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At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

Appreciate the essence unity and harmony.

Apply different activities that includes unity and harmony.


Answer the following:

1. Who is our present Ms. Universe?


2. How does she promote frienship with other countries?



The world is composed of different countries. Each country has its own territory, people,
culture, government, religion, and pro countries are interdependent on one another. Interdependence
means relying or counting on the help or assistance of another of this is food. Some countries do not
produce rice so other countries. Some countries need workers with specific employ skilled workers
from other countries. Countries relate to one another through their ambassador is the representative
of a country to another country's ambassadors and the heads of the different departments in our
country represent our country and establish trade and economic relations through their ambassadors.
We feel great to establish friendly relations with other countries. It is a consolation to know that rich
countries create programs to help the poor countries. We are thankful for the different world
organizations for the protection of human rights and for peace and unity among nations.

Sometimes we hear about human rights violations happening in other countries, too. We feel
sad when our fellow Filipinos are not treated properly or humanely in other countries. There are also


some instances when our foreign visitors are not treated well. We hope that someday everything will
be all right and there will be global harmony, world peace, and unity.

Global harmony is a state of peaceful existence and agreement resulting in unity among
countries of the world. They assist and support one another in their needs. Heads of different
countries visit other nations and share ideas on how to make their respective countries more

International understanding is necessary among all countries in the world. English is an

international language that allows us to communicate

With other countries. We come to know their culture better and learn about their country and its
people. International understanding leads to world unity.


Write Good in the blank if the statement will make people happy, and bad it will make them

__________ 1. Our ambassador established trade relations with the United States.

__________ 2. We study the culture of other countries in school.

__________ 3. Many foreign investors put up their companies in the Philippines.

__________ 4. Our artists, doctors, and nurses are well appreciated in America.

__________ 5. Some foreign employers abuse our countrymen abroad.




Let us read a story about an international organization.

Fostering International Cooperation

The United Nations is an organization composed of different countries all over the world. It aims to
maintain international peace and security by settling disputes peacefully and developing friendly
relations among nations. It also aims to achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social,
cultural, and human rights problems.

The United Nations is supervised by the General Assembly. It meets regularly at least once a year. It
directs and supervises all the activities of the United Nations.

In 2007, the 62nd session of the General Assembly took place in New York where different leaders
from different countries met to deliver their reports. Every leader presented plans for education,
health care, and infrastructure.

The United Nations is one of the organizations that fosters understanding and communication among
countries. Through the presence and representation of our leaders, global trade relations are
strengthened and the values of friendship, brotherhood, and unity are developed.

Answer the following questions.

1. How does the United Nations help its member-nations?


2. What values do we develop when we interact with people from other countries?




We help one another in many ways. Let us all be ambassadors of peace and goodwill. Let us
treat everyone equally regardless of race or color. Let us work for better camaraderie and
brotherhood to attain world peace and harmony.

As Grade 5 students, we can take part in fund-raising campaigns to help calamity victims. Our
little effort can help ease the sufferings of our unfortunate brothers and sisters in other countries.

Every year, we celebrate the United Nations Day on October 24. Let us actively take part in
this celebration. Let us be interested to learn about the different cultures of other countries. By doing
so, we will be able to understand the customs and traditions, social mores, and religious beliefs of
other people.

Let us also pray that all member-nations will be faithful and loyal to the objectives of the United
Nations and that all members will cooperate in the attainment of its goals.

Let us promote healthy competition as we do business with other countries. Let us make sure
that the products we export to other countries are of best quality. Let us always deal with them

As we send Filipino workers abroad, let us pray that they may be treated fairly, that they do
their work well, and live up to the expectations of their employers. Let us hope that they will do the
best they can. Let us also be kind to foreigners who come to our country. Let us respect them. Let us
treat them well. Let us show them how warm, friendly, and hospitable we, Filipinos, are.

Perform these activities.

