Biochar Mitigates Salinity Stress in Potato

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J Agro Crop Sci (2015) ISSN 0931-2250


Biochar Mitigates Salinity Stress in Potato

S. S. Akhtar1,2, M. N. Andersen2,3 & F. Liu1,2
1 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, T
astrup, Denmark
2 Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC), Beijing, China
3 Department of Agroecology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark

Keywords Abstract
adsorption; biochar; growth; physiology;
sodium; yield A pot experiment was conducted in a climate-controlled greenhouse to investi-
gate the growth, physiology and yield of potato in response to salinity stress
Correspondence under biochar amendment. It was hypothesized that addition of biochar may
F. Liu improve plant growth and yield by mitigating the negative effect of salinity
Department of Plant and Environmental
through its high sorption ability. From tuber bulking to harvesting, the plants
were exposed to three saline irrigations, that is 0, 25 and 50 mM NaCl solutions,
Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen respectively, and two levels of biochar (0 % and 5 % W/W) treatments. An
Højbakkeg ard Alle 13 adsorption study was also conducted to study the Na+ adsorption capability of
DK-2630 T astrup biochar. Results indicated that biochar was capable to ameliorate salinity stress
Denmark by adsorbing Na+. Increasing salinity level resulted in significant reductions of
Tel.: +45 3533 3392 shoot biomass, root length and volume, tuber yield, photosynthetic rate (An),
Fax: +45 3533 3478
stomatal conductance (gs), midday leaf water potential, but increased abscisic
acid (ABA) concentration in both leaf and xylem sap. At each salinity level, incor-
Accepted March 17, 2015 poration of biochar increased shoot biomass, root length and volume, tuber yield,
An, gs, midday leaf water potential, and decreased ABA concentration in the leaf
doi:10.1111/jac.12132 and xylem sap as compared with the respective non-biochar control. Decreased
Na+, Na+/K+ ratio and increased K+ content in xylem with biochar amendment
also indicated its ameliorative effects on potato plants in response to salinity
stress. The results suggested that incorporation of biochar might be a promising
approach for enhancing crop productivity in salt-affected soils.

specific type of biochar (Liu et al. 2013). Biochar consists

to large degree of recalcitrant carbon (C) (Cheng et al.
Biochar is a charcoal-like material obtained by heating any 2008), which may remain in the soil for 100–1000 years,
organic compound through the process of pyrolysis. It has and thus, incorporation of biochar could be an effective
received a great interest in agriculture to improve highly approach to increase soil carbon sequestration, thereby
weathered or degraded soil for sustainable crop produc- reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission (Lehmann
tion. Biochar can enhance plant growth by improving soil 2007, Sohi et al. 2010, Chowdhury et al. 2014).
physical (e.g. soil water-holding capacity, aggregate stabil- There are many reports describing the role of biochar in
ity, aeration and bulk density), chemical (e.g. nutrient remediation of toxic/contaminated soils (Beesley et al.
holding capacity, EC, pH and CEC) and biological charac- 2011, Uchimiya et al. 2012a,b, Zhang et al. 2013, Ahmad
teristics (e.g. rhizosphere microbial population, microbial et al. 2014, Paz-Ferreiro et al. 2014, Samsuri et al. 2014).
biomass C, N and enzymatic activities) (Lehmann and The major mechanism involved in remediation of such
Joseph 2009, Sohi et al. 2010). The overall, mean increase soils with biochar was attributed to its high adsorption
in crop productivity reported in literature with biochar capacity (Samsuri et al. 2014, Zhang et al. 2013). The
amendment was about 10 % (Jeffery et al. 2011). However, adsorption capacity of organic and inorganic contaminants
some studies have reported negative effect of biochar on is determined by the characteristics of biochar (Lehmann
crop productivity, but these were generally restricted to and Joseph 2009), which are influenced by both the type of

