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Jalan Merak Komplek Civic Centre No. Depan SMAN 2 Negara
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Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan (UPK)
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris


TEXT 1. This text is for questions 1-2.

On April, 3, 2005, Senior High School from Sidney Distance High School history
class had an exursion to the police and Justice Museum near Circular Quay.
First we went into the small courtroom. This had been used from the late 1800’s to
1980’s. There was a place where the jury sat and high bench for the judge.
When we took part in a mock trial, based around the murder of Charles Wright on 1
October, 1993. We acted as witness, the defendant, the judge, the court reporter, the defence
and the prececusion. We found the defendant not guilty.
After the trial, we were taken around the museum. We saw vest helmets and weapons
used by outlaws. We learnt about the Graime and Thorn case.
We enjoyed our visit to the Police and Museum and learnt about the evidence and
how crime are solved.

1. The purpose of the text is to...

a. tell past events
b. entertain readers
c. describe the smugglers
d. report an event to the police
e. inform readers about events of the day

2. We acted as witness.
The underlined word means..... .
a. something to be informed
b. something to be presented
c. a person who get a present
d. a person who commit a crime
e. a person who saw an event taking place

TEXT 2. This text is for questions 3-4

Hollywood is no longer just in California.

Today the entertainment industry is finding new homes in Europe, Latin America, and
Asia. The Americana media and communication industries are looking all over the globe for
new opportunities. Although many companies are investing in the fast-growing European
media industry, many industry executives believe the biggest long-term opportunity is in
China and other countries in Southeast Asia. The potential market is huge – over 310 million
people in the European community, but over 650 million in Pacific Rim

3. The communicative purpose of this text is ….

a. to critic an art work.
b. to describe
c. to explain
d. to entertain.
e. to inform

4. Which of the following is the main topic of the article?

a. The media industry is expanding..
b. China is big market today.
c. New homes are being built in Europe
d. There are many opportunities in Hollywood.
e. Hollywood produces many big movies

5. According to the article, what does “ Hollywood” represent ?

a. American enterprise d. All executives
b. The media industry.. e. Big market
c . Movie industry

TEXT 3. This text is for questions 26-28

Omar lbn-ul-Khattab was one of the greatest early Caliph. He became Caliph after the death of
Abu Bakr. Arab rule spread to many countries outside Arabia under Omar.
When he became Caliph, he took care that everyone had enough to eat, and that :m one
disobeyed the rules of the religion. He also took care to rule justly. He often went out at night, dressed
like an ordinary Bedouin, and walked along the houses of the town, and along its streets. He
went among his people and heard what they said about him and his rule.
One night he passed by a house where he heard children crying. When he went in,
he saw a few children sitting in the corner of the room. Their mother was standing in front of a pot
on the fire. Steam was coming out of the pot and the mother was stirring the `food'. She asked
her hungry children many times to wait until the food was ready. The man wondered. what was
wrong. He went up to the woman and said, "Peace upon you, good old woman Why are the
children crying? I can see that the food will soon be ready. Can't they wait?"
The woman looked up with pain and anger in her eyes. She answered, "The Caliph
never thinks of his people. He thinks of himself. These poor children have no father and food."
Then she whispered in his ear, "Come and look at the pot." He saw a few stones in the boiling
water. There was no food at all in the pot. The woman had no food, but her children were very
hungry. She wanted to get them tired and go to sleep.
Then the man said to the woman, "Please wait for me I shall soon be back."
He went away quickly. He fetched a large bag foil of bread and other things from
his home,. and carried it on his back to the poor woman and her children. He gave it quietly to the
poor woman and said to her, "If you need food again you must go to the Caliph and ask him. It is
your right. He wilt always give you some. And remember ! The Caliph is not a bad man

6. The communicative purpose of this text is ….

a. To give a view of an art work.
b. to describe a person.
c. To explain a person
d. To entertain.
e. To inform

7. What did the woman think of the Caliph ?

a. the Caliph is selfish
b. the Caliph is rich
c. the Caliph is so generous
d. the Caliph is wise
e. the Caliph is kind

8. How does the last paragraph function towards the whole story ?
a. It shows how the writer made conclusion
b. It shows how the woman ended the story
c. It shows how the problem was solved
d. It shows how the man gave conclusion
e. It shows how the man closed the story

TEXT 4. This text is for questions 9-10

The Meteorology and Geographic Agency (BMG) said on Thursday that there was a
possibility of sporadic heavy rainfall in Bogor, West Java through the end of this month, and
warned that there would be more overflowing rivers in the city.
Achmad Zakir, head of weather forecast from the BMG, explained to The Jakarta
Post that April to May was the transition period from the rainy season to the dry season,
making the weather unpredictable.
“We admit to having a hard time forecasting the heavy rainfall in Bogor on
Wednesday that caused a major river in Jakarta to overflow,” he said.

