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Rio Hamonangan Hutapea


So I will tell you about my experience that I have never forgotten in my life. so at that time I was
having a picnic to a forest to camp and at that time my friend and I were building a tent in the forest, and
at that time I was very sleepy because of a very long journey and I decided to take a nap, then I
accidentally fell asleep until the afternoon, around 4 o'clock and when I woke up I saw that my friends'
tent was no longer there and after that I took a snack in my bag and while sitting under a tree, at that time
I waited my friend 30 minutes and I thought they were walking in the forest, so I decided to look for
them, when I was looking for them, I was very scared because there were many animals in the forest and I
was looking for them until 5 o'clock and there I sat for a while because I was tired and I heard like
someone was calling me and at that moment I was very scared because I thought there was a ghost and I
moved gas to go back to camp and I decided to go back to camp.
On the way I was very scared and it was getting dark and at that moment I got lost in the forest
and forgot the way and finally it was dark and I rushed to the tent and I heard someone calling my name
again, I ran as fast as possible and finally I saw like a person was near a bush and I approached him and
when I approached that person, the person suddenly disappeared and didn't know where, and I was very
scared at that time and I saw a campfire smoke, I rushed there and apparently they were already in the
camp, they were looking for me until 7pm. and that is my story that I will never forget because at that
moment I was desperate to find a way home and in the end I arrived.

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