A. Identify the following world organizations. How do they help in maintaining global harmony?
1. UNO-

B. Choose one country that you think needs our help most.

Name of country: ______________________________

Reasons why we should help:





A. Name some Filipinos who are well-known internationally for their worthy contributions.






B. Write three ways on how you, as a Grade 5 student, can contribute to global harmony.






At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to;

Identify the honesty and sincerity,

Recapitulate the essence of our life as individual on how to live in
with honesty.

There are many stories about people who lost their things and were lucky enough to get them
back. There are also stories of people who found items and did their best to find the owners to return
them. Many taxi drivers have experienced this. Similar stories happen in the market when buyers
return extra change given by the storekeeper.

It is possible that we, too, have also experienced what the man in our story did. We found
something and we returned it to the owner or surrendered it to the Lost and Found section.

We have heard from the radio and television and read in the newspapers about people with
the same experience. Recall some of these stories and write them down below.

1. Name of the person __________________

Work of the person___________________

What he or she found and what he or she did __________________

What reward did he or she get ___________________________

2. Name of the person ______________________

Work of the person _______________________

What he or she found and what he or she did ________________________

What reward did he or she get ______________________________



How would you feel in each situation? Draw a happy or sad face on the blank.

________ 1. Nilo told the truth.

________ 2. Lito cheated during test.

________ 3. Brad told false stories about his friend.

________ 4. Marlo enjoys being with people who are honest.

________ 5. George is afraid to tell lies.

________ 6. Mother said she cares for me.

________ 7. Nina took something that is not hers.

________ 8. Romeo refused to receive a bribe.

________ 9. Ivy keeps her promises all the time.

________ 10. Paul returned to money he found in the playground.

We are aware that life is full of challenges-challenges to do what is good and challenges to
avoid doing what is bad. More often than not, it is easier to give in to temptations than to be upright.

At times, we fail to do what is right. We tell lies or make up stories, we say bad things about
others, we get something that is not ours, and we borrow things but we do not return them.
Sometimes we cheat during examinations. We ask others to do our projects but tell everyone that we
did them. We also make promises but don't fulfill them.

When we do things that are bad, we are afraid of being caught and punished. We do not feel
comfortable and we feel guilty about the things that we have done.

All these feelings will not go away until we admit our mistakes. Sometimes it is very hard for us
to accept our faults and shortcomings. When we realize our mistakes and admit them, we feel much
better. We feel good time we tell the truth because we are no longer afraid that people will about our

Honesty is telling the truth all the time. An honest person is trusted by many because they
know that he or she won't deceive them. An honest person is upright, fair, and candid in dealing with
others. He or she does not cheat or steal. He or she behaves with integrity. Integrity is uprightness of

One who has integrity is one who is honest and just. Sincerity is freedom from deceit and
hypocrisy. A sincere person does not deceive the people around him or her. He or she tells only what
is true and correct. He or she is not afraid to tell what he or she really feels. His or her family and
friends value what he or she says.

Let us read a story about honesty and sincerity.

Gina, an Honest Household Helper


Gina is twenty-one-year-old lady who works as a helper in the Santos Family home. She has
served the family for the last three years. She does her duties well even without the presence of the
family. They can depend on her to prepare all their needs from their food to their clothes. When left
alone in the house, she continues to be diligent in her work. She cleans the house well, uses
household appliances carefully, keeps the pieces of furniture free from dust, washes and irons their
clothes, and prepares their food well. Everything in the household is well taken care of by Gina.

When asked to do the marketing, she makes sure that she accounts the expenses correctly
and gives back the correct change. Many times, she finds money left inside the house, on top of
tables, or in the bedroom. She sees to it that the family will find the money where they have left it.
She does not hesitate to tell the truth in case she breaks some dishes, vases, or other things. She is
very loyal to the family and always gives good comments about them. She never says unpleasant
things that will destroy the name of the family.

