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Social Media Superstar

Author – Hackermouse
Updated Version 1.7 – October 2017
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Hi everyone, my name is Hackermouse. This method basically tells you how to create a mass social
following on your insta or snapchat account. You can use this method to increase your Twitter
followers, Facebook likes/friends, Snapchat friends, or anything else like that. This method is pure
genius, and very simple to follow.

The Snapchat Guide

Step 1:
Download the app: “Yellow”, either on the Android or Apple store. The app is the same on both
variants. This app is brilliant, it’s the perfect tool to build a following on Snapchat and then you can
use your snapchat following to build up your other social media accounts and make money from
referral links, advertisements, shout outs, etc.

Step 2:
Once you download the “Yellow” app, you will have to make an account. If you are using this method
to build up an e-whoring account, enter a girls name, “Jessica” for example, gender female, age 18.
You will have to verify your phone number, don’t worry they won’t share this with anyone and your
identify will still be secret. When you have done this, go on to “Settings” and turn “Let my friends
find me using my number” off.

Step 3:
Once you have verified your account, you will need to upload photos and change your settings
depending on what you want to do with this. So, for example if you are trying to build a female
account for e-whoring, you would find someone relatively good looking, not a model (People aren’t
stupid, if it’s too good to be true, it usually is) Don’t use revealing photos (Dead giveaway), just use a
normal set of photos of a relatively pretty girl. DO NOT UPLOAD NUDES, ETC, YOU WILL GET
BANNED. After you upload the photos, go to settings and change the options:

For example:

Talk to? – Boys

How old? – 18-70 (Or whatever your target audience is) – I usually use 18-30

Where? – This depends on what you are looking for. Try different options and see what works best
for you. For example, if you are looking to build an Instagram with a target audience in the UK and
you are from the UK, click my country only. If you are looking for a worldwide audience, click all
around the world.

TURN PUSH NOTIFICATIONS OFF – You do not want to be using your phone and it comes up that you
have matched with someone this app in front of your girlfriend... Also, if you wish to hide the app,
create a folder on your iPhone, put a bunch of the default apps, such as “weather”, “facetime” and
“podcasts” in to a folder, put over 10 apps in here and it’ll split in to two pages, stick “Yellow” on the
second page, no one will ever find it.

Now, the most important part – If you are looking to build Instagram and Snapchat. You can
integrate your Instagram handle with Yellow. However, you are not able to integrate Snapchat with
Yellow (This is OK – There is another way). Basically, instead of integrating the same way Instagram
does, you will put your Snapchat username in your bio with something like this: “Add me on Snap –
*USERNAME* you’re more likely to get me on there!” – This works very well. Almost just as
important as adding your Snapchat username to your bio is adding a picture of your Snapcode to
your Yellow photo album. I usually place it on the second picture in the album. If you don’t know
what a Snapcode is, please Google and find out how to download it (It’s essentially a picture that
people can screenshot and it’ll automatically add your Snapchat) – Sometimes when you download
a Snapcode off of Snapchat, it’ll be too small to fit on to the Yellow picture album properly, so edit
the photo making sure the whole Snapcode is visible through the Yellow photo viewer.

Under the “biography emoji” section, put some dirty emojis, for example the devil face, etc etc.

Step 4:
Great! Now you have everything set up and ready to go! Once you are in position, go to “swipe” and
swipe right on everyone you come across. If you have a fairly attractive girl in your profile you will
match with almost everyone, once you match, they will gain access to your Snapchat username and
the friend requests will start rolling in. It took me a couple of days to gain over 5000 friend requests.

Step 5:
Now the requests are rolling in, you have the option to make this even faster. You begin swapping
shout outs with other people, there are various people selling Snapchat shout outs on Hackforums
and other forums. You simple ask for a shout out swap, you give them a shout out to your followers
and they do the same for you. If you do this at the same time as you are swiping, you can easily gain
over 10000 followers within a week. The best part is that you don’t need to accept the friend
requests on Snapchat, just make sure that your story is set to “public” and they will be able to see
any stories you post by simply sending you a friend request.

Step 6:
Sit back and relax! You’ll get hundreds of requests from people on Snapchat. Now you can use the
large following on Snapchat to help build your other social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter,
this is done through shoutouts. I hope you enjoyed this e-book! It has worked wonders for me.

Step 7:
Do not post any nudes on Yellow, they are very strict and you WILL Get banned, be careful with what
you say and don’t make it obvious that you are not real.

The Instagram Guide

Method 1: The Mine and Grind

The Mine and Grind is the thing you’ll be doing every day to grow your following. It’s how you find
and attract new followers to your Instagram account. These aren’t just any followers, these are your
ideal followers. These are your people. Finding and attracting your people is a 3 step process.

