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In search of the Sacred:

Exploring the spiritual journey

Introduction to the programme

Spiritual and religious experience is of fundamental

importance in many people’s lives and, it seems,
is becoming more so. Over the past twenty years
in particular, there has been an upsurge of interest
in spirituality. More and more of us are hungry for
a greater spiritual reality in our lives and are searching
for a deeper meaning and purpose, for an inner
peace that often eludes us and for new ways of
Who is this programme for?
nurturing ourselves spiritually.
This programme of e-courses is open to anyone with a strong
Many of us find our spiritual home and live out our interest in exploring spirituality and the spiritual journey
spirituality within the context of one of the world’s major from a broad perspective. You do not have to belong to a
religious or wisdom traditions such as Buddhism, particular religious or spiritual tradition in order to do these
Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam or Taoism. But courses and they are not focused on any one particular
at the same time, some of us struggle with organised spiritual pathway. All that is required is a desire to discover
religion and cannot feel at home within its walls. An more of who you are as a spiritual person and to engage in
increasing number of us now describe ourselves as a committed way with your own search for the Sacred.
‘spiritual but not religious’ and are searching for or
following alternative spiritual paths. It does not matter where you are on your spiritual journey,
what you believe or don’t believe or whether you know what
This can be an isolating experience. It may be very it is you are searching for. This programme is a journey
difficult to find like-minded others to share the journey of discovery. It is for those of us who are seekers, who
with as it is so often misunderstood. It can also be hard live with the conviction that ‘there must be something
to identify the kinds of resources that might help us more than this’ and with a yearning for what the
to make sense of our experience and encourage us to philosopher, William James called ‘the More’. It is both
trust our own inner wisdom. an inner journey and a journey into the heart of the
Sacred Mystery.

What does the programme aim to do? What is the ethos of the programme?

This is not a programme that sets out to teach or convert The ethos of the programme reflects a progressive and
you to a particular way of thinking about or living the contemporary spirituality which is open, inclusive and
spiritual life. There are no creeds that you have to to sign holistic, values difference and diversity and believes in
up to, no doctrines that you have to agree with, no set the equality of all people, irrespective, for example, of
paths that you have to follow. It does not seek to give you gender, race, culture, sexual orientation and spiritual or
answers but to resource you in learning to ‘live the religious tradition. It rests on the belief that there are
questions’ that are meaningful to you as the poet and many paths which lead to the Sacred and many ways of
novelist, Rainer Maria Rilke put it. It does not seek to tell expressing our unique spiritualities. It seeks to honour all
you what path to take but to enable you to find your own faiths and spiritualities as responses to the Sacred and is
path. It is designed to resource and support you in committed to and open to learning from genuine inter-
discovering what it means for you personally to be a faith and inter-spiritual dialogue. It also emphasises the
spiritual self and in making your own individual spiritual importance of moving towards an authenticity of being
journey. and of enhancing our human capacity for love, kindness
and compassion.
In so doing, it will offer you a wide range of ideas and
perspectives drawn from philosophers, religious The ethos also reflects the person-centred philosophy of
teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists and poets. Carl Rogers with its essentially positive view of human
Some of them may resonate with your own experience nature, its affirmation of our dignity, worth and potential
and understanding; others will not. Some may speak to as human beings and its fundamental trust in our longing
you powerfully or challenge you deeply; some may leave and capacity to learn, grow and develop, to become more
you cold. The hope is that having the opportunity to fully ourselves. It rests firmly on the belief that all of us
engage with others’ experiences and truths in this way have the inner wisdom and resources to find our own
may help you to come to a deeper understanding of our way and to make the choices that are right for us. It is a
own truth. philosophy that urges us to be open to, accept and trust
our own intuitive knowing as we seek to make sense of
The programme also seeks to help you create a sacred life. It also acknowledges and honours what Rogers called
space in the midst of your busy life in which there is time our ‘yearning for the spiritual’ as a vital part of our
simply to be; time to explore your own and others’ sacred humanity.
stories; time to reflect on how you attending to the
spiritual dimension of your being and living out your own
unique spirituality ; and time to connect more deeply with
your innermost self and with the Sacred (whoever or ‘And you, when will you begin that
whatever you conceive the Sacred to be). In John long journey into yourself?’
O’Donohue’s words, it seeks to enable us to ‘make time
for soul’.

How will the programme be structured and delivered?

