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United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Marzo 2007

Investment opportunities
in Uganda

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570

• Agro business


The Company was established in 2004 by a group of 50 women farmers

who have fruit gardens of pineapples, pawpaws, passion fruits, mangoes
and sweet bananas. They started the Company in order to prepare fresh
juice and to-date the women are still squeezing fruit manually. The demand
for their fresh juice is growing up very fast and they cannot cope up with
Organic product
the demand, using hands to prepare the juice. The organization is planning
UGA/141/K/06-08 to expand in jam making and fruit drying, if only they can get a fruit
squeezing machine to help them increase production and sales of more fruit
juices. Organic farming is important in the area as it is providing health
products for the people. For the continuation and sustainability of the
project, the women in the new district have been mobilized to grow enough
organic fruits to feed the factory. The success of the project will contribute
to the social and economic development of the area and would empower
women in Ibanda economically.

Organic fruit farming Company dealing with processed dry tropical fruits. The company is already
certified and operating on the European Market. A partner would be needed in
UGA/120/M/03-10 order to increase production and market penetration.

The company has a business history extending over 20 years with assets worth
well over US$2 million to date and still growing. The company has 100
permanent employees and one of the leading manufacturers of food products in
Uganda that include: fresh fruit juices, concentrates, jams, marmalades, chili &
Food and papain The company is seeking a partner as well as quality technology for juice
processing concentrate with an aroma recovery evaporator (i.e. spray drying plant for fruits
powder, distillation column & an aseptic flush freezer); machinery for papain
UGA/058/K/02-03 plant (i.e. a lyophilize for freeze drying, basket centrifuge – 1600rpm &
chromatography column); water treatment plant with sludge tanks and ph
The company is in the process of certifying 800 out growers so as to be able to
supply organic produce. It is one of the leading market suppliers of processed
products in Uganda.
Expansion cost of project is US$ 2,40 million.
Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
The company produces and exports certified organic dried and fresh fruits and
vegetables (Swiss IMO certified). The company started his activities in 1990
Fresh and dried organic under the name “Suntrade and Consulting”; in 1998 it was incorporated into a
food processing and bigger one named “Amfri farm Ltd”.
exports The total tonnage of fruits and vegetables exported in 2001 was about 295 tons for
a turnover around 800.000 dollars. The quality of the products is high and they are
UGA/088/K/02-08 already sold in Europe. The company would access to new markets in European
countries and it is looking for expertise transfer in agro-processing in order to
advice it on equipment, installation and technology while conscious of the organic
niche market.

This company was founded in 1989 by Mr. Kavuma who is also the current
Fruits and vegetables President of the Federation of Associations of Ugandan Exporters.
processing and exports This company produces and exports fruits and vegetables to European and Middle
East Countries. In additional, the company indirectly employs contract farmers
UGA/104/K/03-06 who are grouped in 7 units of 15 farmers in each group. Today, their main trader
is based in Holland. This company is looking for equipment purchase (pack
house), technical assistance and know-how transfer in order to expand the current

This company started its operations in 1997 by exporting fresh vegetables and
fruits. Flona’s main export is exclusively targeting the European and Far East
Fresh and dried fruits markets. The company employs rural farmers (mainly woman) to actively
processing and export participate in increased horticultural production for export market.
The company is looking for a joint-venture partner, technical expertise and a long
UGA/108/K/03-07 term-loan. Currently, the company employs 15 people directly and plans to invest
additional US$ 30,000 in its expansion project of establishing a cooling and
sorting centre for fruits and vegetables.

The Company Currently Produces: Pan Breads , Variety Cake, Variety Buscuits,
Variety Cookies, Puff Pastry, Danish Pastry, Savory Goods With a level of
Food processing investment in assets of over US$4..2 million and turnover of US$2.4 million. The
company is interested in import of equipment from overseas to produce bakery
UGA/113/K/03-07 inputs. The foreign company may also provide technical know-how on usage of
the equipment to produce bakery inputs.
The company is also looking to diversify and to go into fruit juice production. In
this sector they are looking for a partner willing to join forces.

