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the mining stage

1. General investigation

This general survey is the initial stage which aims to look for excavated deposits that take
advantage of anomalies in certain areas, there are several activities carried out in the form of
searching for existing literature, studying satellite maps, geological maps, conducting surveys in the
field and processing and analyzing the data obtained.

2. Exploration
Exploration is an activity that aims to obtain certainty about the sediment of minerals which
includes the shape, size, position of position, quality (content) of the sediment of the mineral as well
as the physical characteristics of the sediment of the mineral.
In addition to obtaining data on the distribution and thickness of excavated materials, this activity also
includes sampling of excavated materials and overburden. This exploration stage also plays a very
important role in the later reclamation stage. Through this exploration we can find out and recognize
all components of the ecosystem that existed before.

3. Feasibility study
This is the final stage in a series of preliminary investigations carried out previously to
discover whether the mining activity of the mineral sediment is feasible or not. The basic
considerations used include technical and economic considerations with existing technology, and with
due regard to work safety and environmental preservation. If not or not yet feasible, the data is

4. Mining preparation
Preparation / construction are activities carried out to prepare mining facilities before mining
operations are carried out. The work includes construction of access to mining roads, ports, offices,
workshops, employee mesas, communication facilities and power plants for mining activities, as well
as mineral processing facilities.

5. Mining
Mining of minerals is divided into three parts, namely open pit mines, underground mines
and underwater mines. Open mines are grouped into quarry strip mines, open cut, alluvial mines and
spray mines. Underground mines are grouped into room and pillar, longwall, caving, open stope,
supported stope, and shrinkage. Mining systems using dredges can be classified into underwater
mines, although they are relatively shallow.

6. Processing
Generally, mining materials that have been mined must be processed first at the processing
facility. This is due to, among other things, the mixing of impurities with minerals, the need for certain
specifications to be marketed and if they are not processed, the selling price is relatively lower when
compared to those that have been processed. In addition, minerals need to be processed in order to
reduce volume and transportation costs, increase the added value of minerals, and to reduce
chemical compounds that are not desired by smelters.

7. Marketing
when the mineral has been processed, it will be marketed to consumers, both for export and
for shipment within the country. Usually, mining companies and consumers are bound to buy and sell
long-term contracts and instant sales.

Zulfikar will then explain the impact and treatment

Coal mining directly causes pollution, among others;
The first is Water Pollution, which we know that the surface of coal containing pyrite (iron sulfide)
interacts with water resulting in high sulphuric acid resulting in the killing of fish in rivers, plants, and
aquatic biota that are sensitive to drastic PH changes.
Coal containing low concentrations of uranium, thorium, and naturally formed radioactive isotopes
that if disposed of will result in radioactive contamination. Although these compounds are contained
in low concentrations, they will have a significant impact if they are brought into the environment in
large quantities.

Mine acid water management must be conducted comprehensively, simulated from the exploration
stage to the exploitation stage so that the potential negative impact on the post-mining stage (mine
closure) can be minimized.

This is important to consider because from the company's point of view of course the quality of the
environment that is not in accordance with environmental quality standards in post-mining is a cost,
moreover there are no more production activities to finance the environmental management

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