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Rayleigh-Ritz method is basically used to finding out an approximate solution to the
total potential functional, ensuring equilibrium configuration.
This has got three basic steps:
STEP-1: Assume a trial displacement filed (Trial solution): satisfying the essential
boundary conditions of the problem and internal compatibility (should not lead to
formation of voids, kinks within the structure) is to be assumed for the total potential
Let the displacement field be: uˆ ( x)  { ( x)   Ci N i }, i  1,2,3.....n
Where; Ni are the shape functions and Ci are the undetermined coefficients.
STEP-2: Evaluation of Total potential functional (Πp): is to be evaluated with the
assumed trial displacement filed.
STEP-3: Set up and solve the system of equations: By virtue of PSTP, the total
potential will be stationary with respect to small variations in displacement filed.
The variations in the displacement field are achieved by small variations in the
coefficients “Ci”. Thus we have;
 p
 0; i  1,2,3,....n
This yields necessary equations to be solved for the unknown coefficients “Ci”.
PROBLEM-1: Consider the bar clamped at one end and left free at other end be
subjected to an uniform axial load “q0”. Find out displacement field for this ensuring
equilibrium configuration of the structure by PSTP based Rayleigh Ritz Method.
STEP-0: To find out expression for total
potential energy (functional) of the bar. q(x) = q0
Potential Energy stored in the bar
(Πp) = Strain energy stored in the bar
– work done by external forces due to
deformation of the bar. x=0 dx

Strain energy of an elemental portion of the beam σx q(x) = q0
may be given by:
1 1 1 du
dU       dv   ( E )    dv   E  ( ) 2  dv
2 2 2 dx
1 du 1 du dx
dU   E  ( ) 2  ( A  dx)  dU  AE( ) 2 dx
2 dx 2 dx L
1 du 2
Strain energy of the entire beam may be given by: U   AE ( ) dx
2 dx
Work done by the external forces acting on the elemental portion to make it get
deformed through “u(x)” be dW: dW  q0  dx  u ( x)
Total work done by the external forces acting on the bar to make it get deformed:
Total potential energy (Πp) of the bar under the W   q0  dx  u ( x)   q0u  dx
given and of loading and boundary conditions is a 0 0
functional given as: I
It is important to note here that, total potential energy (Πp) of the loaded bar is a
functional: L
1 du 2 1 L

 p  I   {( ) AE ( )  q0u}dx   { AEu  q0u}dx   p  I   F (u, u, x)

u (0)  0
2 dx 0 2 0
STEP-1: Assume a trial displacement filed (Trial solution) satisfying essential boundary
conditions (as natural boundary conditions in terms of forces and work done have
already become a part of the functional itself) causing minimum value of the total PE
• Let us consider a trial displacement field satisfying the essential boundary
conditions and internal compatibility:
• Let us consider a trial displacement field to be: uˆ ( x)  C1 x  C2 x 2 which has been
satisfying the essential boundary conditions.
STEP-2: Evaluation of total potential functional with respect to the assumed
displacement field
• Substituting the trial displacement field in the potential functional we have:
1 duˆ 2 L
 p   [ AE ( )  q0u ]dx   [ AE (C1  2C2 x) 2  q0 (C1 x  C2 x 2 )]dx
0 2 dx 0 2
AE 2 4C2 L3 C L2
C L3

 p  (C1 L   2C1C2 L2 )  q0 ( 1  2 )
2 3 2 3
STEP-3: Set up and solve the system of equations (Application of PSTP)
• As per PSTP, for equilibrium configuration of a structure, total potential will be
stationary with respect to small variations in the displacement field.
• Variation in displacement field is attained by small variations in the coefficients: Ci
AE 2 4C2 L3 C1L2 C2 L3
 p  (C1 L   2C1C2 L )  q0 (
 )  F (C1 , C2 )
2 3 2 3
 p AE q L2

 0 (2C1L  2C2 L2 )  0  0..............(1)

