your message to her then if you like.
10​Sam ​ ​probably ​ ​(regret) saying all those mean things and call to apologise later.

7 Complete the sentences with ​one​word. (mid12)
1​So, you’re telling us we have two options when it comes to the restructuring. ​Quite​frankly, of
the two choices presented, I’d much sooner find another job than face a pay cut. I’m struggling
as it is on the money I earn, so taking home less is not a viable option for me.
2​If you ​ ​me, Daldry’s performance tonight was mediocre at best and a complete
disappointment. I had such high expectations.
3​From ​ ​I can gather, our main competitor is currently investing in an aggressive new
marketing campaign which will target potential customers using a variety of promotional
4​You can trust the integrity of this team, without a shadow of a ​ ​. We will always uphold
the principles that your father held dear when he established this company.
5​Theoretically, my preference ​ ​be to avoid any possible cultural misunderstandings at any
cost. However, in practice, we only have a day to wind up these negotiations and though we
will need to tread carefully, our time constraints may not fit well with the expectations our
prospective partners might have.
6​Far ​ ​to lose a fight whilst standing up for your convictions, than to lose one without
defending your principles.

8 Complete the conversations with phrases

a)–m). There are ​two​options you do not need. (unit7-7)
1 A: ​I find it really irritating when shops try to push other products on me at the checkout.
B: ​
I couldn’t 1​ ​ ​h​ ​. If it’s not a store magazine, it’s stamps or top-up phone cards.
2 A: ​It’s good that children can learn how to use a gun in the States.
B: ​
How 2​ ​ ​? You can’t 3​
​ ​children should be given that responsibility.
A:​Well, I suppose you’ve ​ 4​
​, but all I’m trying to 5​
​ ​children should be taught how to
defend themselves.
3 A: ​ Did you hear that our politicians are getting a 10% annual pay rise?
B: ​
Oh, 6​​ ​! You can’t be serious!
A: ​
Yes, but it’s ok as it’s not going to cost the tax-payer anything extra.
B:​Oh come on, you 7​ ​ ​!
A:​No – their expenses and pensions are being restricted, so it’s all going to balance out.
B:​Where’s 8​ ​ ​in that?
4 A:​Isn’t it odd that Paul’s wife and brother both now work in the marketing department that
he’s in charge of?
B: ​
Surely you 9​ ​ ​something funny is going on?
A:​It just ​10​
​to me. Neither of them has any marketing experience.
5 A:​I think mobile phones should be banned from schools. They’re too disruptive.
B: ​
Absolutely! I’m 11​ ​ ​on that.

a)​doesn’t make sense

b)​got a point
c)​up to a point
d)​can you say that
e)​don’t think that
f)​with you one hundred percent
g)​that’s ridiculous
h)​​agree more
i)​say is that
j)​the logic
k)​against my better judgement
l)​honestly think that
m)​must be joking!

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