Establishing The Trustworthiness / Rigour of Qualitative Research

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Establishing the trustworthiness /

rigour of qualitative research

Damhnat McCann

Four key criteria

 Credibility
 Dependability
 Confirmability
 Transferability


 The believability of the data – are

the findings credible?
 Can we have confidence in the truth
of the findings?
 Would those having the experience
recognise the researchers account
of it?
(Carter & Goodacre 2012; Beck 2009)


Appraising credibility
Respondent /member checking – do others
review the findings during analysis?
Negative case analysis – do any participants
tell a different story?
Triangulation – do they use more than one
method of data collection? More than one point of
view during analysis?

Prolonged engagement in data collection

(Carter & Goodacre 2012; Litva & Jacoby 2007)

…the stability of the data over time & in
different contexts and conditions (Beck 2009: 544)
How dependable are the accounts that
have been produced?
What techniques do researchers use to
ensure dependability?
 Accurately recording data & transcribing
 Flexibility in research design

 Degree to which the findings are coming
from the participants and not because of the
views or biases of the researcher
 Thick description / audit trail – is a detailed
description provided of how the research was
conducted and decisions made?

 Reflexivity – is the researcher sensitive to the

ways they may have affected data collection or
shaped the data analysis



How well can the findings fit contexts outside

the study situation? Can the findings be
transferred to other contexts/settings?

 Thick description / audit trail – particularly

important to describe the selection of participants and
the context/setting for the research

(Litva & Jacoby 2007; Beck 2009)

Beck, CT 2009, Critiquing qualitative research, AORN Journal,
90(4), pp. 543-554.
Carter, B & Goodacre, L 2012, ‘Using evidence from qualitative
studies’, in JV Craig & RL Smyth (eds.), The evidence-based
practice manual for nurses (3rd ed.), Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp. 116-
Litva, A & Jacoby , A 2007, ‘Qualitative research: critical appraisal’,
in JV Craig & RL Smyth (eds.), The evidence-based practice manual
for nurses (2nd ed.), Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp. 153-161, 175-177.

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