Step 1 – Find potential followers

First you need to find collections of people on Instagram who might want to follow you. A great
place to start is with your theme. Look up your people that fall in to your target category (babes,
gym, or if you’re looking to start up a coffee shop/online community, then look for relevant
hashtags!) and your competitors. Who are they following? Those people might want to follow you.
Another place to start is on Scroll through the weekend hashtag projects and
featured users. Look for people who remind you of your theme (Gym, babes, etc). Those people
might want to follow you. If you’ve just posted a photo, is there something contextual to that post
that you can mine? If you mentioned someone, that’s easy. See who they are following. But you can
also look at the contents of the photo. For example, is there a donut in your post? What are the
hashtags that people use for donuts? Where do people buy donuts? These hashtags and locations
might be used by people who want to follow you.

Step 2: Are these your people?

Now you want to assess all the people you’re finding in Step 1. Look at each potential follower to
check if they are right for you. Not everyone you’ve found is a follower you want, or a follower who
wants you. For each person, look at the profile photo and check the first 6 profile photos. Reference
your desired theme and really ask yourself, “Would this person follow me?” It’s important for you to
do this every day so that you get really good at recognizing your people. You’ll get immediate
feedback on your skills by seeing whether people who you thought would follow you actually end up
following you.

Step 3: Get noticed

The final step is to get your potential follower’s attention by commenting and liking. For each person
you found in Step 2, you should like and comment on at least one of their photos. Scan their feed
quickly and pick a photo that stands out to you, one that you can say something fun or specific
about. Then, like that photo and leave a comment. It’s that simple. The more contextual your
comment is, the more likely you are to get a response from them. It’s like being at a party, try to be
the rad person in the comment thread. Try to stand out in a positive way. You don’t have to agonize
about writing the perfect comment. The thing about Instagram is that it’s such a friendly community
– You wouldn’t randomly comment on someone in the streets, but on Instagram, you can get away
with it and it can have some very positive benefits. If you can’t think of anything clever to say
quickly, just say something supportive and throw an emoji in there. Then move on to the next
person in your list. It’s important to keep a quick pace. Why does this work? After you like and
comment on someone’s profile, they’ll get notified by Instagram. They’ll check out your Instagram
profile and look at your profile pic. Maybe they’ll scan your newest 6 photos. If they like you, they’ll
follow you. It’s pretty simple. It’s exactly how you do it when you decide to follow someone. When it
doesn’t work, sometimes it’s because you didn’t leave an engaging enough comment. Sometimes
it’s because your newest 6 photos didn’t inspire them; they didn’t connect with your content. Don’t
beat yourself up about this. You’re not gonna be a rockstar right outta the gate. If you’re not getting
people to follow you, use this as a signal to up your game. Maybe you need to get better at writing
engaging comments. Are your comments fun, do you use contextual emoji? Maybe you need to
make your profile content more cohesive. How do your photos compare to your competitors and
your theme? Don’t just look at photos individually. Look at the top 6 as a group. Do they convey a
cohesive style? This is one of the reasons the Mine and Grind is so useful: it pushes you to improve
every day. You get strong signals indicating that either your content needs work or you need to get
better at identifying who wants your content. Without the signal, you’re stuck. One last thing to
remember: the best time to Mine and Grind is right after you post a photo to your account. That
increases engagement on each photo you post.

Step 4: Engagement drives engagement

This method may seem slow, but it drives engagement with your followers. When you engage with
them, they may engage back and this will be displayed on all of their followers “Following” tab when
you click the love heart on the Instagram app. This is a by far the best conclusive method to drive
natural growth and engaging audiences.

You can also use it alongside some of the other methods below for maximum results.

Method 2: Leverage The Following Of Other Instagram Accounts To Acquire New Followers

In the world of Instagram marketing, this tactic tends to be broken into two different categories:

1) Shout outs and

2) Product placements

A shout out is when you see one account promoting another by sharing their content or literally
giving them a shout out in the caption.

When you're planning to leverage shout-outs, it's important to understand who you're targeting.
Take the time to research your industry by searching for hashtags that are relevant and looking at
the top posts. Let's say you're responsible for creating an Instagram account for a Yoga Mat
company, the process might look like this.

You start by searching for a top hashtag.

Luckily, Instagram will give you recommendations on popular hashtags by simply searching a generic
term. In the example above, I typed 'Yoga' and was quickly recommended hashtags like
#YogaEverywhere, #YogaLove and #YogaEveryDamnDay. I clicked the first one and was taken to a
feed filled with today's most popular posts that used this hashtag.

Once you've identified the influencer, it's time to reach out.

Some accounts will have their email directly in their bio while others will require a bit of digging. If
you can't find the email on their website or via their bio, reach out via direct message on Instagram
or comment publicly on one of their posts expressing that you want to chat about a possible

Now that you know how to reach out, it's time to understand what happens next.

But before we do that, I'm going to share with you a mistake that I've made in the past that I don't
want you to fall victim to as well. It's a strategy that could work a bit better if you have hundreds of
thousands of dollars to spend but if you only have hundreds or a few thousands - I'd avoid it.