The foundation is a consortium of over 500 out growers with tremendous supply
Organic farming of fruits capacity but poor access to markets. They are looking for a partner that could
come in order fro them to process the produce or to market the one produced.
UGA/123/K/03-12 Their current production is over a million tonnes of tropical fruits per year. The
foundation has created schools for the children of the associates and other
Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570

The company intends to add value to the fruits by processing them into dried
fruits for export to Europe and USA.
Sun dried fruits The company intends to have its products certified for export to the European
Union and USA. The Development Finance Company of Uganda (DFCU) has
UGA/127/K/04-02 funded the company hire an international certifier to carry out the certification
process of their products so as to meet the EU standards.
The company is looking for a partner in order to increase its supply and to expand
in other markets.

Maganjo Grain Millers” was established in 1984 and is engaged in grain/food

Production of breakfast processing with current turnover of US$ 110,000 per annum. The company has
cereals & short time invested over US$ 110,000 in its current establishment looking forward to
foods, marcrones introduce new product lines within the current family of products which include:
maize flour, millet flour, soya millet flour; baby porridge and nutri-bread.
UGA/094/K/03-01 The company would diversify its product line and start the production of breakfast
cereals and short time foods, macrons, etc. The local promoter is seeking for
foreign participation with the aim to garner expertise and capital for equipment

Twiga Dairies Limited” plant's installed capacity is of 5,000 litres per hour of
pasteurized milk; and 6,000kgs per day of dry milk powder. The company is
planning to modernize the plant by adding additional equipment to match the
international quality standards and providing dry milk powder and instant milk
Production of milk powder for added value.
powder Later, they will plan to venture into ice cream, butter, ghee and flavoured milk.
This plant is expected to start running again in September 2005.
UGA/128/K/05-05 Total forecasted investment is 1.5 Million Usd.
To commence operations, they are looking for:
a) right partner to help in technical and commercial partnership
b) plant and machinery to upgrade the current set up.
c) long-term financial support
The owners have two large chemical plants in Tanzania and Kenya.

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
Bushenyi District” is one of the biggest milk producers in Uganda. The
Cooperative Society currently deals in milk collection but for period of glut it
needs processing milk to improve its production. The company is planning to
Milk processing pasteurize and pack milk in order to export its production to neighbouring
countries like Rwanda and Congo where there is an high demand. It would also
UGA/129/K/05-05 produce yoghurt, butter and ice-cream. This society is assisted by “Land
O’Lakes”, which helps it in farming with technical advice in milk processing. The
company is seeking for a partnership support to conduct marketing survey, a
feasibility study, equipment purchase and technical know-how. Their current
monthly output is 4.8 Million litres per year.
The proposed investment is estimated at US$ 1 million.

The company is currently exporting 4 million dollars worth of fish to the EU.
Product 1. Fish maws
Product 2. Fish fillets
Fish processing Product 3. Fish skin
Product 4. Cow horntips
UGA/075/K/02-03 Product 5. Cow ganstone
The company is looking for market access and a loan to be able to increase
working capital. Its one of the biggest exporters of processed and fresh fish in

Rice processing The company is not very big but with great potential since its located in an area
where there is a lot of rice but few processing factories. Its also placed in a
UGA/122/K/03-11 strategic point from where shipments could be made to Sudan and Kenya. Its
current production is well over 1000 tonnes per year.

The company is involved in the processing and production of cured aromatic

vanilla beans. The shareholders are Messrs Tamale Ismael and Tamale Musoke
Vanilla processing Hamad. The current export levels are about 15 metric tonnes per annum making
US$3.75 million. The company employs about 100 people and with markets in
UGA/134/K/05-05 Japan, USA, Europe and Middle East. The company is in need for joint ventures
in the same field for value addition as well as searching for more markets.
Furthermore the company has created an industrial zone with all the facilities and
is looking for a partner in order to expand the structure. The structure is located
very close to Kampala.

