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The film "The Sulu Sea Raiders" is a one-hour historical documentary that was made in
2008. The film describes the slave trade that emerged before and during the Spanish
colonization at the southern tip of Mindanao in Zamboanga. It involves the three Filipino-
Muslim tribes: the Balangingi Samal, the Ilanuns and the Sultanate, who were considered
looters or pirates. But as far as the movie goes, they weren't really pirates attacking ships on
the high seas. They were a kind of "fugitive" looters in which they pretended to be fishermen
and threw themselves ashore and then took as many people as possible to sell them as slaves.
Even the Spanish did not know how to capture these raiders due to the latter's ships, but it
ended when they ordered three faster and easier-to-navigate steamboats from England.
Despite their loss, the fastest three and easier to navigate steamboats from England. Despite
their loss the three tribes still showed their will and courage by attacking and raiding the Fort
Pila, although they did fight the Spaniards, it cannot be denied that they used brutality in
showing their strength and courage.

In our current world affairs there are still places in other countries and of course also
here in the Philippines where wars, discrimination and chaos are continually occurring due to
our difference in religion, especially Christianity and Islam, religion may be one of the reasons
why there are long and bloody wars between the West and the natives of Asia, especially the
Philippines, where the story is centered. It is not unknown to us that the spread of Christianity
is one of the main objectives of the Western conquerors besides exploration and navigation,
but it causes contradictions within the existing religion in our country, especially in Mindanao
where Islam has spread throughout the country.

Throughout the three and a half centuries of conflict between the Spaniards and the
populations of the southern Philippines, sea assaults have played a key role, not only for the
accumulation of wealth and slaves, but also as a means of war and anti-colonial resistance.

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