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The Ministry of Education UAE sample Interview Questions

– 2018

1. It is advisable to carry your Lesson planner.

2. Do carry a Learners book and an Assessment book.
3. Brush up on New School Model/OBL.
4. Prepare yourself well on Differentiate class room techniques.
5. Familiarize yourself with Islamic culture and its customs.
6. Dress code

For Men - Smart business attire | Business suit | Shirt, tie, trousers and smart shoes
For Women – Smart business attire | Business suit | Skirts to ankle length | Shirts/blouse
covering shoulder, arms to wrist

7. Do not forget to carry 5 passports photo’s on clear white background.

8. Don’t forget to sign the Interview Orientation Form after the orientation is done at the
venue. The form will be provided by our representative who will be available at the venue.
9. Stay Focused, Relax come prepared, don’t be in a hurry and please be there at the venue by
the give time.


1. Do you know about The Northern Emirates/Ministry of Education?

2. Why did you choose to apply to The Northern Emirates/Ministry of Education?
3. Why do you think The Northern Emirates/Ministry of Education will make a difference?
4. How do you think The Northern Emirates/Ministry of Education will make a difference?
5. How and Why would you make a great candidate for The Northern Emirates/Ministry
of Education?
6. What are your Strengths that would make you a great teacher for The Northern
Emirates/Ministry of Education What is your Teaching philosophy?
7. How Grading and Judging is done?
8. What are the Assessment Techniques?
9. How would you handle a Low proficiency student
10. How will you deal with a Good student and an Average student?
11. How and what techniques would you use to handle students who are not at their
12. What are the 4c’s and explain? (Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical
13. What Experience do you have that would make you an Effective Teacher for The
Northern Emirates/Ministry of Education?
14. How many preparation minutes would you take to prepare for a given class?
15. How many teaching minutes would you take for a given class?
16. What is Differentiation in class room?
17. What is Differentiated learning?
18. What are the Different differentiated Learning Techniques?
19. How do you Apply Differentiated learning Techniques in your lessons?
20. What are your Different Teaching methods?
21. What are the Different classroom strategies, methods or approaches that you would use in
your classroom?
22. What is Discipline Management?
23. What are the Different discipline management techniques?
24. How will you use discipline Management in your class?
25. Give some techniques for Positive Discipline Management?
26. What is Class room management?
27. How do you handle Administrative work related to teaching?
28. What is Behavior management?
29. How do you handle Behavior management?
30. How do you manage a Disruptive class room?
31. Differentiation between boys and girls?
32. What is a Lesson plan?
33. How would you plan a Reading lesson for students?
34. Could you run us through a lesson that you have done?
35. How would you deal with Language barriers?
36. How would you Overcome the Communication barrier with local teachers in your school?
37. How would you overcome the Communication barrier with parents of the students?
38. How would you work with the local Principal who doesn’t understand your teaching
39. How would you respond to a Parent who interrupts your class to talk to you about their
child’s performance?
40. How do you deal with change?
41. How will manage Cultural change?
42. Difficult example of teaching a class?
43. How did you overcome?
44. What techniques did you use to overcome?


Buzz Words
Below is a list of buzz words commonly used in teaching and it is vital you are aware of these
before the interview.

Buzz Word In simple English this means…

Lesson Plan The basic structure you should be using to construct the flow and
content of your lessons.
Aims & Objectives The overall aims of the lesson ; objectives are what the student(s) should
achieve by the end of your lesson with them
Starter This is the starting activity of the lesson- something that ‘hooks’ students to
Main Activity the lesson
These are the activities covered during the lesson which should coincide
with the objectives of the lesson.
Plenary/Conclusion/Ending This is the final part of the lesson before the class is dismissed-this should
revise the objectives and have your students actually learnt!
Differentiation Your strategies to cater for varying abilities and needs of students.
Formative Assessment This is also referred to as “on-going” assessment and done on a daily
Summative Assessment Assessment carried out mid unitbasis.
or end of unit, normally in the form of a
written test, coursework or assignment.
Peer Assessment Assessment which is carried in groups/pairs by students on students.
AfL Stands for “Assessment for Learning”. In simple these are the methods
you use to assess students learning.
APP Stands for “Assessing Pupils Progress”. This is related to AfL and more
closely to strategies used for “Formative Assessment”.
EAL Stands for “English as an Additional Language”. This is where English is
not the students first language.
SEN Stands for “Special Educational Needs”. This is for students who have a
special need to help them to progress. This could range from a physical,
social, behavioural or cognitive disability.
IEP Stands for “Individual Education Plan”. These are often created for
students with SEN, to assist the teacher in how to differentiate activities
ALP Stands for “Advanced/Accelerated Learning Plan”. These are often created
for G&T
students, to assist them in achieving their personalised goals.

