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Carlo Arcilla

Dr. Carlo Arcilla is the director of the National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS) at the
University of Philippines, Dili man.  As director, Dr. Carlo Arcilla has helped guide the national
disaster mitigation programme, Project NOAH (based at the NIGS), and has helped produce top
geologists for the Philippines. A doctor of philosophy in Geotechnical Engineering & ... M.S.
Geology (Petrology & Tectonics) University of Illinois at.

James Hutton
James Hutton Scottish geologist, chemist, naturalist, and originator of one of the fundamental
principles of geology—uniformitarianism, which explains the features of the Earth's crust by
means of natural processes over geologic time. Courtesy of Lord Bruntis field; photograph, J.R.
Freeman & Co.

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