Mairye Estates has established during 1957 as family business of “Hudda” family.
The company commenced production of cut flowers by growing Limonium
flowers, vegetables like French beans, runner beans and other exotic vegetables
for export to Europe in 1995. In 1997 Mairye Estates complemented its
Limonium production with roses for the European Market. Currently Mairye
Floriculture Estates LTD exports approximately 3.5 million roses per month to the Holland,
USA, Norway and UK. The farm site is near Kiwenda town, about 30kms
UGA/093/K/03-01 northwest of Kampala in Wakiso district. The area allocated to this project is
Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
40ha, located close to the main access road and farm buildings. Currently 9
hectares of roses are in production and another 5 hectares has been planted last
month. The company has full accreditation by Sansiburry and an independent
audit company MPS situated in Holland. Mairye Estates has a vision to establish
30 hectares Rose Farm, 100 hectare Vegetable farm and a fresh produce handling
and packing unit near Entebbe airport. The company is seeking for Market
opportunities, Joint venture, new technology in same field.

Growing roses & exporting (Horticulture) . The company is looking to carry out
Roses export direct sales of produce through foreign partners. The current yield is 7000 roses
per day. The company possesses its own nursery capable of producing 80,000
UGA/136/K/05-05 plants per month. All 14 hectares are in greenhouse and 8 is done in artificial

The company has been producing since 1952. Its current turnover is over 2
million dollars.
The main objectives of the business:
Product diversification
- Protect the environment
Increase the export volume by 50%
Production and export of In order to success the company is going to start a complete European standard
flowers and vegetables packaging facilities near the airport, strength the technical level.
The company is seeking a partner that could join up in order to generate more
UGA/093/K/03/01 market penetration and improve its current standards of quality.
Product 1 Roses: Sweat heart varieties i.e Sacha, Escimo, Poem, Frisco, Rodeo,
Lambada, maxime
Product 2 Chillies: different types like Fresno, short thai, long thai, Hot pepper,
Jalapenos and bird eye chillies
Product 3 Okra: Pus swani and Chelmson types
Product 4 Tayer balde: leafy vegetabes
Product 5 Other vegetables like Bitter blade, anthura etc

Moringa production The company processes the product in to various forms. The product needs to be
marketed for its beneficial and salutary characteristics by a foreign partner and
UGA/109/K/03-06 productivity must be increased to meet enormous possible global demand for this
unique product.

The promoters have been in poultry farm business for over 20 years and now
produce about 2 million broiler chicks and 500,000 thousand layer chicks per
Poultry feed and porridge year. Mainly they produce day-old-chicks, poultry feeds, unimix porridge and
grain trading with a current turnover of US$ 1.6 million. The company is now
UGA/125/K/03-12 venturing into putting up a new farm of commercial broilers as well as a
processing plant for dressed chicken. For this reason it is seeking for an European
partner with capital in order to establish a poultry house, a processing plant,
refrigerated trucks for frozen broilers.

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
This company was established by a project from the “Belgian Survival Fund” with
the partnership of the “Agency for Technical Cooperation” and “Hoima Catholic
Diocese”. Its mainly produces seeds exporting them to African markets (Sudan,
Seed multiplication and Kenya, Congo) with a turnover of around US$ 1.5 Million in 2004.
distribution The company, which is in contact with PAU semence of France, is looking for a
joint-venture and a marketing partner. The expected investment in the region is of
UGA/130/K/05-05 US$ 1 Million.
Current output capacity is :
- Maize 1500 Tonnes per year
- Beans 400 Tonnes per year
- Rice 500 Tonnes per year

The Office of the Vice President proposes to promote the growing and processing
of essential oil crops to extend and strengthen the impact of its earlier efforts in
reducing poverty in the rural areas.
Production and Since essential oils fall in the category of high value products, their
processing of essential oils production would provide a substantial additional income to the producers.
The Office, in collaboration with an indigenous NGO, Busiro North
UGA/140/K/06-08 Development Foundation, will support and facilitate the production of
essential oils improving quality and requiring minimal capital to supply
and produce.

To increase participation and uplift the poor, in 1999 the Plan to Modernize
Agriculture identified that the beef industry could be used to create a
structured platform for the cattle industry development, to provide an
abattoir to satisfy international standards and create a financially viable
Establishment of a supporting industry around the cattle industry which will provide local and
modern abattoir
foreign income.
A modern abattoir is essential not only for export purposes but also to
stimulate the production and consumption of quality meat in Uganda.
Local and regional demands have a large potential and will support the
abattoir approval process during its formative period, between 3 and 5
Any new facility would attract a promotion of the existing market and
would also negate the need for establishments, such as hotels and
restaurants, from having to import their meat supplies.

