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Look at the text below. Some lines are correct, so put a tick (/) next to them. Some others include an extra word which you
must cross out (X).
1 It is believed that the first form of football ____/_____
2 originated around 1,000 BC in China where it ____X_____
3 was being called 'tsu-chu'. In the western world, ____/_____
4 the earliest references to the game can be found ____X______
5 in Homer's poetry from where it was known ____/______
6 as 'episkuros'. According to some, football's ____/______
7 popularity spread from Greece to the Rome, from ____X______
8 where the Romans had took it to Britain. The ____/______
9 birthday of modern football is in October 26th ____X______
10 1863, which is when the Football Association ____/______
11 made then its first set of rules. ____/______

Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below

Use the words only once.
friendly, enjoyable(agradable), tropical, magnificent, sunny, dark,
terrible, clear
1 …………………dark………………. clouds
2 a(n) ………………sunny………………… day
3 ………………….clear................ water
4 a(n) ……………enjoyable…………………… time
5 ……………friendly…………………… people
6 a(n) ……………magnificent…………………… hotel
7 a(n) ……………terrible…………………… storm
8 a(n) …………………tropical……………… island

Circle the correct letter or word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.
1. When archeologists discovered the ruins of the Olympic Stadium, 2. The ancient Olympic Games __________ as amateur contests, but in time
interest in the Games __________ became professional.
(a)was renewed (b)were renewed (a)begun (b)began (c)beginning (d)they began
(c)they were renewed (d)renewed
3. The Olympic Games are held every four years in a selected country, and 4. Winning first place in an event was the only glory in the Ancient Games
___________ to athletes of all nations. because second and third places __________.
(a)they are opened (b)are opened (a)did not recognize (b)are not recognized
(c)they are open (d)it is open (c)was not recognized (d)were not recognized
5. The winners received a wreath ________ from the branches of the 6. After more than 1,500 years, Athens _________ for the site of the first
sacred olive tree. modern Olympics.
(a)made (b)was made (c)making (d)to make (a)were chosen (b)was chosen (c)is chosen (d)chosen
7. The marathon, first staged in 1896, _______ the legendary feat of a 8. The Olympic torch __________ throughout the Games and is then
Greek soldier who carried news of victory from the battlefield at marathon extinguished at the closing ceremony.
to Athens. (a)burning (b)is burned (c)burned (d)burns
(a)was commemorated (b)commemorated
(c)commemorates (d)commemorating

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