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We like to dedicate this presentation to you

Mam because. You are only not our teacher
.You are our leader
You guide us
You support us
You teach us
You really, inspired us. We are so lucky to
say that you are our teacher and our
 Meaning
 Nature
 Scope
 Objective

1) Meaning of HRM

What is Human?
Human is the creation of God how have
emotion and senses how to live.

What are resources?

A stock or supply of money, materials, staff
and other asset that can be drawn on by a
person or organization in order to function

What is management?
Coordinating and overseeing the work activities of
others so that company’s goals can be
 What is human resource management?

In simple words, HRM is a process of making

the efficient and effective use of human resources so
that the set goals are achieved.

 The national institute of personnel

management (NIPM)

That part of management which is concerned with

people at work and with their relationships with in
an enterprise. Its aim is to bring to gather and
develop into an effective organization of the men
and women who make up an enterprise and having
regard for the well-being of the individuals and of
working groups, to enable them to make their
contributions to its success.
In short HRM is an art of managing people at work
in such a manner that they give their best to the
organization for achieving its set goals.
2) Nature of HRM

Nature of HRM has been highlighted in

its following features;

1- Inherent part of management

2- Pervasive management
3- Concerned with people
4- Action oriented
5- Continuous process
6- Directed towards achievement of
3) Scope of HRM

The scope of HRM is divided into

three categories;

1-HRM in personnel management

2- HRM in employee welfare
3- HRM in industrial relations


This is typically direct manpower

management that involves
manpower planning, hiring
(recruitment and selection),training
and development, induction and
orientation, transfer, promotion,
compensation layoff and employee
The overall objective here is to
ascertain individual growth,
development and effectiveness which
indirectly contribute to
organizational development.

HRM in Employee Welfare

This particular aspect of HRM deals

with working conditions and
amenities at work place. This
includes a wide array of
responsibilities and services such as
safety services, health services,
welfare and medical services.
Employee welfare is about
determining employee’s real needs
and fulfilling them with active
participation of both management
and employees. In addition to this, it
also take of canteen facilities rest
and lunch rooms, transport medical
assistance education health and
safety etc.

HRM in Industrial Relations

Since it is a highly sensitive area, it

needs interactions with labor or
employee unions, addressing their
grievances and settling the disputes
effectively in order to maintain
peace and harmony in the
It is about establishing, growing and
promoting industrial democracy to
safeguard the interests of both

3) Objectives of HRM

The primary objectives of HRM is

to ensure the availability of right
people for right job so as the
organizational goals are achieved
Objectives of HRM is divided into
four categories:
1- Societal Objectives
2- Organizational Objectives
3- Functional Objectives
4- Personal Objectives

Societal Objectives

HRM is responsible for the

needs, demands and challenges
of the society. All the resources
must be utilized for the benefit
and in the interest of society.
HRM follows the rule and laws
or legal restrictions imposed by
society. It has to develop and
maintain healthy relations
between union and management.
Organizational Objectives

It consists of recognize the rule

and importance of HRM to bring
organizational effectiveness.
HRM has to prepare human
resource planning to recruit,
select, place, train and develop
the human resources to arrnge for
performance appraisal and to
achieve the organizational
objectives like to earn profit,
growth and expansion, survival,
diversification etc.
Functional Objectives

To maintain the developments

contribution at a level
appropriate to organizations
Resources are wasted when
HRM is either more or less
sophisticated to suit the
organizations demand. The
departments level of service must
be tailored to fit the organization
it serves.
Personal Objectives

To assist and employee in

achieving their personal goals, at
least in so far as these goals
enhance the individuals
contribution to the organization.
Personal objectives of employees
must be met if workers are to be
maintained, retained and
motivated. Otherwise, employee
performance and satisfaction
may decline and employees may
leave the organization.

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