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India shall adopt China’s model of growth

 hello, I think INDIA never adopt the China model of growth cos it
has so many reasons .... 1st reason is there is lot of corruption in
India . n Indian pollition are so corrupt they never use the fund for
development. they use this for their own purpose n buy property
on their name.... n 2nd reason is the development growth in India
is too slow. A small project take lot of time . 3rd reason is the
work is systematic. also the Indian companies don't pay that
much salary to their employees that give them motivation to do
work fast. n also there is a brain drain problem in india the indian
enggs. are going abroad cos that companies pay them well that
will fulfil their needs. i think india 1st have concentrate on their
problems after that it ll comepte with china.....

 more over,this is not the only reason that india will not adopt
china's model of growth.som other reasons could be: 1. china has
a one party rule....unlikei india with multi party system so things
get difficult to shape up and reach a commomn consensus. 2.
china's main source of foreign inc. is through manufacturing
industry while that of india is through its IT industry. both the
country's have different systems and policies to carry their
economy to highr level so adopting each other's or any other's
growth model with alltogether different system and economic
policies will do no good to any country.

 Firstly we are not discussing about competeing with China.Every

country has its own problems and so does India.But cursing the
politicians,low pay and slow development is not the right way to
tackle it.we have seen a considerable progress in the counrty
over the past decade.Now every second indian owns a mobile
phone..just an example.was the situation same 10 years ago?
certainly not.As far as following China's model of growth is
considered India cannot follow that becuase of many
reasons.firstly, we are more of a capitalist society and China
follows communism.This is a big point of difference.India is a
democracy.Here every citizen has an equal rith to say and do
what he wants to do.We are not controlled by the
government.Secondly, our culture,traditions are completey
different from China.So,instead of adopting China's policies on
this issue,India should continue to strive the way it has been
doing to achieve its goals and surely one day we will also become
a developed nation.

Is privatization a Boon or a Bane?

Privatization can be good if it eliminates the need for government monetary contributions
to a governmental entity. An example would be the privatization of the United States
Postal Service in the 1970's. Privatization can be bad if it raises the cost of goods or
services to a rate which the consumer cannot possibly afford. An example of this
would be the privatization of Bolivian water treatment plants in this decade.
 Privatisation succeeds and fails for several reasons. Of relevance to the Indian
situation are four factors: commitment, competition, transparency and mitigation.
These factors interactively make privatisation yield the necessary results. Of these
four factors, India scores highly on competition and transparency. But it scores
poorly on commitment and mitigation.
 A consistent commitment to the cause of privatisation, as displayed by Ms
Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government, in the early 1980s in Great Britain,
is necessary for privatisation to succeed. This attribute has been conspicuously
lacking in India. Given the lack of a clear political majority to govern, the various
governments since 1991 have had to play a balancing game in satisfying various
political constituencies about whether to privatise. Between 1996 and 1999 India
had four prime ministers.
 The prime minister, the finance and disinvestment ministers may have had a keen
interest in seeing privatisation succeed, but the other coalition members of the
government had opposing views.
 A corollary to commitment is the creation of an institutional framework, so that
policies needed to transform an economy can be implemented.


 Retailing is the interface between the producer and the individual consumer
buying for personal consumption. This excludes direct interface between the
manufacturer and institutional buyers such as the government and other bulk
customers. A retailer is one who stocks the producer’s goods and is involved
in the act of selling it to the individual consumer, at a margin of profit. As
such, retailing is the last link that connects the individual consumer with the
manufacturing and distribution chain.
The retail industry in India is of late often being hailed as one of the sunrise
sectors in the economy. AT Kearney, the well-known international
management consultancy, recently identified India as the ‘second most
attractive retail destination’ globally from among thirty emergent markets. It
has made India the cause of a good deal of excitement and the cynosure of
many foreign eyes. With a contribution of 14% to the national GDP and
employing 7% of the total workforce (only agriculture employs more) in the
country, the retail industry is definitely one of the pillars of the Indian economy.

The retail industry is divided into organised and unorganised sectors.

Organised retailing refers to trading activities undertaken by licensed
retailers, that is, those who are registered for sales tax, income tax, etc.
These include the corporate-backed hypermarkets and retail chains, and also
the privately owned large retail businesses. Unorganised retailing, on the
other hand, refers to the traditional formats of low-cost retailing, for
example, the local kirana shops, owner manned general stores, paan/beedi


Dear readers, I want to share some unknown facts related to Commonwealth Games
opening ceremony, held at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi, on October 3.

500 workers had been engaged to build the CWG opening ceremony stage, weighing-
approx. 500 tones, in 7 days. The main stage, designed according to Sanskrit word
Mandala, is considered as one of the largest opening and closing ceremony stage.

1200 moving lights, 50 km of power cables, 25 stacks of stereophonic hi-fi speakers,

producing 500,000 watts of sound, 120 space cannons and 2700 types of fireworks,
spreading over 88 locations were used to entertain the spectators.

Is computer male or female ?

 well, this is a very very interesting question. well lets see what a
computer can do.
Computer can compute, can play song, can facilitate the difficult
proccesses, it also can perform so many task very very fast. now
whocan do this all?? a Man or a Woman?? I think a Man. so in my
openion computer is man..
but as a softwae engineer i can say that a computer is a idiot box. yes
it can perform all difficult task. but computer needs all kind of crap
information to actually perform that task. for example if you ask a
person to add 2 and 5 the person will replay 'the answer is 7' but if you
ask computer to add 2 and 5 it will perform '2+5' but it will not print
the answer. you have to give a comand to print the answer then only it
will display '7' . This is my second reson to belive that computer is a


 wow, very interesting topic......

a computer is to perform on something we order but not on
request(because when u give a command it definitely has to give the
result)so u're getting whatever the result u want from a comp. hence
its a male for women & female for i wrong my dear

and hello bansari,

u consider it as male right? ok gud but as u said,it works only whn u
instruct it otherwise its equivalent to a dead body(acc. to idiot
box)....means its ordered or instructed by a woman only thn it starts
working.....i.e., "behind every successful man is a woman" & "behind
every successful comp is also a woman" i thnk u've agreed wid
plz dont take it serious guyzzzzzz

 as we know that same repels and opposite attracts. therfore in my

opinion the computer is of oppsite sex depending upon the user who is
using it. as one starts using it,he/she get more attached to it as it
provides all kinds of stuff one needs.

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