A Mathematical Theory of Saving

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A mathematical theory of saving.

How much of its income should a nation save?
Tackle: abordar.
The rule: Should: debería.
The rate of saving multiplied by the marginal utility of Further: más, además, adicionar,
money should always be equal to the amount by promover.
which the total net rate of enjoyment of utility falls
short of the maximum possible rate of enjoyment. Elucidated: aclarar.

Assumptions: runs as follows: se ejecuta de la siguiente

1. Community goes on forever without changing
either: Enjoyment: disfrute.
a. In number Amount: monto, sumar, ascender.
b. In its capacity for enjoyment
c. In its aversion to labour. Falls short: no llega a.
2. Enjoyment and sacrifices at different times can be goes on forever: sigue para siempre.
calculated independently and added.
3. New inventions or improvements in organization Either: o, ya sea, también.
are introduced only if are conditioned solely by the Improvement: mejora, progreso, reforma.
accumulation of wealth.
4. Not discount later enjoyments in comparison with Regarded: considerado.
earlier ones. Regard: respecto a.
5. The way in which consumption and labour are
distributed between the members of the community As regard: en cuanto a.
depends solely on their total amounts, so that total Solely: solamente.
satisfaction is a function of these total amounts
only. Perhaps: quizás.
6. Neglect the differences between different kinds of Earlier: más temprano, anterior.
goods and different kinds of labour. Suppose them
to be expressed in terms of fixed standards. Earlier ones: los anteriores.
7. Foreign nations are in a stable state, so that the Later: luego, más tarde, posterior.
possibilities of dealing with them can be included
on the constant conditions of production. Merely: simplemente.
8. But, reject the possibility of a state of progressive Weakness: debilidad.
indebtedness to foreigners continuing forever.
9. There is no chance of our savings being selfishly Altogether: en total, en conjunto.
consumed by a subsequent generation. In fact: de hecho, en efecto, en realidad.
10. No misfortunes will occur to sweep away
accumulations at any point in the relevant future. So: así que, tan, tanto, de este modo, de
esta manera, por tanto, por consiguiente.
That: eso, ese, esa, que, cual, aquello, en
 x(t): total rates of consumption of community. que, para que, a que, cuanto, de modo
 a(t): total rates of labour of community. que, tan.
 c(t): capital at time t.
Besides: además, también, encima de,
 f(a,c): income as general function of the amounts of
tras de, menos.
labour and capital.
+ x=f ( a , c )
Neglect: descuidar, olvidar, omitir, no
ⅆc cumplir, no cuidar.
 : rate of savings
Borrowing: préstamo. Pide préstamo.
 x : rate of consumption
 f ( a , c ) : income. Lending: préstamo. Da préstamo.
Denote: Provided: previsto, proporcionado,
siempre que, con tal que.
 U(x): total rate of utility of a rate of consumption x.
 V(x): total rate of disutility of a rate of labour a. Dealing: relación comercial.

Then, Reject: rechazar.

ⅆU ( x ) indebtedness: endeudamiento, la deuda.

u ( x )=
ⅆx Indebt: en deuda.

being: siendo
ⅆ V (a ) selfishly: egoístamente
v ( x )=
misfortunes: desgracias.
 u(x): marginal rate of utility of a rate of consumption
sweep: barrer, precipitarse, la extensión,
x. Never increasing.
 v(a): marginal rate of disutility of a rate of labour a. away: lejos, fuera, en sentido opuesto
Never decreasing.
Lastly: por último.
Chance: oportunidad, casualidad,
Given capital c, are going neither to increase nor ocasión, posibilidad.
decrease it.
Change: cambio.
Then, le tus: vamos, nos deja, déjanos.
U(x) – V(a): net enjoyment per unit of time. Shall: deberá
Maximize subject a: Up to: hasta, arriba a.
Expenditure x = produce with labour a and capital c. Up to a point: hasta cierto punto
Then, Since: desde, ya que, pues, donde.
Resulting rate of enjoyment U(x)-V(x) will be a May: poder, ser posible.
function of c, and are change in same direction.
However: sin embargo. De todos modos
Might: podría
Increase of rate of enjoyment stop for two reasons:
Would: haría
1. a further increment of capital would not enable us to
increase either our income or our leisure. A certain enable: permitir, habilitar.
finite capital would give us the greatest rate of reached: alcanzado
enjoyment economically obtainable, whether or not
this was the greatest rate conceivable.
2. The rate of enjoyment may never stop increasing as
capital increases.
Obtainable: asequible.

conceivable: concebible

Whether: ya sea.

Whether or no: si o no.

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