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The Learning Environment

After observing other classrooms and reflecting on what is important to me as a teacher, I

know one of the most important aspects to me is that my classroom is fun and inviting. My
classroom ambiance is very important to me because I believe a positive, fun, uplifting
environment can make a huge difference in young learners. My classroom will be colorful, and
I plan to implement a lot of Bitmojis in my classroom. I love them and think they are so fun. I
want my students to feel happy and excited when they are in our classroom. My goal is that all
my students feel equal, appreciated, and empowered. I want my students to know that I truly
care about each and every one of them and I want them to feel comfortable coming to me for
When it comes to the layout and physical space of my classroom, I plan to put desks in groups
of four if possible. If needed I may allow struggling or ELL students to move their desks closer
to mine on a temporary basis. However, I want to make sure these students understand the
placement of their desk is not a punishment but only to allow me to help them better. I also
intend on having a good amount of space between the front of the class and the desks. This
space will be used for different activities such as dancing, reading, and whole class physical
activities. I plan to keep my classroom neat and organized with any hazardous materials safely
put away and out of reach. Organization is very important for me to teach efficiently. I will
have all of my materials for different specials and activities put away but accessible during the
lesson. I will also prep each day in accordance with my lesson plans.
At the front of the class, I plan to have daily lessons written for each subject so students can
get a feel for what we are learning that day. When there is a time limit on a certain lesson, I
will write the ending time on the whiteboard and use a timer so students can physically see
how much time they have left and are able to work on their time management. When
students are completing assignments, I will walk around to assess and assist when needed. If
there is any downtime during a lesson or if students are occupied during specials, lunch, or
morning announcements, I will use that time to complete any noninstructional activities. I will
do my best to always manage our time appropriately and give struggling students additional
time. Alternatively, I will have additional activities for students who have already completed
the assignment and want to challenge themselves further.

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