C1 2 2
 p AE 8C2 L3 q0 L3
0 (  2C1L ) 
 0.....................(2)
C2 2 3 3
q0 L q0
• Solving we get: C1  , C2  
qL q q
ˆu ( x)  0 x  0 x 2  uˆ ( x)  0 (2 Lx  x 2 )
AE 2 AE 2 AE
PROBLEM-2: Consider a simply supported beam under uniformly distributed
load “q0” as shown in the Figure. Find out an expression for the vertical deflection
field “v(x)” through Rayleigh Ritz method leading to equilibrium configuration.
STEP-0: To find out the expression for the
total potential functional of the bar.
Let us consider a small portion of the
beam as shown in the figure. Let the dx
strain energy of this elemental portion
of the beam is given by: dU
1 1  2
dU       dv      dv   dv
2 2 E 2E
1 M
 dU   ( y ) 2  (da  dx)
2E I
M2 2
 dU  2
y  da  dx
2 EI
• Total strain energy of the entire beam is
given by: U
M2 2 L
M2 t L
 U   dU   2
y  da  dx   2
dx  y da  U  
2 EI 0 2 EI y c 0 2 EI

• It is important to note that, expression for the total strain energy must be obtained in
terms of the vertical displacement of the bar (v(x)).
d 2v L
EI d 2v 2
• We have from curvature of beam: M  EI 2  U   ( 2 ) dx
dx 0 2 dx
• Work done on the small elemental portion due to the uniformly distributed loading is
given by:
 W   dW   q0  v  dx
0 0 L 2 L
• EI d v 2
Total potential energy of the bar under   p  U  W 
the given and of loading and

dx 2
) dx   q0  v( x)  dx

boundary conditions is given by • So “Пp” is a function of “v” which is again a

function of “x”. Hence “Пp” is a functional.
• So the total potential functional for the simply supported beam has been found to be:
EI d 2v 2
0 0 0

  p  U  W   ( 2 ) dx   q0  v( x)  dx   p  I  F (v, v, x)
2 dx
With the essential boundary conditions to be: u (0)  0; u ( L)  0
STEP-1: Assume a trial displacement filed (Trial solution) satisfying essential boundary
conditions (as natural boundary conditions in terms of forces and work done have
already become a part of the functional itself) causing minimum value of the total PE
• Let us consider a trial displacement field satisfying the essential boundary
conditions and internal compatibility:
• Let us consider a trial displacement field to be: vˆ( x)  C1Sin(x / L) which has been
satisfying the essential boundary conditions.
STEP-2: Evaluation of total potential functional with respect to the assumed
displacement field
• Substituting the trial displacement field in the potential functional we have:
EI d 2
  p  U  W   { 2 (C1 sin(x / L))}2 dx   q0{C1 sin(x / L)}dx
2 dx 0
EI 2  4
 p  C1 ( )  sin 2 (x / L)dx  q0C1  sin(x / L)dx Solving we get:
2 L 0 0
 EI 2 2q0C1
 p  C1  L
4 L 3

STEP-3: Set up and solve the system of equations (Application of PSTP)
EI d 2v 2
  p  U  W   ( 2 ) dx   q0  v( x)  dx   p  I  F (v, v, x)
2 dx 0 0

Total Potential energy of the simply supported beam: Potential Functional
Assuming a Trial displacement filed for the Potential Functional vˆ( x)  C1Sin(x / L)
Finding out the minimum possible value of the total  4 EI 2q0C1
p  C1 
potential through PSTP L
4 L 3

• As per PSTP, for equilibrium configuration of a structure, total potential will be
stationary with respect to small variations in the displacement field.
• Variation in displacement field is attained by small variations in the coefficients: Ci
 p q0 L4
  0  C1  0.01307
C1 EI
• So the displacement filed is given by:
q0 L4
vˆ( x)  0.01307 Sin(x / L) PE approach based Solution
• As It may be observed that; this solution is identical to the solution obtained from
the Galerkin weighted residual method.
PROBLEM-2: Consider a simply supported beam under uniformly distributed load
“q0” as shown in the Figure. Find out an expression for the vertical deflection “v(x)”
through Weighted Residual Method.
The governing differential equation is given by:
d 4v d 2v
EI 4  qo  0 v0  0, 2  0
dx dx x 0
vL   0, 2
d v
Step-1: (Assume the Trial Solution 0
satisfying the boundary conditions) dx x L
We may make the process simple by choosing trigonometric trial functions.