The programme consists of a series of short stand-alone e-courses, each of which covers a particular topic relating to
different aspects of spirituality and the spiritual journey. You will be able to choose those e-courses that particularly
interest you and to study as many as you want to. Once it has been launched, each e-course will be offered once or
twice a year. The course material for each of the e-courses will normally be delivered to you in the form of a series of
pdf files either via email or via a file-hosting service. However, for a small additional cost, it would be possible for the
material to be delivered in the form of hard copies if that would be preferable. There is no deadline for completing an
e-course and the course material will be made available to you in a way that will enable you to access and work with
the material at your own pace. In addition, you will be given a list of Internet-based resources such as websites, blogs,
podcasts or YouTube videos that you may want to draw on.

What kind of topics will the programme cover?

What does it mean to be a spiritual self? What do we mean when we speak of ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ or the ‘Sacred’? What
shapes our spirituality, what different forms may it take and how does it change and develop as we move through
life? And how can we best nurture our soul and deepen our connection with the Sacred? These are just some of the
questions you will have the opportunity to explore as part of the programme.

On a more personal level, it will offer you a wide range of resources to draw on which will help you discover and explore
your own unique spirituality, to find your own ways of creating sacred space in the midst of everyday life and to identify
those particular paths to the Sacred that have the potential to connect you more deeply with your spiritual self.

The series so far…

The spiritual self

In search of soul: the journey from false self
to true self
Maps of the spiritual journey
Alternative paths to the Sacred
Exploring spiritual practice
Living deep
Midlife spirituality
The transformational power of soul love
Interspirituality - seeking what unites us

N.B. While each e-course stands alone, the first course does ‘set the scene’ for later ones so you may find it helpful
as an introduction to the series as a whole. More e-courses will be introduced as the programme continues to evolve.

Is there any coursework or assessment?

There is no assessment at all and the only coursework

you will be strongly encouraged to do as you study each
e-course is to keep a personal soul journal. You will be
given suggestions for further reading as a resource but
there are no set books or texts and you can choose to
read as much or as little as you want to. You will also be
offered a variety of experiential and self-reflective course
exercises to draw on as part of your own journeying but
it will be up to you whether and how you engage with

‘There is no place so awake and alive

as the edge of becoming.’
What resources does each course provide? Sue Monk Kidd

The course material for these e-courses will be delivered

in the form of a series of pdf files. These will be made Technical requirements?
available to you either via email or a file-hosting service
in a way that will enable you to access and work with the To get the best out of each e-course, you will need

material at your own pace. In addition, you will be given reliable access to a desktop or laptop computer or a

a list of Internet-based resources such as useful websites, tablet as well as access to the Internet via a direct

blogs, podcasts or YouTube videos and a variety of network connection and an Internet browser such as

experiential and self-reflective course exercises that you Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari which can all be

may want to draw on. downloaded free.

On registering for a particular e-course, you will have You will also need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat

the opportunity to be part of an on-line Google group Reader to access the course material. This can also be

which will give you the opportunity to dialogue with downloaded free. Access to a printer is optional.

others who are doing the same e-course. If it would be

helpful, it will also be possible to have up to three In order to receive communications from the course

spiritual accompaniment sessions with the tutor over the tutor and to take part in the online forum, you will also

duration of the course. These could either be face-to-face need to join the course’s Google Group which is entitled

or via Skype, Facetime or Duo. In addition, for those entitled ‘Spaceforsoul’. If you don’t already have one,

who live in or around the Bristol area, there will be the you may wish to create a free gmail account to access

opportunity to meet up on a regular basis with other the Google group. Alternatively, you can choose to use

people doing the e-course and to attend occasional one your existing email address if you prefer but this is a

day workshops or quiet days facilitated by the course slightly more complicated process.

What other resources will I need?

Your most important resource in doing online courses like these will be t ime - time to read and reflect, time to
journal your experience and learning, time to nurture your spiritual self and time to simply be in the midst of it all.
Finding enough space for the inner journey in the midst of busy lives can be very difficult and so you may need to
work hard to set aside and protect the sacred space you need to attend to your spiritual self and to open yourself
fully to the spiritual dimension of your being and experience.

Your second most important resource will be other people. As part of each e-course, you will have the opportunity to
connect with the tutor and with others doing the course in a variety of ways. However, you may also want to consider
finding someone to talk to on a regular basis about your experience of doing the course and your responses to it. This
could be someone else who is studying the course, one or more close friends, a small spiritual exploration or
accompaniment group or a trained spiritual director or companion.

What will each e-course cost?

