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Prolonged Exposure to Social Media: Utilization and Impact on

Academic Performance to Nursing Students in the 21St Century:

A Quantitative Inquiry

Imei Cedillo, Catherine Borja, Jerome Gandecila , Rona Jurada,

Noreen Molina, Sharmaine Anne Policios

1College of Nursing

2Research Development and Innovation Center

3Our Lady of Fatima University

4Research Adviser

February 2021

1.0 Introduction

In the modern era, social media and social network drastically influence the student, community and
such technology are progressively becoming an everyday part of each and every individual's life in
modern society. The world has become a global village and technology consumption has made the
world much smaller through social media and how it is progresses and evolves. Technological
innovation has led to positive and negative changes in the culture and society debate. In addition, as
with any powerful platform or innovation, social media and networking sites provide adverse and
productive features to the community, and the impact of social media and social networking sites has a
significant impact on students during the transition to adulthood.One of the impacts of social media
usage is the introduction of the public to user-generated data, ideas, and programming at a relatively
young age, which has encouraged additional technological advancements and increased knowledge in
student communities. Therefore, social media can be used for four main purposes in nursing education.
Promote a social environment. Create dialogues and encourage students to share. And as a learning
platform. Most importantly, social media can be used in a variety of ways to put students' knowledge
into practice. Ultimately, it will allow students to take responsibility for their education and be
accountable. According to a learning survey, students have only 10% of what they hear, but 75%
have the opportunity to practice on the material. Lalley& Miller. (2007). Student nurses must be
equipped with knowledge to provide efficient and holistic care to their patient but at present times pen
and paper are being replaced with cellular phones and laptops. Social media is now the leading
platform for expressing and communicating concerns and opinion, and mostly of the millennial
become enormously dependent. Nursing students nowadays became heavily dependent on social
media since almost everything can be uploaded and downloaded on the internet. Social media also
contribute in disseminating relevant and well-grounded information both for the student and their
future patients. With just one tap they can easily search educational materials to aid their needs and to
improve their skill development through online simulations and case scenarios.

Social networks are online communities where it is possible to generate individual profiles and
express any type of information to interact with other users. In addition to communicating with real
life friends, it is also possible to meet others who share similar interests and hobbies. Boyd & Ellison.
(2007). Young adults fail to recognize the influence of social platforms in the world today and the
potential consequences in their professional life. Some of these misconceptions may be the result of
students being unaware of the potential viewers of their social media content. Edge, W. (2017).



In the Philippines, social media use has become a very common feature of most Filipino’s daily lives.
In 2015, the data of the Social Media and Digital Stats in the Philippines from Third Team Media
shows that the Philippines remains as the “Social Media Capital of the World”. Out of more than 100
million population in the country, 44 million are Internet users and 40 million of them are active
social media users. Recently, the 2016 data on Social Media and Digital Stats in the Philippines, the
percentage of social media penetration has increased from 40% in 2015 to 47% in 2016. This data
means that social media continues to be an essential part in the lives of Filipinos who have increased
access to the Internet via their mobile phones and electronic devices (Castro, 2016). In the article by
Digital Marketing Philippines, from the 40 million active social media users, 65% of them are
teenagers and young adults, and 81% of them access their accounts daily (Gregorio, 2013). Social
networking can be of great help in enhancing the academic performance of the students when the
purpose for doing so is aligned with school-related matters and advancement of knowledge and skills.
Pinili&Ridad(2018)The study showed a statistically significant relationship between time spent by
students on SNSs and their academic performance. Morallo (2014).

The aim of this research will enlighten the student nurses concerning the prolonged usage and
exposure to social media and to show the result of the study that will benefit the future nurses. To
ascertain how the prolonged usage and exposure of social media has influenced the academic
performance of the nursing students and to determine hours spent by Nursing Students:
• Using social media
a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) Instagram
d) Youtube
• Studying
To examine the impact of time duration on students’ academic performance and to study how social
media influence study habits of nursing student.