368 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378

Biochar Application under Salinity Stress

feedstocks and the pyrolysis conditions under which the

Materials and Methods
biochar is manufactured (Chen et al. 2011). The favourable
attributes of biochar in terms of its high adsorption
Experimental set-up
capacity include its high surface area and cation exchange
properties. The experiment was conducted from March to July 2013 in
Salinity is one of the major constraints to global a climate-controlled greenhouse at the experimental farm
food security. According to a recent estimate, on a glo- of the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen,
bal scale, more than 1100 million hectare (1128 Mha) Taastrup, Denmark. One slightly sprouted tuber (Solanum
land is affected by salinity (Wicke et al. 2011). Plants tuberosum L. cv. Folva) was planted in each plastic pot
under salinity have to cope with two major stresses, (38 cm length, 29 cm width and 19.5 cm height) contain-
that is osmotic stress and ionic stress. The osmotic ing 20 kg of sandy loam soil. The soil was sieved passing
stress immediately affects plants with rising salt level in through a 2-mm mesh and had volumetric soil water con-
the soil solution surrounding the roots and results in tent (vol. %) of 30.0 % and 5.0 % at water-holding capac-
inhibition of water uptake, cell expansion and lateral ity and permanent wilting point, respectively.
bud development (Munns and Tester 2008). Ionic stress The biochar (BC) used was a commercial charcoal prod-
on the other hand develops gradually when toxic ions uct purchased from Skogens Kol AB, Sweden. It was pro-
(e.g. Na+) accumulate in excess to levels beyond plant duced by heating biomass, a mixture of hardwood (80 %)
specific thresholds, leading to increased leaf mortality, and softwood (20 %), at 500 °C through the process of
chlorosis, necrosis and decreased activity of cellular pyrolysis. It was crushed into fine powder and mixed thor-
metabolism including photosynthesis (Yeo and Flowers oughly in soil before filling the pot at the rate of 5 % by
1986, Glenn et al. 1999, Zahir et al. 2012, Panuccio weight. None biochar-amended pots were served as con-
et al. 2014). Exclusion of Na+ at the plasmalemma and trols. Fertilizers were uniformly mixed in soil before filling
inclusion of Na+ in vacuoles represent plant strategies the pots at rates of 150 kg N, 30 kg P, 220 kg K, 30 kg Mg
to realize low cytoplasmic Na+ concentrations (Flowers and 200 kg S ha1. The soil was classified as sandy loam,
and L€auchli 1983). Na+ exclusion is especially impor- having pH 7.2, total C 12.5 g kg1, total N 1.4 g kg1,
tant when ions are absorbed from external solution water-soluble P 24 mg kg1, exchangeable Ca
(Schubert and L€auchli 1990). The high salt adsorption 3.0 mmol kg and exchangeable K, Mg and Na
capacity of activated charcoals has long been reported <1.0 mmol kg1. The basic biochar properties are shown
by Bartell and Miller (1923). Similar to charcoal, bio- in Table 1.
char also possesses high salt sorption potential as Before planting, the seed tubers were kept for 7 days at
recently noticed by Thomas et al. (2013), and therefore, 12–14 °C with constant dim overhead light (a photosyn-
it could be used to mitigate the negative effect of salin- thetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 100–
ity either by reducing Na+ uptake or by facilitating 150 lmol m2 s1) for sprouting. During planting, only
Na+ exclusion or both in plants. However, following one sprout was retained. The climate conditions in the
the literature reviewed, very limited information is greenhouse were set at: 16/14  2 °C day per night air
available about the effect of biochar incorporation on temperature, 15-h photoperiod and >500 lmol m2 s1
salt adsorption and its potential role in mitigating PPFD supplied by sunlight plus metal halide lamps.
salinity stress in plants.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the
Salinity treatment
salt adsorption potential of biochar and its effect on
growth, physiology and yield of pot-grown potato under Potatoes are considered as moderately salt sensitive having
salinity stress. The results could prove useful for developing salinity threshold of 1.7 dS m1; therefore, at tuber bulking
novel management strategies for sustaining crop produc- stage, the plants were subjected to three mild saline irriga-
tion on salt-affected soils. tion treatments, that is 0, 25 and 50 mM NaCl solutions

