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Prepared By:
Muhammad Bilal Iqbal F2019054047
Muhammad Abdullah Naeem F2019054078
Muhammad Anas F2019054135
Mugheera Bin Zarar Khan F2019054013
Muhammad Danish F2019054063
Muhammad Numan Haider F2019054029
Date of Submission: 30th March, 2021
Prepared For: Mr. Mohammad Ali Haider Chauhan
University of Management and Technology
Course Module: English for Specific Purposes
Section: E
Q1) What are communication skills?
A) Communication skills are such skills which help in conveying a message to someone. A good
communication does not only lie in verbal change of words but it also involves if you are
listening to someone actively and making an eye contact with them and being mentally present in
the situation. Today, communication at work not only includes verbal messages but it requires
writing skills and it has extended to face to face and online meetings etc.

Communication skill may take a lifetime to dominate if undoubtedly anybody, at any point,
guarantees to have dominated them. There are, nonetheless, numerous things that you can do
decently and effectively to improve your relational abilities and assure that you can send and get
data successfully. Communication is essentially the demonstration of moving data from one spot
or individual to another. Each correspondence includes (in any event) one sender, a message and
a beneficiary or receiver. These incorporate our feelings, the social circumstance, the medium
used to impart, and surprisingly our area. Good relations among members of a business are
essential for success. Good communication skills are important for the development of good
relationship at work or businesses. Poor communication can easily jeopardize a relationship
while good communication nourishes it. This is true regardless of whether you are member of a
committee looking to start a business or as a team operating any business. So, improving
communication skills is important for success. Strong communication can assist kids with
collaborating both vis-à-vis and in online world. Messaging, talking, and posting mindful stuff
relies upon knowing what words and pictures mean for others. You can assist kids with building
up their communication capacity by instructing them to utilise web-based media dependably,
displaying positive correspondence, and watching films and TV shows that stress upon the
estimation of sound correspondence.

Q2) What are the common mistakes that people make in business communication?
A) Communication mistakes or errors may occur at the workplace at any time when workforce
becomes exhausted with their hectic and busy schedule. Resolving issues of poor communication
prevents the system of work from collapsing. Poor communication exists at any level of
organization. It definitely reflects one’s personality. Similarly, while working in an organisation
if you do not recheck your message before sending it to anyone then they will think that you are
a careless person. Also, it is advisable to communicate others verbally instead of electronic
means. The reason behind this is that writing a message does not include any sort of non-verbal
cues likewise body language and it can easily be misinterpreted when read by someone.
Moreover, it is also best not to use too much jargons in your conversation or message because
sometimes it may be harder for your colleagues to understand it. It is better to write or say
clearly, concisely and understandable by another person. In addition to this, sometimes it is
better to avoid such conversations that are harsh or have negative impact which may result in
conflicts. For instance, when you are dealing with an angry client or firing someone then it is
better to deal with it through compassion and it will minimize the anxiety level.

Furthermore, if you are working in a customer services department and you are dealing with
some frustrated customers then it is better to respond calmly than giving a negative reaction to

them. If you react then it involves some impulsive emotions which you would regret later on. It
is best to respond politely in a similar situation. Additionally, if you have to write your report or
give presentation at your work place with poor preparation, it would reflect a negative image of
yours. So, it is advisable to pre-plan things beforehand and leave the rest for time to prove which
will benefit you in creating a compelling message to appeal your audience. Also, if you use “one
size fits all” while preparing your message you may ignore some people with different
personalities. So, make sure your message caters everyone with different backgrounds. Also, be
concise about what you are looking for in your message by clearly mentioning your needs so that
it will help others to respond accordingly. Similarly, make sure that your message is clearly
understood by others, you can do it by asking their feedback at the end of your message that you
send your colleagues.

Finally, everyone makes communication mistakes from time to time and however, it will
improve and protect your reputation if you avoid aforementioned problems.

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