This research is beneficial to the following:

Students- For they will have an awareness in terms of the following relationship of social media
usage to their academic performance. Resulting to a proper management of social media
Parents- For they will have an in-depth understanding on the probable academic effect that
social media brought to their children’s academic performance. Healthcare workers-



Dissemination of information, awareness, promotion of health and other will be made easier,
faster and much more efficient to the use of social media.
Educators- For they can provide knowledge on the essence and proper use of computers, gadgets
and social media. This could give a probable explanation to the educators who surmise why their
students' academic performance is changing.
Social media developers/programmers- For they will be more sensitive to the social media
network they produce for the youth today. It can also help them to create a better system for the
students who are struggling with bad effects of social networking sites.
Government official- For they will be able to regulate the manufacture and circulation of
undesirable social media sites and to control the usage of social networking sites, thus reducing
the risk of assimilating such addicting activities.
Researchers- For they will determine the social media relationship to the students’ academic
This research will serve as the future reference for other researchers who will conduct a study
related on the stated subject matter. As for the communities that the respondents are drawn
from, the benefits for the community include:
a. The community will be aware of how social media affect one's academic performance in
b. The community will know to incorporate social media as a means communicate, disseminate
information, and educate the members of the community.

The following hypotheses were derived from the statement of the problem.
1. There is no correlation between the students’ usage of social media and their academic
2. Students’ general exposure to social media networks has no significant influence on their
academic performance.
3. The overused social media usage specifically the abusive consumption does not lead to the
poor academic performance of the students.



2.1 Review of RelatedLiterature

2.1 Theoretical Framework

Without a doubt, social media has become an integral part of our daily life. Social media can be very
helpful and has negative impacts to the student performances inside the school. It used as a vessel of
communication but with the technological advancement and the popularity of internet, social media
has become an activity that is done primarily on the internet and it became a part of their daily routine.
Students are more into social media and majority of them experienced negative effects such as less
study time and due to heavy participation rate on social media networks. The two specified that there
is a significant relationship between time appropriateness; time duration; friends and people
connection; nature of usage; health addiction; security/privacy problems and student’s academic
performances. Students experience both positive and negative impacts of social media to the student
performances. Mensah S. and Nizam S. (2016).

The Theory of Uses and Gratification was adopted from “Blumler and Katz”, which was first proposed
by “Denis Mcquall and Jay Blumlerin 1969”.
UGT gives an audience-centered approach which focuses on what students do with media instead of
describing what media do with students. Students use social media in a way they want to get
gratification it's up to them that what gratification they got from social media. UGT describes there are
four needs which plays there role to keep audience bounded. These four needs are:
• Knowledge that could be useful (Surveillance)
• Learning behavior about own self and community (personal identity)
• Escape from every day problem (diversion)
• Use for emotional interactions (social interaction)
This is supposed that most of the students start using social media because they think that they can
fulfill their needs of knowledge and personal identity to stabilize their personalities but latterly they
start using social media for the need of diversion and social interaction. According to UGT, a
person cannot become a permanently inactive user, after a while they quietly transform into active
users and use social media to get rid of all worries and build personal relationships using SNS.

2.2 LiteratureReview

2.2.1 Utilization of Gadgets as Learning Resources

The introduction of gadgets in schools has changed the entire landscape of teaching

and exceeded the expectations of teachers. Today, most school systems have technology standards that
allstudents must achieve throughouttheir teaching. Ithelps students prepare
and keep good academic knowledge throughout the entire academic year. According to Loveless.
(2020), cell phones were once considered distracting in the classroom. While this is still
true, teachers have gradually found that phones can be turned into teaching tools.

There are several educational benefits of mobile phone technologies that are often mentioned; Easily
access content (Sloan et al., 2016), integrate a wide range of educational
activities, support independent study and student organization (Domínguez & Marcelo, 2017),
Foster student enthusiasm, support collaboration and interaction in the classroom and support
investigations. give. - Instruction and study based on (Rochelle, 2003) More sophisticated mobile
phones, also known as smartphones, are used to access information from the
web, convert it, transfer it, collaborate with students and create a richer instructional approach in
media. It can help (Fairy, 2009)

The younger generations who have grown up in our rapidly developing mobile device environment

may be more motivated to learn when these technologies are integrated into education. The use in
clinical settings of mobile devices loaded with appropriate databases can help bridge the gap between
theory and practice and improve the evidence-based practice of undergraduate students. Mobile
technology can support innovative teaching strategies for nursing education once rigorous studies
provide consistent results on the educational effectiveness of mobile devices. Lee et al. (2018)



2.2.2 Duration of Gadget Usage

Numerous tests have shown that the average student spends 9 hours in a row for mixed media.

That’s more than a third of our entire day. You may initially hear nine hours is incredible, however,
with so many gadgets and students having access to social media, this is really the right time. The
term "gadget" refers to portable electronic devices. The use of gadgets has pros and cons. Frequent use
of gadgets can lead to many health problems, such as eye strain, finger pain, back pain, throat pain
and difficulty sleeping. Adverse effects such as physical, psychological, social and emotional depend
on how much time (period and frequency) the gadget spends. Kumar AK et al., (2018).

