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[This is a slightly modified version of a Rite written by Julian Riley of the HomoMoot. I have tried to
contact him to seek permission to post this, but have been unable to reach him as of yet. If Julian
should happen to see this and want me to remove it, please contact me privately and I will gladly do

The Cernunnos Rite is used for gaining from Cernunnos strength, healing, and may also be used
at Imbolc for aid in the fertility of the land. The Rite is very sexual and very powerful.

Set up your altar in the usual manner. In a cup or drinking horn you should have a masculine drink,
such as beer, mixed with an infusion such as Purification Tea (See Crafts). This is in addition to
the usual goblet of wine.

Begin by performing the Creating Sacred Space rite through to blowing on the horn 3 times. Stop
there.. Do not perform the usual God Invocation. Instead, begin The Cernunnos Rite here:

Sit before your altar in the Cernunnos Posture (See Cernunnos Posture). Take a few moments to
ground and center yourself. Once you feel ready to proceed, light the candle to signify the god’s
arrival, and recite the following invocation:

Gracious Cernunnos, Mighty Lord of the Woods and Animals, I ask you to be present in this sacred
circle with me. From this rite may I gain from you strength (or healing etc.). Mighty Cernunnos I ask
you to descend down upon me here, naked before you; fill me with your powers, may you flow
through my veins, my blood, my penis, my sperm.

The Cernunnos Incense (See Oils and Incense) is now burnt. More incense can be added as
required throughout the Rite.

Next, pick up the knife with your right hand and trace the Horned God Symbol (See Signs and
Symbols) through the liquid in the cup or horn. Lay the knife down upon the altar.

Cernunnos, Lend me now your strength                                                                Mighty Lord of all the

woods                                                                                 Mighty Lord of the Animal
Realm                                                                   Cernunnos, Lend me now your strength

The above chant is sung softly over and over again, whilst stimulating yourself to erection through
to ejaculation. The visualization is of Cernunnos, mighty and strong before you. He is naked,
walking through the woods, masculine and powerful. He leads you through the woods, through to
his presence. Feel the erection filling in your hand with Cernunnos' power; think of how masculine
the erection is, what power it holds. At the point of ejaculation the penis is lowered into the
Cernunnos Cup or horn, the penis penetrates into the liquid and you ejaculate. Cernunnos' energy
flows through you and into the liquid. The sperm is not yours but Cernunnos' and yours. The knife
stirs the two liquids together. If any sperm sticks to the knife, leave it there and do not wipe it off.
It will become part of the knife and rightly so. Then is said:

Cenunnos, sacred to our ancestors, in this Rite I touch upon your sacred powers and mystery. You
brought our ancestors fertility, strength, healing, protection and life. Bless and infuse your sacred
powers into this male drink, that carries in it my sacred seed - your sacred seed. Fill me with your life
force, your energy.

The sacred liquid is now drunk, sperm included.

The rite is now complete. Perform the Clearing the Sacred Space rite.


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