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Experiment # 4

Objective: -
To determine the bus admittance matrix for the given reactance diagram with mutual coupling
between node ③-① and ③-②. Also determine the voltage of each node.

Definitions: -
The definition of nodal admittance matrix and bus admittance matrix is given following: -

i. Nodal Admittance Matrix: -

In power engineering, nodal admittance matrix or Y-Matrix or Y-bus is an NxN matrix
describing a power system with N buses. It represents the nodal admittance of the buses in a power
system. In realistic systems which contain thousands of buses, the Y matrix is quite sparse. Each bus in
a real power system is usually connected to only a few other buses through the transmission lines. The
Y matrix is also one of the data requirements needed to formulate a power flow supply.

Electric power transmission needs optimization in order to determine the necessary real and
reactive power flows in a system for a given set of loads, as well as the voltages and currents in the
system. Power flow studies are used not only to analyze current power flow situations, but also to plan
ahead for anticipated disturbances to the system, such as the loss of a transmission line to maintenance
and repairs.

The power flow study would determine whether or not the system could continue functioning
properly without transmission line. Only computer simulation allows the complex handling required in
power flow analysis because in most realistic situations the system is very complex and extensive and
would be impractical to solve by hand. The Y matrix is tool in that domain. It provides a method of
systematically reducing a complex system to a matrix than can be solved by a computer program.

The equations used to construct the Y matrix come from the application of Kirchhoff’s current
law and Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a circuit with steady state sinusoidal operation. These laws given us
that the sum of currents entering a node in the circuit is zero, and the sum of voltages around a closed
loop starting and ending at a node is also zero. These principles are applied to all the nodes in a power
flow system and thereby determine the elements of the admittance matrix, which represents the
admittance relationships between nodes, which then determine the voltages, currents and power flows in
the system.

The nodal admittance matrix is of the following type: -

ii. Bus Admittance Matrix: -

In power system, Bus Admittance Matrix represents the nodal admittances of the various
bases. With the help of the transmission line, each bus is connected to the various other buses.
Admittance matrix is used to analyze the data that is needed in the load or a power flow study of the
buses. It explains the admittance and the topology of the network. The following are the advantages of
the bus admittance matrix: -

i. The data preparation of the bus admittance matrix in very simple.

ii. The formation of the bus admittance matrix and their modification is easy.
iii. The bus admittance matrix is a sparse matrix thus the computer memory requirement is less.

The amount of current present in the bus can be calculated with the help of formation of the
admittance matrix. Its expression is shown following: -

Where I is the current of the bus in the vector form, Y is the admittance matrix and V of the
vector of the bus voltage.

Reactance Diagram: -
The reactance diagram for this experiment is given following: -
Reactance Diagram
Figure 5.1


Ia=1.20 < 0°

Ib=0.85 < -45°

Admittance Diagram: -
The admittance diagram for above given reactance diagram is given following: -

Admittance Diagram
Figure 5.2
By reducing the above admittance diagram: -

Admittance Diagram
Figure 5.3

Procedure: -
To attain the desired objective, we will follow following procedure: -

i. First, open MATLAB software on computer.

ii. Then open the new script.
iii. Then enter the given code in the new script, to find the nodal voltage.
iv. After executing the given code, we can get out desired output.

Code: -

% Find Ybo matrix by combine effect components

ybo=[0.25i 0.15i;0.15i 0.25i]^-1;

% Extract elements from Ybo



% Nodal Admittance Matrix

ybo1=[ya -ya ym -ym;-ya ya -ym ym;ym -ym yb -yb;-ym ym -yb yb];

% Ybus for the branch of combine effect

ybo2=[ybo1(1,1) ybo1(1,3) ybo1(1,2)+ybo1(1,4);ybo1(3,1) ybo1(3,3)

ybo1(3,2)+ybo1(3,4);ybo1(2,1)+ybo1(4,1) ybo1(2,3)+ybo1(4,3)








% Ybus of the system

ybus=[y31+y21+y14 -y21 -y31 -y14;-y21 y23+y21+y24 -y23 -y24;-y31 -y23 y23+y31+y30 0;-y14
-y24 0 y24+y14+y40]

% Define current values


% Voltage across each branch


Output: -

ybus =

0.0000 -16.7500i 0.0000 +11.7500i 0.0000 + 2.5000i 0.0000 + 2.5000i

0.0000 +11.7500i 0.0000 -19.2500i 0.0000 + 2.5000i 0.0000 + 5.0000i

0.0000 + 2.5000i 0.0000 + 2.5000i 0.0000 - 5.8621i 0.0000 + 0.0000i

0.0000 + 2.5000i 0.0000 + 5.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 8.3621i

voltage =
0.8523 - 0.2840i

0.8498 - 0.2864i

0.8965 - 0.2433i

0.8203 - 0.3135i

Conclusion: -

Questions: -
1. Describe the impact of existence of mutually coupled branches in the reactance diagram while
evaluating the Ybus?
2. Describe the different types of transmission lines according to length?
3. Describe the reason of increased capacitive effect in transmission lines?
4. Differentiate between nodal admittance matrix and bus admittance matrix?

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