An early identification gadget for children can have both positive and negative effects. It is

affected by many factors such as frequency, duration and parental supervision. Using gadgets as a
basic learning tool for children will have positive effects such as increasing children's creativity and
thinking. It can appear to parents and children as well as children with a time limit for running the
gadget. Conversely, if there is a lack of parental supervision and no serious effort is made to set a time
limit for children to play gadgets, this can have negative effects. Children can develop
negative behaviors such as shame, lack of self-confidence, loneliness and stubbornness. Wahyuniet
al. , (2019)

Students are so fascinated by the use of social media these days that they stay online almost 24 hours a
day. Even in their classrooms when their teachers are arguing, it has been observed that some students
are always busy using Facebook and social media. The passion for making new friends online is a
waste of time dedicated to school learning, academic research, and innovation.Olubiyi. (2012).

2.2.3 Types of Social Media Use

Social media is a platform where people from all over the world can connect with each other. Social
media has gained a lot of momentum in the last few
years. Because everyone has a smartphone, it is easier for them to use social media sites. Everyone
will have at least one account on any social media website. Social media plays an important role
in everyone's life.. Students are also making extensive use of social media. Although it is a common
belief that students spend a lot of time on social media, it can be used for many benefits.

While social media enhances student engagement outside the classroom and creates new and

innovative learning avenues, student engagement represents the time and effort that students invest in
their education. However, if students can view social media as a way of releasing stress
on school work, it is imperative to use social media to improve social grades and strike a balance
between academic efforts. The most used social media site for students is Facebook, where younger
students use Facebook more often than older students to stay in touch with their friends and log in
to Facebook several times a day. Next, Twitter allows Twitter users to send short messages or tweets
about what they are doing or links to resources of interest. Snapchat, which allows subscribers to
send photos to other subscribers. Jasmine et al (2016)

Snapchat has an estimated 100 million active users, and nearly a quarter of college students report that
Snapchat is easier to use than texting. Instagram, it allows users to take pictures and videos and share
them on various social networks. Pinterest, a personal media platform that lets you register and
organize media content in collections. YouTube, a user of a video sharing website, can
watch videos, and registered users can upload videos. Smith. (2015).

2.2.4 Academic Performance and Prolonged Exposure to Social Media

In our society today, everyone knows and uses social media, whether it is a child, a student or an adult.
Millions of people use social media on a daily basis due to the ease and
accessibility of internet connection and the emergence of mobile devices. Social media is a virtual
platform whose sole purpose is to make new connections, build friendly relationships with
others and enable people to exchange ideas and information without direct or personal contact.

In recent years, social media has had a major impact on student performance. These networks create

many opportunities and risks for students in various fields. Social media addiction and
its effects on student achievement prompted the researcher to design and conduct this study. The
purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between social media addiction and student
achievement in Iran. Azizi et al., (2019).

Students can use social media as a means to communicate with their friends or classmates if they need
to discuss something about group activities, projects or other activities related to school. Also, another
reason why students use social media is because they know the latest news or events around them
and use it for entertainment purposes. Wang, Chen and Liang. (2011).

2.2.5 Learning Styles among Nursing Students

Self-directed learning has become a mainstream for nursing education over the past few decades due to
the complexity and changes in nursing profession development. The relationship between self-directed
learning and learning styles can be found in different learning situations.Safavi et al., (2010). Most
nursing and midwifery students converged (54.2%). Also, 32.1, 7.5 and 6.2of them are assimilator,
mobilizers, and divers respectively. Conclusions: Considering the convergence and use of an
integrated learning styleamong students, it is recommended that faculty members use visual methods,
diagrams, teacher’s brochures, lectures and self-learning methods. Valizade, L. et al., (2006).

The review highlights that nursing students prefer kinesthetic and multimodal learning

styles. Kinesthetic learners prefer live examples and lots of interaction. Interactive and real-
life experience as a teaching methodology is the preferred method for nursing students and is
considered a holistic approach that includes all of their senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing, and
sometimes sound. taste. Franz, J. and Mtembu, S. (2014).

