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Text 1

Bisons have not always lived in North America; they are relative newcomers. They belong to the
Bovidae family, like domestic cattle and the wild buffalo of Africa and Asia. The oldest known
bison fossils have been found in China and the Himalaya foothills, where an animal with all
essential features of the genus lived a million years ago. They evolved rapidly and spread over
most of the northern hemisphere in Europe and Siberia. During one of the Ice Ages, the sea level
dropped, exposing a land bridge across the Bering Strait, allowing the faunas of Asia and North
America to intermingle. Very early, the steppe bison moved eastward to the North American

Text 2
A black hole is a region of space created by the total gravitational collapse of matter. It is so
intense that nothing, not even light or radiation, can escape. In other words, it is a one-way
surface through which matter can fall inward but cannot emerge.
Some astronomers believe that a black hole may be formed when a large star collapses inward
from its own weight. So long as they are emitting heat and light into space, stars support
themselves against their own gravitational pull with the outward thermal Pressure generated by
heat from nuclear reactions deep in their interiors If a star eventually exhausts its nuclear fuel, its
unbalanced gravitational attraction could cause it to contract and collapse. Furthermore, it could
begin to pull in surrounding matter, including nearby comets and planets, creating a black hole.

Text 3
To prepare for a career in engineering, a student must begin planning in high school.
Mathematics and science should form the core curriculum. For example, in a school where
sixteen credit hours are required for high school graduation, four should be in mathematics, one
each in chemistry, biology, and physics. The remaining credits should include four in English
and at least three in humanities and social sciences. The average entering freshman in engineer-
ing should have achieved at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in his or her high
school. Although deficiencies can be corrected during the first year, the student who needs
additional work should expect to spend five, instead of four years, to complete a degree.

Text 4
Over the years, many different systems of physical exercise designed to improve the health and
appearance of the body have emerged. One of the best ever was Hatha Yoga, a form of Yoga
consisting of various postures that exercise the whole body. Facial muscles, for example, can be
made firmer by daily performance of "The Lion", a posture that imitates the face of roaring lion.
Back muscles can become more flexible by regular practice of "The Cobra", a posture that
imitates the arching head of the poisonous snake. "The Crow", which resembles the headstand, is
said to improve circulation and relieve tension,
Text 5
If students are to succeed in the future, their education must encourage them to have the desire to
keep learning throughout their lives. For at least a decade now, experts have been telling us that
to prosper in the future, countries need to make a much better use of their human resources. This
means that people are not allowed to stop their learning at the age of 10 or 30, pushing skill-
growth rates up rather than allowing children and adults lose interest in learning. Although this is
not easy, we should realize that vast numbers of people in the world may live poorly in
globalization era, while only few people live exceptionally well. As a result, the gap between the
rich and the poor will grow and grow until social chaos explodes.

Text 6
Human beings, convinced of their superiority over the animal kingdom, are seldom disturbed
about the pain and death they bring to other species. For example, South American birds, desired
by zoos, pet shops, and private collections, are frequently packed into small boxes and are flown
to foreign countries. Many of the birds, however, do not survive the trip but instead die of
suffocation. Birds are not the only victims. Hunters in search of baby orangutans shoot the
mothers who are hiding in treetops and wait for the babies to fall on the ground. Many of the
babies cannot be caught and fall to their death. Seals, prized for their skins to make lovely winter
coats, are brutally slaughtered by hunters who club and skin them almost immediately.
Sometimes, the seals are skinned alive because a hunter was not skillful with his club.

Text 7
Scientists and doctors say that about 34 million Americans are too fat. Why is this? One reason is
the kind of food Americans eat. Many Americans like 'fast food'. These foods (such as
hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening things in them. Another reason is the way
Americans eat- They often eat little snacks between regular meals. These extra foods add extra
fat on the body. The third reason is not enough exercise. Americans like driving everywhere,
instead of walking. They often have machines to do a lot of work. Some Americans are also too
heavy because of health problems. However, for most of 34 million Americans, the problem is
the American lifestyle.

Text 8
Alternative energy sources become increasingly attractive as the energy crisis becomes more
severe. Solar heating systems, which use the sun's radiation as a source of energy, are promising
alternative energy sources. Nuclear power plants are already in operation in several parts of the
country. Government and private industry even investigate the possibility of capturing the power
of ocean waves and tides for conversion into usable energy. Coal once again becomes an
acceptable fuel as the nation searches for solutions to the energy shortage. Even garbage is seen
as a potential source of energy. In some communities, garbage is burned to heat buildings and
light city streets.
Text 9
The fish are dying in the Adirondack lakes northern New York State. Fishermen are worried.
This used to be a favorite spot for sport fishing Somehow, every year there is fewer fish. Some
lakes - 6% of them - now have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is
killing the fish?
The cause is acid rain. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal
or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far
from the factories. Some of the unhealthy things in the smoke may come down with the rain
hundreds of miles away. This is what is happening in the Adirondacks. There are many factories
in the Midwestern states. They are sending a lot of smoke into the air. The wind blows the smoke
towards the east. That means toward New York State and the Adirondack area.
The rain in the Adirondacks is not natural and -lean anymore. It is full of acid chemicals. When it
calls on lakes, it changes them too. The lakes become more acidic. Acid water is like vinegar or
lemon juice. It hurts when it gets into your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually
live in lake water. That is why the fish are dying in the Adirondacks.

Text 10
Adults have some advantage on education. Adult earners often know exactly what they need to
learn. Since they have the experience of life, they know what knowledge will be useful to them
and what will not, If they cannot read or write, they will experience problems caused by
illiteracy. If they cannot do their jobs well, they will experience loss of income or of job
opportunities caused by a lack of vocational training. Adults have usually accumulated a wealth
of life experience in general that can help them learn. They have more practical, an everyday
experience, which can help them understand what they learn at schools.
Feng Lian, for example, is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai, China. She graduated from
secondary school, but she did not learn much in school about electricity and how it is used in
factories. Now she must supervise the electrical systems. She is going to a night class that will
teach her what she needs to know. She already has many questions about the subject and is ready
and eager to learn. If she succeeds in her night class, she can get an even better job.
Michael Johnson owns a small construction business in California. Like many other U.S.
citizens, he did not really learn to read or write in school and dropped out of school when he was
fourteen years old. Michael was smart, and he was good at building things and at using
machines. He was very successful as a construction worker and eventually started his own
business. His wife helped him read and write what he needed, and he learned how to hide
inability from others. Finally, at the age of thirty eight, Michael is going back to school to a
special program to learn how to read and write. He learns very quickly, partly because he is
smart and partly because he knows how important reading and writing are to his work.

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