Table 1 Physico-chemical properties of biochar

BDwh VS Total-C Total-N Exchangeable Total-K EC

Material MC (%, web) (Kg m3, web) (g kg1 TS) (g kg1 TS) (g kg1 TS) NH4+-N (g kg1 TS) (g kg1 TS) C/N pH (dS m1)

Biochar 19 302 906 782 3.4 Not-detectable 13.7 236 7.6 0.71

MC, moisture content; web, wet weight basis; BD, bulk density; VS, volatile solids; NH4+-N, ammonium nitrogen; Total-K, potassium; C/N, carbon to
nitrogen ratio; TS, total solids.

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378 369

Akhtar et al.

during the treatment period (65 days). There were four 420). A 1-mm2 grid was superimposed on the images for
replicates of each treatment. The salinity was developed by calculating the stomatal density.
dissolving NaCl in tap water having electrical conductivity Stomatal density and stomatal size parameters, including
0.6 dS m1. Total volume of water applied to each pot in guard cell length (Ls), guard cell pair width (Ws), stomatal
0, 25 and 50 mM NaCl solutions (regardless of biochar pore aperture length (La) and stomatal pore aperture width
treatment) was 26.8, 21.3 and 19.8 l, respectively, during (Wa), were measured (data of Ls, Ws, La and Wa are not
the whole treatment period. Irrigation was applied manu- presented) with the images using UTHSCSA ImageTool
ally to approximately 90 % of pot water-holding capacity. software (UTHSCSA ImageTool for Windows version
3.00). Stomatal aperture (SA) (lm2) was then calculated
according to Doheny-Adams et al. (2012) using Eqn 1:
Tuber yield, shoot and root growth
Fresh tuber yield was measured immediately after harvest- p  Wa  La
SA ¼ ð1Þ
ing. Shoot dry biomass was determined after oven drying at 4
70 °C for 48 h. Roots were carefully separated from the soil where Wa is the pore aperture width and La is the pore
mixture using gentle stream of water. Roots samples were aperture length.
cut into small pieces, and then, images of subsamples were
scanned with Epson Perfection V700 photo (J221A, Seiko
Leaf and xylem sap ABA concentration
Epson Corp., Tokyo, Japan) scanner at 400 dpi resolutions
using the WinRhizo root scanning software system (version To determine leaf ABA concentration, two mature leaflets
2009c; Regent Instruments Inc., Quebec, Canada) at the (74 days after planting) from each treatment were taken
automatic threshold selection setting (Bouma et al. 2000). from upper canopy and wrapped with aluminium foil then
The images were then analysed for root length and root immediately dipped in liquid N and subsequently stored at
volume using WinRhizo software by following instructions 80 °C until analysis. Approximately 30-mg leaf sample
provided by Regent Instruments Inc. (2009). was weighed and crushed under liquid N using a mortar
and pestle. The samples were homogenized by shaking for
24 h at 4 °C and then centrifuged at 10 000 g for 5 min at
Physiological measurements
4 °C. The supernatant was taken into another Eppendorf
Leaf photosynthetic rate (An) and stomatal conductance vial and stored on ice until analysis, whereas xylem sap was
(gs) were determined from upper canopy fully expanded collected by pressurizing the roots of the uprooted plants
leaves between 11:00 and 14:00 h with a portable photosyn- (wrapped in polythene bag) in a Scholander-type pressure
thetic system (CIRAS-2, PP Systems, Hitchin, UK). Mea- chamber and shoot was detopped at 5–7 cm from stem
surements were performed on two leaves per plant at a base. With the stem stump protruding outside the cham-
CO2 concentration of 400 lmol ml1, 28.5 °C chamber ber, pressure was applied slowly until the root water poten-
temperature and 1000 lmol m2 s1 photon flux density. tial was equalized. The pressure was increased gradually
Chlorophyll content index was measured with portable until it equalled leaf water potential of the plants in order
CCM-200 (Opti-Science, Tyngsboro, MA, USA). Leaf water to obtain a sap flow rate similar to the whole plant transpi-
potential was determined using a pressure chamber (Soil ration rate to avoid dilution effects (Dodd et al. 2008).
Moisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, USA) on 1.0 ml of xylem sap was collected using a pipette from the
fully expanded upper canopy leaves from 10.00 to 11.00 h. cutting surface into an Eppendorf vial wrapped with alu-
minium foil and stored at 80 °C until analysis.
ABA concentration from both leaf extract and xylem sap
Stomatal morphology
was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Stomata imprints were obtained from the abaxial surface of (ELISA) using a monoclonal antibody for ABA (AFRC
the leaflets used for gas exchange measurements midway MAC252) (Asch 2000).
between the leaflet tip and the base. The leaf surface was
cleaned with a soft brush, and a thin layer of nail polish was
Xylem sap ionic concentration
applied on the cleaned area and allowed to dry for 10–
15 min. Subsequently, transparent tape was adhered to the Xylem sap ionic concentration (anions and cations) was
area and carefully drawn off. Then, the imprint was determined by ion chromatography (Metrohm AG, Heri-
attached to microscopic slide with the help of solution tape. sau, Switzerland). Anions were determined on a Metrosep
Imprints were photographed through a Leitz DMRD A Supp 4 analytical column (4 9 125 mm 1.8 mM
light microscope (Leica Mikroskopie & Systeme GmbH, Na2CO3/1.7 mM NaHCO3 eluent), and cations were deter-
Wetzlar, Germany) with an associated camera (Leica DFC mined on a Metrosep C4-100 analytical column

