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COMPANY PROFILE IW ANIMA RAMA TMK ISONESLA LATAR BELAKANG Mitra Karya Teknik Indonesia (MKT) berdiri atas dasar pemikiran dan kesamaan visi para profesional yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam persaingan dunia bisnis di Indonesia khususnya dalam bidang air compressor. Mitra. karya Tehnik Indonesia _memiliki pengalaman dibidang Air Kompresor sejak tahun 1993, dan disahkan berdasarkan Akta Notaris no.2 oleh Kantor Notaris Anastasia Dau, SH BACKGROUND Mitra Karya Tehnik Indonesia (MKTI) is established based on the thoughts and similarities of the vision of professionals who want to participate in the business world competition in Indonesia, especially in the field of air compressors. Mitra Teknik Indonesia has experience in the field of Air Compressors since 1993, and was approved based on Notarial Deed No. 2 by the Notary Office of Anastasia Dau, SH Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services VISI Menjadi Perusahaan terdepan dalam bidang Air Compressor. Mechanical, technical, rental Unit & general trading untuk pabrikasi. Tidak hanya mensupply unit-unit Air Compressor Tetapi memberikan jasa service rutin maupun service overhaul yang mengedepankan kepada kepuasan costumer. MISI Selalu berinovasi dalam memberikan pelayanan dan penyempurnaan produk- Produk maupun jasa yang kami berikan, serta meningkatkan kepercayaan costumer tethadap produk dan jasa kami VISION Being a leading company in the field of air compressor, Mechanical, technical, rental Unit & general trandingfor pabrikasi. Not only supply for the Air Compressor unit, but also provides for annual and overhual service which have priority to customer satisfaction MISSION Always innovating in providing service and products improvement. Also increasing for client trust to our products and services Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services PRODUK Kami menyediakan berbagai macam Merk Air Compressor dan suku cadangnya, seperti Hitachi, Kobelco , Atlas Copco , Ingersol Rand, Mitsuiseiki, LG, Coaire, Kaiser, Boge, Elge, dsb. Kami juga memberikan jasa service rutin maupun ‘overhaul untuk unit - unit Air Compressor PRODUCTS We provide various brands of Air Compressor and spare parts such as Hitachi, Kobelco , Atlas Copco , ingersol Rand, Mitsuiseiki, LG, Coaire, Kaiser, Boge, Elge,etc we provide service for annual and Overhual services Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services OUR CUSTOMER : PT. OMRON MANUFACTURING OF INDO PT. KATSUSHIRO INDONESIA, Cikarang PT. DAIWABO INDUSTRIAL FABRICS INDO PT. SUMBER SARANA TIRTA PT. TOPLA ABADI JAYA PT. ALFO CITRA ABADI PT. KOYORAD JAYA INDONESIA PT. SURTECKARIVA INDONESIA PT. YKK AP INDONESIA PT. STARPACK INDAH MAJU. PT. PLASTICON TRUAYA PT. SINAR HOPERINDO PT. TUNGGAL JAYA PT. NANDYA KARYA PERKASA PT. NANDYA PERSADA SEJAHTERA PT. PERDANA SETIA ABADI JAYA PT. TRIMEDYA PRIMATECH PT. ALADDIN INDONESIA PT. TRIMATRA TATA GRAHA ~ CIBITUNG PT. TAIYO SINAR RAYA TEKNIK PT. BOGOWONTO PRIMALARAS - SEMARANG Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services OUR CUSTOMER : PT. SURYA SIAM KERAMIK PT. DAESOL PT. JAYA PANDU PT. SEMPANA JAYA AGUNG PT. CERES MEUI INDOTAMA, PT. YUSAMASU TECH INDONESIA PT. KATSUSHIRO INDONESIA, Cibitung PT, NUSAHADI CITRAHARMONIS PT. GAPA CITRAMANDIRI PT. DELA CEMARA INDAH PT. PRAMESTA BAJA UTAMA PT, HI -LEX PARTS INDONESIA PT, HI-LEX CIREBON PT. RISVATAMA LARAS PT. SPACE INDONESIA, PT. BHINEKA PT. CIPTA TEKINDO PRAMUDIRA PT. NUSA PERSADATAMA NIAGA, PT. NASMOCO ~ SEMARANG PT. LUXINDO NUSANTARA ~ SEMARANG Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services OUR CUSTOMER : PT. MAPAN WUAYA — SEMARANG PT. PAMPAS ELECTRONIC ~ CIKARANG PT. SUMBER GRAHA SEJAHTERA - BALARAJA PT. MANUNGGAL INDOTEX PERKASA, PT. KARSA TUNAS MANDIRI PT. PEMA META PRESINDO- PT. INDOMITRA SEDAYA PT. CENTURY BATTERIES INDONESIA PT. TANASHIN INDONESIA PT. TAMANO INDONESIA PT. BERDIKARI METAL ENGINEERING PT. SINAR SOSRO PT. XACTI INDONESIA PT. COCA COLA AMATIL INDONESIA PT. UNITED STEEL PT. YANMAR DIESEL INDONESIA PT. KURABO MANUNGGAL TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PT. AICA INDONESIA PT. TIGER SHAS INDONESIA PT. DARMEX BIOFUELS Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services OUR CUSTOMER : PT. SHINKO KOGYO INDONESIA, KARAWANG PT. BLUESCOPE STEEL, CILEGON BANTEN PT. SUGIYAMA SEISSAKUSHO INDONESIA, KARAWANG + PT. AUTOMOTIVE FASTENERS AOYAMA, KARAWANG + PT. NANBU PLASTIK INDONESIA, CIBITUNG + PT. LAUTAN OTSUKA CHEMICAL, CILEGON + PT. CAHAYA ANUGRAH TAMA/BINESQO, CILEGON, *PT. TOYOTA BOSHOKU INDONESIA, CIKARANG BARAT = PT LIMA PUTRA INDOJAYA, JL PASEBAN RAYA SALEMBA, + PT JONES LANG LANGSALE, JL. KUNINGAN JAKARTA SELATAN, *PT AICA INDONESIA, CIKAMPEK Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services y & 35 ALAMAT Kami berkantor di alamat : Talavera Building 18f Talavera Office Suite JI. TB Simatupang kav. 22-26 Jakarta 12430 Telp .021 750 1766, 0812 81245573, 0812 9504651 Fax. 021 750 1766 WorkShop Pasir Angin - Cileungsi- Bogor ADDRES Our Office Talavera Building 18f Talavera Office Suite J. TB Simatupang kay. 22-26 Jakarta 12430 ‘Telp .021 750 1766, 0812 81245573, 0812 9504651. Fax, 021 750 1766 WorkShop: Pasir Angin ~ Cileungsi- Bogor Provides You The Best Quality for Spare Parts & Services TERIMA KASIH THANK YOU

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