What is it?

Method 3: The Free Product & Pray Strategy

This is the idea of sending products to influencers after getting their address and just hoping that
they'll share your product.

When we launched Hustle & Grind, we sent out products to about 25 different influencers all across
the US and Canada with the hope of seeing a handful of Instagram and social media shots with our
product. Of the 20, we were able to account for just four different influencers who actually shared
the product on social media.

If you're going to take this approach, include instructions with your product expressing that you
would love it if they pushed any photos to their social media channels. And to take it a step further,
write them beforehand and confirm that they would be willing to share photos in exchange for

So what's the better approach?

Method 4: Hire Influencers To Take Photos With Your Shots

This approach to product placement gives you a 100% guarantee.

You follow the steps highlighted above where I talk about influencer identification and then reach
out letting them know you want to hire them. Here's an example of the email I've sent in the past:

Hey [Influencers Name] - Love your work on Instagram.

I saw you were a coffee fan on Instagram and thought I should reach out!

As a bit of info, I'm the co-founder of Hustle & Grind. A subscription service for entrepreneurs and
professionals that sends coffee, gear and tools to people around the world trying to achieve success.
We also offer a handful of different products like inspirational posters & awesome mugs.

We're looking for a few folks to send a couple products and have them upload those photos to
Instagram in exchange for the gear. Is this something you would be interested in? You can check out
some of our products in our shop. We would love to make this work. Have you done Insta shots with
brands before? Do you charge for this? If so, what's your rates like?

Let me know - Would love to figure out a way to work together.

Once you send them your outreach it's the waiting game. Some influencers will agree to take the
photos for free and others will require payment. From what I've seen, the cost for an influencer to
take a photo can range anywhere from $25, $50, or as much as $50,000 depending on their
experience and following. Here's a photo and product placement that we had implemented by an

Paying for product placements has been a strategy that has helped some brands grow to online

A great example is of this in action is Frank Body, a coffee scrub company that has grown like wildfire
using Instagram with an estimated sales of roughly $20 million in the last year. When talking about
Influencers, during a recent podcast, the co-founders expressed that they paid Jen Selter $20,000 for
a product placement.

At the time, Jen had around 6M followers on Instagram but today she has more than 8.2M followers
and some sources believe she's charging $50,000 per Instagram post. One additional benefit when
working with Instagram influencers is that they may also share on other networks like this Tweet
from Jen Selter promoting Frank Body.

Method 5: Paid Influencer Shout Outs

Nathan Chan of Foundr Magazine (strongly recommend you check them out) refers to these
strategic partnerships as one of the biggest drivers for growth on his company's Instagram account.
At this time, he's grown the Foundr Instagram account to more than 400,000 followers and that
number is growing daily!

Foundr spent about $100 on shout-outs in the first two weeks of their Instagram account, and it was
$100 well spent. This became instrumental in getting them to their first 10,000 followers.

Similar to Foundr, we paid for a handful of shout outs to help grow from 10,000 to 25,000. The
approach was very similar to what you would do for a product placement except the image shared
can fall into three different categories: (1) Caption Shout out, (2) Caption + Image Shout out or (3)
Screenshot Of Your Account shout out.

The most effective type of shout are those in which your entire account is screenshotted and the
influencer tells their followers to check out your profile. It looks like a grid of 9 photos and your
profile handle - this approach tends to drive the most followers because it's such a clear call to
action and no question what you're asking your followers to do.

For a caption shout out, the influencer simply has to mention you in the caption of their post while
with an image, they have to share an image of your choice. Here's an example of a caption +image
shout out in action.

Method 6: Strategic Shouts For Shouts

What's even better than a shout for shout is one that's done for free.

As you build your account on Instagram, build meaningful relationships with people who have an
audience similar to your brand. Establish these relationships by giving lots without receiving
anything in return.

How can you make that happen? Shout out their accounts before you reach out to them asking for a
shout out in return.

Now, you don't want the mistake of aiming for the account with 100k+ followers when you only
have 10,000. Instead, aim to build a relationship with someone with 20,000 followers by
commenting on their photos, liking their pictures and giving them a shout out now and again.

Once the relationship has been established, you will truly begin to form a connection. Or at least,
that's what we've found in the relationships we've built on Instagram.

Today, we share shout outs back and forth with other accounts who are also committed to creating
and distributing great content. Here's an example of a shout out going back and forth between our
account and @Rich20Something.
We both benefit from being placed in front of each others audience and likely gaining new followers
in return.

What To Do Next...

Understand that this strategy is only going to pay dividends if you're very targeted with who you
receive shout outs from. If you're running a gamer account, you're not going to go after an fitness
model. Ok, maybe you will... But... Be strategic!

Thank you for reading my e-book. All the best in your online endeavours!

- Hackermouse

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