Detailed Lesson Plan DLP

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Detailed Lesson Plan by Jordan Bourget

Title of lesson Understanding the roles of the Protagonist and Grade Grade 7 (Cycle 1)
Antagonist. level
Subject English Second Language. Topic Story and Character

Relevance This lesson is relevant for the students as it helps develop their ability to analyze content to
find the information necessary to answer questions. The lesson also provides the students with
the opportunity to practice their communication skills through group work. Both of the
previously mentioned skills are vital for the academic success of the students, which makes
the lesson highly pertinent for the students.
Resources Required A pencil or pen, paper to write on, computers or iPads for the Plickers activity, a worksheet
for the students, internet connection, a computer for the teacher, and a projector with a
projector screen for the teacher to play the two videos to the class.
QEP Subject Area QEP Competency 1: Interacts Orally in English : There will be a group discussion that will
Competencies involve questions associated with two videos being watched in class; therefore, allowing for
the students the opportunity to interact, listen, and react to what is being said regarding the
discussion questions. Additionally, the activity will allow for the students to expand on their
literary language repertoire.

QEP Competency 2: Reinvests Understanding of Texts: By watching two videos, including

one video of a popular children’s cartoon, the students will have the opportunity to explore
different aspects of English culture and literary ideas. The group discussion provides the
students the chance to demonstrate their understanding of the videos by answering the
discussion questions.

QEP Competency 3: Writes and Produces Texts: The lesson will end with an activity
involving the students summarizing what they have learned in 2-3 sentences; therefore,
providing the students the opportunity to practice summarizing and writing their ideas.

Learning Objectives One of the objectives of this lesson plan is for the students to understand and remember the
differences between a protagonist and an antagonist, which puts this aspect of the lesson at the
“understand” and “remember” levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Additionally, the other objective
of the lesson is for the students to learn how to analyze a character and recognize their role
within a story. This objective falls under the “apply” level of Bloom’s Taxonomy as it is
requiring the students to take the information they have learned regarding protagonists and
antagonists and apply it to successfully analyze a character’s role in a story.
Essential Question(s) 1) Why are the roles of the protagonist and antagonist crucial to a story?
2) Does the antagonist or protagonist always have to be human or good and evil?
Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:
Timing The teacher will introduce the topic by doing a brief
summary of the previous lesson that focused on the stages of Students will know how to analyze
a plot. Afterwards, the teacher will begin to ask the students characters to know their role in a story.
to think about the characters involved in a story and have
them verbally name out any roles they can think of. Once that Students will know the differences between
is done, the teacher will write on the board the goals of a protagonist and an antagonist.
5 today’s lesson so the students can know what they will be
minutes doing. The students will understand that the lesson goals
include watching a video on the differences between a
protagonist and an antagonist, watching a SpongeBob
SquarePants video, and a group discussion based on the two

videos. Afterwards, the teacher will inform the students that
the purpose of this lesson is for them to not only have a better
understanding of the roles of characters, but to also be able to
analyze the characters within a story. The purpose of the
lesson connects with the larger unit plan goal of having the
students write their own story, which will also be explained
to the students.
Students will understand:
Students will understand the role and impact
a character can have in a story.
Development (Learning activities – step by step sequential
Through the SpongeBob SquarePants video,
students will understand how to identify a
protagonist and an antagonist in a story.

1) After the introduction of the topic, the teacher will do a Students will do:
pre-assessment analyzing the students’ understanding of
specific words associated with the terms “protagonist” and Students will work in groups to develop
“antagonist” and of certain literary words that will appear in their communication skills and critical
the video activities. This will allow for the teacher to assess thinking skills.
the students’ knowledge before even starting the activity,
thus, providing the teacher with the opportunity to educate Students will have opportunities to write
their students regarding certain terms, if needed. The pre- throughout the lesson, thus giving them the
assessment will be done through Plickers by sending an chance to practice their writing.
invitation link to the students’ email. However, a pre-
assessment with Plickers is only realistic if every student has Cross Curricular Competencies:
access to a computer or iPad in class; therefore, there will be This lesson provides the students with an
a paper version of the pre-assessment if an online version is opportunity to practice multiple cross-
not feasible. Both the paper and the Plickers activity will curricular competencies. The group work to
involve students ranking their knowledge of specific words answer the questions related to the
along this ranking scheme: 1) This word is unknown to me 2) SpongeBob SquarePants video and the
This word is somewhat familiar to me, but I need hints to antagonist vs protagonist video provides the
minutes figure it out 3) I know what the word means and I can opportunity for the students to develop their
understand it 4) I know what the word means and I can define uses information, exercise critical
it. Once the teacher receives the results, they will know if the judgement, communicates appropriately and
class requires the teacher to explain what certain words mean. cooperates with others competencies. The
Although the pre-assessment would be easier to do through previously mentioned four competencies are
Plickers as the teacher can see the results in real-time, a paper integral to the success of the group work
pre-assessment is still suitable as the teacher can quickly scan activity, which is a great way for the
through the papers. students to develop these competencies.