v( x)  v ( x)  C1 sin( x / L)
It may be verified that this single parameter trial solution satisfies all the boundary
Step-2: (To find the Domain Residual)
Substituting the Trial solution into the governing differential equation will lead
domain residual indicating the amount of error in the assumed Trial solution.

 Rd  C1 ( ) 4 EI sin( x / L)  qo
Step-3: (To minimize the Domain Residual)
As per the WRT in order to determine the value of the constant (C1) so that the
residual would be minimized through out the domain in an overall sense we have to
multiply the Residual (Rd) with the weight function Wi(x) and integrate it over the
entire domain.

For the present one-term trial solution: v( x)  v ( x)  C1 sin( x / L)
The weighting functions may be assumed to be: Wi(x) = Sin (Πx/L)

 i d     EI sin(x / L)  q ]dx  0
W ( x ) R ( x ) dx 0 {sin( x / L )}[C1 ( )
0 0
L 0

Weighting function (Wi (x)) Residual (Rd)

 L L
 ( ) 4 EIC1  sin 2 (x / L)dx   q 0 sin(x / L)dx   , dx 
L 0 0 L 
 
 3 q L x  0   0
 ( ) EIC1  sin 2   d  0  sin   d
L 0
 0 x  L  

 3 (1  cos 2 ) q0 L
 ( ) EIC1 

 d  [ cos ]0
L 0
2 
 q0 L
 ( ) EIC1{[ / 2]  [sin 2 ] }  
1  
[cos   cos 0]
L 0 4 0 
 3  2q 0 L
q0 L 4 q 0 L4
 ( ) EIC1   C1  ( 5 )  0.01307
L 2  EI  EI
So the final trial solution becomes:
 q 0 L4 4 q 0 L4 WRM approach
v ( x)  ( 5 ) sin( x / L)  0.01307 sin( x / L) based Solution
In GWR method, the original weighted residual statement was equivalent to only the
governing differential equation.
There fore it was required that the trial solution assumed must satisfy all the
boundary conditions (essential and natural).
In RRM based on the total potential functional, in which the external forces if any
applied at the boundaries are taken into account through the potential of the external
Thus trial solution for the RRM need only satisfy the essential boundary conditions.
In general, if differential equation form and Functional form of a given structure
under given set of essential and natural boundary conditions are known, then WRM and
RRM yield identical solutions when both use same shape functions (Trial solutions).
d 4v d 2v d 2v
EI 4  qo  0 v0  0, 2 0 vL   0, 2  0 [GDE with BCs]
dx dx x 0
dx x L
EI d 2v 2
 p  U  W   ( 2 ) dx   q0  v( x)  dx [Total Potential Functional]
2 dx 0

vˆ( x)  C1Sin(x / L) [Same trial solution used for the GDE and Potential Functional]
 q 0 L4 4 q 0 L4
v ( x)  ( 5 ) sin( x / L)  0.01307 sin( x / L) [Same result from WRM/RRM]
PROBLEM-3: Consider a 1mm diameter, 50 mm long aluminium pin fin used to
enhance the heat transfer from a surface wall maintained at 3000C. The governing D.E
and boundary conditions are given by:
K: Coefficient of thermal d 2T Ph dT
K 2  (T  T ); Tw  300 C ,
 0(insulated....tip)
conductivity (200 W/m/0C) dx Ac dx x  L
P: Perimeter, Ac: Cross sectional h Atmosphere T00
h: Convective heat transfer Wall
coefficient (20 W/m2 0C) (Tw)
Tw: wall temperature (3000C) L
Tϖ: Atm. temperature (30 C) 0 x = 0 x=L
Find out the expression for Temperature field T(x) satisfying given GDE through
STEP-0: To find out the expression for the total potential functional of the aluminium
Potential functional for the aluminium pin is given by:
1 dT 2 1 Ph
 p   k ( ) dx   (T  T ) 2 dx  qLTL
2 dx 0
2 Ac
In view of the insulated tip boundary condition (qL = 0), the total potential functional
for the aluminium pin may be given by: 1 dT 2 1 Ph
 p   k ( ) dx   (T  T ) dx