Findings show that obtaining information in a systematic and structured one-dimensional way

is the primary learning style that students experience. Some of the learning experiences, guided by fear
of absenteeism and limited educational resources, were negative, but students focused on
promoting simulation and education using By
integrating the student perspective into the academic perspective, students' ich ness for learning is
maximized. Increased involvement with scholars enhances academic experience. Mahasneh, d. (2020).

Research Questions
A Study on the Effect of Social Media Among The Higher Secondary Students (14-18 yrs old) A
case of Don Bosco HR-Sec School on their Academic Performance in Churachandtur district,
By Ching Nun Hoih (2017)
Section A
Demographic Profile
1)(Optional) Name:
2) Age:
3) Sex:

1) Are you influenced by

external factors (family, a) Yes b) No
entertainment, etc.) to open and
use social media?
2) Does using social media
(e.g.facebook, twitter, youtube, a) Yes b) No
instagrametc.) out of time
affectyour studies negatively?
3) Do you think engaging in
a) Yes b) No
social media improved your
academic performance?
4) Do you use social media for
a) Yes b) No
spreading knowledge and
information to your classmate?
5) Do you referred to the
a) Yes b) No
information given by social
media to do your assignment
6) Do you think prolonged
a) Yes b) No
exposure to social media is
problematic to academic life?
7) Did online social network a) Yes b) No
distract your studies?
8) Do you spent more time a) Yes b) No
online than you spent for your

9) How many hours do you spent a.) less than 5 hours b.) more than 5 hours
in social media network per day?
10) Is there any difference in
a) Yes b) No
your grades after you engaged in
social media?
11) Do you feel the need to use
a) Yes b) No
social media when doing your
12) Do you use educational sites
a) Yes b) No
in social media for doing your
academic work?
13) Do you use social media
a) Yes b) No
network to discuss educational
14) Do you think social
a) Yes b) No
networking sites have a positive
effect on teaching and learning?
15) Do you often use social
a) Yes b) No
media in an educational
16) Do you think social media a) Yes
helpful in educational life?

17) Do you use social media to

a) Yes b) No
pass the time?

18) Have you ever stay up late or

a) Yes b) No
get up early to spend more time
on social networking sites?
19) Have you ever ignored your
responsibility like homework or a) Yes b) No
chores because of social
networking sites?
20) Do you visit social media a) Yes b) No
with specific purpose?
21) Do you find satisfaction
a.) Yes b) No
when you use social media.
22) Do you think staying offline a.) Yes b) No

for long hours disturb your

mental health?
23) Do you avoid studying when
a) Yes b) No
you chat with friends?

24) Do you think you can

perform better if you stop using a) Yes b) No
social media?

25) Do you become frustrated or

angry when a social networking
a) Yes b) No
sites goes down or becomes

26)Did social media affect your

spelling when writing a) Yes b) No
examination as well as your
English language negatively?
27) Do you think there is
difference in the usage of social a) Yes
b) No
media among male and female?

28) Do you think social

networking sites change the
a.) Yes
behavior of students in effective b.) No

29) Do you use social media as a

reward for after finishing a task a.) Yes
b.) No
or a homework?

30) Does usage of social media

a.) Yes
motivates you to do your tasks b.) No
on time?

3.1 ResearchMethodology

3.1 Research Design

This study utilized a quantitative and correlational research design in determining the Prolonged
Exposure to Social Media: Utilization and Impact on Academic performance of Nursing Students in
the 21st Century. Quantitative research design is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical
data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test correlational relationships, and
generalize results to wider populations.

Quantitative research collects information from existing and potential customers using sampling
methods and sends online surveys, online surveys, questionnaires, etc. The results can be represented
numerically. After carefully understanding these numbers to predict the future of a product or service
and make changes accordingly (USC Library, 2020). Correlational research is a type of
research methodology where two variables must be observed to establish a
statistically significant relationship between them. The purpose of correlational research is to identify
variables that are related in some way that make one change in another. In correlational
research, researchers study the relationship between one or more quantitatively independent variables
and one or more quantitatively dependent variables. (Edugyan, 2017).

This study measured data that already exist and the number is not large, the method used in this study
is best suited. As previously implied, the nursing student-related factors in terms of the effects of
prolonged exposure to social media and the impact of social media to academic performances.
Instructional materials will generate using dichotomous type of questionnaire.

The study is designed to be free from any external factors or undue inducements that otherwise
influence, change, or affect an respondents decision-making actions during their time in
answering the study. The study is free from any such inducements such as extremely attractive
rewards, bribery, threatening and exploitation of personal relationships. The respondents will
partake in our study without any external influences imposed or required upon them.

