Letter From HJ "Walt" Walter To The NRA Board of Directors

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TO: The officers of the National Rifle Association of America

It has come to my attention an article in the Free Beacon written by Stephen Gutkowski
and is summarized in a piece by Frank Tait, an NRA Life Member on his web site. In his summary
Mr. Tait offers it as being written by Stephen Gutkowski, however he reveals the board
members names, which Mr. Gutkowski never mentions, on how those members voted on the
resolution. This is proof positive that some board member leaked the proceedings of the
executive session held at the board meeting in Dallas on March 28 th, 2021.

This information was leaked from business of the association at a special board meeting
in executive session. The person who leaked this information violated Article XIV, Section 2
which states that Roberts Rules of Order shall govern this meeting. It further violates Article IV,
Section 3(e) which states: upon request of 20% of the membership of the Board of Directors
present, the names of the persons voting in the affirmative, in the negative and the
abstaining, shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting but not published in the official

Now this may seem to some as a trivial matter but I take this very seriously. As a naval
officer for 25 years my conduct was always required to be loyal and honest. My word is my
bond. This leak from executive session has affected me directly as well as all members of the
board who were present at this meeting. By revealing those people who voted differently from
those that agreed to the resolution, our votes were in effect revealed as well. This is in direct
violation of Article IV, Section 3(e) of the By-laws. I defend all my fellow board members to be
able to vote any way they wish as long as the by-laws of the association are followed. Those
who voted differently from the majority had every right to do so but to have their names
revealed in a public forum cannot be condoned. If I knew who the leaker was and could prove it
I would file ethics charges against that person and recommend dismissal from the board of
directors. If this type of action had happened in my squadron during the war there would
probably be a funeral on the fantail of the ship at 6am and the person would be planted in the
sea in a canvas bag. This is an affront to the 5 million members who are represented by our
board members and only goes towards making the boards duty worse in trying to do what’s
best for the association. This type of action weakens the moral standing of the board and casts
aspersions on everyone. If this leaker is not identified, board members will begin to doubt their
fellow board members and loss of trust only weakens us further as a board. That doesn’t mean
we can’t disagree as long as after the dust is settled everyone agrees the board has spoken.
Today that is not the case and those who are supporting the board decision whether they agree
or not are doing a disservice to the rest of us.

You may share this with other board members if you wish but I prefer it to remain

Respectfully submitted
/s/H.J.”Walt” Walter
LtCommander, United States Navy


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