9. The text tells us....

a. Ahmad Zakir’s explanation.
b. Heavy rainfall in West java.
c. A weather forecast by the BMG.
d. The difficulty in predicting the weather in Indonesia.
e. The transition period from the rainy season to the dry season.

10. “...that there was a possibility of sporadic rainfall in Bogor, the city.” ( Pr. 1)
The underlined word has the closest meaning to....
a. probability d. regularity
b. quantity e. capability
c. certainty

TEXT 5. This text is for questions 11-13

Piranha fish are the fiercest animals in the world. They live in the fresh water rivers of
South America, from Venezuela to Northern Argentina. These fish hunt in groups, called
schools. They usually eat other fish smaller than themselves. Sometimes Piranhas will attack
and eat each other.
There are about 18 kinds of piranha fish. Only four kinds attack man. Piranhas have
large head and short thick bodies. They are usually about 20 cm (9 inches long) but one kind
can be as much as 60 cm (two feet). It lives in the Sao Francisco River from Eastern Brazil. It
is one of the most dangerous fish.
The most noticeable thing about Piranha fish is the large mouth. The mouth has a lot
of triangular teeth with sharp point. The points pierce the skin of the prey. The razor sharp
edges of the teeth chop out pieces of flesh. The teeth of the upper and lower jaws fit together
like scissors. The muscles moving the jaws are big and very powerful.
On the back of the Piranha fish there is a ridge called a keel. There is another keel
running along it belly. The tail is slender and muscular. Its tail fins are broad. All these
features held the piranha to swim fast through the water. The piranha fish eat a large South
American rat-like animal, called a Capybara, weighing 50 kilos (100 pounds) to a skeleton in
less than 60 seconds.

11. What is the social function of the text above?

a. To explain
b. To retell events
c. To persuade the readers
d. To amuse the readers
e. To describe

12. What are schools in the text mean....

a. Piranha fish are the fiercest animals in the world.
b. Piranhas will attack and eat each other.
c. The piranha fish eat Capybara
d. Piranha fish has a large mouth
e. Piranhas fish hunt in groups

13. These are the characteristics of piranha, EXCEPT...

a. They live in the fresh water rivers.
b. They usually eat other fish smaller than themselves
c. Piranhas have large head and short thick bodies.
d. Piranha fish has large mouth with of triangular teeth with sharp point.
e. The muscles moving the jaws are small and very weak

TEXT 6. This text is for questions 14-16

Movies are always fascinating, especially for people who love movies. Have you ever
wondered what makes movies so touching and really impressive? Is it the movie stars? The
directors? The soundtrack? The pictures? Or is it the story that we can really relate to ? There
were several reasons why we like movies so much?
First, we can always see that movies are not so fictitious after all. Movies are created
because people experienced something that motivated them to express it in the form of
moving pictures. That’s what makes movies so real.
Second, movies can always make us laugh or cry. Hey…. It’s like the life we’re
living! We experience the ups and downs, and simply going through all that enriching
already. Whenever we’re confronted with extreme circumstances in our life, good or bad, just
keep in mind that it’s just a period in life that we have to go to through.
Therefore, it can be clearly seen that movies are touching and impressive because we
can observe the reflection of our lives from movies.

14. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?

a. movies are so real because they are created based on people’s experience.
b. movies are fascinating because people love movies.
c. the movies stars make movies impressive
d. soundtrack makes movies so real
e. sad movies make us cry

15. What should we do when we faced extreme circumstances in our life?

a. We have to go through those circumstances
b. We should be ready for that
c. We should cry all the time
d. We should keep in mind.
e. We can always laugh

16. “First, we can always see that movies are not so fictitious after all “( Paragraph 2 )
The antonym of the underlined is ….
a. real d. invented
b. not real e. true
c. imagined

TEXT 7. This text is for questions 17-19

A spider web looks delicate, but it is very strong. It can hold 4,000 times a spider’s
weight. But how does it form?
First the spider spins a thread of silk. The thread gets blown over to a branch by the
wind. Then she makes another two threads and makes a Y shape. Next she makes more
threads and they look like spokes of a wheel. Then the spider goes in a spiral, out back in, sits
in the middle and waits for food.
This is how a web is formed.

17. The purpose of the text is …

a. to give report how spider web is formed
b. to inform how to make spider web
c. to describe a kind of spiders
d. to explain how to make spider web
e. to describe what spider’s web is

18. Why does a spider form a web?

a. To get the food d. To play with
b. To stay as her nest e. To breed
c. To waits for other mates

19. These are the steps a spider does to make a web, except….
a. the spider spins a thread of silk
b. she makes another two threads
c. she makes more threads, they look like spokes of a wheel.
d. the spider goes in a spiral, out back in
e. the spider spins a rope of wool

TEXT 8. This text is for questions 20-22.

