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Affiliated with Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Gujranwala

Student Name: __________________Class:9th Test:Physics Chapter: 04

Prepared by: Muhammad Junaid Time: 30 mins Marks: 24

1. Multiple choice questions: /5

i. The rate of change of momentum is equal to:
(a) Net force (b) Work (c) Power (d) Mass
ii. The moment of force depend on:
(a) Force (b) Moment arm (c) Centre of gravity
(d) Both a & b
iii. If fx= 4N, fy= 3N then resultant of force will be:
(a) 7N (b) 5N (c) 12N (d) 10N
iv. The number of forces that can be added by head to tail rule are:
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) any number
v. A force of 10N is making an angle of 30°with the horizontal its horizontal
component will be:
(a) 4N (b) 5N (c) 7N (d) 8.7N

2. Answer all questions from the following: /10

i. Differentiate between like and unlike parallel forces.
ii. Define rigid body and axis of rotation.
iii. A force of 150N is applying at the end of spanner of 10cm long. What the
torque is produced by it?
iv. Write two conditons for equilibrium.
v. Define principle of moments.
3. Answer the following question: /9
(a) Define resolution of forces. How split a force into its perpendicular
(b) Find the magnitude and direction of a force, if its x-component is 12N
and y-component is 5N.

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