G&T Stands for “Gifted & Talented”. Students who excel academically in class,
often recognized for an ability/talent/ skill/concept to exceed in the subject.
VLE Stands for a “Virtual Learning Environment”. A collaboration software tool,
now being introduced into schools to allow for registration, monitoring of
students, liaising with parents, set detentions, set homework, collect
homework, mark homework and a whole lot more
IWB Stands for “Interactive White Board”. A digital white board which allows
for greater interaction and collaboration in the classroom
CBL Stands for “Computer Based Learning”. Using technology in the classroom to
facilitate learning. This could mean physical technology, software or on the
OBL Stands for “Outcomes Based world wide web
Learning”. Learning which is student
centered, based on the outcome of the students work
Constructivism This is where a student creates his/her own learning environment
Critical Thinking This is when a student’s mind is able to resolve a problem using concepts,
theories and skills from Bloom’s Taxonomy (URL)
Personalized/Independent Creates a learning environment where all students are able to achieve,
Learning progress and participate, strengthening the link between learning and
teaching by engagement of students/ parents and where teachers become
resources and students, facilitators of their own learning.
Pedagogy This is your mental/theoretical process/approach to teaching and how
you achieve outcomes e.g. How do you teach Shakespeare to Year 8 SEN
WBL/ E -LEARNING Stands for “Web based learning” or “Online Learning”-all forms of
electronically teaching and learning.

Interviews questions can be broken down into 2 basic categories:

1. Directly about education - this is to see whether you can actually do the job based on
what is on your CV
2. Related to aptitude - this is to determine whether or not you fit into the
working environment for that particular employer

While most schools naturally would like to interview face-to-face, not all are able to and so
most international school interviews are conducted over telephone or web conference. This
makes it even more challenging for you to convince the employer that YOU are the right
person for the job. It is vital you have the basics secured to show you are competent in
executing the job.

Teachers can be fantastic deliverers in the classroom but if you don’t have any clear structure
to your answers, you immediately hinder your chances to shine and secure the position.
Some of the information may seem obvious in this document but as professional recruiters
for the international schools market, the consultants at Seek Teachers™ are often quite
surprised at the number of times they have to repeat in assisting /preparing teachers for an
interview with the same mistakes repeated.


A lesson plan

A lesson plan...The core foundation of teaching, how can any good teacher be without it? A lot
of the questions you will be asked will be based on your ability in the classroom, so you should
really know the content, structure and flow of a good lesson that you have taught. Examples of
these questions are as follows:
1. Can you talk me through a lesson plan?
2. What would I expect to see if I was to walk into your classroom
3. Can you explain one of the best lessons you have delivered, talking me through
the lesson as if I was observing you and summarizing why you think it was a
good lesson?
4. What in your opinion does a good lesson look like, feel like and sound like?
5. Sum up in 5 words an ideal lesson.

Below are key statements that should be used when answering questions related to a
lesson/lesson plan

Introduce 1. “This lesson is about...”

Setting the Scene 2. “The overall aim of the lesson is...”
3. “The objectives of the lesson are...”
4. “The class was made up of:” (student population, type, ability) – set the scene
Starter 5. “The starter/starting activity of my lesson is...”
st nd
Main 6. “The 1 main activity of the lesson is...The 2 main activity of the lesson is... etc”
Main 7. “I promoted independent learning by...”
Main - Assessment 8. “I formatively assessed my students by...”
Main - 9. “I differentiated the activities by...”
Plenary/Conclusion 10. “The plenary/conclusion of my lesson is...”
Reflection 11. “The lesson went well because...”
12. “My students learnt by...”

Your “best” lesson plan should be transparent in your mind covering all the statements in
an organized manner similar to the lesson plan template below.

If you find your mind is scattered with information and you need some clarity or direction you
may wish to complete the template below with YOUR best lesson and have that by the side if
interviewing by skype or by telephone.

You may be asked questions on just some elements but by preparing this thoroughly you would
have covered all angles and should be able to answer anything related to your ability to teach
confidently. The worst thing you could do in an interview is “umm” and “ahh” as it shows you
have not prepared.

Aim to research the school website, focusing on understanding the schools ethos, its curriculum
and get a feel for it from any pictures that may be on the website.

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