370 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378

Biochar Application under Salinity Stress

(4 9 125 mm, 1.7 mM nitric acid/0.7 mM dipicolinic acid and biochar were analysed using a two-way ANOVA. Means
(DPA) eluent). were compared at the 5 % level of significance using Tu-
key0 s range test. Linear regression analyses between some of
the variables were made on the data across all treatments.
Total leaf nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) contents
The results of Na+ adsorption experiment were analysed
Total leaf N and C contents (% DW) from finely grounded using one-way ANOVA. All analyses were performed in R ver-
dry leaf samples were measured directly with a CHNS/O sion 2.15.0 (R Development Core Team, 2012).
elemental analyzer (Flash 2000, Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Cambridge, UK) which operates according to the dynamic
flash combustion technique also known as modified
Dumas method.
Shoot and root growth and tuber yield
Increased salinity significantly decreased shoot dry biomass
Adsorption study
(SDW), root length (RL), root volume (RV), number of
This experiment was carried out in the laboratory at tubers per pot (NT) and tuber yield (TY) (Table 2). Incor-
25  1.5 °C. 0.5 g biochar was transferred into 50-ml poration of biochar increased RL and RV significantly
polypropylene tubes containing 40 ml of 0, 25, 50 and (except RV at 50 mM NaCl) compared to respective non-
100 mM of NaCl solution with four replicates. The tubes biochar controls at each salinity level. Tuber yield was also
were then agitated for 24 h on a end-over-end shaker at positively affected by biochar amendment, but significant
45 r.p.m. After shaking, supernatant was removed by cen- increase was found only at 25 mM NaCl treatment. No sig-
trifugation at 10 000 g for 5 min at 25 °C and clear aliquot nificant effect was noticed on shoot dry weight and number
was collected in polypropylene tubes and stored at 4 °C of tubers per plant with biochar addition.
until analysis. The Na+ and Cl concentrations were deter-
mined by ion chromatography (Metrohm AG) as reported
Physiological responses
for the ionic measurements of xylem sap. The Na+ adsorp-
tion capacity of biochar was calculated by the same equa- The saline irrigation treatment significantly decreased leaf
tion (Eqn 2) used by Lo et al. (2012) for determining photosynthetic rate (An) (Fig. 1a) and stomatal conduc-
adsorption capacity of heavy metal ions by activated tance (gs) (Fig. 1b), whereas intrinsic water use efficiency
charcoal. (WUEi) (Fig. 1c) tended to be increased (particularly at
50 mM NaCl treatments compared to 0 mM NaCl).
fCi  Cf g
AC ¼ V ð2Þ Under salinity, biochar amendment, on the other hand,
had positive effect on all three variables, that is An, gs
where AC is the Na+ adsorption capacity of biochar, Ci and WUEi (except for WUEi at 50 mM NaCl solution) at
(mg l1) and Cf (mg l1) are the initial and final concen- each salinity level in relation to respective non-biochar
tration of Na+ before and after biochar addition, V is vol- control treatments. In addition, a significant positive lin-
ume of NaCl solution in polypropylene tubes and m is the ear relationship between An and gs was observed across
dosage of biochar (g). all treatments (Fig. 2). Midday leaf water potential
(Fig. 3a), xylem ABA concentration ([ABA]xylem)
(Fig. 3b) and leaf ABA concentration ([ABA]leaf) (Fig. 3c)
Statistical analysis
were all strongly influenced by salinity, but the negative
The experiment was conducted in a fully randomized effect on leaf water potential was partially offset by the
design in the greenhouse. The combined effects of salinity biochar amendment. Similar trend was seen for the ABA
Table 2 Effect of biochar (B) and salinity (S) on shoot, root growth and tuber yield of potato