The cost of a particular e-course will range between £25 and £40 depending on the breadth of the topic it covers and
the quantity of material provided. Online course registrations are non-refundable and registration occurs at the
moment an e-course is purchased online. Please note that the cost of spiritual accompaniment sessions (at a
discounted rate of £15 an hour) or of attending an optional workshop or quiet day (£25 a day) is not included in the
cost of the e-courses themselves.

N.B. It may be possible to offer a discount to people who are on benefits or on a low income. Alternatively, it may
be possible to pay the course fee in monthly instalments. Please enquire.

How do I enrol?

Registration forms are available from Spaceforsoul at They can also be downloaded
from our website at

The programme author: Kaitlyn Steele
Psychologist, therapist, spiritual companion, teacher
and writer
Ma Hons Psychology; M Phil Clinical Psychology
Diploma in Spiritual Accompaniment
Author of ‘Sacred Space: Embracing the spiritual in
person-centred therapy’ (2014) CreateSpace

A little about me
My work life

Perhaps my starting point needs to be this. While I have spent

much of my later life studying spirituality and working I have been involved in the world of counselling and
alongside people as they have explored their spirituality and therapy for most of my adult life. I qualified originally
spiritual journeys with me, I do not regard myself as an as a clinical psychologist in the early 1970s and worked
expert on anyone’s spirituality other than my own. If for a number of years in the NHS before eventually
anything, what I have learnt is how little we really know moving into working as a person-centred therapist,
about this complex and mysterious dimension of our being. supervisor and tutor on a full time basis. I have taught
As Albert Einstein famously said, ‘The more I learn, the more for over twenty years on Further and Higher Education
I realize I don’t know’. counselling courses in the UK and was responsible for
developing both an innovative four year university-
I have learnt to hold lightly what I believe and think I know validated Diploma of Higher Education in counselling
and to approach the exploration of spirituality and the with a strong emphasis on working with the spiritual
spiritual journey with what has come to be known as dimension of experience and a two year spiritual
‘beginner’s mind’. The Zen monk, Shunryu Suzuki reminds exploration and accompaniment course.
us that, ‘In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities,
but in the expert’s there are few.’ I have learnt too that it is Currently, I work in private practice as a person-centred
in honouring and being open to learning from each other’s spiritual companion, freelance trainer and workshop
experience and truths that our vision becomes clearer and facilitator and as such, have had considerable
less distorted by false assumptions, pre-conceptions and experience of working with people’s spiritual
prejudices. experience and concerns. I am also the founder and
Chair of Spaceforsoul, an inclusive progressive
And finally I have learnt that that there is truth and beauty Christian community which aims to support and
to be found in all true religions and spiritual traditions; that resource those who are making their spiritual journeys
there are many sacred paths but only one destination; and outside the walls of organised religion.
that the language of psychology and the language of
spirituality are not as different as they might seem.
My philosophy
I have always felt powerfully drawn to the humanistic philosophy which lies at the heart of the person-centred approach
with its essentially positive view of human nature, its affirmation of our dignity and worth as human beings and its
fundamental belief in our longing and capacity to grow and develop, to become more fully ourselves. At the same time,
I have for many years had a strong interest in the inter-connectedness of body, mind, soul and spirit, in the mystery of
our spirituality (however we may experience and live it out) and in the way in which our psychological and spiritual
journeys are interwoven as we move through life.

Immersing myself in person-centred philosophy and practice taught me a new way of being in the world - a way of being
that I have found extremely challenging and at the same time, both liberating and transforming. It also taught me about
love - about a profoundly unconditional and self-transcending form of love which is deeply committed to the growth
and fulfilment of the other. Both in early Greek philosophy and in the Jewish-Christian spiritual tradition, this was known
as ‘agape love’. I have come to call it soul love.

My spirituality
At this point in my journey, I would say that I am most closely drawn to a progressive form of Christian spirituality with
its recognition of the value of personal and subjective spiritual experience, its inclusiveness, its acknowledgement that
there are many pathways to the Divine and its emphasis on the primacy of love and compassion. In recent years, I have
also become increasingly drawn to a more mystical and contemplative spirituality and to some of the insights of the
Celtic spiritual tradition which point to the sacredness and inter-connectedness of all life.

