Wraith: Luke Dixon Male 17 6'7 Feet 200 LB Purple White 8 22

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Luke Dixon
Male 17 6'7 feet 200 lb Purple White
Claremont Academy Claremont Academy, Freedom City 8
22 73 2 15 8 120

5 5 10 1
4 6 3 0
+9 8
Unarmed +11 Close, Damage 5
Throwing Spikes +10 Ranged, Damage 5, Diminished Range (25/50/125)

Motivation—Responsibility: Wraith feels it is his duty to use

the abilities he's been given to help people.

Identity: Wraith keeps his identity as Luke Dixon a secret from everyone except his

Cybernetic Enhancements: Enhanced Abilities 23 (Agility 5,

Dexterity 5, Fighting 5, Stamina 3, Strength 5); Enhanced
Advantages 2 (Improved Initiative, Power Attack); Enhanced
Dodge 5 * 53 points

Cybernetically-Enhanced Movement: Leaping 3 (60 feet);

Movement 3 (Safe Fall, Swinging, Wall-crawling); Speed 3 (8
MPH) * 12 points

Internal Systems: Immunity 3 (Poison, Suffocation (All;

Limited to 30 minutes)) * 2 points

Sensors: Senses 3 (Danger Sense, Infravision, Radio) * 3 points

Sub-Dermal Armor: Protection 2, Subtle * 3 points

Equipment 2, Improved Initiative, Power Attack

Throwing Spikes: (Ranged Damage 5, Diminished

Range 2
(25/50/125)), cellphone (smartphone)

Enemy: Wraith had his cybernetics implanted in him by his father, who was a scientist for
the Foundry. The Foundry would like to reclaim Wraith and use him as the template for
armies of cyborgs just like him.

Power Loss: While Wraith's cybernetics can't be easily removed, they can be disabled by
disconnecting them from his power supply, effectively removing all of his powers.

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