0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl P values

Variables B0 B5 B0 B5 B0 B5 S B S9B

SDW (g) 24.8  1.9 23.9  3.7 20.1  0.8 20.9  1.3 17.6  0.7 17.9  1.4 0.011 0.941 0.894
RL (m) 132.9  8.9 176.4  8.2 86.4  10.5 111.1  6.4 54.1  15.6 75.2  12.9 <0.001 0.003 0.548
RV (cm3) 5.6  0.7 7.4  0.8 3.3  0.3 4.6  0.3 3.6  0.6 3.98  0.2 <0.001 0.019 0.502
NT (Pot-1) 17.25  1.6 20.5  4.5 8.0  1.1 10.2  2.3 12.2  1.1 10.5  0.9 0.001 0.511 0.524
TY (g) 863.8  47.9 776.1  39.0 463.6  23.7 663.2  9.5 319.7  32.1 358.3  16.0 <0.001 0.044 <0.001

SDW, shoot dry weight; RL, root length; RV, root volume; NT, number of tubers Pot1; TY, tuber yield.  indicates S.E.

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Akhtar et al.

20 25
(a) B0 B5 S: P < 0.001 B0-S0 B0-S25 B0-S50
16 B: P = 0.004 B5-S0 B5-S25 B5-S50
An (µmol m–2 s–1)

SxB: P = 0.222

An (µmol m–2 s–1)

5 r2 = 0.60***
(b) S: P < 0.001
200 B: P = 0.005
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
gs (mmol m–2 s–1)

SxB: P = 0.068
gs (mmol m–2 s–1)

Fig. 2 Relationship between stomatal conductance (gs) and photosyn-

thetic rate (An) of potato leaves under different saline irrigations and
biochar treatments. *** indicates the significance of regression line at
50 P < 0.01.

WUEi (mmol CO2 mol–1 H2O)

