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quiz voc.
1. crisis 危機 crises 複數
2. creepy=spooky(adj.)⽑骨悚然的
3. stuffed(分構被動)toy ⽑絨玩具
4. capture(v.)捕獲(n.)戰利品、俘虜
5. hang(v.)吊著 hang-hung-hung
6. prime minister ⾸相
7. nation 國家、民族
1. note 筆記
2. address (n.)地址
3. weekend 週末
4. weekday 平⽇
5. Saturday 禮拜六(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday )
6. Sunday 禮拜天
7. the same 相同的
those two tables are not the same.
8. November ⼗⼀⽉
January, February, march, April, may, June, July, August, September, October, December
1. in a ...voice ⽤...的聲⾳
She talked to him in an angry voice.
2. would like N./to V.
Would you like coffee or tea? I would like a cup of tea.
She would like to have a baby at the age of 25.
3. way 當道路
I know the way to the exhibition hall.
He doesn’t know the way to school.
Do you know the way home?
on one’s way to..., SV 在途中
On his way to the clinic, he told me that he’s seriously sick.
in a adj. way ⽤...⽅式
Mom told me the miserable news in a sad way.
by the way 順帶⼀提
By the way, do you know where he is?
4. be angry with sb. about sth. (遇到 v.+ing)
My wife was angry with me about the scandal.
5. be afraid of N.
I am afraid of spiders.
be afraid to RV.
She is afraid to be here alone.
be afraid for sb.擔⼼
She is afraid for her children.
be afraid that SV.擔⼼、恐怕
I am afraid that you are wrong.
6. (as)the same as 相同
My new jacket is the same as my old one.
different from 不同
similar to 相似
His watch is similar to mine.
1. (on)the way to 在途中
2. in a adj. way
3. in a adj. voice ⽤...的聲⾳
4. would like (to)
5. be angry with sb. about
6. be afraid of/to/for
7. 和...相同/相似/不同
film voc.
1. cape ⽃篷
2. download(v.)下載 upload 上傳
3. data 數據
4. moment 時刻
5. invisible(adj.)隱形的
6. sample(n.)樣本
7. imagine(v.)想像
8. enemy 敵⼈
9. release(v.)鬆開、釋放
10. distraction(n.)⼲擾
11. haircut(n.)髮型、理髮
1. The enemy tried to distract me with his cape which was invisible.
2. Andy thought it is the best moment to get a haircut, because he has imagined having the same
hairstyle as his idol for a long time.
3. Although the hacker was released from prison, he still sampled some useful data which was
downloaded from other people’s computers.
1. 7/18film S、7/25 film R
2. boat race p.24-25 S
3. boat race p.26.30 R
4. 7/25quiz R
1. film: Spider Man
2. Boat Race P.26,30
1. Boat Race P.31-32

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