3.2 ResearchLocale

The study was conducted in a tertiary school offering a nursing program in the City of
Valenzuela. The study that was conducted was done while utilizing online platforms such as
Google Forms and Zoom Application for the data gathering procedure. The researchers chose
this locale because of its high regard as one of the top schools when it comes to their medicine
and other health related programs that they offer. Due to the current pandemic, all interactions
between the researchers and the respondents will be done online or virtual, this includes getting
the informed consent, data gathering procedure, assuring their privacy and anonymity of their
identify and explanation of the study.

3.3 Population andSampling

The total population of the 3rd year nursing student from the chosen school in Valenzuela are
Three hundred forty six (346).The researchers gathered one hundred (100) respondents to
represent the total population of the study. Stratified random sampling was used to divide the
total population into subgroups, sections or strata followed by Purposive sampling to identify
appropriate respondents in the study by creating an inclusion and exclusion criteria wherein the
respondents will be selected and take part in the study.
The researchers divided Three hundred forty-six (346) which are the total population of eight (8)
sections of 3rd year nursing student, from these sections, the researchers surveyed one hundred
(100) respondents to represent the total population as a whole.The researchers will survey
Thirteen (13) respondents from different sections of 3 rd year nursing students. The one hundred
(100) respondents surveyed will represent the total population as a whole.
The inclusion criteria in choosing respondents must be 1.) A 3rd year nursing student during
The inclusion criteria in choosing respondents must be1.) A 3rd year nursing student during SY
2020-2021-These respondents will represents the total population group of the study. 2.) Ages 20
to 30 years old- Typically the ages of the 3rd year nursing students ranges from 20-30 years old.
3.) Male and Female- the researchers want the study to be unbiased in terms of gender by giving
both male and female individuals an equal chance to participate in the study. 4.) Must have at
least two to three (2-3) active social media account during the time that they take part in the
studyThe study wants to include all different types of social media platforms . 5.) owned at least
one gadget with connection to the internet and has all two to three (2-3) active social media

accounts. 6.) Currently enrolled from the chosen University in Valenzuela during the time of the
study. 7.) Both regular and irregular student. 8.) Willing to participate in the study.

The researchers’ exclusion criteria are the participants who will not be included in the study.
The exclusion criteria are as follows:
a.) Students who are not from the chosen university in Valenzuela will be excluded in the study
as the respondents only represents the total population enrolled in the chosen university.
b.) Ages 20 and below and those are above 30 years old- Teenagers are more inclined to use
social media while older adults only use social media to check for messages and are more focused
on their responsibility other than social media.
c.) participants incapable of reading and writing – They will find it difficult to understand the
questions included in the questionnaire since they are incapable in reading and writing.
d.) Incapable of giving personal consent – It will be a clear violation of autonomy if the
individual does not give his/her consent to participate in the study.
e.) Pregnant women- Usually they focus on their pregnancy and therefore have less time to focus
on social media and academics.
f.) with mental disorders – because of their conditions, it is more difficult for those with mental
disorder to understand what researcher should explain why they conducted the study.
g.) Person with disability – person with disability are limited in their activities especially on
social media. Because of their disability, it will be more difficult for them to understand what the
researcher want to say or express themselves.
h.) The researchers themselves - We include ourselves because one of the reasons is to avoid bias
and because we all know that the researcher is not allowed to change the answer of the
participants and the result will be predicted if the researcher joins their own study.

Stratified sampling Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling, which is when a researcher
selects a small group as a sample size for study. This subset represents the larger population.
Organizing a population into groups with similar characteristics helps researchers save time and
money when the population being studied is too large to analyze on an individual basis. Stratified
random sampling helps by allowing researchers to organize the groups based on similar characteristics
whereby a random sample is then taken from each stratum or group. Nickolas (2020)
Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-
probability sampling is a form of non-stochastic sampling that relies on the researcher's judgment

when selecting members of the population to participate in the study. This sampling method

requires thatthe investigator knowledge of the purpose of the study in advance so that qualified
participants can be selected and contacted.Laerd. (2012).

The researchers used purposive sampling to access a particular subset of people, as all participants of a
study are selected because they fit a particular profile.