S: P = 0.068
B: P = 0.030 Xylem sap Na+, K+ and Na+/K+ ratio
SxB: P = 0.061
Xylem sap Na+ and K+ concentrations and Na+/K+ ratio
0.10 were strongly influenced by both saline irrigation and bio-
char amendment (Fig. 6). These xylem ionic concentra-
tions (Na+, K+) were increased significantly with increasing
salinity levels, and their maximum values were found
at 50 mM NaCl treatment. For Na+ concentration and
0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl Na+/K+ ratio, interaction of saline irrigation and biochar
Salinity treatment was also found significant (P < 0.05). Significant reduction
of both Na+ concentration and Na+/K+ ratio in the xylem
Fig. 1 Photosynthetic rate (a), stomatal conductance (b) and intrinsic with biochar amendment was noticed only at 25 mM NaCl
water use efficiency (WUEi) (c) as affected by saline irrigations and bio- as compared to the non-biochar control.
char treatments. B0 and B5 indicate biochar application at the rate of
0 % and 5 % by weight in soil, respectively. S and B indicate saline irri-
gations and biochar treatments, respectively. Error bars indicate S.E. Chlorophyll content index, total leaf N and C contents
(n = 4).
Figure 7a depicts the reduction of leaf chlorophyll content
index (CCI) with increasing salinity level. Biochar amend-
concentrations, where the increase induced by salinity ment had significantly negative effect on CCI at each salin-
was moderated by biochar although not significantly in ity levels compared to respective non-biochar control.
the case of [ABA]leaf. Significant correlations between gs The effects of salinity and biochar on total leaf N and C
and [ABA]xylem, [ABA]leaf and midday leaf water poten- concentration are shown in Fig. 7b and c. Saline irrigation
tial were noticed across all treatments (Fig. 4), while the (25 and 50 mM NaCl) reduced both total leaf C and N con-
coefficient of determination for the linear regressions was centrations significantly compared to 0 mM NaCl treat-
the highest between gs and [ABA]xylem. ment. Incorporation of biochar significantly reduced leaf N
but had no effect on leaf C content compared to the respec-
tive non-biochar control.
Stomatal morphology
The effect of saline irrigation and biochar on stomatal den-
Na+ adsorption
sity and stomatal aperture are shown in Fig. 5a. Both vari-
ables were decreased with increasing salinity levels; Figure 8 shows significantly higher Na+ adsorption capac-
however, biochar amendment positively influenced them at ity of biochar at different salinity levels (0, 25, 50 and
each salinity level compared to respective non-biochar 100 mM NaCl). Maximum Na+ adsorption was found at
control. the highest salinity level, that is 100 mM NaCl solution.

372 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378

Biochar Application under Salinity Stress

1.5 300
B0 B5 (a) B0-S0 B0-S25 B0-S50 (a)
S: P < 0.001
Leaf water potential (-MPa)

1.2 B: P = 0.025 250 B5-S0 B5-S25 B5-S50

SxB: P = 0.515

gs (mmol m–2 s–1)

r 2 = 0.75***

(b) 0
S: P < 0.001
0 500 1000 1500
1200 B: P = 0.001
[ABA]xylem (nM)
[ABA]xylem (nM)

SxB: P = 0.404

gs (mmol m–2 s–1)


(c) 150
S: P < 0.001
[ABA]leaf (pmol g–1 FW)

800 B: P = 0.234
SxB: P = 0.494
r 2 = 0.46***
600 50

400 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
200 [ABA]leaf (pmol g–1 FW)

0 300
0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl
Salinity treatment
gs (mmol m–2 s–1)

Fig. 3 Leaf water potential (Ѱlw) (a), abscisic acid (ABA) concentration
in xylem sap (b) and leaf (c) of potato plant exposed to different saline
irrigations and biochar treatments. B0 and B5 indicate biochar applica-
tion at the rate of 0 % and 5 % by weight in soil, respectively. S and B 100
indicate saline irrigations and biochar treatments, respectively. Error
r 2 = 0.70***
bars indicate S.E. (n = 4). 50

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Leaf water potential (– MPa)
Our results indicated that the addition of biochar to sandy
Fig. 4 Relationship between stomatal conductance (gs) and xylem ABA
loam soil can mitigate negative effect of salinity on the per-
(a), leaf ABA (b) and leaf water potential (c) of potato plants under
formance of potato plants. Salt-induced disorder on different saline irrigations and biochar treatments. *** indicates the
growth and physiology of the plants could be alleviated by significance of regression line at P < 0.01.
biochar amendment due to its high adsorption capacity,
which might have either led to reduced Na+ uptake or
enhanced Na+ exclusion or both from the roots. Based on Liang et al. 2006), and therefore, the adsorbed Na+ does
the adsorption study (where only pure biochar was used) not become unavailable to plants, but the Na+ equilibrium
and the amount of biochar applied to the soil, it could be concentration of the soil solution will be lowered. As Na+ is
estimated that the added biochar adsorbed 97 % of Na+ not among the cations that are strongly adsorbed to
from the soil irrigated with 50 mM NaCl solution. How- negatively charged surfaces in the soil (e.g. Scheffer and
ever, one should be aware that the added biochar basically Schachtschabel 1979), it would be expected that the
contributes to the cation exchange capacity of the soil (e.g. adsorption capacity/durability over time is limited, which