2 dx 2 Ac
STEP-1: Assume a trial temperature filed (Trial solution) satisfying the essential
boundary conditions (as natural boundary conditions have already become a part of the
functional itself)
• Let us consider a trial temperature field satisfying the essential boundary conditions
and internal compatibility:
• Let us consider a trial temperature field to be: Tˆ ( x)  C0  C1 x  C2 x 2which has been
satisfying the essential boundary conditions.
T x 0  3000 C  C0  300  Tˆ ( x)  300  C1 x  C2 x 2
STEP-2: Evaluation of total potential functional with respect to the assumed
temperature field
• Substituting the trial displacement field in the potential functional we have:
1 1 Ph
 p   k (C1  2C2 x) 2 dx   (270  C1 x  C2 x 2 ) 2 dx
2 0
2 Ac
STEP-3: Set up and solve the system of equations (Application of PSTP)
• As per PSTP, for thermal equilibrium of the structure, total potential will be
stationary with respect to small variations in the temperature field.
• Variation in temperature field is attained by small variations in the coefficients: C1
and C2  p  p
 0,  0  C1  3923.36, C2  40498.44
C1 C2
• Trial temperature field is given by:  Tˆ ( x)  300  3923.26 x  0498.44 x
Step-1: (Assume the Trial Solution satisfying the boundary conditions)
Let us choose a quadratic polynomial based trial solution of the form:

T ( x)  T ( x)  C0  C1 x  C2 x 2
The constants may be evaluated so that the trial solution satisfies all the given
boundary conditions: T (0)  T (0)  T  300  C  300
w 0

dT dT
  0  C1  2C2 L
dx xL dx xL
So the final trial
 solution becomes:
T ( x)  T ( x)  300  2C2 Lx  C2 x 2  300  C2 ( x 2  2Lx)
The final trial solution can be brought to the general form 1as:

T ( x)  T ( x)  300  C2 ( x 2  2 Lx)     Ci N i
i 1

 C1 N1
Step-2: (To find the Domain Residual)
Substituting the Trial solution into the governing differential equation will lead
domain residual indicating the amount of error in the assumed Trial solution.
d 2Tˆ Ph ˆ Ph
K 2  (T  300)  Rd  2C 2 K  (300  C 2 ( x 2
 2 Lx)  300)  Rd
dx Ac Ac

dT2 
 400(T  30)  Rd ( x )  Rd ( x )  2C 2  400[ 270  C 2 ( x 2
 2 Lx)]
Step-3: (To minimize the Domain Residual)
To minimize the domain residual in an overall sense, the weighted integral of the
Residual is equated to zero. The weighting function will be:
W1 ( x)  N1  ( x 2  2Lx)

 W ( x) R ( x)dx  0
1 d

     2 Lx)]}dx  0
2 2
( x 2 Lx ){2C 2 400[ 270 C 2 ( x
Solving for the constant
 coefficient we get, C2 = 38751.43, so the final trial solution
becomes: T ( x)  T ( x)  300  38751.43( x 2  2Lx)
Even though both the trial solutions are quadratic, the boundary conditions are
T ( x)  T ( x)  C0  C1 x  C2 x 2  Tˆ ( x)  300  C1 x  C2 x 2 Tw  3000 C
 
T ( x)  T ( x)  C0  C1 x  C2 x T ( x)  T ( x)  300  C2 ( x 2  2 Lx)

There fore, the temperature fields calculated through Tw  3000 C , 0
PE and GWR methods are different. dx x L

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