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
• Textiles and clothing

The company is producing yarn and garments (executive shirts, white school
Garments uniform shirts, T-shirts, polo shirts, undies etc).
The objective is to expand and improve the capacity and the quality of the
UGA/098/K/03-03 products to export under AGOA market. The company is also interested in market
access, equipment purchase as well as buys back arrangement.

ATM came into operation in 1968. It is an integrated textile mill operating both
Dyeing of the cotton spinning and weaving departments. Its annual peak production reached 7 million
clothes and bed sheets meters in 1972. The company is worth US$20 million but is currently operating at
less than 10% of its installed capacity. The owners are seeking for strategic
UGA/057/K/02-03 partners to inject in the company capital base so that all departments of the
production process can optimally operate.
Estimated investment costs US$5 million.

Export of bark cloth, production and export of barktex (a barkcloth-derivate),

vocational training for farmers, bark cloth processors in co-operation with GTZ
and for other development organisations, joint venture with distribution company
BARK CLOTH Europe in Germany, shareholders are Oliver Heintz, Joseph
Bark Cloth Matovu and Mary Barongo-Heintz, turnover according to the last survey taken out
by UIA, about than 150 000 EUR have been invested since 2000, 15 employees,
UGA/135/K/05-05 about 700 suppliers with market prospects in European Union, Switzerland, USA,
CDN, MEX, Russia, Korea, Japan, Brazil. The company is seeking for market and
joint venture partners, eventually investors in car industry, furniture industry,
airplane and ship interior industry, home textile industry, architects, industry
product developers, high pressure laminate manufacturers

Production of yarns & The company is the largest player in the market but its producing much under full
garments capacity and therefore would require partners to provide technical expertise as
well as market access. The current turnover is 6.5 million USD.

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
• Leather

Tannery and Farming Uganda Crocs is producing about 3,000 wet salted crocodile skins. It is the only
company dealing with crocodile skins in Uganda. They intend to expand their
UGA/062/K/02-03 production to an estimate of 20,000 skins per annum. The company is seeking for
experienced investors in the field of crocodile farming and processing of the skin.

Uganda is exporting around 12-15 million US$ of locally available cow hides and
goat/sheep skins. This raw material can be used to promote value- added exports
if it is converted into downstream products e.g shoes, garments and other articles.
LIU is the only company having the capability of producing finished leather which
can be used to produce the downstream products. Wet blue exports on its own has
Tannery become somewhat difficult owing to change in the structure of the industry.

UGA/092/K/03-01 Consequently the objective of the project is to upgrade its facilities to produce for
a niche market for value added products for which Ugandan heavy substance cow
hides (1.8/2.2 mms) are more suitable. LIU has no market knowledge or technical
capability to do this on its own. So it is requesting for a partner who can help LIU
achieve this objective.
The company can process over 50 million wet blue a year but needs a partner for it
to find market and technical expertise.

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
• Packaging

This is a limited company involved in national and international courier services

being promoted by Mr. David Kasingwire and Mrs. Patience Kasingwire with a
Packaging share capital of US$250,000 having annual turnover of US$400,000. Currently,
the company employs 56 people in all its departments. The company is interested
UGA/133/K/05-05 in technology acquisition especially in the packaging industry. There is also a
possibility of representing a foreign technology interest in Uganda. Currently they
are the representatives of UPS in Uganda.

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
• Services

Company currently deals in Solar PV, Solar Hot water, Solar cooking, power and
Solar Energy lighting protection, communication solutions. Energy saver lighting with a
turnover of US$1 million in 2004. The company is seeking to work with strategic
UGA/131/K/05-05 partners to develop lasting relationships in the Ugandan market in any of the areas
listed above.

There is great need for a good private hospital in the country. The demand is high
Private Hospital and for now its met by the private hospital in Kenya. The company is already in
the pharmaceutical business as the biggest supplier in the country and therefore
UGA/137/K/05-05 very aware of the needs and requirements to set up such a structure. The company
is looking for venture partners that are willing to contribute capital and technical

Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570
Via Paola, 41 – 00186 Roma Tel. 0039-06-6796521 Fax 0039-06-6793570

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