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378 373

Akhtar et al.

250 250
(a) B0 B5 S: P = 0.003 B0 B5 (a)
S: P < 0.001
Stomatal density (mm–2)

B: P = 0.026 B: P < 0.001

200 200
SxB: P = 0.769 SxB: P = 0.033

[Na+]xylem (mM)
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
(b) (b)
S: P < 0.001 S: P < 0.001
Stomatal aperture (µm2)

200 B: P = 0.007 B: P = 0.001

600 SxB: P = 0.576
SxB: P = 0.929

[K+]xylem (mM)


0 0
0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl (c)
S: P < 0.001
Salinity treatment 0.8 B: P < 0.001
SxB: P = 0.042
Fig. 5 Stomatal density (SD) (a) and stomatal pore aperture (SA) (b) in

the abaxial leaf surface of potato exposed to different saline irrigations
and biochar treatments. The data were determined based on 12 leaf
impression images (each from one individual leaf and three leaves per
plant of four plants per treatment), and of which, six stomata for each
image were measured. SA was calculated using Eqn 1; SD was calcu- 0.2
lated by counting stomatal number of the 12 images and each image
with an area of 0.00625 mm2. B0 and B5 indicate biochar application 0
at the rate of 0 % and 5 % by weight in soil, respectively. S and B indi- 0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl
cate saline irrigations and biochar treatments, respectively. Error bars Salinity treatment
indicate S.E.
Fig. 6 Concentrations of Na+ (a), K+ (b) and Na+/K+ (c) in xylem sap as
affected by different saline irrigations and biochar treatments. B0 and
is exemplified by the strong increase in [Na+]xylem (Fig. 6) B5 indicate biochar application at the rate of 0 % and 5 % by weight
as well as by the reduced beneficial effect on tuber yield in soil, respectively. S and B indicate saline irrigations and biochar treat-
(Table 2) when increasing the salinity level from 25 to ments, respectively. Error bars indicate S.E. (n = 4).
50 mM. Nevertheless, the mitigation effect, even if transient,
might be of importance in many agricultural areas, for
example in monsoon climates where saline irrigation water largest growth response with biochar was observed in
builds up salinity during a dry season and salt is subse- problematic soils (Jeffery et al. 2011). Here, mitigation
quently leached by rain during the wet season. Thus, by of salt stress effects on potato plants grown in sandy
adding biochar to avoid or postpone, salinity levels reaching loam soil with normal fertility provides another example
hazardous levels could have significant implication in prac- of this trend. These findings are in line with that of Las-
tice (Oster 1994). Besides, addition of biochar can enhance hari et al. (2013), who reported enhanced yield with
water-holding capacity of the soil, particularly under biochar under salinity stress.
reduced irrigation regimes (Akhtar et al. 2014), which Plant physiological disruptions due to salinity stress have
should also help to mitigate the salt-induced osmotic stress been extensively studied (Munns 2002, Munns and Tester
and ion toxicity to the plants due to the dilution effect. 2008, Razzaghi et al. 2011, Ionov et al. 2013, Amjad et al.
Often, significantly positive growth response of plant 2014, Hirich et al. 2014). In the present study, it was found
with biochar addition is expected in degraded, nutrient that salinity caused a significant reduction in stomatal den-
poor, highly acidic and low water-holding capacity soils sity in potato leaves. This result is consistent with that of
(Atkinson et al. 2010, Jien and Wang 2013). The emerg- Shabala et al. (2012), who also reported decreased stomatal
ing literature also supports this hypothesis, that is the density due to increase in leaf succulence and size of