Gina feels happy and contented for being sincere in her work. In return, the members of the
Santos Family treat her as their own. They love her and reward her every now and then for her
diligence, sincerity, and honesty.

Answer the following:

1. What kind of helper is Gina? _____________________________________

2. How does she show this trait? ____________________________________
3. How is Gina rewarded by the family? _______________________________
4. How does she feel about her work? ________________________________
5. What example does Gina set to other household helpers?


At the end of the lesson the learners will be able ROCKFORT

There are times when we experience difficulty in

doing our tasks. Some of them require too much effort from
us. We cannot avoid this kind of task, especially if it is part
of our responsibilities. We do it over and over again until
we succeed. In the process, we learn the techniques to
make the task easier.


Working makes us feel useful and important as a person. Let us take our parents as an example.
They work hard for us. They perform their duties in their office during the day and fulfill their
obligations to us when they come home at night. They are committed to raise us as good and
responsible persons. They persevere to achieve their goals for us no matter how difficult they may be.
We are proud of our parents for their perseverance. We are grateful to them for all their sacrifice and
hard work.

Our parents' examples inspire us to work the best way we can without complaining. There will
always be hard tasks to do but we will do them because we know that they will be helpful to us.

A work well done always gives us a feeling of fulfillment. Just like when we prepare for an
examination-we spend long hours reviewing our lessons, we give up play and television. We feel so
happy when we get good grades. We also bring joy to our parents.

Lazy people don't become successful in any endeavor. We dislike people who are lazy and easily
give up on difficult tasks. We pray that they will have the initiative to try harder and finish their work

Patience is persevering on a task or project until it is finished. It means being convinced that the
task is important and would greatly benefit many people. It is completing a task not only for our
personal gain but also for the good of many.

To persevere is to work hard on any project or endeavor in spite of difficulties. Persevering people
have the courage to overcome difficulties or hindrances. Courage enables them to face problems with
calmness and determination, until they succeed.

Answer the following:



1. Why are the virtues of patience and perseverance important to us?


2. How does a patient person feel about his or her work?


3. How do you feel when you work for others?


4. How do our parents show patience and perseverance?


5. Why should we be courageous?





 Let us read a story about a patient and persevering student.

The school is almost over and all students are busy preparing for this. Katherine in Grade Five
student who tries to balance her time to meet the requirements needed for the final examinations.
She has to work on the projects needed in different subjects. She tries to make use of her time wisely
to be able to get things done.

Katherine's waterloo is Mathematics so she has to devote extra time to study the subject and be able
to master the needed skills. She sees to it that her Mathematics assignments are well done and
accomplished. She then does all her homework in other subjects and work on the projects.

Katherine loves to watch television and play computer games. But because she needs to get things
done for the finals, she sacrifices all her favorite TV shows and computer games. She attends to her
projects to meet the deadline. She extends her working time to come out with what is expected from
her at a given time.

Two days before the submission time, Katherine was able to submit all projects following the criteria
of accuracy, punctuality, neatness, resourcefulness, and creativity. The highest score for each subject
is 20 points. With her patience and perseverance, she got 20 points for all subjects except
Mathematics where she got 18 points.

Katherine was so proud and happy with the outcome. Her teacher congratulated her for her good


Our success in life will depend on our attitude towards work. Let ... be patient and persevering so
that we can accomplish our goals. Let us remember that we will not succeed in life if we just sit down
and do nothing. Success only comes to people who work hard for it. They are the people who
welcome work and never complain about it.

Let us fulfill our duties faithfully and patiently in order to make valuable contributions at home, in
school, and in the community.


At home, let us not grumble or complain when we are asked to do difficult tasks. Let us assist our
parents in the household chores. Let us take care of our younger brothers and sisters and influence
them to become good. Let us do our share in keeping our home clean and orderly. Let us continue to
make our home a happy place to live in.

