Abortion Argument Essay

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I’Mani Barnes

Ms. Cockrill

English 12/B

19 November 2020

Does my Uterus Belong to You?

Dear Congress,

I am angry. As a woman, I should have the right to control my own reproductive organs

and have authority over my own body- inside and out. We talk about a country promoting

freedom of liberty, but my body is slowly turning into the hands of the government. Taking away

my rights to abortion is a violation of the jurisdiction that I have over myself and my life.

Although I haven’t had to face the challenge of abortion personally, I am a woman who

has seen the effects of these restrictive laws. For many, an abortion is the last resort when

confronted with an unwanted pregnancy. Not everyone has the luxury of putting their life on

hold to take care of a baby, nor do some have the money to provide for another life. There are so

many situations that can cause women to not want to bore a baby at that time in their life like,

being a victim of rape or not being financially stable. This is why I am asking to have a choice,

an option. We as women should have this decision available to us as it should ultimately be

under our control. Why should I be restricted by the misogynistic men in government that do not

know me or my situation?

I know that people have various beliefs regarding abortion, stemming from religious

followings, but that is in no way a justifiable means for limiting other’s rights. While respectful

of values, I am a person who believes that one shouldn’t extend their beliefs onto others. Yes,
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your faith can make you up as an individual, but you should not try to press those values onto

everyone else in the world. If my decisions with my body do not affect you, your life, or your

well-being, then you do not have the right to make a decision for me. If you advocate pro-life

backed by religious agenda, then stick to it and make that choice to not proceed with abortion in

your life, but do not try to implement that in my life.

You say that there are other options for those who wish not to provide for life, like foster

care or adoption, but have you taken an in-depth look at the system recently. If you honestly

believe that all of the children in the system have been given a second chance then you are

wrong. Not only is the system corrupt, as some foster homes only take in children for the money,

but there is much psychological damage that comes along with it. While the intention to love,

nurture, and provide for the child is sometimes present, it isn’t guaranteed. In addition to this,

finding a family who is willing to adopt can be hard and very time-consuming. You must also

take into consideration the physiological effects this can have on a mother, as giving away an

extension of their life can be traumatic. While these options are in place, these are not options

that might encourage a woman to not get an abortion at the early stages of their pregnancy.

Scientifically a fetus does not develop a heartbeat until 5 and a half to 7 weeks after

gestation (Chertoff, Jane). Before this point, the organism growing in the uterus of a woman is

nearly tissue and cells. Why exactly, do these cumulations of cells matter so much to you?

Honestly speaking, these few cells seem to matter more than the living Americans walking

around in your nation, that you are supposed to be taking care of. If that doesn’t seem like a

problem to you then I’m not sure what else to say. If those cells developed a little black baby boy
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would you still feel the same? These are the questions you need to ask yourself and your peers as

the logic is not aligning with our American principles.

Throughout this whole debate, the word choice is what I want to stick out to you most.

Choice, meaning the power of choosing (Merriam-Webster). I am not asking that all women get

mandatory abortions as that would go against the principle of respecting female autonomy.

Instead, I want to see the option available. Making abortion illegal will not stop women who

desperately need to end a pregnancy from doing so. This will lead to a rise in unsafe abortions

that can put a woman’s life in danger. It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that you want

women to be convicted as murderers of an unborn child while there are rapists and cold-blooded

killers still walking the streets of America. There are so many questions that I wish to ask you in

hopes of understanding your reasoning behind making abortions illegal. Honestly, I am not sure

how this is not a violation of my human rights, as a citizen living in your country. Why is my

body any of your concern? Unless I am being harmed or abused you shouldn’t interfere with

what goes on in my body.

American Government, you never fail to amaze me. One day I hope you can see where

my viewpoint is coming from. I am tired of people viewing my body as a tool and not as a

valued member of society. I encourage you to truly think over your ideas and put yourself in

various situations that women have to face every day, maybe then you could get a glimpse of our


Thank you,

I’Mani Barnes

Works Cited
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Chertoff, Jane. “When Can You Hear Baby's Heartbeat?” ​Healthline,​ Healthline Media, 26 Sept.

2018, www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/when-can-you-hear-babys-heartbeat.

“Choice.” ​Merriam-Webster​, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/choice.

“Foster Care.” ​Children's Rights​, 4 Sept. 2020,


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