374 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378

Biochar Application under Salinity Stress

50 pavement cells under salinity stress. Moreover, stomatal

(a) B0 B5 S: P = 0.005 aperture was also decreased under salinity stress. In addi-
Chlorophyll content index

40 B: P < 0.001
SxB: P = 0.743
tion, our previous work on tomato plants (Akhtar et al.
2014) also found that both stomatal aperture and density
30 were decreased under reduced irrigation regimes, indicat-
ing both drought and salinity stress tend to decrease these
variables. Most interestingly, here we found that incorpora-
tion of biochar increased both stomatal aperture and den-
sity implying reduced stress was experienced by the plants.
Plant physiological responses to biochar addition under
(b) S: P < 0.001 salinity stress have been recently studied by Thomas et al.
2.5 B: P < 0.001 (2013), but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive.
SxB: P = 0.548 Plants may accumulate some phytohormones (i.e. ABA)
Leaf N (%)

after immediate exposure of branching roots to higher

1.5 salinity levels (Duan et al. 2013). In accordance with this,
our results showed that saline irrigation resulted in
1.0 increased ABA concentrations in both leaf and xylem sap.
ABA regulates stomatal morphology (Franks and Farquhar
2001, Sun et al. 2014) which directly affects gs. Moreover,
0.0 we noticed that there was a significant negative relationship
(c) S: P < 0.001
B: P = 0.231
between gs and ABA of both xylem and leaf, confirming
SxB: P = 0.613 our earlier findings on tomato under reduced irrigation
where we found similar relation between these variables
Leaf C (%)

(Sun et al. 2013), indicating that ABA-based chemical sig-
nalling might have played an important role in inducing
stomatal closure in salt-stressed potatoes, although an
effect of hydraulic signalling in stomatal regulation could
not be excluded as the relationship between gs and midday
leaf water potential was significant as well. Nonetheless, the
0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl highest coefficient of determination for the correlation
Salinity treatment between gs and [ABA]xylem implied that increase of root-
sourced xylem ABA could be the primary signal in induc-
Fig. 7 Leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) (a), total leaf N content (b) ing stomatal closure in salt-stressed potatoes. It is notable
and total leaf C content (c) of potato leaves as affected by saline irriga-
that biochar addition reduced both xylem and leaf ABA
tion and biochar treatment. B0 and B5 indicate biochar application at
concentrations which might be ascribed to decreased
the rate of 0 % and 5 % by weight in soil, respectively. S and B indicate
saline irrigations and biochar treatments, respectively. Error bars
osmotic stress due to adsorption of Na+ from the soil solu-
indicate S.E. (n = 4). tion, thereby alleviating osmotic stress to the plants. More-
over, reduced Na+ concentration, Na+/K+ ratio and
increased K+ concentration in the xylem with biochar addi-
Na+ adsorption by biochar (mg g–1)

a tion confirmed the reduced osmotic stress on potato due to
80 decreased Na+ in the soil solution. This effect was also
clearly exhibited by the increased midday leaf water poten-
tials under biochar addition (Fig. 3). Interestingly, xylem
40 b b sap K+ concentration was increased with increasing salinity
level and by biochar amendment. This increased K+ con-
20 centration with biochar amendment might be directly
0 related to its higher K+ contents, thereby reducing Na+
uptake, and this could be another advantage of using bio-
–20 char in reducing Na+ uptake in addition to its high Na+
0 mM NaCl 25 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl 100 mM NaCl
adsorption potential. Whereas, on the other hand, the
Fig. 8 Na+ adsorption capacity of biochar under different salinity levels increased K+ concentration with increasing salinity levels is
and was calculated using Eqn 2 by conducting adsorption study in labo- at odds with the traditional view about salt-induced K+
ratory for 24 h. deficiency but consistent with previous studies on wheat

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 368–378 375

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