In school, let us be more patient and persevering in trying to understand difficult lessons. Let us be
more attentive to our teachers so we can appreciate and learn our lessons well. Let us be more
patient in dealing with classmates who are hard to get along with. Let us persevere and do everything
well so we can succeed in our work. Let us remember that hard work will lead to success.

We also have a role to play in our community. We need patience and perseverance in
accomplishing community projects. Let us work with the community officials to improve our lives and
contribute to the progress of our community.

Things to Do

Interview your mother, father, or any elder who experienced some difficulties in life, but with
patience and perseverance was able to succeed. Write below what you have gathered from the





At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to;

Conceptualize the knowledge to make better understanding.

Enhance the essence better understanding.


Communication is an important part of our daily life. Aside from group sharing, we acquire
important information through modern means of communication like the telephone, cell phone, radio,
television, and electronic mail through the Internet. Every day, we communicate with one another at
home, in school, and everywhere we go.

Cut out pictures of people talking to one another using various means of communication. Paste
them in the box.




We all enjoy interacting with people who can communicate well. We have a lively exchange of ideas.
We learn a lot of things from them.

We realize that wherever we are, we need to communicate well. At home, we interact with our
parents and siblings in the morning before we go to school and in the afternoon or in the evening
when everyone is home. We excitedly tell our parents about our good performance in class. We also
share our problems with them. We know that they will help us
solve them. We also listen to the stories of our siblings
about their experiences in school.


In school, we interact with our teachers and classmates. We consult our teachers when we do not
understand our lessons. We request our classmates to assist us when we cannot do our project. We
ask them questions about things related to schoolwork.

There are times when we get into trouble because of misunderstanding. We may commit mistakes
that may affect the people around us. Sometimes, other people may commit mistakes and we may be
adversely affected. It is in situations like these that we need to be open and show compassion for


It is important to maintain an open line of communication with the people we live, work, and
study with. It is through good communication that we can express everything that we feel and think
about. Communication is a two-way process. When one party talks, the other party listens. If one
gives way to the other, there will be a good exchange of ideas and opinions. Keeping the
communication line open enables us to understand one another. We are able to share, sympathize,
and cooperate with one another.

We feel comfortable talking to an open-minded person because we know that he or she truly
listens and analyzes everything that he or she hears. We are encouraged to share our feelings and
ideas with him or her. We are assured that he or she will understand us and have compassion for us.
Good communication helps in building a happy home, an enjoyable school environment, and a
cooperative community.

Let us read a story about an open-minded person.

A Compassionate Manager

Mr. Ferdie Cruz, the manager of a computer company, regularly meets with his employees to
listen and interact with them. He explains clearly the policies of his company and encourages them to
share their ideas and suggestions regarding performance improvement. He encourages employees to
carry out the company's vision-mission of delivering quality service to their customers.

During meetings and assemblies, Mr. Cruz acknowledges the achievements of his outstanding
employees. He encourages those who did not perform well to strive to do better.

Employees are given the chance to give suggestions and comments. Seminars, workshops, and
professional upliftment programs are provided for employees to enhance their performance levels.
The management also gives the employees incentives when they exceed their sales targets. This
encourages them to work even harder.



At home, let us interact happily with our family members by sharing stories and experiences.
We can also plan some family affairs or share suggestions on how to solve a problem or conflict. Let
us acknowledge our family members' achievements and encourage them to do better. Let us be open
in expressing our love and gratitude to our parents. Let us always say words of thanks and
appreciation for jobs well done.

In the classroom, let us share our ideas with our classmates. Let us trust one another and be
confident that our ideas and opinions will be appreciated. Let us consider and respect the views and
opinions of our classmates.

Let us also have the courage to admit our mistakes and make up for them. Let us do this so
that we may become better persons. Let us develop the attitude of being open to suggestions. Let us
look at criticisms in a positive way. Let us affirm one another's goodness by saying positive and
encouraging words. Let us be open in seeking help and advice.