3.4 Research Ethics

The primary concern of the researchers in finding participants was the stability of internet connection
and treating them equally and ethically. The researchers have the responsibility to the respondents and
adhere to high ethical standards to ensure that all the information and the function were not brought
into disrepute. There is a risk that you may share some personal or confidential information by
chance, or that you may feel uncomfortable answering some questions. You do not have to
answer any question or take part in the survey if you feel the question(s) are too personal or if
talking about them makes you uncomfortable. The benefits of this research to the research
participants includes
a.) The respondents will have an awareness about their time of usage of social media.
b.) Relationship between the amount of time they use in social media to their academic
c.) The respondents will be aware that they need to balance their academic studies and their use
of social media.
d.) The respondents will be able to establish communication with people in the same field of
study, engage in debates, discussions and enhance their knowledge through the use of social

The following includes the benefits of the study for the research participants
a.) The respondents will have an awareness about their time of usage of social media.
b.) Relationship between the amount of time they use in social media to their academic performance.
c.) The respondents will be awarethat they need to balance their academic studies and their use of
social media.
d.) The respondents will be able to establish communication with people in the same field of study,
engage in debates, discussions and enhance their knowledge through the use of social media.

Although there is a risk included to be a participant in the study, there are also benefits that the
respondents will be given when they accept to be a participant of the study. The researchers
made sure that the potential participants knew about the risk and the benefits that outweighs it
and that participation is done autonomously and without forcing, bribing or threatening the
participants in any way, shape or form.

Prior to gathering the data, the researchers provided informed consent to the respondents to settle on
the deliberate choice with respect to or not to partake in the study inclusion with the respondents’
personal information remained confidential and was only used for its purpose. The health and safety of
the participants also considered during the study. As a safety precautionary measure to prevent
transmission of COVID-19 for both researchers and participants, the survey was done online.
Google privacy policy ensures that all Google products are built with strong security features
that are designed to maintain security, confidentiality and breach of privacy. Notification of the
customer will be immediately implemented if a risky behavior is detected from the products.
Google also uses encryption of data and offers additional safety features such as safe browsing,
security check up and 2-step verification to protect ones account. Information collection, storage,
processing practices and physical security measures are also reviewed to prevent any
unauthorized access to any accounts. Data privacy and non-disclosure of personal information to
any Google employees are also implemented and personnel who need said information are
processed thoroughly in order to protect the individual's data privacy and confidentiality and
prevent breach of privacy of any kind.

Zoom's privacy policy indicates that there are no user accounts that have been sold to third-party
applications and there will never be any intentions of selling any accounts in the future. Zoom strictly
operates as a medium communication and video-conferencing, meetings and webinars without needing
to take any personal information from its users. Zoom states that they are committed to protecting your
privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience when you use our video conferencing and
communication services (the “Services”), visit our webpages, interact with us on social media, or
attend a Zoom sponsored event offline or online. Zoom also discloses that data collection is entirely up
to the user and their interactions with the services but does not disclose any information to other users,
personnel or employees of any kind.

The researchers followed the Nuremberg Code aimed to protect humans in ethical considerations, in
which (1) voluntary consent is fundamental, and the respondents were free to refuse to participate in
the said study. (2) The consequences of any examination must be one of the respondents’ benefit. (3)
The researchers will ensure that the research ought to not cause any physical and mental harm to the
respondents. (4) Participants ought to have the option to end their cooperation whenever wanted. (5)
The researchers will strictly implement and follow confidential and only use the gathered information
for the sole purpose of the study.

In the event that any untoward or unfavorable physical, medical, emotional, social and
psychological occurrence, whether or not considered related to the individual's participation in
the research, the researchers will respect their right to withdraw from the study. However, the
research team ensures that there is no harm or risks involved in this study and will not adversely
affect the rights and welfare of respondents. In case that unanticipated adverse event or the one
that was not reasonably expected to happen to the respondents such as mental health distress or
emotional stress in the middle of data collection, the research team may endorse or encourage
them to seek guidance to the school counselors which can help them to identify and address the
problem through counseling.