I absolutely love Titanic, and all of the movie will always hold a
special place in my heart. Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) is a somewhat
ruthless treasure hunter searching for profit under the sea in the debris of
the wrecked liner Titanic. In particular, he is searching for a necklace
featuring an historic blue diamond and that is rumored to have sunk with
the ship.

He believes he is on the right track when his crew retrieves a safe in which he finds a
sketch of a beautiful woman wearing the diamond.
The drawing is shown on a TV news program, and an old lady called Rose Dawson
Calvert (Gloria Stewart) comes forward claiming that she is the woman in the drawing. When
questioned by the treasure hunters, she tells them her story.
When she joined the Titanic for her maiden voyage Rose DeWitt Bukater ( Kate
Winslet ), as she was known then, was 17 years old. Her mother ( Frances Fisher ) had a good
breeding but little money, so she was taking Rose to America to marry rich Cal Hockley
( Billy Zane ) – a match that Rose would rather have avoided.
Attempting to commit suicide, she was saved by Jack Dawson ( Leonardo DiCaprio),
a raffish and charming third-class passenger. Jack and Rose started to spend time together,
ultimately falling love, in spite of the disapproval of both her mother and Hockley. Hockley
would have done anything to prevent Jack seeing Rose, and falsely accused him of theft.
However, the historic events that followed were to change everything.
Cameron’s “ Titanic” is justly recognized as something of a masterpiece. The film
cost a phenomenal amount to make, and most of that spending is visible on screen.
Everything about it looks sumptuous and the effects that go into the sinking of the ship are
grippingly realistic.
The romantic thread is appealing enough, but its greater purpose is to make the effect
of the tragedy more personal. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio make a fine job of
playing the young couple, although the romance is occasionally rather overdone and
DiCaprio does struggle at times to give his character as written any real depth.
Although the film is a personal romance set amidst a greater disaster story, it is also
the story of Rose’s life and the effect her experiences have had on her and it largely succeeds
on all counts.

20. The purpose of the text is ... .

a. to describe something that happens
b. to persuade readers that something is in the case
c. to critique an art work or event for a public audience
d. to evaluate the necessity of cars in the city
e. to introduce readers that here are many problems.

21. Why was Rose’s mother take Rose to America ?

a. to get a job
b. to looked a new place to live in
c. to divorce with her husband Cal Hockley
d. to marry a rich man Cal Hockley
e. to become a famous artist

22. What does the reviewer opinion about Titanic?

a. It is the best film romance
b. It is the worse film romance
c. It deserves the highest praise
d. she really loves Titanic
e. It deserves the best praise

The following numbers have No relation with the text above.

23. Toni : Who has cleaned this class

Tuti : Rini
Bagas : What?
Tuti : I said that Rini … it
a. has cleaned d. cleaned
b. had cleaned e. cleans
c. is cleaning

24. Policeman : I’m afraid I must ask what you did at 10 p.m. yesterday.
Mr. Y : Well, I … a play on the radio
a. listen d. was listened
b. listened e. am listening
c. have listened

25. Mika : Have you heard that my mother will be awarded for her effort to make the
community aware of the importance to keep the environment clean?
Raissa : Yes, I think she deserves recognition for her effort. Congratulations.
In the dialogue, Mika expresses his… on his mother’s success
a. pride d. approval e. judgment
b. interest
c. curiosity

26. Andika : As a poultry owner, you have to be more careful with the flu pandemic.
Chintya : Don’t worry ! I have had my men clean the cages.
From the dialog we know that …. .
a. Andika asks Chintya to clean the cages.
b. Chintya asks Andika to clean the cages
c. Chintya has asked his men to clean the cages.
d. Andika is asked to clean the cages by his men.
e. Andika and Chintya will clean the cages together.

27. Mother : What’s the matter with you, son. You don’t visit me as often as you used to.
Son : If I hadn’t sold my car, I could have visited you more often.
The underlined words mean that ....
a. he had visited his mother more often
b. he has sold his car
c. he had not sold his car
d. he didn’t like visiting his mother
e. he planned to sell his car.

28. Deni : When are you going to meet me?

Diaz : Tomorrow at 2 o’clock.
Deni : Ok, By the time you came to my house, the whole family…our lunch.
a. Finish d. had finished
b. finished e. will have finished
c. has finished

29. A tourist : That post office looks very old. When did people build it?
A guide : Oh, it … long time ago
a. builds d. was built
b. built e. had built
c. is built

30. Johan : What do you think of the meeting last night?

Susi : If Ryan had not come, the problem could have been solved
We can conclude from Susi’s response that …
a. they can solve the problem
b. Suzy herself solved the problem
c. they could not solved the problem
d. Ryan helped to solve the problem
e. the problem has not been solved

Text 9. This text is questions 31 to 34.


a. Pay exact fare when boarding the bus.