In class discussions, let us feel free to ask questions if we don't understand the lesson. If we happen
to know something about the lesson that is not mentioned during the discussion, let us be generous
in sharing them with the class. Sharing one's talents, knowledge, and ideas for the success of a class
or school activity is a good example of openness.

In the community, let us give our honest opinions and criticisms about community projects and
activities. Let us be ready to give suggestions to make our community a better place to live in.

In being open, let us always remember to be tactful at all times. All our ideas should be expressed in
a polite manner. Let us ensure that our ideas will help the people around us.

Things to Do

To have peace and unity, there should be understanding among us. We can only understand one
another when we communicate our feelings, opinions, comments, suggestions, and criticisms. More
importantly, we should be open to admit our limitations and listen to the suggestions and criticisms of
the people around us, especially when these are expressed in a positive way.

A. Make a short video clip for the following situation:

1. You are the President of the class. You want to discuss with your classmates the upcoming
intramural games.
2. The teacher called for all group leaders. She discussed with them ways to prepare the
classroom for Valentine's Day celebration.


3. One of your classmates will be leaving for Australia to stay there for good. You want to
have a despedida party for her.

At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to; 17


We talk our parents every day. We enjoy telling them almost everything that happens to us
every moment of our life. We feel lucky to be able to talk to our parents. We know that they are
interested in what we do in school. They want to find out about our school activity. We are to acquire
new knowledge that we can apply, especially blames and difficulties. We are overjoyed when we talk
to God by praying. Praying is a person best and sincere means of communicating with God. In
prayer, we offer an open ourselves to God completely. We base our hearts to him. He is our Father
with whom we share our deepest thoughts and feelings. We adore him, ask forgiveness for our sins,
thank him for his goodness, and ask him be with us always.

Prayer is also listening to God. As we talk to him, we also pause and listen to what he is telling
us. In doing so, we are able to really communicate with him.


Let us read a story about trusting in God.

A Loving God

Jesus is very prayerful. One day, after praying, he taught his

disciples how to pray and then told them this story:

“Suppose one of you has a friend. This friend goes to your house at midnight and asks you to lend
him three loaves of bread, because another friend of his came from a journey and he has no food to
offer the newcomer.

You then answer, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked and my children are already sleeping.
I'm sorry, I can't get up and give you anything.' But having said that, you will also get up and give him
what he asks for, not only because he is your friend, but also because of his persistence and
boldness in asking.”

Jesus further said: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the
door shall be opened.


Who among you fathers, if your son asks for bread, will you give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish,
will you give him a snake? If you then, being evil, know how to give good things to your 'hi how much
more shall your Father in heaven give good things to them who ask him?"


God is our loving Father who provides for all our needs. He knows our deepest thoughts and
feelings. As children of God, let us put our trust and im Let us always believe that he is our guide and
light in everything istus put God at the center of our lives. Let us always consult him in plans and ask
him for enlightenment in all our endeavors. Draver is a sincere conversation with God. Let us adore,
praise, and bank God as we pray. Let us also ask for his pardon.

The good things we do for our neighbors make God happy. Let us always remember that good
deeds are also considered as prayers. The work of mercy that we do are prayers. Examples of these
are praying for the living and the dead, visiting the sick, burying the dead, praying for the sinners,
teaching the ignorant, giving food to the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, and giving clothes to
the poor.

As human beings, we have limitations. We are afflicted with many physical, psychological, and
spiritual ailments. There are times when even the best doctors need miracles to cure their patients.
Prayers can heal our illnesses, especially those brought about by sin.

We need graces to go to heaven. We receive these through prayers. Let us pray regularly and
wholeheartedly. Let us make it a point to pray with our family. Let us pray not only during times of
trouble or need but also during happy moments. Let us pray with honest and sincere hearts.

Things to do:

A. Make a prayer for the following person:

- Mother
- Father
- Siblings
- Grandparents
- Leaders
- Teachers

B. Make a prayer for the Philippines.



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