The study will be most beneficial to students who need to learn to manage and balance their time
to contribute to the development of the society. Encourage the students to explore the social
networking potential benefits as it will boost their creativity and technical skills but not at the
expense of their primary responsibility which is reading comprehension. It will also benefit the
parents, guardians, and educators. It will equally benefit parents and guardians as they need to
fulfill their roles of monitoring their children and wards. They should ensure that their children
pay more attention to their studies. This study will also serve as a guide to educators in order to
teach the students the need to develop good reading habits and best ways to maximize the
benefits of social networking sites.
Using social media more often, though, increases “Fear of missing out” and feelings of
inadequacy, dissatisfaction, and isolation. In turn, these feelings might alter the present mood.
As a result it may cause psychological effects such as anxiety, and depression and low self-esteem
by labeling the study that will have negative consequences or in some way diminishing those
opportunities and powers a person has by virtue of relationships with others. Melinda Smith., R.,
Lawrence (2020)

In the event that any untoward or unfavorable physical, medical, emotional, social and
psychological occurrence, whether or not considered related to the individual's participation in
the research, the researchers will respect their right to withdraw from the study. However, the
research team ensures that there is no harm or risks involved in this study and will not adversely
affect the rights and welfare of respondents. In case that unanticipated adverse event or the one
that was not reasonably expected to happen to the respondents such as mental health distress or
emotional stress in the middle of data collection, the research team may endorse or encourage
them to seek guidance to the school counselors which can help them to identify and address the
problem through counseling.

3.5 Research Instruments

The study used structured questionnaires for data gathering purposes that measures the impact of
social media to academic performance of the 3 rd year Nursing student. The study of The Effects of
Social Media on the Academic Performance was utilized for this study. This questionnaire was created
by Ching Nun Hoih in 2017 which consist of 30 items measuring the impact of social media to the
academic performance. The scale used Dichotomous question format that is answerable by Yes or No.
The researchers ensured that the instruments used for the study were able to give reliable and accurate
results.The dichotomous question format is used when the question in question is most likely to be
considered with two possible values. However, you can use this format for topics or variables that can
be divided into two possible values.Mike Ellen. (2017).

The questionnaire will only include the bare minimum of identifying information such as the
respondents' age and sex as these variables are needed in continuing and are variables included
in the research. The inclusion of the participants' name will only be optional and will be entirely
up the respondents if they wish to do so when they answer the questionnaire provided. Since
there are identifiable information included, safekeeping of the data is an absolute necessity in
order to keep the respondents' privacy and confidentiality from being violated. This will be done
by discreetly during the encoding for data at during the elimination of data once the study is

3.6 Data Collection

3.6.1 Permission Letter

Permission Letter before gathering the data, the researchers asked for permission to the subjects via
online messaging applications to participate in the study by answering the survey
that is highly required for the fulfillment of the study. After being granted with the permission, the
researchers proceeded in obtaining informed consent for the study.

3.6.2 Informed Consent

The researchers prioritized obtaining the informed consent of the subjects before conducting the
survey. The informed consent was clearly explained and made sure that the subjects were not be
violated or forced against their will. It covered the right of the subject to have an insight about the
survey process, the refuse or revoke participation, and the right to confidentiality. The researchers
assured that the subjects clearly read and understood the informed consent and will choose to
participate willingly in the study.
The researchers will do their best to ensure the safety of the data in a protected laptop and limiting the
number of researcher that can access the data. The participant will sign the ICF regarding the rules of
the researchers and for their own security.

3.6.3 Procedure

Due to the occurrence of the pandemic, face to face interaction is prohibited and all communication in
the study were executed through online. This is to prevent transmission and protect both parties.
The researchers sent a permission letter to the chosen University in Valenzuela City with the
approval of the research adviser.This is done through the use of Google email and face to face
interaction was NOT done to prevent acquiring the virus.

After being granted,

1. The researchers will utilized Zoom application in order to explain the study to the potential
respondents before asking for their consent to be included in the study. Any concerns, questions
or reactions of any kind will be done and answered during this step.

