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College of Engineering
Obrero, Davao City

A. Course No. Math 107 Credits/Pre-requisite: 5 units lecture/Differential Calculus

B. Course Title: Integral Calculus No. of Hours/weeks: 90/18

C. Course Description: Concept of integration and its application to physical problems such as evaluation of areas, volumes of revolution, force, and work; fundamental
formulas and various techniques of integration applied to both single variable and multi-variable functions; tracing of functions of two variables.

D. Course Objectives: After completing this course, the student must be able to:
A. Properly carry out integration through the use of the fundamental formulas
and/or the various techniques of integration for both single and multiple
B. Correctly apply the concept of integration in solving problems involving
evaluation of arc lengths, areas, volumes, work, and force;
C. Sketch 3-dimensional regions bounded by several surfaces; and
D. Evaluate volumes of 3-dimensional regions bounded by two or more
surfaces through the use of the double or triple integral.

Course Outline Teaching Objective Teaching Method Evaluation Time Frame

1. Integration Concept / Formulas
1.1. Anti-Differentiation. The Indefinite Integral
1.2. Simple Power Formula
1.3. Simple Trigonometric Functions
To familiarize integration
1.4. Logarithmic Function concept, familiarize integration
Lectures, problem solving and
1.5. Exponential Function formulas and to countercheck Quiz/Exam 4 weeks
1.6. Inverse Trigonometric Functions take-home exercises
anti-differentiation by its inverse
1.7. Hyperbolic Functions
1.8. General Power Formula problem, the differentiation
1.9. Constant of Integration
1.10. Definite Integral
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2. Integration Techniques
2.1. Integration by Parts
2.2. Trigonometric Integrals To familiarize different Lectures, problem solving and
2.3. Trigonometric Substitution Quiz/Exam 4 weeks
2.4. Rational Functions integration techniques take-home exercises
2.5. Rationalizing Substitution
2.6. Definite Integrals. Wallis’ Formula
3. Application
3.1. Improper Integrals
3.2. Plane Area
3.3. Arc Length To tackle several integration
3.4. Areas Between Curves applications with deep Lectures, problem solving and
3.5. Centroids
Quiz/Exam 6 weeks
concentration to engineering take-home exercises
3.6. Moments of Inertia
3.7. Volumes
3.8. Work
3.9. Hydrostatics Pressure and Force
Surfaces Multiple Integral as Volume
5.1. Surface Tracing: Planes
To familiarize iterated integration
5.2. Spheres as plane area and as volume and
Lectures, problem solving and
5.3. Cylinders to analyze volume in rectangular, Quiz/Exam 4 weeks
5.4. Quadratic Surfaces take-home exercises
cylindrical and spherical
5.5. Double Integrals
5.6. Triple Integrals coordinates

E. Reference:

Book: Clyde E. Love (Professor of Engineering Mathematics) et al, “Differential and Integral Calculus”, Sixth Edition, The Macmillian Company, New York,
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F. Grading System

Exams – 50%
Quizzes – 45%
Attendance – 5%
Total – 100%

Prepared by:

Pijie P. Piñero
Geodetic Engineer/Faculty

Approved by:

Dr. Rosello Lyndon H. Roble, PME


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