Drivers cannot make change.
b. Upon boarding the bus, move toward the rear of
the bus. Stand in the passengers area, not in
the doorways or beside the driver.
c. Allow senior citizens and disabled riders to use
the priority seating area at the front of the bus.
d. No music without earphone.
e. Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed on
the bus.

31. The purpose of the text is …

a. to explain how to be a bus driver
b. to share amusing events of the day
c. to inform readers how to ride a bus
d. to persuade readers to obey the rules
e. to describe what a passenger should do

32. The text is about …

a. safety concerns
b. bus routes and fares
c. rules for riding on buses
d. service for all passengers
d. problems of the bus driver

33. The passengers should pay the exact fare because ...
a. they buy a ticket
b. drivers can make change
c. the money is easier to count
d. the driver cannot be disturbed
e. passengers will know what they paid

34. “ Allow senior citizens and disabled riders to use the priority “
The underlined word means …
a. handicapped d. poor
b. stupid e. sick
c. older

Text 10. This text is questions 35 to 37.

“ Bisa Saja “ is chosen as the first single of the album and theme song of
BROWNIES, since the lyric reflects the story in the movie. Bujana of GIGI demonstrates his
skills in playing acoustic guitar in “ Cinta Terakhir”. Three other brand new songs “ Dilema”,
“ Jangan Bilang Pacarku” and “ Semua Orang Berhak Mendapat Rasa bahagia”, give
supporting nuances to the movie flow as Gigi composed them by imaging how scenes would
like based on the screenplay.
When Hanung Bramantyo, the director, and Dewa Budjana of GIGI chatted, Budjana
expressed his interest in making a soundtrack album. Then, he recommended a few of GIGI
songs, which the producer accepted because of the chemistry they created with the movie.
Since GIGI can provide a variety of colours to add all kinds of musical nuances to enrich the
movie, the producer deemed it necessary to find other musicians to complete Ost of
Armand Maulana ( Vocalist), I Gede Dewa Budjana (guitarist), Thomas Ramdhan
( Bass player) and Gusti Erhandy ( drum-stand-in player for Budhi haryono) put a lot of
effort into his album. As a result, they’ve created perfect band of movie and songs that makes
BROWNIES tastier.
It’s always fun to have a piece of Brownies in your mouth. But having in your stereo
set is more entertaining. No movie is perfect without musical score and Ost of Brownies has
proved it excellent.

35. The purpose of the text is …

a. to appreciate an art work of a public audience
b. to describe GiGI personnel members
c. to inform readers about a good music
d. to describe a good music
e. to entertain readers

36. After reading the review, how to the writer judge this album ?
a. bad d. excellent
b. fair e. annoying
c. terrible
37. What does the writer suggest to the audience ?
a. They should see the film
b. They should neglect the film
c. They should make another film
d. They should appreciate the film
e. The film should be promoted widely

Text 11. This text is questions 47 to 50.

Everyone has something to offer, that is one of the most valuable things a child can
learn. So, disabled children should not go to a special school but place them in regular
schools with special needs. This can be of benefit to them.
Arif Rachman, an education expert, said,” Disabled children’s psychological
development will be better it they are included in a formal environment because they will feel
no different from normal kids.” Furthermore, placing disabled children in normal schools is
not only benefit to the disabled but also to normal children. For instant, they have to learn to
respect others. They also learn about the value of being together.
Therefore, to address learning needs for all people with a specific focus the
government should build inclusive education.

38. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To describe disabled children
b. To share a problem with readers
c. To inform to think about their family
d. To inform readers how to treat disabled children
e. To persuade readers that something should be done

39. The text talks about disabled children who …

a. have to respect others
b. should go to special school
c. should be placed in regular schools
d. will fell no different to formal children
e. will be better if they are sent to regular schools

40. What is the most valuable thing a children learn ?

a. Everyone has something to offer
b. Disabled children has to respect others
c. Normal children can learn valuable thing
d. Government should build inclusive education
e. Disabled children’s psychological development will be better.

1. Deni….speak English well.

2. I….be visit you next summer

3. ….you like to eat meat or fish, Sir?

4. You….wear shoes to school!

5. Agus….meet you right now. He is in Jogja.

6. What is modal used to state willingness?

7. What will you say if you need a help?

8. What will you say if you feel do not need a help?

9. What will you say if you receive a help?

10. What is modal for subject I and we?

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