13 Amazing Health Hacks Everyone Should Know (By - Bottom Science)

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13 Amazing Health

Hacks Everyone
Should Know

BY -: Bottom Science
Copyright © 2020 Bottom Science www.BottomScience.com

Copyright © 2020 Bottom Science

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without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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First Printing, 2020


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Life is already tiring, chaotic, and filled with unexpected
wonders. Talking about our bodies, they are incredible and
complex systems that we often do not have much control over.
However, if we can understand some of the processes in our
body, we can get what we want. Here’s a collection of 13 simple
health hacks that everyone should know to make their daily lives
simple and enjoyable.

We advise you to start with the one that appears you most
comfortable, and aim to make it a habit before moving on the
next one. Soon you’ll be experiencing big changes in your
health and well-being without feeling like you sacrificed
anything at all. Use these health hacks to feel a little healthier
every day.
Let’s take a look at some health tips that can solve every day,
minor health problems. After using these tips your life becomes
so much easier!

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13 Amazing Health Hacks Everyone

Should Know

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#1. Mindfulness

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Mindfulness meditation is the main key, so you probably know

all about its benefits. But if you really don’t enjoy meditating or
can’t seem to practice regularly, take a daily mindful moment
instead. Pick an activity so boring that your mind typically
wanders while doing it (for e.g. – brushing your teeth, walking
to the bus, washing the dishes, blow-drying your hair, taking a
shower etc.). If your mind roams, try to stay in the moment by
using your senses
When you catch yourself thinking about something else, bring
yourself back to the present moment.

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#2. Use Meditation

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Setting aside as little as five minutes to meditate each day pays

off big: those who commit to daily meditation are less stressed,
sleep better, and have amazing immune system over those who
It’s especially helpful to meditate at the start of the week to
gather your energy and go into the busy week with a calm

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#3. Use Yoga to Heal


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If you have a tension headache that just won’t go away, try

practice yoga poses for headache relief. When you are on the
mat, you focus on the practice. This means that all your attention
is concentrated on the matter at hand, and your mind slowly
drains out the stress and troubles that are plaguing it. These
poses will improve blood circulation, stretch out tense neck and
shoulder muscles, and help you relax.

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#4. Sleep Smarter

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We all know that getting quality sleep for 8 hours a night

maximizes and recharge our mental state for the following
day. Sometimes it’s hard to get the full 8 hours, but let’s look at
the most effective ways you can get the best quality of sleep.
Stop drinking drinks with caffeine in them at least six hours
before you go to bed. Shut off your television and stop looking
at “screens” (computer, phone, etc.) an hour before you go to
bed. This will helps you fall asleep at night.

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#5. Your Sleeping


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The way you sleep can affect your acid reflux because of the
position of your internal organs. Your stomach and esophagus
connect at an angle. The position you sleep in determines which
body part is higher. If you sleep on your right side, your stomach
is positioned higher, allowing stomach acid to enter your
esophagus easily. By sleeping on your left side, you make it
difficult for the acid to reach the upper parts of your digestive
system, as it would have to go against gravity.
Avoid hitting your snooze button, as it causes your REM sleep
to be disrupted, resulting in you feeling even more tired. If you
are tempted to hit the snooze button like I often am, move your
alarm so you are forced to get out of bed and shut it off.

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#6. Learn Something


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The connections between the nerve cells in our brains (neurons)

are capable of growing stronger as we age, but only if we keep
challenging them with some new activities. So aim to learn
something new (10 Handy Ways To Improve Your
Concentration Power) — maybe set a goal that frightens you a
bit, like learning how to swim or how to write program in java
will make your mind active. You can also try some online
learning, so start learning something new and build muscles in
your brain.

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#7. Cure Headache

without a Pain

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One of the most common reasons people get headaches is due to

dehydration. The next time you get a headache, instead
grabbing a pain reliever, consuming two glasses of water will
stop your headache quickly, and will actually address the reason
why you got a headache in the first place rather than just mask
the pain.

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#8. Smell Oranges for

a Natural Mood

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Studies have shown that orange essential oil helps boost mood
and alertness, and can reduce stress.

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#9. Take Care of Your

Eyes – The 20/20/20

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If you find yourself gazing at screens all day, your eye doctor
may have mentioned this rule to you. Basically, every 20
minutes spent using a screen; you should try to look away at
something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20
Many doctors suggest the 20-20-20 rule is a best line of defense,
researchers explain that any break from repetitive computer
work or screens is beneficial.

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#10. Pay Attention to

Your Posture

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Be mindful of the way you hold your shoulders and neck. A

laptop stand is a good investment for slouch prevention. This
ergonomic guide is also helpful.

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#11. Keep a Water

Bottle with You

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Carrying a water bottle is the best way to confirm hydration

throughout the day. Try to keep a water Bottle with you
everywhere you go and avoid plastic by choosing a more
durable option such as glass or steel.

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#12. Ease Bloating.

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We’ve all experienced the awkwardness of bloating when eating

more than we should have at a delicious meal. When our body
breaks down food, some carbohydrates cannot be digested in the
small intestine, so it moves along to our large intestine in its
undigested form. This causes gas to build, resulting in the body
feeling bloated.

Drinking a few cups of dandelion tea will help purge excess

water in your body and will stimulate bile that will cause the
undigested food in your large intestine to break down quickly,
relieving the bloat. Also try not to consume water before and
after eating food for at least 30 minutes.

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#13. Stop Ice Cream


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Ice cream headaches, frequently called “brain freeze” occurs

when we eat something cold too fast. When the roof of our
mouth feels the cold sensation, it causes an expansion of the
blood vessels in our head, which causes a sharp cold headache.
When you feel the headache start, press your tongue on the roof
of your mouth (this is where the nerve center is located that is
causing your blood vessels to enlarge and cause the headache)
this will calm the nerves and the heat from your tongue will
signal to the brain that it isn’t as cold.

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