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What do you know about climate change (both natural and human-caused)?

How much time do we have to address climate change?

What are the main causes?
Whose fault is it?

Climate change is the change in weather patterns for humans. Climate change is caused by
greenhouse gasses. Every day human tasks and jobs and stupid stuff like driving, cooking, making
electricity by burning fossil fuels, blowing up stuff for no reason, playing with lighters, forest fires,
stupid people burning down houses because they are mentaly in or hate the person that use to live in
the house they are staying in, and fireworks all put co2 into the air. Humans can still try to stop
climate change by not doing lots of the things in the sentence above.

It is our fault that climate change is happening and it is our fault that we put co2 into the
atmosphere. Humans have been burning fossil fuels, coal and other things for many years to make
electricity and other stuff. When big cities completely rebuild everything, tons of co2 is emitted into
the atmosphere just for rebuilding a city. Deforestation also puts co2 into the air.

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