My journey
Looking back at my life, I can see that at the heart of my life’s journey, there has always been a spiritual quest - a searching
and reaching for what David Elkins calls ‘the sacred stream’ - though I may not always have recognised or acknowledged
this at the time. Over the years, my spirituality has at times lain dormant and at others, been powerfully awakened. It
has led me to explore a number of different spiritual pathways and it has found expression in a variety of ways. While
for much of my life, my spirituality has found its home somewhere within the Christian tradition, what I believe, how I
image and relate to the Divine and how I experience and express my spirituality has changed and developed significantly
over the years, particularly in the last two decades of my life. My childhood faith in a wise and kindly ‘father God’ whom
I could trust to protect and look after me when life seemed unpredictable, chaotic or frightening has in later life gradually
evolved into a progressive and mystical spirituality which is grounded in my experience of the profoundly loving presence
of the Divine.

The journey, moreover, has not been an easy or straightforward one. There have been peaks and troughs, mountain-top
and desert experiences. There have been times when I lost my way and when I thought I had lost my faith. There have
been times when I felt certain and secure in my convictions and times of being plagued by doubts and questions and
uncertainties. There have been times of holding on and times of letting go, times of stability and times of crisis and
transition. No matter how difficult it has been at times, it has, however, always been a journey worth the making.

In search of the Sacred:
Exploring the
spiritual journey

1. The Spiritual Self

February - April 2018
Deadline for registration: 9�� February 2018


The Spiritual Self is the first e-course of the programme and as such, it lays the foundation for the other e-courses that
will follow. In this course , we will explore what it means to be a spiritual self. In particular, we will look at such concepts
as soul, spirit, religion and spirituality and at the many ways in which we may understand what the 19�� century
philosopher and psychologist, William James called ‘the More’. We will explore the shape of our own unique spiritualities
and the ways in which our spiritual experience has impacted on our spiritual journey. We will also look at some aspects
of the person-centred philosophy of humanistic psychologists such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and David Elkins
which have relevance for our exploration of spirit and soul.

On a practical level, we will explore the art and practice of soul listening. The Quaker philosopher and writer, Douglas
Steere (1985) argued that, ‘To ‘listen’ another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the
greatest service any human being ever performs for another.’ I would also argue that to learn to listen to the voice of
our own soul is one of the most important things we can ever do for ourselves. The theologian, Paul Tillich (1955)
confronts us with the fact that ‘… we talk and talk and never listen to the voices speaking to our depth and from our
depth.’ And so we will explore what it means to be a soul listener and how we might develop our ability to hear those
voices that often speak so powerfully to us from the very depths of our being.

The course will provide you with a series of six chapters and a number of additional resource sheets, providing around
100 pages of material. You will also have the opportunity to engage with a number of self-reflective and creative exercises
as you engage with the material. These are designed to enable you to explore your own spirituality in a number of
different ways and to think about what it means to you personally to see yourself as a spiritual person.

The spiritual self: overview Feedback from current e-course students:

1. Towards an understanding of spirit Miranda: ‘Kaitlyn has produced an insightful and

thought provoking course that has done so much to
2. Towards an understanding of soul
develop my thinking and experience of my personal
3. From spirit to spirituality spirituality. Thank you.’

4. The uniqueness of our spirituality

Nirma: ‘I am finding the course material very inspiring.
5. Exploring spiritual experience
I love the way Kaitlyn writes - it is all so easy to engage
6. Making sense of the Sacred with. I also like being able to take as much time as I need
over each chapter.’
Additional resource sheets

Progressive spirituality Nicki: ‘I have found the course material extremely

informative, extensively researched and thought
Person-centred philosophy
provoking. However, this is only part of it as Kaitlyn has
Key concepts: self-transcendence introduced exercises that enable a deeper exploration

Key concepts: What is religion? of one's own spirituality. I have really valued the balance
of information and personal experience that Kaitlyn

Spiritual practice resource sheets provides but also being able to reflect on my own. I have
also appreciated that I am able to do it in my own time
The art of soul journaling
and pace. I would highly recommend it to anyone who
Creating sacred space wants to deepen their own spiritual journey.

Exploring the spiritual self

Richard: ‘This course is just what I need at the moment
The art of soul listening
as it’s really helping me to reconnect with that inner part
Mapping my spirituality of me that’s been unfolding over many years. The notes

Exploring my own spiritual experience you provide are marvellous. Thank you so much for
making this course available. It is a truly beautiful thing.’
Writing my own credo


Cost of the e-course:

£35 payable on registration. Online course registrations are non-refundable.

N.B. This does not include the cost of spiritual accompaniment sessions, workshops or Quiet Days.

An introductory pack is also available at a cost of £5. The pack includes the whole of the first 'chapter' of the e-course
and a number of accompanying resource sheets. If you then decide to register for the full course, you will receive a
£5 discount.

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