2) If the teacher determines, based on the pre-assessment, Additionally, once the group work is done,
that the class does not require the teacher to explain to them one member from each group will volunteer
what specific key-words mean, the teacher will hand out a to tell the teacher an answer to a question of
worksheet to the students. This worksheet will contain two their choice. Doing so allows for the student
boxes. One box is for the antagonist and the other box is for to not only develop the uses information
10 the protagonist. The worksheet will also contain questions for competency, but the communicates
minutes the group discussions that will occur later on. The teacher appropriately competency as well.
will then tell their students that while they are watching the
video, they should take notes on the different characteristics Lastly, the homework assignment assigned
of an antagonist and a protagonist. For them to understand to the students will allow them to develop
the purpose of the note-taking, the teacher will also explain to their uses information, communicates
the students that these notes will become useful during the appropriately, and exercise critical
group discussions. judgement competencies to properly answer
the questions through writing. Moreover, the
The teacher will begin to play the following video that homework assignment also requires the
describes the differences between a protagonist and an students to email the teacher their response
antagonist: to their homework, which helps the students
v=RXSQh_eJfBE in developing their uses information and
communications technologies competency.
After watching the video once, the teacher will play it a
second time to make sure the students did not miss any Broad Areas of Learning:
information. The intended lesson promotes media literacy
by providing the students with the
3) Once the teacher is done playing the antagonist vs opportunity to critically analyze and process
protagonist video, they will then ask the students to spend the the information presented through two
next two minutes filling out the characteristic boxes for the YouTube videos in order to correctly
antagonist and protagonist. The teacher will then provide the answer the questions on their worksheet.
minutes students with the opportunity to review the discussion Learning how to analyze videos to properly
questions on the worksheet to better understand what they are assess the information being provided is an
supposed to analyze in the following SpongeBob video: important component in improving one’s media literacy.

4) Once the video is over, the teacher will divide the class Universal Design for Learning/
into groups of three. The teacher will make it clear to the Differentiation:
10 students that they have to work together to answer the rest of
minutes The lesson created attempts its best to
the questions on their worksheet. The students will also
accommodate the diverse learning styles of
understand that at the end of the group work, each group will
the students present within the classroom.
have a spokesperson who will give the answer to any
The use of two YouTube videos during the
question of their choice. The students now have the
lesson provides the students with the
opportunity to answer the questions.
opportunity to learn the required
information in a visually engaging and
5) Once the group work is done, the teacher will ask each
entertaining way. The use of YouTube
group, one by one, to share with the class the answer to a
10 videos was included to stimulate the interest
question of their choice. The purpose of this activity is for
minutes and motivation of those students who find it
everyone to hear each other’s responses and to share with
difficult to be engaged with written texts
each other their knowledge.
that contain the information of the lesson.
Additionally, the two YouTube videos also
have subtitles available, which allows for
individuals who are hard of hearing to still
participate in the lesson.

Moreover, the lesson provides an

opportunity for both verbal and written
group work to occur. The group work not
only allows students to verbally express
their knowledge to their peers, but to also
write down their answers with the assistance
of their peers. Essentially, this allows the
students to express themselves in two
different ways.

Furthermore, once the group work is done,

one student per group will have the chance
to verbally express their knowledge
regarding a question of their choice. Not
only does this provide an opportunity for the
student to answer a question they feel the
most confident in answering, but it can
provide a student to express themselves in a
way they feel most comfortable with.

Lastly, the use of group works allows for the

teacher to pair stronger students with
students who might be facing difficulties
succeeding in the class. This provides the
opportunity for the stronger student to
scaffold the learning process for the student
experiencing difficulties.
Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR learning:

To end the class, the teacher will assign the students During the group work phase of the lesson,
homework where they will be required to summarize their the teacher will walk around the classroom
thoughts of what is a protagonist and what is an antagonist and listen to the conversations that the
and to identify the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) of the students are having. Doing so allows the
SpongeBob SquarePants video. The summary will be around teacher to notice if any of the students
2-3 sentences long. Once the students are done formulating misunderstood aspects of the lesson or are
minutes their summary, they will not only provide the teacher a paper saying incorrect information, thus providing
version of their summary so they can grade it, but the the teacher with the opportunity to assess
students will also email the teacher their responses so the the students’ knowledge and what to address
teacher can upload it to a google document (the students will after the group work.
receive the link through their school email). Having the
FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:
students email the teacher their response allows the students
to see each other’s summaries on the google doc after they During the activity where the students will
handed in their homework. Doing so allows for everyone to nominate a spokesperson from their group
see each other’s different understanding of what a protagonist to tell the answer of their choice to the class,
and antagonist is and how they analyzed the SpongeBob the students will have the opportunity to
SquarePants video. Additionally, if in the future the students hear the answers to the questions from their
forget the differences between a protagonist or an antagonist, fellow classmates. Not only does this
they can easily look at the google doc to re-educate provide the teacher with the chance to give
themselves with an example through the SpongeBob video. immediate feedback regarding the students’
Lastly, the google document provides me with an opportunity answers, but it also allows for all the
to assess all of the students' responses to see any students to reflect and self-assess their own
commonalities or links more easily between their answers. If answers and improve them if needed.
a student is unable to email the teacher their response for any
SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:
reason, they simply need to inform the teacher on their paper
copy. The teacher will then upload their summary online for The writing activity that requires the
them and also provide them with a paper copy. students to provide a 2-3 sentence summary
of what makes up an antagonist and
protagonist and to identify the protagonist(s)
and antagonist(s) of the SpongeBob
SquarePants video will be a summative
assessment. This will allow for the teacher
to assess what the students learned during
the lesson according to the QEP
Competency 3: Writes and Produces Texts.
Further considerations (follow up activities)
This lesson attempts its best to improve the quality of education being provided to the students through the use of
technology. Although the lesson is feasible without technology as the information given throughout the lesson can be
provided on paper, it is the use of YouTube videos and the Google document that augments the overall experience of
the students with the lesson, thus putting the lesson at the augmentation level of SAMR. However, it is by including
technology within the lesson that allows for the lesson to reach the different learning styles present in the students of
the class.

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