2. Upon getting the verbal consent of the respondents, the researchers provided informed
consent and forwarded via e-mail to the participants in the study and has been signed.
3. Respondents will be provided with information on the data collection process.
4. The researchers will assure the respondents that their privacy is secured and they will remain
5. The researchers also included that the respondents have the right to take part or refuse to do
so in participating in the study.
6. Then followed by the dissemination of survey questionnaires through google forms. The
chosen respondents from one of the University in Valenzuela city was given questions regarding
The Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance which consist of 30 items measuring
the impact of social media to the academic performance which is answerable by yes or no.
7. The survey will be held once and will take about 15-20 minutes only.During the survey, the
respondents are encouraged to enter a zoom call with a member of the research team in order to
monitor their progress, ensure the seriousness of answering the questionnaire and for the
respondents to raise their concerns questions or reactions to the research team with regards to
the given questionnaire.
8.Followed by distribution of tokens of appreciation. A total of One hundred (100) respondents
were asked to answer the questionnaire.
9. In regards for the protection of the respondents, first, all of the steps done in this data
collection procedure are done VIRTUALLY, using methods and applications (i.e., Zoom, Google
Forms, Gmail, etc.) that allow communication with the respondents with the need to be face-to-
face with them. This is done to protect the researchers and the respondents from the current
ongoing global pandemic. Second, with regards to the data that the respondents will give using
the questionnaires that were provided by the researchers, the data collected will only be
analyzed and initially tallied by the principal investigator. The information will only be stored in
a secured laptop only accessible by the principal investigator, this will be protected by a strong
password to prevent any attempts to leak and disclose any personal information of the
respondents. Any attempt to take screenshot and disclose any personal information of the
respondents will be reported and will be punishable by law according by the Republic Act 10173
otherwise known as "The Data Privacy Act of 2012". Lastly, with regards to the data
elimination, data involve outside of the study and any proof of the data collected such as those in
the survey questionnaires will be deleted by the principal investigator which will be witnessed by
all the members of research team to validate the action. This action will be done after the study
is finished and published. All three actions regarding respondents protection will be discuss

discreetly to the client during their counseling about the explanation of the study prior to the
respondents' giving their verbal consent and prior to signing the informed consent to make sure
that the respondents are given the knowledge about their protection from any harm or any
unwarranted disclosure of their personal information.

The coding of the data will be done in Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a helpful and powerful
program for data analysis and documentation. It is a spreadsheet program, which contains a number of
columns and rows, where each intersection of a column and a row is a “cell.” Each cell contains one
point of data or one piece of information. By organizing the information in this way, you can make
information easier to find, and automatically draw information from changing data. It is a useful
spreadsheet application developed and published by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite
of productivity software. Unlike a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Excel organizes data in
columns and rows. Rows and columns intersect at a space called a cell. Each cell can contain a single
of data, such as text, a numerical value, or a formula. IT Connect (2020)
The respondents will be treated and referred to as the letter "R" and a numerical indicator in relation to
which order they were surveyed in. (Ex. First person surveyed will be referred to as "R1". The second
person surveyed will be "R2" and so on.) The respondents' answers to the questionnaire will be
substituted from YES to the letter "A" and NO to the letter "B". Any other answers with be treated and
referred to as "A" for the first choice and "B" for the second choice. This action is done in order to
maintain the anonymity of the respondents personal data and answers and to prevent any violation or
breach of privacy.

3.6.2 Data Protection Plan

The researchers will not be sharing information about the respondents to anyone outside of the
research team. The information that the researchers collect from this research project will be
kept private and will be put in a folder lock behind by a strong password that only the
Principal investigator will have access to. Any information about the respondents will have a
number on it instead of name. Only the researchers will know what your number is and will
lock that information up with a Password laptop. It will not be shared with or given to anyone
except the researchers. All the information stored in the folder will be deleted after the
research study.

3.7 Data Analysis

After collectingthe required datathrough the statistical method, the researchers examined andevaluated
the collected data using the as “Pearson Correlational Coefficient” (PCC) to effectively determine the
relationship of prolonged exposure to social media to the academic performance of the students
(Proper definition, implication/significance of tool).
The researchers will be using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient test in this research as a
statisticalmethod in weighing and measuring data.

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the strength of a linear association between
two variables, where the value r = 1 means a perfect positive correlation and the value r = -1
means a perfect negative correlation. It is also used to see the outcome of analysis based on
the respondents’ answers. It is also used obtain the overall proportion of the number of
identical answers to a particular question.


r =n ( ∑ xy ) −¿ ¿

Y= Students Academic Performance
X= Social Media Usage




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About the Researchers

Imei Jazul Cedillo

I am the principal investigator of the research study. I give motivation and a

helping hand if they need help in our nursing research.

“She wasn’t given wings to see the world from a tree.”


Catherine Valmonte Borja

I am the presentor of the research study. I contribute the way I can to finish
our research study.

“We aim above the mark to hit the mark”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jerome YaseGandecila

I assist in every way that I can to finishing our research study.

"Don't be scared to walk alone, Don't be scared to like it"

-John Mayer

Rona BallocanagJurada

I help by searching the internet for more information about our study.

“Fall seven times, stand up eight “

- Jonaxx

Noreen Gersabalino Molina

I help by searching for journals in the internet that is relevant in our research
and extend assistance in any way I can.

"Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read."
-Cassandra Clare



Sharmaine Mendoza Policios

I help in every way I can to be able to finish our research.

“Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done.”


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