Specific Gravity Measurement 005-1

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Method Of Analysis

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Department Name : Quality Department / QC Code No.: MOA 005/1


Issue Date : 01 / 08 / 04 Replaces : First Issue Reviewed : / /

1. Revision:
First Issue

2. Introduction:
2.1. this test method covers the determination of the specific gravity of drying oils
varnishes alkyd resins. Related materials and paint ( Solvent , Water base ).
2.2. For materials with kinematics viscosity of 40 stocks or less. Use the leach type
2.3. For materials with a viscosity in excess of 40 stock, use the Hubbard-type
2.4. Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a given volume of material at 25°C.

3. Procedure:
3.1.Adjust the sample to be tested at 25°C using a thermometer.
3.2.Fill a clean, dry pyknometer the material to be tested at temperature 25°C
Approximately .
3.3. weight the pyknometer plus material under test let it C with the stopper.
3.4. remove the pyknometer from the balance and fill it with freshly poiled distilled water
of approximately [20°C]. Insert the stopper and place the pyknometer in the
constant temperature bath for as least 30 min. At the end of this time firmly seat
the stopper and then carefully blot the top of the stopper, being careful not to
draw water from the stopper opening.

Prepared By : QC Manager: Plant Manager:

Method Of Analysis
Page 2 of 2
Department Name : Quality Department / QC Code No.: MOA 005/1


Issue Date : 01 / 08 / 04 Replaces : First Issue Reviewed : / /

Weight the pyknometer filled by distilled water and record as B .

3.5. Weight the pyknometer empty, record this weigh as A.

4. Calculation of Results:
Specific gravity = [C-A] / [B-A ]
A : Weight of pyknometer, g.
B : Weight of pyknometer plus water, g.
C : Weight of pyknometer plus material, g.

5 .Result :
Pass or Fail

Annual book of ASTM standards D 1963 Section 6 volume 06 - 03.

Prepared By : QC Manager: Plant Manager:

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